Пример #1
bool ParametricCurveTests::testGradientWrapper()
  bool success = true;

  // create an artificial function whose gradient is "interesting" and known
  FunctionPtr t1 = Function::xn(1);
  FunctionPtr t2 = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr xt = t1 + t1 * t2;
  FunctionPtr yt = t2 + 2 * t1 * t2;
  FunctionPtr xt_dt1 = 1 + t2;
  FunctionPtr xt_dt2 = t1;
  FunctionPtr yt_dt1 = 2 * t2;
  FunctionPtr yt_dt2 = 1 + 2 * t1;

  FunctionPtr ft = Function::vectorize(xt, yt);
  FunctionPtr ft_dt1 = Function::vectorize(xt_dt1, yt_dt1);
  FunctionPtr ft_dt2 = Function::vectorize(xt_dt2, yt_dt2);

  FunctionPtr ft_gradt = Function::vectorize(ft_dt1, ft_dt2);

  // first test: confirm that on a parametric quad, the wrapped function agrees with the naked one
  int cubatureDegree = 5;
  BasisCachePtr parametricQuadCache = BasisCache::parametricQuadCache(cubatureDegree);
  FunctionPtr fx_gradx = ParametricCurve::parametricGradientWrapper(ft_gradt, true);

  double tol = 1e-14;
  if (! ft_gradt->equals(fx_gradx, parametricQuadCache))
    success = false;
    cout << "on a parametric quad, the wrapped gradient doesn't agree with the naked one";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(ft_gradt, fx_gradx, parametricQuadCache, tol);
  if (! ft_gradt->equals(ft->grad(), parametricQuadCache))
    success = false;
    cout << "on a parametric quad, manual gradient disagrees with automatic one (error in test construction, likely).";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(ft_gradt, ft->grad(), parametricQuadCache, tol);

  // on the quad domain defined by (0,0), (1,0), (2,3), (0,1),
  // some algebra shows that for x and y as functions of the parametric
  // coordinates, we have
  // x = t1 +     t1 * t2
  // y = t2 + 2 * t1 * t2
  // which gives the result that our original function f(t1,t2) = (t1 + t1 * t2, t2 + 2 * t1 * t2) =  (x, y)

  FunctionPtr x = Function::xn(1); // understood in physical space
  FunctionPtr y = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr f1_xy = x;
  FunctionPtr f2_xy = y;
  FunctionPtr f_xy = Function::vectorize(f1_xy, f2_xy);

  // set up the quad domain
  FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes(1,4,2); // (C,P,D)
  physicalCellNodes(0,0,0) = 0;
  physicalCellNodes(0,0,1) = 0;

  physicalCellNodes(0,1,0) = 1;
  physicalCellNodes(0,1,1) = 0;

  physicalCellNodes(0,2,0) = 2;
  physicalCellNodes(0,2,1) = 3;

  physicalCellNodes(0,3,0) = 0;
  physicalCellNodes(0,3,1) = 1;

  // physical space BasisCache:
  shards::CellTopology quad_4(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() );
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(physicalCellNodes, quad_4, cubatureDegree));

  // as a preliminary test, check that the Jacobian values and inverse values agree with our expectations
  // we expect the Jacobian to be:
  //        [ 1 + t2      t1 ]
  // 1/2 *  [                ]
  //        [ 2 * t2  1 + t2 ]
  // where (t1,t2) are parametric coordinates and the 1/2 comes from the transformation from reference
  // to parametric space
  int numCells = 1;
  int numPoints = basisCache->getRefCellPoints().dimension(0);
  int spaceDim = 2;
  FieldContainer<double> jacobianExpected(numCells,numPoints,spaceDim,spaceDim);
  FieldContainer<double> jacobianInvExpected(numCells,numPoints,spaceDim,spaceDim);
  // also check that the function we've chosen has the expected values
  // by first computing its gradient in parametric space and then dividing by 2 to account
  // for the transformation from reference to parametric space
  FieldContainer<double> fgrad_based_jacobian(numCells,numPoints,spaceDim,spaceDim);
  ft_gradt->values(fgrad_based_jacobian, parametricQuadCache);
  FieldContainer<double> parametricPoints = basisCache->computeParametricPoints();
  for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
    double t1 = parametricPoints(0,ptIndex,0);
    double t2 = parametricPoints(0,ptIndex,1);
    jacobianExpected(0,ptIndex,0,0) = 0.5 * (1 + t2);
    jacobianExpected(0,ptIndex,0,1) = 0.5 * (t1);
    jacobianExpected(0,ptIndex,1,0) = 0.5 * (2 * t2);
    jacobianExpected(0,ptIndex,1,1) = 0.5 * (1 + 2 * t1);
    jacobianInvExpected(0,ptIndex,0,0) = (2.0 / (1 + 2 * t1 + t2) ) * (1 + 2 * t1);
    jacobianInvExpected(0,ptIndex,0,1) = (2.0 / (1 + 2 * t1 + t2) ) * (- t1);
    jacobianInvExpected(0,ptIndex,1,0) = (2.0 / (1 + 2 * t1 + t2) ) * (- 2 * t2);
    jacobianInvExpected(0,ptIndex,1,1) = (2.0 / (1 + 2 * t1 + t2) ) * (1 + t2);

