Пример #1
	void BlockCacheConcurrencyTest::TestBlockCache(BBlockCache *theCache,
												   bool isMallocTest)
	BList cacheList;
	BList nonCacheList;
	thread_id theThread = find_thread(NULL);

	// Do everything eight times to ensure the test runs long
	// enough to check for concurrency problems.
	for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
		// Perform a series of gets, saves and frees
		for (int i = 0; i < numBlocksInCache / 2; i++) {
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfBlocksInCache, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfBlocksInCache, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			SaveBlock(theCache, cacheList.ItemAt(cacheList.CountItems() / 2),
			          sizeOfBlocksInCache, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			SaveBlock(theCache, nonCacheList.ItemAt(nonCacheList.CountItems() / 2),
			          sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfBlocksInCache, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfBlocksInCache, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			GetBlock(theCache, sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			FreeBlock(cacheList.ItemAt(cacheList.CountItems() / 2),
			          sizeOfBlocksInCache, isMallocTest, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
			FreeBlock(nonCacheList.ItemAt(nonCacheList.CountItems() / 2),
			          sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, isMallocTest, theThread, &cacheList, &nonCacheList);
		bool performFree = false;
		// Free or save (every other block) for all "cache sized" blocks.
		while (!cacheList.IsEmpty()) {
			if (performFree) {
				FreeBlock(cacheList.LastItem(), sizeOfBlocksInCache, isMallocTest, theThread, &cacheList,
			} else {
				SaveBlock(theCache, cacheList.LastItem(), sizeOfBlocksInCache, theThread, &cacheList,
			performFree = !performFree;
		// Free or save (every other block) for all "non-cache sized" blocks.
		while (!nonCacheList.IsEmpty()) {
			if (performFree) {
				FreeBlock(nonCacheList.LastItem(), sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, isMallocTest, theThread, &cacheList,
			} else {
				SaveBlock(theCache, nonCacheList.LastItem(), sizeOfNonCacheBlocks, theThread, &cacheList,
			performFree = !performFree;
Пример #2
// _CalculateSumWeight
SimpleLayouter::_CalculateSumWeight(BList& elementInfos)
	if (elementInfos.IsEmpty())
		return 0;
	int32 count = elementInfos.CountItems();
	// sum up the floating point weight, so we get a scale
	double scale = 0;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		ElementInfo* info = (ElementInfo*)elementInfos.ItemAt(i);
		scale += info->weight;

	int64 weight = 0;

	if (scale == 0) {
		// The weight sum is 0: We assign each info a temporary weight of 1.
		for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			ElementInfo* info = (ElementInfo*)elementInfos.ItemAt(i);
			info->tempWeight = 1;
			weight += info->tempWeight;
	} else {
		// We scale the weights so that their sum is about 100000. This should
		// give us ample resolution. If possible make the scale integer, so that
		// integer weights will produce exact results.
		if (scale >= 1 && scale <= 100000)
			scale = lround(100000 / scale);
			scale = 100000 / scale;

		for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			ElementInfo* info = (ElementInfo*)elementInfos.ItemAt(i);
			info->tempWeight = (int64)(info->weight * scale);
			weight += info->tempWeight;
	return weight;
Пример #3
// _LoadAddOns
DiskSystemAddOnManager::_LoadAddOns(StringSet& alreadyLoaded,
                                    directory_which addOnDir)
    // get the add-on directory path
    BPath path;
    status_t error = find_directory(addOnDir, &path, false);
    if (error != B_OK)
        return error;

    TRACE("DiskSystemAddOnManager::_LoadAddOns(): %s\n", path.Path());

    error = path.Append("disk_systems");
    if (error != B_OK)
        return error;

    if (!BEntry(path.Path()).Exists())
        return B_OK;

    // open the directory and iterate through its entries
    BDirectory directory;
    error = directory.SetTo(path.Path());
    if (error != B_OK)
        return error;

    entry_ref ref;
    while (directory.GetNextRef(&ref) == B_OK) {
        // skip, if already loaded
        if (alreadyLoaded.find(ref.name) != alreadyLoaded.end()) {
            TRACE("  skipping \"%s\" -- already loaded\n", ref.name);

        // get the entry path
        BPath entryPath;
        error = entryPath.SetTo(&ref);
        if (error != B_OK) {
            if (error == B_NO_MEMORY)
                return error;
            TRACE("  skipping \"%s\" -- failed to get path\n", ref.name);

        // load the add-on
        image_id image = load_add_on(entryPath.Path());
        if (image < 0) {
            TRACE("  skipping \"%s\" -- failed to load add-on\n", ref.name);

        AddOnImage* addOnImage = new(nothrow) AddOnImage(image);
        if (!addOnImage) {
            return B_NO_MEMORY;
        ObjectDeleter<AddOnImage> addOnImageDeleter(addOnImage);

        // get the add-on objects
        status_t (*getAddOns)(BList*);
        error = get_image_symbol(image, "get_disk_system_add_ons",
                                 B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, (void**)&getAddOns);
        if (error != B_OK) {
            TRACE("  skipping \"%s\" -- function symbol not found\n", ref.name);

