Пример #1
pair<vector<BSONObj>, vector<BSONObj>> IndexAccessMethod::setDifference(const BSONObjSet& left,
                                                                        const BSONObjSet& right) {
    // Two iterators to traverse the two sets in sorted order.
    auto leftIt = left.begin();
    auto rightIt = right.begin();
    vector<BSONObj> onlyLeft;
    vector<BSONObj> onlyRight;

    while (leftIt != left.end() && rightIt != right.end()) {
        const int cmp = leftIt->woCompare(*rightIt);
        if (cmp == 0) {
            // 'leftIt' and 'rightIt' compare equal using woCompare(), but may not be identical,
            // which should result in an index change.
            if (!leftIt->binaryEqual(*rightIt)) {
        } else if (cmp > 0) {
        } else {

    // Add the rest of 'left' to 'onlyLeft', and the rest of 'right' to 'onlyRight', if any.
    onlyLeft.insert(onlyLeft.end(), leftIt, left.end());
    onlyRight.insert(onlyRight.end(), rightIt, right.end());

    return {std::move(onlyLeft), std::move(onlyRight)};
Пример #2
        void getKeys(const BSONObj& obj, BSONObjSet& keys) const {
            verify(_fields.size() >= 1);

            BSONObjSet keysToAdd;
            // We output keys in the same order as the fields we index.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < _fields.size(); ++i) {
                const IndexedField &field = _fields[i];

                // First, we get the keys that this field adds.  Either they're added literally from
                // the value of the field, or they're transformed if the field is geo.
                BSONElementSet fieldElements;
                // false means Don't expand the last array, duh.
                obj.getFieldsDotted(field.name, fieldElements, false);

                BSONObjSet keysForThisField;
                if (IndexedField::GEO == field.type) {
                    getGeoKeys(fieldElements, &keysForThisField);
                } else if (IndexedField::LITERAL == field.type) {
                    getLiteralKeys(fieldElements, &keysForThisField);
                } else {

                // We expect there to be _spec->_missingField() present in the keys if data is
                // missing.  So, this should be non-empty.

                // We take the Cartesian product of all of the keys.  This requires that we have
                // some keys to take the Cartesian product with.  If keysToAdd.empty(), we
                // initialize it.  
                if (keysToAdd.empty()) {
                    keysToAdd = keysForThisField;

                BSONObjSet updatedKeysToAdd;
                for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator it = keysToAdd.begin(); it != keysToAdd.end();
                     ++it) {
                    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator newIt = keysForThisField.begin();
                         newIt!= keysForThisField.end(); ++newIt) {
                        BSONObjBuilder b;
                keysToAdd = updatedKeysToAdd;

            if (keysToAdd.size() > _params.maxKeysPerInsert) {
                warning() << "insert of geo object generated lots of keys (" << keysToAdd.size()
                          << ") consider creating larger buckets. obj="
                          << obj;

            for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator it = keysToAdd.begin(); it != keysToAdd.end(); ++it) {
    // Find the keys for obj, put them in the tree pointing to loc
    Status BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert(OperationContext* txn,
                                          const BSONObj& obj,
                                          const DiskLoc& loc,
                                          const InsertDeleteOptions& options,
                                          int64_t* numInserted) {
        *numInserted = 0;

        BSONObjSet keys;
        // Delegate to the subclass.
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        Status ret = Status::OK();
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
            Status status = _newInterface->insert(txn, *i, loc, options.dupsAllowed);

            // Everything's OK, carry on.
            if (status.isOK()) {

            // Error cases.

            if (ErrorCodes::KeyTooLong == status.code()) {
                // Ignore this error if we're on a secondary.
                if (!txn->isPrimaryFor(_btreeState->ns())) {

                // The user set a parameter to ignore key too long errors.
                if (!failIndexKeyTooLong) {

            if (ErrorCodes::UniqueIndexViolation == status.code()) {
                // We ignore it for some reason in BG indexing.
                if (!_btreeState->isReady()) {
                    DEV log() << "info: key already in index during bg indexing (ok)\n";

