Пример #1
DumpAtomDefnMap(const AtomDefnMapPtr &map)
    if (map->empty()) {
        fprintf(stderr, "empty\n");

    for (AtomDefnRange r = map->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
        fprintf(stderr, "atom: ");
        fprintf(stderr, "defn: %p\n", (void *) r.front().value());
static void
SetFunctionKinds(FunctionBox *funbox, uint32 *tcflags, bool isDirectEval)
    for (; funbox; funbox = funbox->siblings) {
        ParseNode *fn = funbox->node;
        ParseNode *pn = fn->pn_body;

        if (funbox->kids)
            SetFunctionKinds(funbox->kids, tcflags, isDirectEval);

        JSFunction *fun = funbox->function();

        JS_ASSERT(fun->kind() == JSFUN_INTERPRETED);

        if (funbox->tcflags & TCF_FUN_HEAVYWEIGHT) {
            /* nothing to do */
        } else if (isDirectEval || funbox->inAnyDynamicScope()) {
             * Either we are in a with-block or a function scope that is
             * subject to direct eval; or we are compiling strict direct eval
             * code.
             * In either case, fun may reference names that are not bound but
             * are not necessarily global either. (In the strict direct eval
             * case, we could bind them, but currently do not bother; see
             * the comment about strict mode code in BindTopLevelVar.)
        } else {
            bool hasUpvars = false;
            bool canFlatten = true;

            if (pn->isKind(PNK_UPVARS)) {
                AtomDefnMapPtr upvars = pn->pn_names;

                 * For each lexical dependency from this closure to an outer
                 * binding, analyze whether it is safe to copy the binding's
                 * value into a flat closure slot when the closure is formed.
                for (AtomDefnRange r = upvars->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
                    Definition *defn = r.front().value();
                    Definition *lexdep = defn->resolve();

                    if (!lexdep->isFreeVar()) {
                        hasUpvars = true;
                        if (!CanFlattenUpvar(lexdep, funbox, *tcflags)) {
                             * Can't flatten. Enclosing functions holding
                             * variables used by this function will be flagged
                             * heavyweight below. FIXME bug 545759: re-enable
                             * partial flat closures.
                            canFlatten = false;

            if (!hasUpvars) {
                /* No lexical dependencies => null closure, for best performance. */
            } else if (canFlatten) {
                switch (fn->getOp()) {
                  case JSOP_DEFFUN:
                  case JSOP_DEFLOCALFUN:
                  case JSOP_LAMBDA:
                    /* js::frontend::EmitTree's PNK_FUNCTION case sets op. */

        if (fun->kind() == JSFUN_INTERPRETED && pn->isKind(PNK_UPVARS)) {
             * One or more upvars cannot be safely snapshot into a flat
             * closure's non-reserved slot (see JSOP_GETFCSLOT), so we loop
             * again over all upvars, and for each non-free upvar, ensure that
             * its containing function has been flagged as heavyweight.
             * The emitter must see TCF_FUN_HEAVYWEIGHT accurately before
             * generating any code for a tree of nested functions.
            AtomDefnMapPtr upvars = pn->pn_names;

            for (AtomDefnRange r = upvars->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
                Definition *defn = r.front().value();
                Definition *lexdep = defn->resolve();
                if (!lexdep->isFreeVar())
                    FlagHeavyweights(lexdep, funbox, tcflags);

        if (funbox->joinable())
static bool
MarkFunArgs(JSContext *cx, FunctionBox *funbox, uint32 functionCount)
    FunctionBoxQueue queue;
    if (!queue.init(functionCount)) {
        return false;

    FindFunArgs(funbox, -1, &queue);
    while ((funbox = queue.pull()) != NULL) {
        ParseNode *fn = funbox->node;

        ParseNode *pn = fn->pn_body;
        if (pn->isKind(PNK_UPVARS)) {
            AtomDefnMapPtr upvars = pn->pn_names;

            for (AtomDefnRange r = upvars->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
                Definition *defn = r.front().value();
                Definition *lexdep = defn->resolve();

                if (!lexdep->isFreeVar() &&
                    !lexdep->isFunArg() &&
                    (lexdep->kind() == Definition::FUNCTION ||
                     lexdep->isOp(JSOP_CALLEE))) {
                     * Mark this formerly-Algol-like function as an escaping
                     * function (i.e., as a funarg), because it is used from
                     * another funarg.
                     * Progress is guaranteed because we set the funarg flag
                     * here, which suppresses revisiting this function (thanks
                     * to the !lexdep->isFunArg() test just above).

                    FunctionBox *afunbox;
                    if (lexdep->isOp(JSOP_CALLEE)) {
                         * A named function expression will not appear to be a
                         * funarg if it is immediately applied. However, if its
                         * name is used in an escaping function nested within
                         * it, then it must become flagged as a funarg again.
                         * See bug 545980.
                        afunbox = funbox;
                        uintN calleeLevel = lexdep->pn_cookie.level();
                        uintN staticLevel = afunbox->level + 1U;
                        while (staticLevel != calleeLevel) {
                            afunbox = afunbox->parent;
                        JS_ASSERT(afunbox->level + 1U == calleeLevel);
                    } else {
                       afunbox = lexdep->pn_funbox;

                     * Walk over nested functions again, now that we have
                     * changed the level across which it is unsafe to access
                     * upvars using the runtime dynamic link (frame chain).
                    if (afunbox->kids)
                        FindFunArgs(afunbox->kids, afunbox->level, &queue);
    return true;
Пример #4
static void
SetFunctionKinds(FunctionBox *funbox, bool *isHeavyweight, bool topInFunction, bool isDirectEval)
    for (; funbox; funbox = funbox->siblings) {
        ParseNode *fn = funbox->node;
        if (!fn)

        ParseNode *pn = fn->pn_body;
        if (!pn)

        if (funbox->kids)
            SetFunctionKinds(funbox->kids, isHeavyweight, topInFunction, isDirectEval);

        JSFunction *fun = funbox->function();

        JS_ASSERT(fun->kind() == JSFUN_INTERPRETED);

        if (funbox->funIsHeavyweight()) {
            /* nothing to do */
        } else if (isDirectEval || funbox->inAnyDynamicScope()) {
             * Either we are in a with-block or a function scope that is
             * subject to direct eval; or we are compiling strict direct eval
             * code.
             * In either case, fun may reference names that are not bound but
             * are not necessarily global either. (In the strict direct eval
             * case, we could bind them, but currently do not bother; see
             * the comment about strict mode code in BindTopLevelVar.)
        } else {
            bool hasUpvars = false;

            if (pn->isKind(PNK_UPVARS)) {
                AtomDefnMapPtr upvars = pn->pn_names;

                /* Determine whether the this function contains upvars. */
                for (AtomDefnRange r = upvars->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
                    if (!r.front().value()->resolve()->isFreeVar()) {
                        hasUpvars = true;

            if (!hasUpvars) {
                /* No lexical dependencies => null closure, for best performance. */

        if (fun->kind() == JSFUN_INTERPRETED && pn->isKind(PNK_UPVARS)) {
             * We loop again over all upvars, and for each non-free upvar,
             * ensure that its containing function has been flagged as
             * heavyweight.
             * The emitter must see funIsHeavyweight() accurately before
             * generating any code for a tree of nested functions.
            AtomDefnMapPtr upvars = pn->pn_names;

            for (AtomDefnRange r = upvars->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
                Definition *defn = r.front().value();
                Definition *lexdep = defn->resolve();
                if (!lexdep->isFreeVar())
                    FlagHeavyweights(lexdep, funbox, isHeavyweight, topInFunction);