/* Find the best (smallest) zone that contains a point
	PCZone * PCZSceneManager::findZoneForPoint(Vector3 & point)
		PCZone * zone;
		PCZone * bestZone = mDefaultZone;
		Real bestVolume = Ogre::Math::POS_INFINITY;

		ZoneMap::iterator zit = mZones.begin();

		while ( zit != mZones.end() )
			zone = zit->second;
			AxisAlignedBox aabb;
			SceneNode * enclosureNode = zone->getEnclosureNode();
			if (enclosureNode != 0)
				// since this is the "local" AABB, add in world translation of the enclosure node
				aabb.setMinimum(aabb.getMinimum() + enclosureNode->_getDerivedPosition());
				aabb.setMaximum(aabb.getMaximum() + enclosureNode->_getDerivedPosition());
			if (aabb.contains(point))
				if (aabb.volume() < bestVolume)
					// this zone is "smaller" than the current best zone, so make it
					// the new best zone
					bestZone = zone;
					bestVolume = aabb.volume();
			// proceed to next zone in the list
		return bestZone;
Пример #2
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static bool isBoundOkForMcGuire(const AxisAlignedBox& lightCapBounds, const Ogre::Vector3& lightPosition)
        // If light position is inside light cap bound then extrusion could be in opposite directions
        // and McGuire cap could intersect near clip plane of camera frustum without being noticed
            return false;

        // If angular size of object is too high then extrusion could be in almost opposite directions,
        // interpolated points would be extruded by shorter distance, and strange geometry of McGuire cap
        // could be visible even for well tesselated meshes. As a heuristic we will avoid McGuire cap if
        // angular size is larger than 60 degrees - it guarantees that interpolated points would be
        // extruded by at least cos(60deg/2) ~ 86% of the original extrusion distance.
        if(lightCapBounds.getHalfSize().length() / (lightCapBounds.getCenter() - lightPosition).length() > 0.5) // if boundingSphereAngularSize > 60deg
            // Calculate angular size one more time using edge corners angular distance comparision,
            // Determine lit sides of the bound, store in mask
            enum { L = 1, R = 2, B = 4, T = 8, F = 16, N = 32 }; // left, right, bottom, top, far, near
            unsigned lightSidesMask = 
                (lightPosition.x < lightCapBounds.getMinimum().x ? L : 0) | // left
                (lightPosition.x > lightCapBounds.getMaximum().x ? R : 0) | // right
                (lightPosition.y < lightCapBounds.getMinimum().y ? B : 0) | // bottom
                (lightPosition.y > lightCapBounds.getMaximum().y ? T : 0) | // top
                (lightPosition.z < lightCapBounds.getMinimum().z ? F : 0) | // far
                (lightPosition.z > lightCapBounds.getMaximum().z ? N : 0);  // near
            // find corners on lit/unlit edge (should not be more than 6 simultaneously, but better be safe than sorry)
            Ogre::Vector3 edgeCorners[8]; 
            unsigned edgeCornersCount = 0;
            std::pair<unsigned, AxisAlignedBox::CornerEnum> cornerMap[8] = {
                { F|L|B, AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_BOTTOM }, { F|R|B, AxisAlignedBox::FAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM },
                { F|L|T, AxisAlignedBox::FAR_LEFT_TOP },    { F|R|T, AxisAlignedBox::FAR_RIGHT_TOP },
                { N|L|B, AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_LEFT_BOTTOM },{ N|R|B, AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_RIGHT_BOTTOM },
                { N|L|T, AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_LEFT_TOP },   { N|R|T, AxisAlignedBox::NEAR_RIGHT_TOP }};
            for(auto& c : cornerMap)
                if((lightSidesMask & c.first) != 0 && (lightSidesMask & c.first) != c.first) // if adjacent sides not all lit or all unlit
                    edgeCorners[edgeCornersCount++] = lightCapBounds.getCorner(c.second);
            // find max angular size in range [0..pi] by finding min cos of angular size, range [1..-1]
            Real cosAngle = 1.0;
            for(unsigned i0 = 0; i0 + 1 < edgeCornersCount; ++i0)
                for(unsigned i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < edgeCornersCount; ++i1)
                    // 4~6 edge corners, 6~15 angular distance calculations
                    Vector3 a = (edgeCorners[i0] - lightPosition).normalisedCopy();
                    Vector3 b = (edgeCorners[i1] - lightPosition).normalisedCopy();
                    Real cosAB = a.dotProduct(b);
                    if(cosAngle > cosAB)
                        cosAngle  = cosAB;
            if(cosAngle < 0.5) // angularSize > 60 degrees
                return false;

        return true;
Пример #3
	Real MathUtil::distance(const AxisAlignedBox& b, const Vector3& v)
		if (b.contains(v))
			return 0.0f;
			Vector3 dv;
			const Vector3& min1 = b.getMinimum();
			const Vector3& max1 = b.getMaximum();
			dv.x = min1.x > v.x ? min1.x - v.x : v.x > max1.x ? v.x - max1.x : 0.0f;
			dv.y = min1.y > v.y ? min1.y - v.y : v.y > max1.y ? v.y - max1.y : 0.0f;
			dv.z = min1.z > v.z ? min1.z - v.z : v.z > max1.z ? v.z - max1.z : 0.0f;
			return dv.length();
Пример #4
  std::pair<bool, Vector3> TerrainInfo::rayIntersects(const Ray& ray) const
    AxisAlignedBox box = getExtents();
    Vector3 point = ray.getOrigin();
    Vector3 dir = ray.getDirection();

    // first, does the ray start from inside the terrain extents?
    if (!box.contains(point))
      // not inside the box, so let's see if we are actually
      // colliding with it
      pair<bool, Real> res = ray.intersects(box);
      if (!res.first)
        return make_pair(false, Vector3::ZERO);
      // update point to the collision position
      point = ray.getPoint(res.second);

    // now move along the ray until we intersect or leave the bounding box
    while (true)
      // have we arived at or under the terrain height?
      // note that this approach means that ray queries from below won't work
      // correctly, but then again, that shouldn't be a usual case...
      float height = getHeightAt(point.x, point.z);
      if (point.y <= height)
        point.y = height;
        return make_pair(true, point);

      // move further...
      point += dir;

      // check if we are still inside the boundaries
      if (point.x < box.getMinimum().x || point.z < box.getMinimum().z
        || point.x > box.getMaximum().x || point.z > box.getMaximum().z)
        return make_pair(false, Vector3::ZERO);
