Пример #1
// recursive depth-first handling all paths in Behavior graph
// BHorig - original behavior graph
// cur_v - current vertex in original graph
// lo_vec - vector of lorders
// BHnew - new behavior graph containign only paths with correct
// lorders from lo_vec
// trace - prefix of trace, trace corresponds the path
// from "root" of BHorig to current vertex cur_v, including cur_v
// return - true if vertex cur_v was added to BHnew, i.e. 
// iff path has correct lorder
bool handle_path(const Behavior& BHorig, const BGVertex& cur_v,
	const vector<LOrder>& lo_vec, 
	Behavior& BHnew, const Trace& trace, BGVertex& new_v)
	//cout<<"prefix trace: ";debugPrint(trace);cout<<"\n";
	// get out_edges of cur_v
	BGOutEdgeIt out_i, out_end;
	BGEdge e;
	tie(out_i,out_end) = BHorig.get_out_edges(cur_v);
	if (out_i==out_end) // if there are no out edges - no recursion 
		//cout<<"no recursion for: ";debugPrint(trace);cout<<"\n";
		// now we have full trace
		// check if its lorder correct 
		// and if so, add vertex for Step corresponding cur_v
		if (lorder_in_set(lorder(trace),lo_vec)) {
			new_v = BHnew.add_step( BHorig.get_step(cur_v) );
			return true;
		} else return false;
			//	BHnew.get_root(),fin);
	} else // recursively handle all child vertices
		// flag to check if some path was added for any child vertex
		bool was_added = false;
		vector<BGVertex> new_vvec;
		for (;out_i!=out_end;out_i++)
			e = *out_i;
			// get next child vertex
			BGVertex child_v = BHorig.get_target(e);
			// add new Step for given vertex to new trace
			Trace t = trace;
			//cout<<"form new trace: ";debugPrint(t);cout<<"\n";
			// recursive call for this func with new params
			// if for given edge child_v vertex new_v was added
			// then store this new_v in vector and set the flag
			BGVertex new_v;
			if (handle_path(BHorig,child_v,lo_vec,BHnew,t,new_v)) {
				was_added = true;
		// if at least one path was added, then 
		if (was_added) {
			// create vertex for current Step
			BGVertex this_v;
			this_v = BHnew.add_step(BHorig.get_step(cur_v));
			// connect it to all recursively added child vertices
			for (vector<BGVertex>::const_iterator vvec_it = 
			// set this vertex as a new_v for our parent
			new_v = this_v;
		return was_added;
Пример #2
// for given vertex, obtain Step and undate StepChildVertices vector
void add2SChVV (vector<StepChildVertices>& storage, 
	const Behavior& BHorig, const BGVertex v)
	Step* step = BHorig.get_step(v);
	// check if entry for given Step already exists in vector
	for (vector<StepChildVertices>::iterator it=
		if (*step == *((*it).sp)) // check if Steps are equal
			// if so, store given vertex (marked with given Step) 
			return ;
	// if entry doen't exist, create and add it to storage
	StepChildVertices entry = StepChildVertices(step);
	return ;