Пример #1
mapped_object *BinaryEdit::openResolvedLibraryName(std::string filename, std::map<std::string, BinaryEdit *> &allOpened) {
     * Note: this does not actually do any library name resolution, as that is OS-dependent
     * If resolution is required, it should be implemented in an OS-dependent file
     * (see linux.C for an example)
     * However, this version allows the RT library to be opened with this function regardless
     * if library name resolution has been implemented on a platform.
    std::map<std::string, BinaryEdit *> retMap;
    BinaryEdit *temp = BinaryEdit::openFile(filename, mgr(), patcher());

    if( temp && temp->getAddressWidth() == getAddressWidth() ) {
       allOpened.insert(std::make_pair(filename, temp));
       return temp->getMappedObject();
    return NULL;
Пример #2
mapped_object *BinaryEdit::openResolvedLibraryName(std::string filename,
                                                   std::map<std::string, BinaryEdit*> &retMap) {
    std::vector<std::string> paths;
    std::vector<std::string>::iterator pathIter;
    // First, find the specified library file
    bool resolved = getResolvedLibraryPath(filename, paths);

    // Second, create a set of BinaryEdits for the found library
    if ( resolved ) {
        startup_printf("[%s:%u] - Opening dependent file %s\n",
                       FILE__, __LINE__, filename.c_str());

        Symtab *origSymtab = getMappedObject()->parse_img()->getObject();
        // Dynamic case
        if ( !origSymtab->isStaticBinary() ) {
            for(pathIter = paths.begin(); pathIter != paths.end(); ++pathIter) {
               BinaryEdit *temp = BinaryEdit::openFile(*pathIter, mgr(), patcher());

                if (temp && temp->getAddressWidth() == getAddressWidth()) {
                    retMap.insert(std::make_pair(*pathIter, temp));
                    return temp->getMappedObject();
                delete temp;
        } else {
            // Static executable case

             * Alright, this is a kludge, but even though the Archive is opened
             * twice (once here and once by the image class later on), it is
             * only parsed once because the Archive class keeps track of all
             * open Archives.
             * This is partly due to the fact that Archives are collections of
             * Symtab objects and their is one Symtab for each BinaryEdit. In
             * some sense, an Archive is a collection of BinaryEdits.
            for(pathIter = paths.begin(); pathIter != paths.end(); ++pathIter) {
                Archive *library;
                Symtab *singleObject;
                if (Archive::openArchive(library, *pathIter)) {
                    std::vector<Symtab *> members;
                    if (library->getAllMembers(members)) {
                        std::vector <Symtab *>::iterator member_it;
                        for (member_it = members.begin(); member_it != members.end();
                           BinaryEdit *temp = BinaryEdit::openFile(*pathIter, 
                                                                   mgr(), patcher(), (*member_it)->memberName());

                            if (temp && temp->getAddressWidth() == getAddressWidth()) {
                                std::string mapName = *pathIter + string(":") +
                                retMap.insert(std::make_pair(mapName, temp));
                                if(temp) delete temp;

                        if (retMap.size() > 0) {
                            // So we tried loading "libc.a", and got back a swarm of individual members. 
                            // Lovely. 
                            // Just return the first thing...
                            return retMap.begin()->second->getMappedObject();
                        //if( library ) delete library;
                } else if (Symtab::openFile(singleObject, *pathIter)) {
                   BinaryEdit *temp = BinaryEdit::openFile(*pathIter, mgr(), patcher());

                    if (temp && temp->getAddressWidth() == getAddressWidth()) {
                        if( singleObject->getObjectType() == obj_SharedLib ||
                            singleObject->getObjectType() == obj_Executable ) 
                          startup_printf("%s[%d]: cannot load dynamic object(%s) when rewriting a static binary\n", 
                                  FILE__, __LINE__, pathIter->c_str());
                          std::string msg = std::string("Cannot load a dynamic object when rewriting a static binary");
                          showErrorCallback(71, msg.c_str());

                          delete singleObject;
                            retMap.insert(std::make_pair(*pathIter, temp));
                            return temp->getMappedObject();
                    if(temp) delete temp;

    startup_printf("[%s:%u] - Creation error opening %s\n",
                   FILE__, __LINE__, filename.c_str());
    // If the only thing we could find was a dynamic lib for a static executable, we can reach here; caller should handle this.
    return NULL;