    fgrad_based_jacobian(0,ptIndex,0,0) /= 2.0;
    fgrad_based_jacobian(0,ptIndex,0,1) /= 2.0;
    fgrad_based_jacobian(0,ptIndex,1,0) /= 2.0;
    fgrad_based_jacobian(0,ptIndex,1,1) /= 2.0;
  FieldContainer<double> jacobian = basisCache->getJacobian();
  FieldContainer<double> jacobianInv = basisCache->getJacobianInv();
  double maxDiff = 0;
  if (! fcsAgree(jacobianExpected, jacobian, tol, maxDiff))
    success = false;
    cout << "Jacobian expected does not match actual.\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(parametricPoints, jacobian, jacobianExpected, tol);
  if (! fcsAgree(jacobianInvExpected, jacobianInv, tol, maxDiff))
    success = false;
    cout << "Jacobian inverse expected does not match actual.\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(parametricPoints, jacobianInv, jacobianInvExpected, tol);
  if (! fcsAgree(fgrad_based_jacobian, jacobianExpected, tol, maxDiff))
    success = false;
    cout << "Jacobian from fgrad does not agree with the transformation jacobian (problem with test?).\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(parametricPoints, fgrad_based_jacobian, jacobianExpected, tol);

  // test that the gradient values agree
  if (! fx_gradx->equals(f_xy->grad(), basisCache))
    success = false;
    cout << "wrapped gradient does not agree with analytically transformed function.\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(fx_gradx, f_xy->grad(), basisCache, tol);

  // finally, although this isn't really the right place for this, it is convenient here
  // to test the TFI for the "mesh" we were concerned with above.
  int H1Order = 5;
  BFPtr bf = VGPStokesFormulation(1.0).bf();
  int horizontalElements = 1, verticalElements = 1;
  MeshPtr mesh = MeshFactory::quadMesh(bf, H1Order, physicalCellNodes);

  int cellID = 0;
  vector< ParametricCurvePtr > edges = mesh->parametricEdgesForCell(cellID);
  ParametricSurfacePtr tfi = ParametricSurface::transfiniteInterpolant(edges);

  double v2[2];
  edges[2]->value(0, v2[0], v2[1]);
//  cout << "v2 = (" << v2[0] << ", " << v2[1] << ")\n";

  if ( ! tfi->equals(f_xy, basisCache) )
    success = false;
    cout << "TFI does not agree with analytically constructed transformation function.\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(tfi, f_xy, basisCache, tol);
  if ( ! tfi->grad()->equals(f_xy->grad(), basisCache) )
    success = false;
    cout << "TFI does not agree with analytically constructed transformation function.\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(tfi->grad(), f_xy->grad(), basisCache, tol);

  return success;
Пример #2
bool FunctionTests::testJacobianOrdering()
  bool success = true;

  FunctionPtr y = Function::yn(1);

  FunctionPtr f = Function::vectorize(y, Function::zero());

  // test 1: Jacobian ordering is f_i,j
  int spaceDim = 2;
  int cellID = 0;
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCell(_spectralConfusionMesh, cellID);

  FieldContainer<double> physicalPoints = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
  int numCells = physicalPoints.dimension(0);
  int numPoints = physicalPoints.dimension(1);

  FieldContainer<double> expectedValues(numCells, numPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);

  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++)
    for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
      expectedValues(cellIndex,ptIndex,0,0) = 0;
      expectedValues(cellIndex,ptIndex,0,1) = 1;
      expectedValues(cellIndex,ptIndex,1,0) = 0;
      expectedValues(cellIndex,ptIndex,1,1) = 0;

  FieldContainer<double> values(numCells, numPoints, spaceDim, spaceDim);
  f->grad(spaceDim)->values(values, basisCache);

  double maxDiff = 0;
  double tol = 1e-14;
  if (! fcsAgree(expectedValues, values, tol, maxDiff))
    cout << "expectedValues does not match values in testJacobianOrdering().\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(physicalPoints, expectedValues, values, tol);
    success = false;

  // test 2: ordering of VectorizedBasis agrees
  // (actually implemented where it belongs, in Vectorized_BasisTestSuite)

  // test 3: ordering of CellTools::getJacobian
  FieldContainer<double> nodes(1,4,2);
  nodes(0,0,0) =  1;
  nodes(0,0,1) = -2;
  nodes(0,1,0) =  1;
  nodes(0,1,1) =  2;
  nodes(0,2,0) = -1;
  nodes(0,2,1) =  2;
  nodes(0,3,0) = -1;
  nodes(0,3,1) = -2;

  shards::CellTopology quad_4(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() );
  int cubDegree = 4;
  BasisCachePtr rotatedCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(nodes, quad_4, cubDegree) );

  physicalPoints = rotatedCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
  numCells = physicalPoints.dimension(0);
  numPoints = physicalPoints.dimension(1);

  FieldContainer<double> expectedJacobian(numCells,numPoints,spaceDim,spaceDim);
  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++)
    for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
      expectedJacobian(cellIndex,ptIndex,0,0) = 0;
      expectedJacobian(cellIndex,ptIndex,0,1) = -1;
      expectedJacobian(cellIndex,ptIndex,1,0) = 2;
      expectedJacobian(cellIndex,ptIndex,1,1) = 0;

  FieldContainer<double> jacobianValues = rotatedCache->getJacobian();

  maxDiff = 0;
  if (! fcsAgree(expectedJacobian, jacobianValues, tol, maxDiff))
    cout << "expectedJacobian does not match jacobianValues in testJacobianOrdering().\n";
    reportFunctionValueDifferences(physicalPoints, expectedJacobian, jacobianValues, tol);
    success = false;

  return success;