Пример #1
	LoadLayoutArchiveWindow(BRect frame) 
		BWindow(frame, "Layout Loaded From Archive", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE
		fLayout = new BALMLayout(10, 10);
		BALM::BALMLayoutBuilder builder(this, fLayout);

		// Restore gui specifications. 
		BFile guiFile;
		_FindGUISpecifications(kGUIFileName, guiFile);

		LayoutArchive layoutArchive(fLayout);
		if (layoutArchive.RestoreFromFile(&guiFile) != B_OK) {
			BString text = "Can't find layout specification file: \"";
			text << kGUIFileName;
			text << "\"";
			BAlert* alert = new BAlert("Layout Specifications Not Found",
				text, "Quit");

		// Access the views in the layout.

		BButton* button = layoutArchive.FindView<BButton>("ButtonTest");
		if (button != NULL)

		BRadioButton* radioButton
			= layoutArchive.FindView<BRadioButton>("RadioButtonTest");
		if (radioButton != NULL)
Пример #2
BView* SeqPrefWin::NewFileView(BRect bounds, const BMessage& prefs) const
	BView*		v = new BView( bounds, FILE_STR, B_FOLLOW_ALL, 0 );
	if( !v ) return v;
	v->SetViewColor( Prefs().Color(AM_AUX_WINDOW_BG_C) );
	float		fh = view_font_height(v);
	float		bfh = bold_font_height();
	float		openH = bfh + 5 + fh + 5 + fh + 5 + fh;
	/* The Remember Open Songs preference.
	float		w = v->StringWidth("Remember open songs") + 25;
	BRect		f(bounds.left + 5, bounds.top + 5, bounds.left + 5 + w, bounds.top + 5 + fh);
	BCheckBox*	cb = new BCheckBox( f, REMEMBER_OPEN_STR, "Remember open songs", new BMessage(REMEMBER_OPEN_MSG) );
	if( cb ) {
		bool	b;
		if( prefs.FindBool(REMEBER_OPEN_SONGS_PREF, &b) != B_OK ) b = false;
		cb->SetValue( (b) ? B_CONTROL_ON : B_CONTROL_OFF );
		v->AddChild( cb );
	/* The Skin preference.
	BMenu*		menu = new BMenu("skin_menu");
	BMessage	skinMsg(CHANGE_SKIN_MSG);
	BMenuItem*	item = new BMenuItem( "Default", new BMessage(CHANGE_SKIN_TO_DEFAULT_MSG) );
	if( seq_make_skin_menu(menu, &skinMsg) == B_OK ) {
		const char*	label = "Choose skin:";
		f.Set(f.left, f.bottom + 8, bounds.right - 5, f.bottom + 8 + fh + 10);
		BMenuField*	field = new BMenuField(f, "skin_field", label, menu);
		if (field) {
			field->SetDivider( v->StringWidth(label) + 10 );
		} else delete menu;
	} else delete menu;

	/* The Open New Songs preferences.
	f.Set(bounds.left + 5, f.bottom + 10, bounds.right - 5, f.bottom + 10 + openH + 10);
	BBox*		box = new BBox( f,
	if( box ) {
		box->SetLabel( "Open New Songs" );
		BRect		boxB = box->Bounds();
		BRect		sf(boxB.left + 5, boxB.top + 5 + bfh, boxB.right - 5, boxB.top + 5 + bfh + fh);
		const char*	choice;
		if( prefs.FindString(OPEN_NEW_SONG_PREF, &choice) != B_OK ) choice = 0;
		BRadioButton*	button = new BRadioButton( sf, OPEN_BLANK_STR, "Blank", new BMessage(OPEN_BLANK_MSG), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP );
		if( button ) {
			if( choice && strcmp(choice, "blank") == 0 ) button->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON );
			box->AddChild( button );
		sf.OffsetBy( 0, 5 + fh );
		button = new BRadioButton( sf, OPEN_FOUR_STR, "With two channels of each device", new BMessage(OPEN_FOUR_MSG), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP );
		if( button ) {
			if( choice && strcmp(choice, "channels") == 0 ) button->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON );
			box->AddChild( button );
		sf.OffsetBy( 0, 5 + fh );
		button = new BRadioButton( sf, OPEN_FILE_STR, "From file: <click to select>", new BMessage(OPEN_FILE_MSG), B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP );
		if( button ) {
			if( choice && strcmp(choice, "file") == 0 ) button->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON );
			entry_ref	ref;
			if( prefs.FindRef(OPEN_NEW_SONG_FILE_PREF, &ref) == B_OK )
				button->SetLabel( label_for_open_new_from_file(&ref).String() );
			box->AddChild( button );
		v->AddChild( box );
		f.OffsetBy(0, f.bottom - f.top + 10 );
	/* The Open From Query preferences
	f.bottom = bounds.bottom - 27;
	box = new BBox( f, "open_from_query", B_FOLLOW_ALL);
	if( box ) {
		box->SetLabel("Open From Query");

		BRect			boxB = box->Bounds();
		BRect			tableF(boxB.left + 5, boxB.top + 5 + bfh, boxB.right - 5, boxB.bottom - 35);
		mOwqTable = new _OwqList( tableF, mPreferences );
		if( mOwqTable ) {
			mOwqTable->SetLatchWidth( 0 );
			box->AddChild( mOwqTable );
			mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(ON_STR, 40, 20, 100, B_TRUNCATE_END), 0 );
			mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(NAME_STR, 100, 20, 150, B_TRUNCATE_END), 1 );
			mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(QUERY_STR, 180, 20, 450, B_TRUNCATE_MIDDLE), 2 );
//			mOwqTable->AddColumn( new BStringColumn(SKIP_TOP_LEVEL_STR, 100, 20, 250, B_TRUNCATE_END), 3 );
			mOwqTable->SetSortColumn(mOwqTable->ColumnAt(1), false, true);
//			mOwqTable->SetSortColumn(mOwqTable->ColumnAt(), true, true);
			mOwqTable->SetSelectionMode( B_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST );

			BRect		bF(tableF.left, tableF.bottom + 5, tableF.left + 55, tableF.Height() - 10);
			BButton*	add = new BButton( bF, "owq_add", "Add", new BMessage(OWQ_INVOKE_ADD), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM );
			if( add ) box->AddChild( add );
			bF.OffsetBy( bF.Width() + 5, 0 );
			BButton*	change = new BButton( bF, "owq_change", "Change", new BMessage(OWQ_CHANGE), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM );
			if( change ) {
				change->SetEnabled( false );
				box->AddChild( change );
			bF.OffsetBy( bF.Width() + 5, 0 );
			BButton*	remove = new BButton( bF, "owq_remove", "Remove", new BMessage(OWQ_REMOVE), B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_BOTTOM );
			if( remove ) {
				remove->SetEnabled( false );
				box->AddChild( remove );
			mOwqTable->SetButtons( add, change, remove );
		v->AddChild( box );
	return v;
Пример #3
void SeqPrefWin::SetOpenNewFromFileRef(const entry_ref* ref)
	BRadioButton*	button = dynamic_cast<BRadioButton*>( FindView(OPEN_FILE_STR) );
	if( button ) button->SetLabel( label_for_open_new_from_file(ref).String() );