            // Clean up after ourselves.
            for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator j = keys.begin(); j != i; ++j) {
                removeOneKey(txn, *j, loc);
                *numInserted = 0;

            return status;

        if (*numInserted > 1) {
            _btreeState->setMultikey( txn );

        return ret;
Пример #4
    void S2AccessMethod::getKeys(const BSONObj& obj, BSONObjSet* keys) {
        BSONObjSet keysToAdd;
        // We output keys in the same order as the fields we index.
        BSONObjIterator i(_descriptor->keyPattern());
        while (i.more()) {
            BSONElement e = i.next();

            // First, we get the keys that this field adds.  Either they're added literally from
            // the value of the field, or they're transformed if the field is geo.
            BSONElementSet fieldElements;
            // false means Don't expand the last array, duh.
            obj.getFieldsDotted(e.fieldName(), fieldElements, false);

            BSONObjSet keysForThisField;
            if (IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE == e.valuestr()) {
                // We can't ever return documents that don't have geometry so don't bother indexing
                // them.
                if (fieldElements.empty()) { return; }
                getGeoKeys(obj, fieldElements, &keysForThisField);
            } else {
                getLiteralKeys(fieldElements, &keysForThisField);

            // We expect there to be the missing field element present in the keys if data is
            // missing.  So, this should be non-empty.

            // We take the Cartesian product of all of the keys.  This requires that we have
            // some keys to take the Cartesian product with.  If keysToAdd.empty(), we
            // initialize it.  
            if (keysToAdd.empty()) {
                keysToAdd = keysForThisField;

            BSONObjSet updatedKeysToAdd;
            for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator it = keysToAdd.begin(); it != keysToAdd.end();
                    ++it) {
                for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator newIt = keysForThisField.begin();
                        newIt!= keysForThisField.end(); ++newIt) {
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
            keysToAdd = updatedKeysToAdd;

        if (keysToAdd.size() > _params.maxKeysPerInsert) {
            warning() << "insert of geo object generated lots of keys (" << keysToAdd.size()
                << ") consider creating larger buckets. obj="
                << obj;

        *keys = keysToAdd;
Пример #5
RecordId IndexAccessMethod::findSingle(OperationContext* opCtx, const BSONObj& requestedKey) const {
    // Generate the key for this index.
    BSONObj actualKey;
    if (_btreeState->getCollator()) {
        // For performance, call get keys only if there is a non-simple collation.
        BSONObjSet keys = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
        MultikeyPaths* multikeyPaths = nullptr;
        getKeys(requestedKey, GetKeysMode::kEnforceConstraints, &keys, multikeyPaths);
        invariant(keys.size() == 1);
        actualKey = *keys.begin();
    } else {
        actualKey = requestedKey;

    std::unique_ptr<SortedDataInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(opCtx));
    const auto requestedInfo = kDebugBuild ? SortedDataInterface::Cursor::kKeyAndLoc
                                           : SortedDataInterface::Cursor::kWantLoc;
    if (auto kv = cursor->seekExact(actualKey, requestedInfo)) {
        // StorageEngine should guarantee these.
        dassert(kv->key.woCompare(actualKey, /*order*/ BSONObj(), /*considerFieldNames*/ false) ==

        return kv->loc;

    return RecordId();
Пример #6
 /* add keys to index idxNo for a new record */
 static void addKeysToIndex(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo, BSONObj& obj,
                            DiskLoc recordLoc, bool dupsAllowed) {
     IndexDetails& idx = d->idx(idxNo);
     BSONObjSet keys;
     idx.getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
     if( keys.empty() ) 
     BSONObj order = idx.keyPattern();
     IndexInterface& ii = idx.idxInterface();
     Ordering ordering = Ordering::make(order);
     int n = 0;
     for ( BSONObjSet::iterator i=keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); i++ ) {
         if( ++n == 2 ) {
             d->setIndexIsMultikey(ns, idxNo);
         verify( !recordLoc.isNull() );
         try {
             ii.bt_insert(idx.head, recordLoc, *i, ordering, dupsAllowed, idx);
         catch (AssertionException& e) {
             if( e.getCode() == 10287 && idxNo == d->nIndexes ) {
                 DEV log() << "info: caught key already in index on bg indexing (ok)" << endl;
             if( !dupsAllowed ) {
                 // dup key exception, presumably.
             problem() << " caught assertion addKeysToIndex " << idx.indexNamespace() << " " << obj["_id"] << endl;
Пример #7
    void NamespaceDetails::ColdIndexer::build() {
        if (_isSecondaryIndex) {
            IndexDetails::Builder builder(*_idx);

