PrefsWindow::PrefsWindow(void) : BWindow (BRect (88.0, 108.0, 0.0, 0.0), S_PREFSWIN_TITLE, B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS) { GeneralPrefsView *generalView = new GeneralPrefsView(BRect(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "view", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW); ResizeTo(generalView->Bounds().Width(), generalView->Bounds().Height()); BBox *box = new BBox (Bounds().InsetByCopy(-1,-1), "box", B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES); AddChild(box); box->AddChild(generalView); generalView->MoveTo ((box->Bounds().Width() - generalView->Bounds().Width()) / 2, (box->Bounds().Height() - generalView->Bounds().Height()) / 2); BRect prefsRect (vision_app->GetRect ("GenPrefWinRect")); if (prefsRect.Width() != 0.0 && prefsRect.Height() != 0.0) { ResizeTo (prefsRect.Width(), prefsRect.Height()); MoveTo (prefsRect.left,; } }
LookAndFeelSettingsView::LookAndFeelSettingsView(const char* name) : BView(name, 0), fDecorInfoButton(NULL), fDecorMenuField(NULL), fDecorMenu(NULL) { // Decorator menu _BuildDecorMenu(); fDecorMenuField = new BMenuField("decorator", B_TRANSLATE("Decorator:"), fDecorMenu); fDecorInfoButton = new BButton(B_TRANSLATE("About"), new BMessage(kMsgDecorInfo)); // scroll bar arrow style BBox* arrowStyleBox = new BBox("arrow style"); arrowStyleBox->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Arrow style")); fSavedDoubleArrowsValue = _DoubleScrollBarArrows(); fArrowStyleSingle = new FakeScrollBar(true, false, new BMessage(kMsgArrowStyleSingle)); fArrowStyleDouble = new FakeScrollBar(true, true, new BMessage(kMsgArrowStyleDouble)); BView* arrowStyleView; arrowStyleView = BLayoutBuilder::Group<>() .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL, 1) .Add(new BStringView("single", B_TRANSLATE("Single:"))) .Add(fArrowStyleSingle) .AddStrut(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(new BStringView("double", B_TRANSLATE("Double:"))) .Add(fArrowStyleDouble) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .End() .View(); arrowStyleBox->AddChild(arrowStyleView); arrowStyleBox->SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER)); arrowStyleBox->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(B_SIZE_UNLIMITED, B_SIZE_UNSET)); BStringView* scrollBarLabel = new BStringView("scroll bar", B_TRANSLATE("Scroll bar:")); scrollBarLabel->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment(B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_TOP)); // control layout BLayoutBuilder::Grid<>(this, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(fDecorMenuField->CreateLabelLayoutItem(), 0, 0) .Add(fDecorMenuField->CreateMenuBarLayoutItem(), 1, 0) .Add(fDecorInfoButton, 2, 0) .Add(scrollBarLabel, 0, 1) .Add(arrowStyleBox, 1, 1) .AddGlue(0, 2) .SetInsets(B_USE_WINDOW_SPACING); // TODO : Decorator Preview Image? }
BBox Sketch::CalculateEntityBBox(bool includingInvisible) { BBox box = {}; bool first = true; for(int i = 0; i < entity.n; i++) { Entity *e = (Entity *)&entity.elem[i]; if(!(e->IsVisible() || includingInvisible)) continue; Vector point; double r = 0.0; if(e->IsPoint()) { point = e->PointGetNum(); } else { switch(e->type) { case Entity::ARC_OF_CIRCLE: case Entity::CIRCLE: r = e->CircleGetRadiusNum(); point = GetEntity(e->point[0])->PointGetNum(); break; default: continue; } } if(first) { box.minp = point; box.maxp = point; box.Include(point, r); first = false; } else { box.Include(point, r); } } return box; }
