Пример #1
int OGRDODSDataSource::Open( const char * pszNewName )

    CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 );

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Parse the URL into a base url, projection and constraint        */
    /*      expression.                                                     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszWrkURL = CPLStrdup( pszNewName + 5 );
    char *pszFound;

    pszFound = strstr(pszWrkURL,"&");
    if( pszFound )
        oConstraints = pszFound;
        *pszFound = '\0';

    pszFound = strstr(pszWrkURL,"?");
    if( pszFound )
        oProjection = pszFound+1;
        *pszFound = '\0';

    // Trim common requests.
    int nLen = strlen(pszWrkURL);
    if( strcmp(pszWrkURL+nLen-4,".das") == 0 )
        pszWrkURL[nLen-4] = '\0';
    else if( strcmp(pszWrkURL+nLen-4,".dds") == 0 )
        pszWrkURL[nLen-4] = '\0';
    else if( strcmp(pszWrkURL+nLen-4,".asc") == 0 )
        pszWrkURL[nLen-4] = '\0';
    else if( strcmp(pszWrkURL+nLen-5,".dods") == 0 )
        pszWrkURL[nLen-5] = '\0';
    else if( strcmp(pszWrkURL+nLen-5,".html") == 0 )
        pszWrkURL[nLen-5] = '\0';

    oBaseURL = pszWrkURL;
    CPLFree( pszWrkURL );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Do we want to override the .dodsrc file setting?  Only do       */
    /*      the putenv() if there isn't already a DODS_CONF in the          */
    /*      environment.                                                    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetConfigOption( "DODS_CONF", NULL ) != NULL
            && getenv("DODS_CONF") == NULL )
        static char szDODS_CONF[1000];

        sprintf( szDODS_CONF, "DODS_CONF=%.980s",
                 CPLGetConfigOption( "DODS_CONF", "" ) );
        putenv( szDODS_CONF );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      If we have a overridding AIS file location, apply it now.       */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CPLGetConfigOption( "DODS_AIS_FILE", NULL ) != NULL )
        string oAISFile = CPLGetConfigOption( "DODS_AIS_FILE", "" );
        RCReader::instance()->set_ais_database( oAISFile );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Connect to the server.                                          */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    string version;

        poConnection = new AISConnect( oBaseURL );
        version = poConnection->request_version();
    catch (Error &e)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                 "%s", e.get_error_message().c_str() );
        return FALSE;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      We presume we only work with version 3 servers.                 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if (version.empty() || version.find("/3.") == string::npos)
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "I connected to the URL but could not get a DAP 3.x version string\n"
                  "from the server.  I will continue to connect but access may fail.");

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Fetch the DAS and DDS info about the server.                    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        poConnection->request_das( oDAS );
        poConnection->request_dds( *poDDS, oProjection + oConstraints );
    catch (Error &e)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Error fetching DAS or DDS:\n%s",
                 e.get_error_message().c_str() );
        return FALSE;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Do we have any ogr_layer_info attributes in the DAS?  If so,    */
    /*      use them to define the layers.                                  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    AttrTable::Attr_iter dv_i;

#ifdef LIBDAP_39
    AttrTable* poTable = oDAS.container();
    if (poTable == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot get container");
        return FALSE;
    AttrTable* poTable = &oDAS;

    for( dv_i = poTable->attr_begin(); dv_i != poTable->attr_end(); dv_i++ )
        if( EQUALN(poTable->get_name(dv_i).c_str(),"ogr_layer_info",14)
                && poTable->is_container( dv_i ) )
            AttrTable *poAttr = poTable->get_attr_table( dv_i );
            string target_container = poAttr->get_attr( "target_container" );
            BaseType *poVar = poDDS->var( target_container.c_str() );

            if( poVar == NULL )
                CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "Unable to find variable '%s' named in\n"
                          "ogr_layer_info.target_container, skipping.",
                          target_container.c_str() );

            if( poVar->type() == dods_sequence_c )
                    new OGRDODSSequenceLayer(this,
                                             poAttr) );
            else if( poVar->type() == dods_grid_c
                     || poVar->type() == dods_array_c )
                AddLayer( new OGRDODSGridLayer(this,target_container.c_str(),
                                               poAttr) );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Walk through the DODS variables looking for easily targetted    */
    /*      ones.  Eventually this will need to be driven by the AIS info.  */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nLayers == 0 )
        DDS::Vars_iter v_i;

        for( v_i = poDDS->var_begin(); v_i != poDDS->var_end(); v_i++ )
            BaseType *poVar = *v_i;

            if( poVar->type() == dods_sequence_c )
                AddLayer( new OGRDODSSequenceLayer(this,poVar->name().c_str(),
                                                   NULL) );
            else if( poVar->type() == dods_grid_c
                     || poVar->type() == dods_array_c )
                AddLayer( new OGRDODSGridLayer(this,poVar->name().c_str(),
                                               NULL) );

    return TRUE;
Пример #2
void KernelSymbolWriter::write()