            const int indexNum = _d->idxNo(*_idx);
            for (shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor(BasicCursor::make(_d));
                 cursor->ok(); cursor->advance()) {
                BSONObj pk = cursor->currPK();
                BSONObj obj = cursor->current();
                BSONObjSet keys;
                _idx->getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
                if (keys.size() > 1) {
                for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator ki = keys.begin(); ki != keys.end(); ++ki) {
                    builder.insertPair(*ki, &pk, obj);
                killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); // uasserts if we should stop


            // If the index is unique, check all adjacent keys for a duplicate.
            if (_idx->unique()) {
Пример #8
Status IndexAccessMethod::BulkBuilder::insert(OperationContext* txn,
                                              const BSONObj& obj,
                                              const RecordId& loc,
                                              const InsertDeleteOptions& options,
                                              int64_t* numInserted) {
    BSONObjSet keys = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
    MultikeyPaths multikeyPaths;
    _real->getKeys(obj, &keys, &multikeyPaths);

    _everGeneratedMultipleKeys = _everGeneratedMultipleKeys || (keys.size() > 1);

    if (!multikeyPaths.empty()) {
        if (_indexMultikeyPaths.empty()) {
            _indexMultikeyPaths = multikeyPaths;
        } else {
            invariant(_indexMultikeyPaths.size() == multikeyPaths.size());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < multikeyPaths.size(); ++i) {
                _indexMultikeyPaths[i].insert(multikeyPaths[i].begin(), multikeyPaths[i].end());

    for (BSONObjSet::iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {
        _sorter->add(*it, loc);

    if (NULL != numInserted) {
        *numInserted += keys.size();

    return Status::OK();
Пример #9
 /* step one of adding keys to index idxNo for a new record
    @return true means done.  false means multikey involved and more work to do
 void fetchIndexInserters(BSONObjSet & /*out*/keys,
                          IndexInterface::IndexInserter &inserter,
                          NamespaceDetails *d,
                          int idxNo,
                          const BSONObj& obj,
                          DiskLoc recordLoc) {
     IndexDetails &idx = d->idx(idxNo);
     idx.getKeysFromObject(obj, keys);
     if( keys.empty() )
     bool dupsAllowed = !idx.unique();
     Ordering ordering = Ordering::make(idx.keyPattern());
     try {
         // we can't do the two step method with multi keys as insertion of one key changes the indexes 
         // structure.  however we can do the first key of the set so we go ahead and do that FWIW
                         idxNo, idx, recordLoc, *keys.begin(), ordering, dupsAllowed));
     catch (AssertionException& e) {
         if( e.getCode() == 10287 && idxNo == d->nIndexes ) {
             DEV log() << "info: caught key already in index on bg indexing (ok)" << endl;
         else {
Пример #10
    // Find the keys for obj, put them in the tree pointing to loc
    Status BtreeBasedAccessMethod::insert(const BSONObj& obj, const DiskLoc& loc,
            const InsertDeleteOptions& options, int64_t* numInserted) {

        *numInserted = 0;

        BSONObjSet keys;
        // Delegate to the subclass.
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        Status ret = Status::OK();

        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
            try {
            } catch (AssertionException& e) {
                if (10287 == e.getCode() && !_btreeState->isReady()) {
                    // This is the duplicate key exception.  We ignore it for some reason in BG
                    // indexing.
                    DEV log() << "info: key already in index during bg indexing (ok)\n";
                } else if (!options.dupsAllowed) {
                    // Assuming it's a duplicate key exception.  Clean up any inserted keys.
                    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator j = keys.begin(); j != i; ++j) {
                        removeOneKey(*j, loc);
                    *numInserted = 0;
                    return Status(ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey, e.what(), e.getCode());
                } else {
                    problem() << " caught assertion addKeysToIndex "
                              << _descriptor->indexNamespace()
                              << obj["_id"] << endl;
                    ret = Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError, e.what(), e.getCode());