// warning: slow void testTileBBoxes(const MapParams& mp) { // check tile bounding boxes for a few tiles for (int64_t tx = -5; tx <= 5; tx++) for (int64_t ty = -5; ty <= 5; ty++) { // get computed BBox TileIdx ti(tx,ty); BBox bbox = ti.getBBox(mp); // this is what the box is supposed to be int64_t xmin = 64*mp.B*mp.T*tx - 2*mp.B; int64_t ymax = 64*mp.B*mp.T*ty + 17*mp.B; int64_t xmax = xmin + mp.tileSize(); int64_t ymin = ymax - mp.tileSize(); // test pixels for (int64_t x = xmin - 15; x <= xmax + 15; x++) for (int64_t y = ymin - 15; y <= ymax + 15; y++) { bool result = bbox.includes(Pixel(x,y)); bool expected = x >= xmin && x < xmax && y >= ymin && y < ymax; if (result != expected) { cout << "failed tile bounding box test! " << tx << " " << ty << endl; cout << "[" << bbox.topLeft.x << "," << bbox.topLeft.y << "] to [" << bbox.bottomRight.x << "," << bbox.bottomRight.y << "]" << endl; cout << "[" << xmin << "," << ymin << "] to [" << xmax << "," << ymax << "]" << endl; cout << x << "," << y << endl; return; } } } }
void DateTimeView::_InitView() { fCalendarView = new BCalendarView("calendar"); fCalendarView->SetWeekNumberHeaderVisible(false); fCalendarView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kDayChanged)); fCalendarView->SetInvocationMessage(new BMessage(kDayChanged)); fDateEdit = new TDateEdit("dateEdit", 3); fTimeEdit = new TTimeEdit("timeEdit", 4); fClock = new TAnalogClock("analogClock"); BTime time(BTime::CurrentTime(B_LOCAL_TIME)); fClock->SetTime(time.Hour(), time.Minute(), time.Second()); BBox* divider = new BBox(BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), B_EMPTY_STRING, B_FOLLOW_ALL_SIDES, B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS, B_FANCY_BORDER); divider->SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize(1, B_SIZE_UNLIMITED)); const float kInset = be_control_look->DefaultItemSpacing(); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL, kInset / 2) .Add(fDateEdit) .Add(fCalendarView) .End() .Add(divider) .AddGroup(B_VERTICAL, 0) .Add(fTimeEdit) .Add(fClock) .End() .SetInsets(kInset, kInset, kInset, kInset); }
BVHAccel::BVHAccel(const std::vector<Primitive *> &_primitives, size_t max_leaf_size) { this->primitives = _primitives; // edge case if (primitives.empty()) { return; } // calculate root AABB size BBox bb; for (size_t i = 0; i < primitives.size(); ++i) { bb.expand(primitives[i]->get_bbox()); } root = new BVHNode(bb, 0, primitives.size()); // calculate morton code for each primitives for (size_t i = 0; i < primitives.size(); ++i) { unsigned int morton_code = morton3D(bb.getUnitcubePosOf(primitives[i]->get_bbox().centroid())); primitives[i]->morton_code = morton_code; } // sort primitives using morton code std::sort(primitives.begin(), primitives.end(), mortonCompare); //construct BVH based on the mortan code constructBVH(root); }
real FEdge::z_discontinuity() const { if (!(getNature() & Nature::SILHOUETTE) && !(getNature() & Nature::BORDER)) { return 0; } BBox<Vec3r> box = ViewMap::getInstance()->getScene3dBBox(); Vec3r bbox_size_vec(box.getMax() - box.getMin()); real bboxsize = bbox_size_vec.norm(); if (occludee_empty()) { // return FLT_MAX; return 1.0; // return bboxsize; } #if 0 real result; z_discontinuity_functor<SVertex> _functor; Evaluate<SVertex, z_discontinuity_functor<SVertex>>(&_functor, iCombination, result); #endif Vec3r middle((_VertexB->point3d() - _VertexA->point3d())); middle /= 2; Vec3r disc_vec(middle - _occludeeIntersection); real res = disc_vec.norm() / bboxsize; return res; // return fabs((middle.z() - _occludeeIntersection.z())); }