        BList addOns;
        error = getAddOns(&addOns);
        if (error != B_OK || addOns.IsEmpty()) {
            TRACE("  skipping \"%s\" -- getting add-ons failed\n", ref.name);

        // create and add AddOn objects
        int32 count = addOns.CountItems();
        for (int32 i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            BDiskSystemAddOn* diskSystemAddOn
                = (BDiskSystemAddOn*)addOns.ItemAt(i);
            AddOn* addOn = new(nothrow) AddOn(addOnImage, diskSystemAddOn);
            if (!addOn)
                return B_NO_MEMORY;

            if (fAddOns.AddItem(addOn)) {
            } else {
                delete addOn;
                return B_NO_MEMORY;

        TRACE("  got %ld BDiskSystemAddOn(s) from add-on \"%s\"\n", count,

        // add the add-on name to the set of already loaded add-ons
        try {
        } catch (std::bad_alloc& exception) {
            return B_NO_MEMORY;

    return B_OK;
Пример #4
main(int argc, char** argv)
	int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
	const char* openWith = NULL;

	char* progName = argv[0];
	if (strrchr(progName, '/'))
		progName = strrchr(progName, '/') + 1;

	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s <file[:line[:column]] or url or application "
			"signature> ...\n", progName);

	while (*++argv) {
		status_t result = B_OK;

		BEntry entry(*argv);
		if ((result = entry.InitCheck()) == B_OK && entry.Exists()) {
			result = open_file(openWith, entry);
		} else if (!strncasecmp("application/", *argv, 12)) {
			// maybe it's an application-mimetype?

			// subsequent files are open with that app
			openWith = *argv;

			// in the case the app is already started, 
			// don't start it twice if we have other args
			BList teams;
			if (argc > 1)
				be_roster->GetAppList(*argv, &teams);

			if (teams.IsEmpty())
				result = be_roster->Launch(*argv);
				result = B_OK;
		} else if (strchr(*argv, ':')) {
			// try to open it as an URI
			BUrl url(*argv);
			if (url.OpenWithPreferredApplication() == B_OK) {
				result = B_OK;

			// maybe it's "file:line" or "file:line:col"
			int line = 0, col = 0, i;
			result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;
			// remove gcc error's last :
			BString arg(*argv);
			if (arg[arg.Length() - 1] == ':')
				arg.Truncate(arg.Length() - 1);

			i = arg.FindLast(':');
			if (i > 0) {
				line = atoi(arg.String() + i + 1);

				result = entry.SetTo(arg.String());
				if (result == B_OK && entry.Exists()) {
					result = open_file(openWith, entry, line);
					if (result == B_OK)

				// get the column
				col = line;
				i = arg.FindLast(':');
				line = atoi(arg.String() + i + 1);

				result = entry.SetTo(arg.String());
				if (result == B_OK && entry.Exists())
					result = open_file(openWith, entry, line, col);
		} else
			result = B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND;

		if (result != B_OK && result != B_ALREADY_RUNNING) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": %s\n", progName, *argv,
			// make sure the shell knows this
			exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;

	return exitCode;
Пример #5
TBarView::ChangeState(int32 state, bool vertical, bool left, bool top)
	bool vertSwap = (fVertical != vertical);
	bool leftSwap = (fLeft != left);

	fState = state;
	fVertical = vertical;
	fLeft = left;
	fTop = top;
	BRect screenFrame = (BScreen(Window())).Frame();

	if (fVertical){
		PlaceClock();	// tray dependent on clock location
		PlaceTray(vertSwap, leftSwap, screenFrame);
	} else {
		PlaceTray(vertSwap, leftSwap, screenFrame);
		PlaceClock();	// clock is dependent on tray location

	// We need to keep track of what apps are expanded.
	BList expandedItems;
	BString *signature = NULL;
	if (fVertical && Expando() && static_cast<TBarApp *>(be_app)->Settings()->superExpando) {
		// Get a list of the Signatures of expanded apps - Can't use team_id because
		// there can be more than one team per application
		if (fVertical && Expando() && vertical && fExpando) {
			for (int index = 0; index < fExpando->CountItems(); index++) {
				TTeamMenuItem *item = dynamic_cast<TTeamMenuItem *>(fExpando->ItemAt(index));
				if (item != NULL && item->IsExpanded()) {
					signature = new BString(item->Signature());
					expandedItems.AddItem((void *)signature);

	// Re-expand those apps.
	if (expandedItems.CountItems() > 0) {
		for (int sigIndex = expandedItems.CountItems(); sigIndex-- > 0;) {
			signature = static_cast<BString *>(expandedItems.ItemAt(sigIndex));
			if (signature == NULL)

			// Start at the 'bottom' of the list working up.
			// Prevents being thrown off by expanding items.
			for (int teamIndex = fExpando->CountItems(); teamIndex-- > 0;) {
				TTeamMenuItem *item = dynamic_cast<TTeamMenuItem *>(fExpando->ItemAt(teamIndex));
				if (item != NULL && !signature->Compare(item->Signature())) {

		// Clean up expanded signature list.
		while (!expandedItems.IsEmpty()) {
			delete static_cast<BString *>(expandedItems.RemoveItem((int32)0));