        if (*numInserted > 1) {

        return ret;
 // Return keys in l that are not in r.
 // Lifted basically verbatim from elsewhere.
 static void setDifference(const BSONObjSet &l, const BSONObjSet &r, vector<BSONObj*> *diff) {
     // l and r must use the same ordering spec.
     verify(l.key_comp().order() == r.key_comp().order());
     BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = l.begin();
     BSONObjSet::const_iterator j = r.begin();
     while ( 1 ) {
         if ( i == l.end() )
         while ( j != r.end() && j->woCompare( *i ) < 0 )
         if ( j == r.end() || i->woCompare(*j) != 0  ) {
             const BSONObj *jo = &*i;
             diff->push_back( (BSONObj *) jo );
Пример #12
AllowedIndicesFilter::AllowedIndicesFilter(const BSONObjSet& indexKeyPatterns,
        const stdx::unordered_set<std::string>& indexNames)
    : indexKeyPatterns(SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet()),
      indexNames(indexNames) {
    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = indexKeyPatterns.begin(); i != indexKeyPatterns.end();
            ++i) {
        const BSONObj& indexKeyPattern = *i;
Пример #13
    Status IndexAccessMethod::touch(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& obj) {
        BSONObjSet keys;
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        std::unique_ptr<SortedDataInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(txn));
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {

        return Status::OK();
Пример #14
    Status IndexAccessMethod::touch(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& obj) {
        BSONObjSet keys;
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        boost::scoped_ptr<SortedDataInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(txn, 1));
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
            cursor->locate(*i, RecordId());

        return Status::OK();
    Status BtreeBasedAccessMethod::touch(const BSONObj& obj) {
        BSONObjSet keys;
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        boost::scoped_ptr<BtreeInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(1));
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
            cursor->locate(*i, DiskLoc());

        return Status::OK();
Пример #16
        TEST( FTSIndexFormat, Simple1 ) {
            FTSSpec spec( FTSSpec::fixSpec( BSON( "key" << BSON( "data" << "text" ) ) ) );
            BSONObjSet keys;
            FTSIndexFormat::getKeys( spec, BSON( "data" << "cat sat" ), &keys );

            ASSERT_EQUALS( 2U, keys.size() );
            for ( BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i ) {
                BSONObj key = *i;
                ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, key.nFields() );
                ASSERT_EQUALS( String, key.firstElement().type() );
void DocumentSourceGraphLookUp::doBreadthFirstSearch() {
    long long depth = 0;
    bool shouldPerformAnotherQuery;
    do {
        shouldPerformAnotherQuery = false;

        // Check whether each key in the frontier exists in the cache or needs to be queried.
        BSONObjSet cached = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
        auto matchStage = makeMatchStageFromFrontier(&cached);

        ValueUnorderedSet queried = pExpCtx->getValueComparator().makeUnorderedValueSet();
        _frontierUsageBytes = 0;

        // Process cached values, populating '_frontier' for the next iteration of search.
        while (!cached.empty()) {
            auto it = cached.begin();
            shouldPerformAnotherQuery =
                addToVisitedAndFrontier(*it, depth) || shouldPerformAnotherQuery;

        if (matchStage) {
            // Query for all keys that were in the frontier and not in the cache, populating
            // '_frontier' for the next iteration of search.

            // We've already allocated space for the trailing $match stage in '_fromPipeline'.
            _fromPipeline.back() = *matchStage;
            auto pipeline = uassertStatusOK(_mongod->makePipeline(_fromPipeline, _fromExpCtx));
            while (auto next = pipeline->output()->getNext()) {
                            << "Documents in the '"
                            << _from.ns()
                            << "' namespace must contain an _id for de-duplication in $graphLookup",

                BSONObj result = next->toBson();
                shouldPerformAnotherQuery =
                    addToVisitedAndFrontier(result.getOwned(), depth) || shouldPerformAnotherQuery;
                addToCache(result, queried);

    } while (shouldPerformAnotherQuery && depth < std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() &&
             (!_maxDepth || depth <= *_maxDepth));