/******************************************************* * Our wonderful BWindow, ya its kewl like that. * we dont do much here but set up the menubar and * let the view take over. We also nead some message * redirection and handling *******************************************************/ ToolTipWindow::ToolTipWindow() : BWindow(BRect(0,0,100,19),"Tool Tip", B_NO_BORDER_WINDOW_LOOK, B_FLOATING_ALL_WINDOW_FEEL, B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS|B_NOT_RESIZABLE|B_AVOID_FRONT|B_AVOID_FOCUS){ Looper()->SetName(TOOL_TIP_WINDOW); BView *v = new BView(Bounds(),"",B_FOLLOW_ALL,0); v->SetViewColor(255,255,120); AddChild(v); BRect b = v->Bounds(); b.Set(b.left-1,,b.right+1,b.bottom+1); BBox *bb = new BBox(b,"",B_FOLLOW_ALL); v->AddChild(bb); b = bb->Frame(); b.InsetBy(1,1); b.left = 4; b.bottom --; tipv = new BStringView(b,"","...",B_FOLLOW_ALL); tipv->SetAlignment(B_ALIGN_CENTER); bb->AddChild(tipv); Run(); }
VideoSettingsView::VideoSettingsView() { BBox* defaultsBox = new BBox("defaults"); defaultsBox->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("Defaults")); BGridView* defaultsGridView = new BGridView(); BMenuField* inputMenuField = new BMenuField("inputMenuField", B_TRANSLATE("Video input:"), InputMenu()); BMenuField* outputMenuField = new BMenuField("outputMenuField", B_TRANSLATE("Video output:"), OutputMenu()); BLayoutBuilder::Grid<>(defaultsGridView) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, 0, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .AddMenuField(inputMenuField, 0, 0) .AddMenuField(outputMenuField, 0, 1); defaultsBox->AddChild(defaultsGridView); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this) .SetInsets(0, 0, 0, 0) .Add(defaultsBox) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL) .AddGlue() .Add(MakeRestartButton()) .End() .AddGlue(); }
void PMRoadGenerator::setupTensor(const Polygon2D& targetArea, const std::vector<std::pair<QVector2D, float>>& regular_elements, cv::Mat& tensor) { BBox bbox = targetArea.envelope(); tensor = cv::Mat(bbox.dy() + 1, bbox.dx() + 1, CV_32F); for (int r = 0; r < tensor.rows; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < tensor.cols; ++c) { int x = c + bbox.minPt.x(); int y = r + bbox.minPt.y(); double total_angle = 0.0; double total_weight = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < regular_elements.size(); ++k) { float dist = (QVector2D(x, y) - regular_elements[k].first).length(); double angle = regular_elements[k].second; double weight = exp(-dist / 10); total_angle += angle * weight; total_weight += weight; } float avg_angle = total_angle / total_weight;<float>(r, c) = avg_angle; } } }
inline BBox transformed ( const nv_math::mat4f &matrix, int dim=3) { int i; nv_math::vec4f box[16]; // create box corners box[0] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,min.y,min.z,min.w); box[1] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,min.y,min.z,min.w); box[2] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,max.y,min.z,min.w); box[3] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,max.y,min.z,min.w); box[4] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,min.y,max.z,min.w); box[5] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,min.y,max.z,min.w); box[6] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,max.y,max.z,min.w); box[7] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,max.y,max.z,min.w); box[8] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,min.y,min.z,max.w); box[9] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,min.y,min.z,max.w); box[10] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,max.y,min.z,max.w); box[11] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,max.y,min.z,max.w); box[12] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,min.y,max.z,max.w); box[13] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,min.y,max.z,max.w); box[14] = nv_math::vec4f(min.x,max.y,max.z,max.w); box[15] = nv_math::vec4f(max.x,max.y,max.z,max.w); // transform box corners // and find new mins,maxs BBox bbox; for (i = 0; i < (1<<dim) ; i++){ nv_math::vec4f point = matrix * box[i]; bbox.merge(point); } return bbox; }
