Пример #1
        void DurableImpl::commitAndStopDurThread(OperationContext* txn) {
            // This is only called by clean shutdown and the global lock must be held to ensure
            // there will not be any more writes.

Пример #2
void go() {
    verify( options["r"].trueValue() || options["w"].trueValue() );

    recSizeKB = options["recSizeKB"].numberInt();
    if( recSizeKB == 0 )
        recSizeKB = 4;
    verify( recSizeKB <= 64000 && recSizeKB > 0 );

    MemoryMappedFile f;
    cout << "creating test file size:";
    len = options["fileSizeMB"].numberLong();
    if( len == 0 ) len = 1;
    cout << len << "MB ..." << endl;

    if( 0 && len > 2000 && !options["mmf"].trueValue() ) { 
        // todo make tests use 64 bit offsets in their i/o -- i.e. adjust LogFile::writeAt and such
        cout << "\nsizes > 2GB not yet supported with mmf:false" << endl; 
    len *= 1024 * 1024;
    const char *fname = "./mongoperf__testfile__tmp";
    try {
    catch(...) { 
        cout << "error deleting file " << fname << endl;
    lf = new LogFile(fname,true);
    const unsigned sz = 1024 * 1024 * 32; // needs to be big as we are using synchronousAppend.  if we used a regular MongoFile it wouldn't have to be
    char *buf = (char*) mongoMalloc(sz+4096);
    const char *p = round(buf);
    for( unsigned long long i = 0; i < len; i += sz ) { 
        lf->synchronousAppend(p, sz);
        if( i % (1024ULL*1024*1024) == 0 && i ) {
            cout << i / (1024ULL*1024*1024) << "GB..." << endl;
    BSONObj& o = options;

    if( o["mmf"].trueValue() ) { 
        delete lf;
        lf = 0;
        mmfFile = new MemoryMappedFile();
        mmf = (char *) mmfFile->map(fname);
        verify( mmf );

        syncDelaySecs = options["syncDelay"].numberInt();
        if( syncDelaySecs ) {
            boost::thread t(syncThread);

    cout << "testing..."<< endl;

    cout << "options:" << o.toString() << endl;
    unsigned wthr = 1;
    if( !o["nThreads"].eoo() ) {
        wthr = (unsigned) o["nThreads"].Int();
    cout << "wthr " << wthr << endl;

    if( wthr < 1 ) { 
        cout << "bad threads field value" << endl;
    unsigned i = 0;
    unsigned d = 1;
    unsigned &nthr = nThreadsRunning;
    while( 1 ) {
        if( i++ % 8 == 0 ) {
            if( nthr < wthr ) {
                while( nthr < wthr && nthr < d ) {
                    boost::thread w(workerThread);
                cout << "new thread, total running : " << nthr << endl;
                d *= 2;
        unsigned long long w = iops.loadRelaxed();
        w /= 1; // 1 secs
        cout << w << " ops/sec ";
        if( mmf == 0 ) 
            // only writing 4 bytes with mmf so we don't say this
            cout << (w * PG / 1024 / 1024) << " MB/sec";
        cout << endl;