    _frontierUsageBytes = 0;
Пример #18
 BSONObj keyTooLong(const BSONObj& a, void* data) {
     BSONObj index = a[0]["index"].Obj();
     BSONObj doc = a[0]["doc"].Obj();
     BSONObjSet keys;
     getKeysForUpgradeChecking(index, doc, &keys);
     for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator key = keys.begin(); key != keys.end(); ++key) { 
         if (key->objsize() > 1024) {
             return BSON("" << true);
     return BSON("" << false);
Пример #19
RecordId IndexAccessMethod::findSingle(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& key) const {
    // Generate the key for this index.
    BSONObjSet keys = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
    MultikeyPaths* multikeyPaths = nullptr;
    getKeys(key, &keys, multikeyPaths);
    invariant(keys.size() == 1);

    std::unique_ptr<SortedDataInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(txn));
    const auto requestedInfo = kDebugBuild ? SortedDataInterface::Cursor::kKeyAndLoc
                                           : SortedDataInterface::Cursor::kWantLoc;
    if (auto kv = cursor->seekExact(*keys.begin(), requestedInfo)) {
        // StorageEngine should guarantee these.
                    *keys.begin(), /*order*/ BSONObj(), /*considerFieldNames*/ false) == 0);

        return kv->loc;

    return RecordId();
Пример #20
    Status BtreeBasedAccessMethod::touch(const BSONObj& obj) {
        BSONObjSet keys;
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        DiskLoc loc;
        int keyPos;
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
            _newInterface->locate(*i, DiskLoc(), 1, &loc, &keyPos);

        return Status::OK();
bool isAnyIndexKeyTooLarge(const BSONObj& index, const BSONObj& doc) {
    BSONObjSet keys;
    getKeysForUpgradeChecking(index, doc, &keys);

    int largestKeySize = 0;

    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {
        largestKeySize = std::max(largestKeySize, keyV1Size(*it));

    // BtreeData_V1::KeyMax is 1024
    return largestKeySize > 1024;
Пример #22
Status IndexAccessMethod::touch(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& obj) {
    BSONObjSet keys = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
    // There's no need to compute the prefixes of the indexed fields that cause the index to be
    // multikey when paging a document's index entries into memory.
    MultikeyPaths* multikeyPaths = nullptr;
    getKeys(obj, &keys, multikeyPaths);

    std::unique_ptr<SortedDataInterface::Cursor> cursor(_newInterface->newCursor(txn));
    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {

    return Status::OK();
Пример #23
        TEST( FTSIndexFormat, ExtraFront1 ) {
            FTSSpec spec( FTSSpec::fixSpec( BSON( "key" << BSON( "x" << 1 <<
                                                                 "data" << "text" ) ) ) );
            BSONObjSet keys;
            FTSIndexFormat::getKeys( spec, BSON( "data" << "cat" << "x" << 5 ), &keys );

            ASSERT_EQUALS( 1U, keys.size() );
            BSONObj key = *(keys.begin());
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, key.nFields() );
            BSONObjIterator i( key );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( 5, i.next().numberInt() );
            ASSERT_EQUALS( StringData("cat"), i.next().valuestr() );
            ASSERT( i.next().numberDouble() > 0 );
Пример #24
            void run() {
                BSONObj spec( BSON("key" << BSON( "a" << "hashed" ) ));
                BSONObj nullObj = BSON( "a" << BSONNULL );

                // Call getKeys on the nullObj.
                BSONObjSet nullFieldKeySet;
                ExpressionKeysPrivate::getHashKeys(nullObj, "a", 0, 0, false, &nullFieldKeySet);
                BSONElement nullFieldFromKey = nullFieldKeySet.begin()->firstElement();

                ASSERT_EQUALS( ExpressionKeysPrivate::makeSingleHashKey( nullObj.firstElement(), 0, 0 ),
                               nullFieldFromKey.Long() );

                BSONObj missingField = IndexLegacy::getMissingField(NULL,spec);
                ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberLong, missingField.firstElement().type() );
                ASSERT_EQUALS( nullFieldFromKey, missingField.firstElement());
Пример #25
// Remove the provided doc from the index.
Status IndexAccessMethod::remove(OperationContext* txn,
                                 const BSONObj& obj,
                                 const RecordId& loc,
                                 const InsertDeleteOptions& options,
                                 int64_t* numDeleted) {
    BSONObjSet keys;
    getKeys(obj, &keys);
    *numDeleted = 0;