BBox Scene::get_bbox() { BBox bbox; for (SceneObject *obj : objects) { bbox.expand(obj->get_bbox()); } return bbox; }
MidiSettingsView::MidiSettingsView() : SettingsView() { BBox* defaultsBox = new BBox("SoundFont"); defaultsBox->SetLabel(B_TRANSLATE("SoundFont")); BGridView* defaultsGridView = new BGridView(); fListView = new BListView(B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST); fListView->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(kSelectSoundFont)); BScrollView *scrollView = new BScrollView("ScrollView", fListView, 0, false, true); BLayoutBuilder::Grid<>(defaultsGridView) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, 0, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(scrollView, 0, 0); defaultsBox->AddChild(defaultsGridView); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this) .SetInsets(0, 0, 0, 0) .Add(defaultsBox) .AddGlue(); }
BBox SpherePrimitive::wsBounds(Geo::Geometry::CPtr geometry) const { assert(geometry != NULL); assert(geometry->particles() != NULL); if (!geometry->particles()) { Log::warning("SpherePrimitive has no particles. " "Skipping bounds generation."); return BBox(); } BBox wsBBox; AttrVisitor visitor(geometry->particles()->pointAttrs(), m_params); Attr<V3f> wsCenter("P"); Attr<float> radius("radius"); for (AttrVisitor::const_iterator i = visitor.begin(), end = visitor.end(); i != end; ++i) { i.update(wsCenter); i.update(radius); wsBBox.extendBy(<Vector>() +<Vector>()); wsBBox.extendBy(<Vector>() -<Vector>()); } return wsBBox; }
PoorManAdvancedView::PoorManAdvancedView(const char* name) : BView(name, B_WILL_DRAW, NULL) { PoorManWindow* win; win = ((PoorManApplication*)be_app)->GetPoorManWindow(); BBox* connectionOptions = new BBox(B_TRANSLATE("Connections")); connectionOptions->SetLabel(STR_BBX_CONNECTION); fMaxConnections = new StatusSlider("Max Slider", STR_SLD_LABEL, STR_SLD_STATUS_LABEL, new BMessage(MSG_PREF_ADV_SLD_MAX_CONNECTION), 1, 200); // labels below the slider 1 and 200 fMaxConnections->SetLimitLabels("1", "200"); SetMaxSimutaneousConnections(win->MaxConnections()); BGroupLayout* connectionOptionsLayout = new BGroupLayout(B_VERTICAL, 0); connectionOptions->SetLayout(connectionOptionsLayout); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this, B_VERTICAL) .AddGroup(connectionOptionsLayout) .SetInsets(B_USE_ITEM_INSETS) .AddStrut(B_USE_ITEM_SPACING) .Add(fMaxConnections) .End() .AddGlue() .SetInsets(B_USE_ITEM_INSETS); }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, SurfaceAreaWorks) { BBox b (Point (0, 0, 0), Point (2, 2, 2)); float area = b.SurfaceArea(); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (24.f, area); }
void CPUFontBase::bbox(const wchar_t * wstr, BBox & bbox) { if(wstr && (*wstr != wchar_t('\0'))) { #ifndef WIN32 const unsigned wchar_t * wc = (const unsigned wchar_t *)wstr; #else const wchar_t * wc = (const wchar_t *)wstr; #endif float advance = 0.f; if(checkGlyph(*wc)) { bbox = m_glyphList->bbox(*wc); advance = m_glyphList->advance(*wc, *(wc + 1)); } while(*++wc) { if(checkGlyph(*wc)) { BBox tempBBox = m_glyphList->bbox(*wc); tempBBox.move(Nimble::Vector2(advance, 0.0f)); bbox.expand(tempBBox); advance += m_glyphList->advance(*wc, *(wc + 1)); } } } }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, SurfaceAreaDegenerateBBoxWorks) { BBox b (Point(0, 0, 0), Point (0, 0, 0)); float area = b.SurfaceArea(); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.f, area); }
