BSONObj ParallelSortShardedCursor::next(){ advance(); BSONObj best = BSONObj(); int bestFrom = -1; for ( int i=0; i<_numServers; i++){ if ( _nexts[i].isEmpty() ) continue; if ( best.isEmpty() ){ best = _nexts[i]; bestFrom = i; continue; } int comp = best.woSortOrder( _nexts[i] , _sortKey ); if ( comp < 0 ) continue; best = _nexts[i]; bestFrom = i; } uassert( "no more elements" , ! best.isEmpty() ); _nexts[bestFrom] = BSONObj(); return best; }
/** * A template used by many tests below. * Fill out numObj objects, sort them in the order provided by 'direction'. * If extAllowed is true, sorting will use use external sorting if available. * If limit is not zero, we limit the output of the sort stage to 'limit' results. */ void sortAndCheck(int direction) { WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet(); MockStage* ms = new MockStage(ws); // Insert a mix of the various types of data. insertVarietyOfObjects(ms); SortStageParams params; params.pattern = BSON("foo" << direction); // Must fetch so we can look at the doc as a BSONObj. PlanExecutor runner(ws, new FetchStage(ws, new SortStage(params, ws, ms), NULL)); // Look at pairs of objects to make sure that the sort order is pairwise (and therefore // totally) correct. BSONObj last; ASSERT_EQUALS(Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED, runner.getNext(&last, NULL)); // Count 'last'. int count = 1; BSONObj current; while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == runner.getNext(¤t, NULL)) { int cmp = sgn(current.woSortOrder(last, params.pattern)); // The next object should be equal to the previous or oriented according to the sort // pattern. ASSERT(cmp == 0 || cmp == 1); ++count; last = current; } // No limit, should get all objects back. ASSERT_EQUALS(numObj(), count); }
BSONObj ParallelSortClusteredCursor::next(){ BSONObj best = BSONObj(); int bestFrom = -1; for ( int i=0; i<_numServers; i++){ if ( ! _cursors[i].more() ) continue; BSONObj me = _cursors[i].peek(); if ( best.isEmpty() ){ best = me; bestFrom = i; continue; } int comp = best.woSortOrder( me , _sortKey , true ); if ( comp < 0 ) continue; best = me; bestFrom = i; } uassert( 10019 , "no more elements" , ! best.isEmpty() ); _cursors[bestFrom].next(); return best; }
/** * A template used by many tests below. * Fill out numObj objects, sort them in the order provided by 'direction'. * If extAllowed is true, sorting will use use external sorting if available. * If limit is not zero, we limit the output of the sort stage to 'limit' results. */ void sortAndCheck(int direction, Collection* coll) { WorkingSet* ws = new WorkingSet(); QueuedDataStage* ms = new QueuedDataStage(ws); // Insert a mix of the various types of data. insertVarietyOfObjects(ms, coll); SortStageParams params; params.collection = coll; params.pattern = BSON("foo" << direction); params.limit = limit(); // Must fetch so we can look at the doc as a BSONObj. PlanExecutor* rawExec; Status status = PlanExecutor::make(&_txn, ws, new FetchStage(&_txn, ws, new SortStage(params, ws, ms), NULL, coll), coll, PlanExecutor::YIELD_MANUAL, &rawExec); ASSERT_OK(status); boost::scoped_ptr<PlanExecutor> exec(rawExec); // Look at pairs of objects to make sure that the sort order is pairwise (and therefore // totally) correct. BSONObj last; ASSERT_EQUALS(PlanExecutor::ADVANCED, exec->getNext(&last, NULL)); // Count 'last'. int count = 1; BSONObj current; while (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == exec->getNext(¤t, NULL)) { int cmp = sgn(current.woSortOrder(last, params.pattern)); // The next object should be equal to the previous or oriented according to the sort // pattern. ASSERT(cmp == 0 || cmp == 1); ++count; last = current; } checkCount(count); }