    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
        removeOneKey(txn, *i, loc, options.dupsAllowed);

    return Status::OK();
Пример #26
            void run() {
                BSONObj spec( BSON("key" << BSON( "a" << "hashed" ) <<  "seed" << 0x5eed ));
                BSONObj nullObj = BSON( "a" << BSONNULL );

                BSONObjSet nullFieldKeySet;
                ExpressionKeysPrivate::getHashKeys(nullObj, "a", 0x5eed, 0, false, &nullFieldKeySet);
                BSONElement nullFieldFromKey = nullFieldKeySet.begin()->firstElement();

                ASSERT_EQUALS( ExpressionKeysPrivate::makeSingleHashKey( nullObj.firstElement(), 0x5eed, 0 ),
                               nullFieldFromKey.Long() );

                // Ensure that getMissingField recognizes that the seed is different (and returns
                // the right key).
                BSONObj missingField = IndexLegacy::getMissingField(NULL,spec);
                ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberLong, missingField.firstElement().type());
                ASSERT_EQUALS( nullFieldFromKey, missingField.firstElement());
void DocumentSourceGraphLookUp::doBreadthFirstSearch() {
    long long depth = 0;
    bool shouldPerformAnotherQuery;
    do {
        shouldPerformAnotherQuery = false;

        // Check whether each key in the frontier exists in the cache or needs to be queried.
        BSONObjSet cached;
        auto query = constructQuery(&cached);

        std::unordered_set<Value, Value::Hash> queried;
        _frontierUsageBytes = 0;

        // Process cached values, populating '_frontier' for the next iteration of search.
        while (!cached.empty()) {
            auto it = cached.begin();
            shouldPerformAnotherQuery =
                addToVisitedAndFrontier(*it, depth) || shouldPerformAnotherQuery;

        if (query) {
            // Query for all keys that were in the frontier and not in the cache, populating
            // '_frontier' for the next iteration of search.
            unique_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = _mongod->directClient()->query(_from.ns(), *query);

            // Iterate the cursor.
            while (cursor->more()) {
                BSONObj result = cursor->nextSafe();
                shouldPerformAnotherQuery =
                    addToVisitedAndFrontier(result.getOwned(), depth) || shouldPerformAnotherQuery;
                addToCache(result, queried);

    } while (shouldPerformAnotherQuery && depth < std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() &&
             (!_maxDepth || depth <= *_maxDepth));

    _frontierUsageBytes = 0;
Пример #28
AllowedIndexEntry::AllowedIndexEntry(const BSONObj& query,
                                     const BSONObj& sort,
                                     const BSONObj& projection,
                                     const BSONObj& collation,
                                     const BSONObjSet& indexKeyPatterns,
                                     const stdx::unordered_set<std::string>& indexNames)
    : query(query.getOwned()),
      indexNames(indexNames) {
    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = indexKeyPatterns.begin(); i != indexKeyPatterns.end();
            ++i) {
        const BSONObj& indexKeyPattern = *i;
Пример #29
    Status BtreeBasedAccessMethod::touch(const BSONObj& obj) {
        BSONObjSet keys;
        getKeys(obj, &keys);

        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
            int unusedPos;
            bool unusedFound;
            DiskLoc unusedDiskLoc;

        return Status::OK();
Пример #30
 * Helper function to compare keys returned in getKeys() result
 * with expected values.
void assertEqualsIndexKeys(std::set<std::string>& expectedKeys, const BSONObjSet& keys) {
    ASSERT_EQUALS(expectedKeys.size(), keys.size());
    for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator i = keys.begin(); i != keys.end(); ++i) {
        BSONObj key = *i;
        ASSERT_EQUALS(2, key.nFields());
        ASSERT_EQUALS(String, key.firstElement().type());
        string s = key.firstElement().String();
        std::set<string>::const_iterator j = expectedKeys.find(s);
        if (j == expectedKeys.end()) {
            mongoutils::str::stream ss;
            ss << "unexpected key " << s << " in FTSIndexFormat::getKeys result. "
               << "expected keys:";
            for (std::set<string>::const_iterator k = expectedKeys.begin(); k != expectedKeys.end();
                 ++k) {
                ss << "\n    " << *k;