    // Update the time stamp if the symbols have changed
    if (_factory->changeClock() != _specs->createdChangeClock) {
        _specs->created = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
        _specs->createdChangeClock = _factory->changeClock();

    // Disable compression by default
    qint16 flags = 0; // kSym::flagCompressed;

    // First, write the header information to the uncompressed device
    KernelSymbolStream out(_to);
//    out.setKSymVersion(kSym::VERSION_11);

    QFile debugOutFile("/tmp/insight.log");
    QTextStream dout(&debugOutFile);

    // Write the file header in the following format:
    // 1. (qint32) magic number
    // 2. (qint16) file version number
    // 3. (qint16) flags (currently unused)
    // 4. (qint32) Qt's serialization format version (see QDataStream::Version)

    out << (qint32) kSym::fileMagic
        << (qint16) out.kSymVersion()
        << (qint16) flags
        << (qint32) out.version();
    dout << QString::fromAscii((char*)(&kSym::fileMagic), sizeof(kSym::fileMagic))
         << " " << kSym::fileVersion  << " 0x" << hex << flags
         << dec << " " << out.version() << endl;

    // Write all information from SymFactory in the following format:
    // 1.   (MemSpecs) data of _specs
    // 2.a  (qint32) number of compile units
    // 2.b  (CompileUnit) data of 1st compile unit
    // 2.c  (CompileUnit) data of 2nd compile unit
    // 2.d  ...
    // 3.a  (qint32) number of types
    // 3.b  (qint32) type (RealType casted to qint32)
    // 3.c  (subclass of BaseType) data of type
    // 3.d  (qint32) type (RealType casted to qint32)
    // 3.e  (subclass of BaseType) data of type
    // 3.f  ...
    // 4.a  (qint32) number of id-mappings for types
    // 4.b  (qint32) 1st source id
    // 4.c  (qint32) 1st target id
    // 4.d  (qint32) 2nd source id
    // 4.e  (qint32) 2nd target id
    // 4.f  ...
    // 5.a  (qint32) number of variables
    // 5.b  (Variable) data of variable
    // 5.c  (Variable) data of variable
    // 5.d  ...
    // 6.a  (qint32) number of ref. types with alternative types
    // 6.b  (qint32) 1st id of ref. type with alternatives
    // 6.c  (qint32) number of type alternatives
    // 6.d  (AltRefType) 1st alternative
    // 6.e  (AltRefType) 2nd alternative
    // 6.f  (AltRefType) ...
    // 6.g  (qint32) 2st id of ref. type with alternatives
    // 6.h  (qint32) number of type alternatives
    // 6.i  (AltRefType) 1st alternative
    // 6.j  (AltRefType) 2nd alternative
    // 6.k  (AltRefType) ...
    // 6.l  ...
    // 7.a  (qint32) number of struct members with alternative types
    // 7.b  (qint32) 1st id of struct member with alternatives
    // 7.c  (qint32) id of belonging struct
    // 7.d  (qint32) number of type alternatives
    // 7.e  (AltRefType) 1st alternative
    // 7.f  (AltRefType) 2nd alternative
    // 7.g  (AltRefType) ...
    // 7.h  (qint32) 2st id of struct member with alternatives
    // 7.i  (qint32) id of belonging struct
    // 7.j  (qint32) number of type alternatives
    // 7.k  (AltRefType) 1st alternative
    // 7.l  (AltRefType) 2nd alternative
    // 7.m  (AltRefType) ...
    // 7.l  ...
    // 8.a  (qint32) number of variable with alternative types
    // 8.b  (qint32) 1st id of variable with alternatives
    // 8.c  (qint32) number of type alternatives
    // 8.d  (AltRefType) 1st alternative
    // 8.e  (AltRefType) 2nd alternative
    // 8.f  (AltRefType) ...
    // 8.g  (qint32) 2st id of variable with alternatives
    // 8.h  (qint32) number of type alternatives
    // 8.i  (AltRefType) 1st alternative
    // 8.j  (AltRefType) 2nd alternative
    // 8.k  (AltRefType) ...
    // 8.l  ...

    try {
        QSet<qint32> written_types;

        // Write the memory specifications
        out << *_specs;
        dout << endl << "# Memory specifications" << endl
                << _specs->toString();

        // Write list of compile units
        out << (qint32) _factory->sources().size();
        dout << endl << "# Compile units" << endl
             << _factory->sources().size() << endl;
        CompileUnitIntHash::const_iterator cu_it = _factory->sources().constBegin();
        while (cu_it != _factory->sources().constEnd()) {
            const CompileUnit* c = cu_it.value();
            out << *c;
            dout << "0x" << hex << c->id() << " " << c->name() << endl;

        // Write list of types
        const int types_to_write = _factory->types().size();
        out << (qint32) types_to_write;

        dout << endl << "# Types" << endl
             << dec << types_to_write << endl;