bool GridAccel::IntersectP(const Ray &ray) const { if (!gridForRefined) { // NOBOOK rayTests.Add(0, 1); // NOBOOK rayHits.Add(0, 1); // NOBOOK } // NOBOOK int rayId = ++curMailboxId; // Check ray against overall grid bounds float rayT; if (bounds.Inside(ray( rayT =; else if (!bounds.IntersectP(ray, &rayT)) return false; Point gridIntersect = ray(rayT); // Set up 3D DDA for ray float NextCrossingT[3], DeltaT[3]; int Step[3], Out[3], Pos[3]; for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) { // Compute current voxel for axis Pos[axis] = PosToVoxel(gridIntersect, axis); if (ray.d[axis] >= 0) { // Handle ray with positive direction for voxel stepping NextCrossingT[axis] = rayT + (VoxelToPos(Pos[axis]+1, axis) - gridIntersect[axis]) / ray.d[axis]; DeltaT[axis] = Width[axis] / ray.d[axis]; Step[axis] = 1; Out[axis] = NVoxels[axis]; } else { // Handle ray with negative direction for voxel stepping NextCrossingT[axis] = rayT + (VoxelToPos(Pos[axis], axis) - gridIntersect[axis]) / ray.d[axis]; DeltaT[axis] = -Width[axis] / ray.d[axis]; Step[axis] = -1; Out[axis] = -1; } } // Walk grid for shadow ray for (;;) { int offset = Offset(Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]); Voxel *voxel = voxels[offset]; if (voxel && voxel->IntersectP(ray, rayId)) return true; // Advance to next voxel // Find _stepAxis_ for stepping to next voxel int bits = ((NextCrossingT[0] < NextCrossingT[1]) << 2) + ((NextCrossingT[0] < NextCrossingT[2]) << 1) + ((NextCrossingT[1] < NextCrossingT[2])); const int cmpToAxis[8] = { 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0 }; int stepAxis = cmpToAxis[bits]; if (ray.maxt < NextCrossingT[stepAxis]) break; Pos[stepAxis] += Step[stepAxis]; if (Pos[stepAxis] == Out[stepAxis]) break; NextCrossingT[stepAxis] += DeltaT[stepAxis]; } return false; }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, VolumeWorks) { BBox b (Point (0, 0, 0), Point (2, 2, 2)); float area = b.Volume(); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (8.f, area); }
bool ProfileWindow::handleMouseUp(Point p){ Point screen_point = screen_to_obj(p.getX(),p.getY()); for(int a = 0; a < 5; a++){ BBox currentBBox = colors[a]->getBBox(); if(currentBBox.containPoint(screen_point)){ //character->setColor(colors[a]->getColor()); cout << "yay" << endl; delete character; profile.setColor(colors[a]->getColor()); character = new Rectangle1(6.0, 6.0, Point(0.0, 2.0), "data/character/profilepage",profile.getColor()); } } BBox currentBBox = pexit->getBBox(); if(currentBBox.containPoint(screen_point)){ pexit->setColor(Color(0.5, 0.0, 1.0)); exit(0); } currentBBox = save->getBBox(); if(currentBBox.containPoint(screen_point)){ profile.setNick(nickname->getString()); save->setColor(Color(0.5, 0.0, 1.0)); saveProfile(); return true; } return false; }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, VolumeDegenerateBBoxWorks) { BBox b (Point (0, 0, 0), Point (0, 0, 0)); float area = b.Volume(); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ (0.f, area); }
void gl_draw_image_section(GLimage& img, const BBox& section, int x, int y, const Colour& c) { if (section.width() == 0 || section.height() == 0) return; float xscale = img.texw / img.width, yscale = img.texh / img.height; float tx1 = section.x1 * xscale, tx2 = section.x2 * xscale; float ty1 = section.y1 * yscale, ty2 = section.y2 * yscale; int x2 = x + section.width(), y2 = y + section.height(); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, img.texture); glColor4ub(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); glBegin(GL_QUADS); //Draw our four points, clockwise. glTexCoord2f(tx1, ty1); glVertex2i(x, y); glTexCoord2f(tx2, ty1); glVertex2i(x2, y); glTexCoord2f(tx2, ty2); glVertex2i(x2, y2); glTexCoord2f(ty1, ty2); glVertex2i(x, y2); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); //Don't use glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, NULL); }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, MaximumExtentWorks) { BBox b (Point (0, 0, 0), Point (1, 2, 3)); int longest_axis = b.MaximumExtent(); EXPECT_EQ (2, longest_axis); }