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){ string dbname = cc().database()->name; // this has to come before dbtemprelease dbtemprelease temprelease; // we don't touch the db directly string shardedOutputCollection = cmdObj["shardedOutputCollection"].valuestrsafe(); MRSetup mr( dbname , cmdObj.firstElement().embeddedObjectUserCheck() , false ); set<ServerAndQuery> servers; BSONObjBuilder shardCounts; map<string,long long> counts; BSONObj shards = cmdObj["shards"].embeddedObjectUserCheck(); vector< auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> > shardCursors; BSONObjIterator i( shards ); while ( i.more() ){ BSONElement e =; string shard = e.fieldName(); BSONObj res = e.embeddedObjectUserCheck(); uassert( 10078 , "something bad happened" , shardedOutputCollection == res["result"].valuestrsafe() ); servers.insert( shard ); shardCounts.appendAs( res["counts"] , shard.c_str() ); BSONObjIterator j( res["counts"].embeddedObjectUserCheck() ); while ( j.more() ){ BSONElement temp =; counts[temp.fieldName()] += temp.numberLong(); } } BSONObj sortKey = BSON( "_id" << 1 ); ParallelSortClusteredCursor cursor( servers , dbname + "." + shardedOutputCollection , Query().sort( sortKey ) ); auto_ptr<Scope> s = globalScriptEngine->getPooledScope( ns ); ScriptingFunction reduceFunction = s->createFunction( mr.reduceCode.c_str() ); ScriptingFunction finalizeFunction = 0; if ( mr.finalizeCode.size() ) finalizeFunction = s->createFunction( mr.finalizeCode.c_str() ); BSONList values; result.append( "result" , mr.finalShort ); DBDirectClient db; while ( cursor.more() ){ BSONObj t =; if ( values.size() == 0 ){ values.push_back( t ); continue; } if ( t.woSortOrder( *(values.begin()) , sortKey ) == 0 ){ values.push_back( t ); continue; } db.insert( mr.tempLong , reduceValues( values , s.get() , reduceFunction , 1 , finalizeFunction ) ); values.clear(); values.push_back( t ); } if ( values.size() ) db.insert( mr.tempLong , reduceValues( values , s.get() , reduceFunction , 1 , finalizeFunction ) ); long long finalCount = mr.renameIfNeeded( db ); log(0) << " mapreducefinishcommand " << mr.finalLong << " " << finalCount << endl; for ( set<ServerAndQuery>::iterator i=servers.begin(); i!=servers.end(); i++ ){ ScopedDbConnection conn( i->_server ); conn->dropCollection( dbname + "." + shardedOutputCollection ); } result.append( "shardCounts" , shardCounts.obj() ); { BSONObjBuilder c; for ( map<string,long long>::iterator i=counts.begin(); i!=counts.end(); i++ ){ c.append( i->first , i->second ); } result.append( "counts" , c.obj() ); } return 1; }
bool run(const char *dbname, BSONObj& cmd, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl ){ Timer t; Client::GodScope cg; Client& client = cc(); CurOp * op = client.curop(); MRSetup mr( nsToDatabase( dbname ) , cmd ); log(1) << "mr ns: " << mr.ns << endl; if ( ! db.exists( mr.ns ) ){ errmsg = "ns doesn't exist"; return false; } bool shouldHaveData = false; long long num = 0; long long inReduce = 0; BSONObjBuilder countsBuilder; BSONObjBuilder timingBuilder; try { MRState state( mr ); state.scope->injectNative( "emit" , fast_emit ); MRTL * mrtl = new MRTL( state ); _tlmr.reset( mrtl ); ProgressMeter & pm = op->setMessage( "m/r: (1/3) emit phase" , db.count( mr.ns , mr.filter ) ); long long mapTime = 0; { readlock lock( mr.ns ); Client::Context ctx( mr.ns ); auto_ptr<Cursor> temp = QueryPlanSet(mr.ns.c_str() , mr.filter , BSONObj() ).getBestGuess()->newCursor(); auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cursor( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , temp , mr.ns.c_str() ) ); if ( ! mr.filter.isEmpty() ) cursor->matcher.reset( new CoveredIndexMatcher( mr.filter , cursor->indexKeyPattern() ) ); Timer mt; while ( cursor->ok() ){ if ( ! cursor->currentMatches() ){ cursor->advance(); continue; } BSONObj o = cursor->current(); cursor->advance(); if ( mr.verbose ) mt.reset(); state.scope->setThis( &o ); if ( state.scope->invoke( , state.setup.mapparams , 0 , true ) ) throw UserException( 9014, (string)"map invoke failed: " + state.scope->getError() ); if ( mr.verbose ) mapTime += mt.micros(); num++; if ( num % 100 == 0 ){ ClientCursor::YieldLock yield = cursor->yieldHold(); Timer t; mrtl->checkSize(); inReduce += t.micros(); if ( ! yield.stillOk() ){ cursor.release(); break; } killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); } pm.hit(); if ( mr.limit && num >= mr.limit ) break; } } pm.finished(); killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); countsBuilder.appendNumber( "input" , num ); countsBuilder.appendNumber( "emit" , mrtl->numEmits ); if ( mrtl->numEmits ) shouldHaveData = true; timingBuilder.append( "mapTime" , mapTime / 1000 ); timingBuilder.append( "emitLoop" , t.millis() ); // final reduce op->setMessage( "m/r: (2/3) final reduce in memory" ); mrtl->reduceInMemory(); mrtl->dump(); BSONObj sortKey = BSON( "0" << 1 ); db.ensureIndex( mr.incLong , sortKey ); { writelock lock( mr.tempLong.c_str() ); Client::Context ctx( mr.tempLong.c_str() ); assert( userCreateNS( mr.tempLong.c_str() , BSONObj() , errmsg , mr.replicate ) ); } { readlock rl(mr.incLong.c_str()); Client::Context ctx( mr.incLong ); BSONObj prev; BSONList all; pm = op->setMessage( "m/r: (3/3) final reduce to collection" , db.count( mr.incLong ) ); auto_ptr<Cursor> temp = QueryPlanSet(mr.incLong.c_str() , BSONObj() , sortKey ).getBestGuess()->newCursor(); auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cursor( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , temp , mr.incLong.c_str() ) ); while ( cursor->ok() ){ BSONObj o = cursor->current().getOwned(); cursor->advance(); pm.hit(); if ( o.woSortOrder( prev , sortKey ) == 0 ){ all.push_back( o ); if ( pm.hits() % 1000 == 0 ){ if ( ! cursor->yield() ){ cursor.release(); break; } killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); } continue; } ClientCursor::YieldLock yield = cursor->yieldHold(); state.finalReduce( all ); all.clear(); prev = o; all.push_back( o ); if ( ! yield.stillOk() ){ cursor.release(); break; } killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); } { dbtemprelease tl; state.finalReduce( all ); } pm.finished(); } _tlmr.reset( 0 ); } catch ( ... ){ log() << "mr failed, removing collection" << endl; db.dropCollection( mr.tempLong ); db.dropCollection( mr.incLong ); throw; } long long finalCount = 0; { dblock lock; db.dropCollection( mr.incLong ); finalCount = mr.renameIfNeeded( db ); } timingBuilder.append( "total" , t.millis() ); result.append( "result" , mr.finalShort ); result.append( "timeMillis" , t.millis() ); countsBuilder.appendNumber( "output" , finalCount ); if ( mr.verbose ) result.append( "timing" , timingBuilder.obj() ); result.append( "counts" , countsBuilder.obj() ); if ( finalCount == 0 && shouldHaveData ){ result.append( "cmd" , cmd ); errmsg = "there were emits but no data!"; return false; } return true; }