        // Make three rounds: first write elementary types, then the
        // simple referencing types, finally the structs and unions
        for (int round = 0; round < 3; ++round) {
            int mask = ElementaryTypes;
            switch (round) {
            case 1: mask = ReferencingTypes & ~StructOrUnion; break;
            case 2: mask = StructOrUnion; break;

            for (int i = 0; i < _factory->types().size(); i++) {
                BaseType* t = _factory->types().at(i);
                if (t->type() & mask) {

                    out << (qint32) t->type();
                    out << *t;

                    dout << "0x" << hex << t->id() << " "
                         << realTypeToStr(t->type()) << " "
                         << t->name();
                    RefBaseType* rbt = dynamic_cast<RefBaseType*>(t);
                    if (rbt)
                        dout << ", refTypeId = 0x" << rbt->refTypeId();
                    dout << endl;

                    // Remember which types we have written out

        assert(_factory->types().size() == written_types.size());
        assert(types_to_write == written_types.size());

        // Write list of missing types by ID
        const int ids_to_write =
                _factory->typesById().size() - _factory->types().size();
        out << (qint32)ids_to_write;
        dout << endl << "# Further type relations" << endl
             << dec << ids_to_write
             << endl;
        BaseTypeIntHash::const_iterator bt_id_it = _factory->typesById().constBegin();
        int written = 0;
        while (bt_id_it != _factory->typesById().constEnd()) {
            if (!written_types.contains(bt_id_it.key())) {
                out << (qint32) bt_id_it.key() << (qint32) bt_id_it.value()->id();
                dout << hex << "0x" << bt_id_it.key() << " -> 0x"
                     << bt_id_it.value()->id() << endl;

        assert(written == ids_to_write);
        assert(written_types.size() + written == _factory->typesById().size());

        // Write list of variables
        out << (qint32) _factory->vars().size();
        dout << endl << "# List of variables" << endl
             << dec << _factory->vars().size() << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < _factory->vars().size(); i++) {
            out << *_factory->vars().at(i);
            dout << hex << "0x" << _factory->vars().at(i)->id() << " "
                 << _factory->vars().at(i)->name() << ", refTypeId = 0x"
                 << _factory->vars().at(i)->refTypeId() << endl;

        // Find referencing types with alternatives
        QList<RefBaseType*> refTypesWithAlt;
        MemberList membersWithAlt;
        for (int i = 0; i < _factory->types().count(); ++i) {
            BaseType* t = _factory->types().at(i);
            // Non-structure types
            if (t->type() & ReferencingTypes & ~StructOrUnion)  {
                RefBaseType* rbt = dynamic_cast<RefBaseType*>(t);
                if (rbt->altRefTypeCount() > 0)
            // Structure types
            else if (t->type() & StructOrUnion)  {
                Structured* s = dynamic_cast<Structured*>(t);
                for (int j = 0; j < s->members().count(); ++j) {
                    StructuredMember* m = s->members().at(j);
                    if (m->altRefTypeCount() > 0)

        // Find variables with type alternatives
        VariableList varsWithAlt;
        for (int i = 0; i < _factory->vars().size(); i++) {
            Variable* v = _factory->vars().at(i);
            if (v->altRefTypeCount() > 0)

        // Write list of types with alternative types
        out << (qint32) refTypesWithAlt.size();
        dout << endl << "# List of types with alternative types" << endl
             << dec << refTypesWithAlt.size() << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < refTypesWithAlt.size(); ++i) {
            RefBaseType* rbt = refTypesWithAlt.at(i);
            out << (qint32) rbt->id();
            dout << hex << "0x" << rbt->id() << " "
                 << dec << rbt->altRefTypeCount()
                 << endl;

        // Write list of struct members with alternative types
        out << (qint32) (refTypesWithAlt.size() + membersWithAlt.size());
        dout << endl << "# List of struct members with alternative types" << endl
             << dec << membersWithAlt.size() << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < membersWithAlt.size(); ++i) {
            StructuredMember* m = membersWithAlt.at(i);
            out << (qint32) m->id()
                << (qint32) m->belongsTo()->id();
            dout << hex << "0x" << m->id() << " "
                 << hex << "0x" << m->belongsTo()->id() << " "
                 << dec << m->altRefTypeCount()
                 << endl;

        // Write list of variables with alternative types
        out << (qint32) varsWithAlt.size();
        dout << endl << "# List of variables with alternative types" << endl
             << dec << varsWithAlt.size() << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < varsWithAlt.size(); ++i) {
            Variable* v = varsWithAlt.at(i);
            out << (qint32) v->id();
            dout << hex << "0x" << v->id() << " "
                 << dec << v->altRefTypeCount()
                 << endl;

        // Since version 17: Write file names containing the orig. symbols
        if (out.kSymVersion() >= kSym::VERSION_17)
            out <<_factory->origSymFiles();
    catch (...) {
        // Exceptional cleanup
        Console::out() << endl;
        throw; // Re-throw exception


    QString s("\rReading symbols finished");
    if (!_to->isSequential())
        s += QString(" (%1 read)").arg(bytesToString(_to->pos()));
    s += ".";
    shellOut(s, true);