MidiView::MidiView() : BGroupView(B_VERTICAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) { BBox* defaultsBox = new BBox("defaults"); defaultsBox->SetLabel("Defaults"); BGridView* defaultsGridView = new BGridView(); fListView = new BListView(B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST); fImportButton = new BButton("Import SoundFont", new BMessage(kImportSoundFont)); BLayoutBuilder::Grid<>(defaultsGridView) .SetInsets(B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, 0, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(fListView, 0, 0) .Add(fImportButton, 0, 1); defaultsBox->AddChild(defaultsGridView); BLayoutBuilder::Group<>(this) .SetInsets(0, 0, 0, 0) .Add(defaultsBox) .AddGlue(); }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, MaximumExtentDegenerateBBoxWorks) { BBox b (Point (0, 0, 0), Point (0, 0, 0)); int longest_axis = b.MaximumExtent(); EXPECT_EQ (2, longest_axis); }
void ModulesView::_OpenSaver() { // create new screen saver preview & config BView* view = fPreviewView->AddPreview(); fCurrentName = fSettings.ModuleName(); fSaverRunner = new ScreenSaverRunner(Window(), view, true, fSettings); BScreenSaver* saver = _ScreenSaver(); #ifdef __HAIKU__ BRect rect = fSettingsBox->InnerFrame().InsetByCopy(4, 4); #else BRect rect = fSettingsBox->Bounds().InsetByCopy(4, 4); += 14; #endif fSettingsView = new BView(rect, "SettingsView", B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW); fSettingsView->SetViewColor(ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR)); fSettingsBox->AddChild(fSettingsView); if (saver != NULL && fSaverRunner->Run() == B_OK) saver->StartConfig(fSettingsView); if (fSettingsView->ChildAt(0) == NULL) { // There are no settings at all, we add the module name here to // let it look a bit better at least. BPrivate::BuildScreenSaverDefaultSettingsView(fSettingsView, fSettings.ModuleName()[0] ? fSettings.ModuleName() : B_TRANSLATE("Blackness"), saver != NULL || !fSettings.ModuleName()[0] ? B_TRANSLATE("No options available") : B_TRANSLATE("Could not load screen saver")); } }
TEST_F(BBoxTest, MaximumExtentNegativeAxisWorks) { BBox b (Point (0, 0, 0), Point (-3, 0, 1)); int longest_axis = b.MaximumExtent(); EXPECT_EQ (0, longest_axis); }
Quad::Quad(const BBox& bbox) { _v[0] = bbox.top_left(); _v[1] = bbox.top_right(); _v[2] = bbox.bottom_right(); _v[3] = bbox.bottom_left(); }
void VBOPmBlocks::saveBlockImage(RoadGraph& roads, Polygon3D& contour, const char* filename) { BBox bbox = GraphUtil::getAABoundingBox(roads, true); cv::Mat img(bbox.dy() + 1, bbox.dx() + 1, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 255)); RoadEdgeIter ei, eend; for (boost::tie(ei, eend) = boost::edges(roads.graph); ei != eend; ++ei) { if (!roads.graph[*ei]->valid) continue; for (int pl = 0; pl < roads.graph[*ei]->polyline.size() - 1; ++pl) { int x1 = roads.graph[*ei]->polyline[pl].x() - bbox.minPt.x(); int y1 = img.rows - (roads.graph[*ei]->polyline[pl].y() - bbox.minPt.y()); int x2 = roads.graph[*ei]->polyline[pl + 1].x() - bbox.minPt.x(); int y2 = img.rows - (roads.graph[*ei]->polyline[pl + 1].y() - bbox.minPt.y()); cv::line(img, cv::Point(x1, y1), cv::Point(x2, y2), cv::Scalar(224, 224, 224), 3); } } for (int i = 0; i < contour.contour.size(); ++i) { int next = (i + 1) % contour.contour.size(); int x1 = contour.contour[i].x() - bbox.minPt.x(); int y1 = img.rows - (contour.contour[i].y() - bbox.minPt.y()); int x2 = contour.contour[next].x() - bbox.minPt.x(); int y2 = img.rows - (contour.contour[next].y() - bbox.minPt.y()); cv::line(img, cv::Point(x1, y1), cv::Point(x2, y2), cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0), 3); } cv::imwrite(filename, img); }