Пример #1
bool shouldBeSkipped(MixableStream& stream, const Node& listener,
                     const AvatarAudioStream& listenerAudioStream,
                     const AudioMixerClientData& listenerData) {

    if (stream.nodeStreamID.nodeLocalID == listener.getLocalID()) {
        return !stream.positionalStream->shouldLoopbackForNode();

    // grab the unprocessed ignores and unignores from and for this listener
    const auto& nodesIgnoredByListener = listenerData.getNewIgnoredNodeIDs();
    const auto& nodesUnignoredByListener = listenerData.getNewUnignoredNodeIDs();
    const auto& nodesIgnoringListener = listenerData.getNewIgnoringNodeIDs();
    const auto& nodesUnignoringListener = listenerData.getNewUnignoringNodeIDs();

    // this stream was previously not ignored by the listener and we have some newly ignored streams
    // check now if it is one of the ignored streams and flag it as such
    if (stream.ignoredByListener) {
        stream.ignoredByListener = !contains(nodesUnignoredByListener, stream.nodeStreamID.nodeID);
    } else {
        stream.ignoredByListener = contains(nodesIgnoredByListener, stream.nodeStreamID.nodeID);

    if (stream.ignoringListener) {
        stream.ignoringListener = !contains(nodesUnignoringListener, stream.nodeStreamID.nodeID);
    } else {
        stream.ignoringListener = contains(nodesIgnoringListener, stream.nodeStreamID.nodeID);

    bool listenerIsAdmin = listenerData.getRequestsDomainListData() && listener.getCanKick();
    if (stream.ignoredByListener || (stream.ignoringListener && !listenerIsAdmin)) {
        return true;

    if (!listenerData.getSoloedNodes().empty()) {
        return !contains(listenerData.getSoloedNodes(), stream.nodeStreamID.nodeID);

    bool shouldCheckIgnoreBox = (listenerAudioStream.isIgnoreBoxEnabled() ||
    if (shouldCheckIgnoreBox &&
        listenerAudioStream.getIgnoreBox().touches(stream.positionalStream->getIgnoreBox())) {
        return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
bool AudioMixerSlave::prepareMix(const SharedNodePointer& listener) {
    AvatarAudioStream* listenerAudioStream = static_cast<AudioMixerClientData*>(listener->getLinkedData())->getAvatarAudioStream();
    AudioMixerClientData* listenerData = static_cast<AudioMixerClientData*>(listener->getLinkedData());

    // zero out the mix for this listener
    memset(_mixSamples, 0, sizeof(_mixSamples));

    bool isThrottling = _numToRetain != -1;
    bool isSoloing = !listenerData->getSoloedNodes().empty();

    auto& streams = listenerData->getStreams();

    addStreams(*listener, *listenerData);

    // Process skipped streams
    erase_if(streams.skipped, [&](MixableStream& stream) {
        if (shouldBeRemoved(stream, _sharedData)) {
            return true;

        if (!shouldBeSkipped(stream, *listener, *listenerAudioStream, *listenerData)) {
            if (shouldBeInactive(stream)) {
            } else {
            return true;

        if (!isThrottling) {
            updateHRTFParameters(stream, *listenerAudioStream,
        return false;

    // Process inactive streams
    erase_if(streams.inactive, [&](MixableStream& stream) {
        if (shouldBeRemoved(stream, _sharedData)) {
            return true;

        if (shouldBeSkipped(stream, *listener, *listenerAudioStream, *listenerData)) {
            return true;

        if (!shouldBeInactive(stream)) {
            return true;

        if (!isThrottling) {
            updateHRTFParameters(stream, *listenerAudioStream,
        return false;

    // Process active streams
    erase_if(streams.active, [&](MixableStream& stream) {
        if (shouldBeRemoved(stream, _sharedData)) {
            return true;

        if (isThrottling) {
            // we're throttling, so we need to update the approximate volume for any un-skipped streams
            // unless this is simply for an echo (in which case the approx volume is 1.0)
            stream.approximateVolume = approximateVolume(stream, listenerAudioStream);
        } else {
            if (shouldBeSkipped(stream, *listener, *listenerAudioStream, *listenerData)) {
                addStream(stream, *listenerAudioStream, 0.0f, isSoloing);
                return true;

            addStream(stream, *listenerAudioStream, listenerData->getMasterAvatarGain(),

            if (shouldBeInactive(stream)) {
                // To reduce artifacts we still call render to flush the HRTF for every silent
                // sources on the first frame where the source becomes silent
                // this ensures the correct tail from last mixed block
                return true;

        return false;

    if (isThrottling) {
        // since we're throttling, we need to partition the mixable into throttled and unthrottled streams
        int numToRetain = min(_numToRetain, (int)streams.active.size()); // Make sure we don't overflow
        auto throttlePoint = begin(streams.active) + numToRetain;

        std::nth_element(streams.active.begin(), throttlePoint, streams.active.end(),
                         [](const auto& a, const auto& b)
                             return a.approximateVolume > b.approximateVolume;

        SegmentedEraseIf<MixableStreamsVector> erase(streams.active);
        erase.iterateTo(throttlePoint, [&](MixableStream& stream) {
            if (shouldBeSkipped(stream, *listener, *listenerAudioStream, *listenerData)) {
                return true;

            addStream(stream, *listenerAudioStream, listenerData->getMasterAvatarGain(),

            if (shouldBeInactive(stream)) {
                // To reduce artifacts we still call render to flush the HRTF for every silent
                // sources on the first frame where the source becomes silent
                // this ensures the correct tail from last mixed block
                return true;

            return false;
        erase.iterateTo(end(streams.active), [&](MixableStream& stream) {
            // To reduce artifacts we reset the HRTF state for every throttled
            // sources on the first frame where the source becomes throttled
            // this ensures at least remove the tail from last mixed block
            // preventing excessive artifacts on the next first block

            if (shouldBeSkipped(stream, *listener, *listenerAudioStream, *listenerData)) {
                return true;

            if (shouldBeInactive(stream)) {
                return true;

            return false;

    stats.skipped += (int)streams.skipped.size();
    stats.inactive += (int)streams.inactive.size();
    stats.active += (int)streams.active.size();

    // clear the newly ignored, un-ignored, ignoring, and un-ignoring streams now that we've processed them

    auto mixEnd = p_high_resolution_clock::now();
    auto mixTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(mixEnd - mixStart);
    stats.mixTime += mixTime.count();

    // check for silent audio before limiting
    // limiting uses a dither and can only guarantee abs(sample) <= 1
    bool hasAudio = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_STEREO; ++i) {
        if (_mixSamples[i] != 0.0f) {
            hasAudio = true;

    // use the per listener AudioLimiter to render the mixed data
    listenerData->audioLimiter.render(_mixSamples, _bufferSamples, AudioConstants::NETWORK_FRAME_SAMPLES_PER_CHANNEL);

    return hasAudio;