Пример #1
  std::string GenomicRegion::ChrName(const BamHeader& h) const {
    std::string cc;
    if (!h.isEmpty()) {
      if (chr >= h.NumSequences())
	throw std::invalid_argument( "GenomicRegion::ChrName - not enough targets in BamHeader to cover ref id");
	cc = h.IDtoName(chr); // std::string(h->target_name[chr]);
    } else {
      cc = chrToString(chr);
    return cc;
Пример #2
  GenomicRegion::GenomicRegion(const std::string& reg, const BamHeader& hdr) {
  if (hdr.isEmpty())
    throw std::invalid_argument("GenomicRegion constructor - supplied empty BamHeader");

  // scrub String
  //std::string reg2 = SeqLib::scrubString(reg, "chr");

  // use htslib region parsing code
  int tid, beg, end;
  const char * q = hts_parse_reg(reg.c_str(), &beg, &end);
  if (q) {
    char *tmp = (char*)alloca(q - reg.c_str() + 1); // stack alloc
    strncpy(tmp, reg.c_str(), q - reg.c_str());
    tmp[q - reg.c_str()] = 0;
    tid = hdr.Name2ID(std::string(tmp)); //bam_name2id(h.get(), tmp);
    if (tid < 0) {
      std::string inv = "GenomicRegion constructor: Failed to set region for " + reg;
      throw std::invalid_argument(inv);

    if (end == INT_MAX) { // single chrome
      tid = hdr.Name2ID(reg);
      beg = 0;
      end = hdr.GetSequenceLength(reg);
  } else {
    std::string inv = "GenomicRegion constructor: Failed to set region for " + reg;
    throw std::invalid_argument(inv);
  chr = tid;
  pos1 = beg+1;
  pos2 = end;
  strand = '*';
