void HTMLLinkElement::tokenizeRelAttribute(const AtomicString& relStr) { m_isStyleSheet = m_isIcon = m_alternate = false; String rel = relStr.domString().lower(); if (rel == "stylesheet") m_isStyleSheet = true; else if (rel == "icon" || rel == "shortcut icon") m_isIcon = true; else if (rel == "alternate stylesheet" || rel == "stylesheet alternate") m_isStyleSheet = m_alternate = true; else { // Tokenize the rel attribute and set bits based on specific keywords that we find. rel.replace('\n', ' '); Vector<String> list = rel.split(' '); Vector<String>::const_iterator end = list.end(); for (Vector<String>::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if (*it == "stylesheet") m_isStyleSheet = true; else if (*it == "alternate") m_alternate = true; else if (*it == "icon") m_isIcon = true; } } }
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontDescription& fontDescription, const AtomicString& familyName) : m_font(new QFont("Times New Roman", 12)) { m_font->setFamily(familyName.domString()); m_font->setPixelSize(qRound(fontDescription.computedSize())); m_font->setItalic(fontDescription.italic()); if (fontDescription.bold()) { // Qt's Bold is 75, Webkit is 63. m_font->setWeight(QFont::Bold); } else { m_font->setWeight(fontDescription.weight()); } }