boolean IconObj::SetOpen(boolean flag) { int pixmapPlacement; int alignment; int isOpened; BaseUI *parent = Parent(); if (ContainerView() == TREE) isOpened = flag; else if (parent && parent->UISubClass() == ICON_LIST || parent->UISubClass() == SCROLLED_ICON_LIST) isOpened = true; else isOpened = flag; if (IconView() == LARGE_ICON) { if (ContainerView() == TREE || (parent->UIClass() == CONTAINER && parent->UISubClass() == SCROLLED_VERTICAL_ROW_COLUMN)) { isOpened = true; pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; } else { pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_TOP; } if (isOpened) alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; else alignment = LargeIconJustification; } else { alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; } XtVaSetValues(_w, XmNalignment, alignment, GuiNisOpened, isOpened, GuiNpixmapPlacement, pixmapPlacement, NULL); return true; }
void IconObj::CreateIconObj(MotifUI *parent, char *name, char * /*category*/, char *iconFile, char *details, char *topString, char *bottomString, IconFields _fields) { Pixmap pixmap; Pixmap mask; Pixel bg; Widget p, super_node; XmString xm_string, xm_topString, xm_bottomString; char *s; int shrinkOutline = false; int pixmapPlacement; int alignment; int isOpened; GuiIconFields gui_fields; if (fields = _fields) { int i; gui_fields = new GuiIconFieldsStruct; gui_fields->free_data = True; gui_fields->name_width = fields->name_width; gui_fields->field_spacing = fields->field_spacing; gui_fields->n_fields = fields->n_fields; gui_fields->selected = new Boolean[fields->n_fields]; gui_fields->draw_fields = new Boolean[fields->n_fields]; gui_fields->active = new Boolean[fields->n_fields]; gui_fields->widths = new Dimension[fields->n_fields]; gui_fields->alignments = new unsigned char[fields->n_fields]; gui_fields->fields = new XmString[fields->n_fields]; unsigned char alignment; for (i = 0; i < fields->n_fields; i++) { gui_fields->widths[i] = fields->fields_widths[i]; switch (fields->alignments[i]) { case LEFT_JUSTIFIED: alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; break; case CENTERED: alignment = XmALIGNMENT_CENTER; break; case RIGHT_JUSTIFIED: alignment = XmALIGNMENT_END; break; } gui_fields->alignments[i] = alignment; if (fields->active) gui_fields->active[i] = (Boolean)fields->active[i]; else gui_fields->active[i] = True; if (fields->draw_fields) gui_fields->draw_fields[i] = (Boolean)fields->draw_fields[i]; else gui_fields->draw_fields[i] = True; gui_fields->selected[i] = False; gui_fields->fields[i] = StringCreate(fields->fields[i]); } } else gui_fields = NULL; // Get small and large pixmaps and masks char icon_type = 'p'; if (depth == 1) icon_type = 'b'; _iconFile = new char [strlen(iconFile) + 6]; _topString = STRDUP(topString); _bottomString = STRDUP(bottomString); _details = STRDUP(details); if (display == NULL) { strcpy(_iconFile, iconFile); _stateIconName = NULL; return; } sprintf(_iconFile, "%s.t.%cm", iconFile, icon_type); GetPixmaps(parent->BaseWidget(), _iconFile, &_smallPixmap, &_smallMask); sprintf(_iconFile, "%s.m.%cm", iconFile, icon_type); GetPixmaps(parent->BaseWidget(), _iconFile, &_largePixmap, &_largeMask); strcpy(_iconFile, iconFile); s = name; BaseUI *par = Parent(); if (par && par->UISubClass() == ICON_LIST || par->UISubClass() == SCROLLED_ICON_LIST) isOpened = true; else isOpened = false; switch (IconView()) { case NAME_ONLY: pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; pixmap = mask = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP; break; case LARGE_ICON: if (ContainerView() == TREE || (Parent()->UIClass() == CONTAINER && Parent()->UISubClass() == SCROLLED_VERTICAL_ROW_COLUMN)) { isOpened = true; pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; } else pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_TOP; if (isOpened) alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; else alignment = LargeIconJustification; shrinkOutline = true; pixmap = _largePixmap; mask = _largeMask; break; case DETAILS: s = new char [STRLEN(name) + STRLEN(details) + 2]; if (details) sprintf(s, "%s %s", name, details); else strcpy(s, name); // no break case SMALL_ICON: alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; pixmap = _smallPixmap; mask = _smallMask; break; } // Get Parent and colors p = parent->InnerWidget(); if (!XtIsComposite(p)) p = XtParent(p); XtVaGetValues(p, XmNbackground, &bg, NULL); // If p is a icon then set superNode to it, otherwise set superNode to NULL super_node = GuiIsIcon(parent->BaseWidget()) ? parent->BaseWidget() : NULL; xm_string = StringCreate(s); xm_topString = StringCreate(topString); xm_bottomString = StringCreate(bottomString); Pixel text_select_color = black; Pixel select_color = white; if (select_color == bg) { text_select_color = white; select_color = black; } _w = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(name, iconWidgetClass, p, GuiNiconMask, mask, XmNlabelPixmap, pixmap, GuiNisOpened, isOpened, XmNalignment, alignment, GuiNsuperNode, super_node, GuiNpixmapPlacement, pixmapPlacement, GuiNshrinkOutline, shrinkOutline, GuiNselectColorPersistent, true, GuiNselectColor, select_color, GuiNtextSelectColor, text_select_color, XmNlabelString, xm_string, GuiNfields, gui_fields, XmNbackground, bg, GuiNtopLabelString, xm_topString, GuiNbottomLabelString, xm_bottomString, XmNuserData, this, NULL); StringFree(xm_string); StringFree(xm_topString); StringFree(xm_bottomString); // Delete s if style = details if (IconView() == DETAILS) delete s; _previous_style = IconView(); XtAddCallback(_w, GuiNsingleClickCallback, &IconObj::SingleClickCB, (XtPointer) this); XtAddCallback(_w, GuiNdoubleClickCallback, &IconObj::DoubleClickCB, (XtPointer) this); InstallHelpCB(); _stateIconName = NULL; }
boolean IconObj::SetIcon(IconStyle style) { Pixmap pixmap, mask; int shrinkOutline = false; int pixmapPlacement; int alignment; int isOpened; BaseUI *parent = Parent(); if (ContainerView() == TREE) isOpened = true; else if (parent && parent->UISubClass() == ICON_LIST || parent->UISubClass() == SCROLLED_ICON_LIST) isOpened = true; else isOpened = Open(); switch (style) { case NAME_ONLY: pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; if (_name) { pixmap = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP; mask = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP; } else { pixmap = _smallPixmap; mask = _smallMask; } break; case VERY_LARGE_ICON: case LARGE_ICON: case MEDIUM_ICON: if (ContainerView() == TREE || (parent->UIClass() == CONTAINER && parent->UISubClass() == SCROLLED_VERTICAL_ROW_COLUMN)) { isOpened = true; pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; } else pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_TOP; if (isOpened) alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; else alignment = LargeIconJustification; shrinkOutline = true; if (style == VERY_LARGE_ICON) { if (depth == 1) strcat(_iconFile, ""); else strcat(_iconFile, ""); GetPixmaps(_w, _iconFile, &pixmap, &mask); _iconFile[strlen(_iconFile) - 5] = '\0'; } else { pixmap = _largePixmap; mask = _largeMask; } break; case DETAILS: SetDetail(); // no break case SMALL_ICON: case TINY_ICON: alignment = XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING; pixmapPlacement = GuiPIXMAP_LEFT; pixmap = _smallPixmap; mask = _smallMask; break; } if (_previous_style == DETAILS) { XmString xm_string = StringCreate(_name); XtVaSetValues(_w, XmNlabelPixmap, pixmap, GuiNiconMask, mask, XmNlabelString, xm_string, XmNalignment, alignment, GuiNpixmapPlacement, pixmapPlacement, GuiNisOpened, isOpened, GuiNshrinkOutline, shrinkOutline, NULL); StringFree(xm_string); } else XtVaSetValues(_w, XmNlabelPixmap, pixmap, GuiNiconMask, mask, GuiNpixmapPlacement, pixmapPlacement, XmNalignment, alignment, GuiNisOpened, isOpened, GuiNshrinkOutline, shrinkOutline, NULL); _previous_style = style; if (_stateIconName) SetStateIconFile(style); return true; }