Пример #1
    void ScrDB::Read(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_ptargetHandle,
                     BitString & bs,
                     uint64_t registerId)
        //PRDF_DENTER( "ScrDB::Read() huid: 0x%X, addr: 0x%016X",
        //            getHuid(i_ptargetHandle), registerId );
        DataList data;
        unsigned int dataWordSize = bs.getBitLen()/32;
        dataWordSize += (bs.getBitLen() % 32) ? 1 : 0;

        // if the register has a predetermined value than get it
        if(pChipset.find(i_ptargetHandle) != pChipset.end())
            PreScrMap pscrmap = pChipset[i_ptargetHandle];
            if(pscrmap.find(registerId) != pscrmap.end())  // we must have a predetermined value
                SimScrDataSet pValues = pscrmap[registerId];
                data = pValues.GetData(); // get next set of values
                // pValues has changed - copy it back
                pscrmap[registerId] = pValues;
                pChipset[i_ptargetHandle] = pscrmap;
        if(data.size() == 0) // use the last value written to this reg
            // get a copy of the scrMap for this chip - if one does not exist it will be created
            ScrMap scrMap = chipset[i_ptargetHandle];
            // get a copy of the data for this address from the scrMap for this chip
            // if data structure does not exist, it will be created, but will be empty
            data = scrMap[registerId];
            if(data.size() == 0)  // This is the first time this register has been accessed
                while(data.size() < dataWordSize) data.push_back(0); // zero fill
                scrMap[registerId] = data;
                chipset[i_ptargetHandle] = scrMap;     // update the persistent copy of the scrMap

        if(0 != data.size())
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i)
                bs.setFieldJustify((i*32), 32, data[i]);
            PRDF_TRAC( "ScrDB::Read() huid: %X, addr: %016X, data: %08X %08X",
                           getHuid(i_ptargetHandle), registerId, data[0],
                           2 == data.size() ? data[1] : 0  );
        //PRDF_DEXIT( "ScrDB::Read()" );

Пример #2
void BitString::setString( const BitString & i_sStr, uint32_t i_sPos,
                           uint32_t i_sLen, uint32_t i_dPos )
    // Ensure the source parameters are valid.
    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != i_sStr.getBufAddr() );
    PRDF_ASSERT( 0 < i_sLen ); // at least one bit to copy
    PRDF_ASSERT( i_sPos + i_sLen <= i_sStr.getBitLen() );

    // Ensure the destination has at least one bit available to copy.
    PRDF_ASSERT( nullptr != getBufAddr() );
    PRDF_ASSERT( i_dPos < getBitLen() );

    // If the source length is greater than the destination length than the
    // extra source bits are ignored.
    uint32_t actLen = std::min( i_sLen, getBitLen() - i_dPos );

    // The bit strings may be in overlapping memory spaces. So we need to copy
    // the data in the correct direction to prevent overlapping.
    uint32_t sRelOffset = 0, dRelOffset = 0;
    CPU_WORD * sRelAddr = i_sStr.getRelativePosition( sRelOffset, i_sPos );
    CPU_WORD * dRelAddr =        getRelativePosition( dRelOffset, i_dPos );

    // Copy the data.
    if ( (dRelAddr == sRelAddr) && (dRelOffset == sRelOffset) )
        // Do nothing. The source and destination are the same.
    else if ( (dRelAddr < sRelAddr) ||
              ((dRelAddr == sRelAddr) && (dRelOffset < sRelOffset)) )
        // Copy the data forward.
        for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
            uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );

            CPU_WORD value = i_sStr.getField( i_sPos + pos, len );
            setField( i_dPos + pos, len, value );
    else // Copy the data backwards.
        // Get the first position of the last chunk (CPU_WORD aligned).
        uint32_t lastPos = ((actLen-1) / CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN) * CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN;

        // Start with the last chunk and work backwards.
        for ( int32_t pos = lastPos; 0 <= pos; pos -= CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
            uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );

            CPU_WORD value = i_sStr.getField( i_sPos + pos, len );
            setField( i_dPos + pos, len, value );
Пример #3
bool BitString::isEqual( const BitString & i_str ) const
    if ( getBitLen() != i_str.getBitLen() )
        return false; // size not equal

    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < getBitLen(); pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
        uint32_t len = std::min( getBitLen() - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );

        if ( getField(pos, len) != i_str.getField(pos, len) )
            return false; // bit strings do not match

    return true; // bit strings match
Пример #4
void BitString::maskString( const BitString & i_mask )
    // Get the length of the smallest string.
    uint32_t actLen = std::min( getBitLen(), i_mask.getBitLen() );

    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
        uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );

        CPU_WORD dVal =        getField( pos, len );
        CPU_WORD sVal = i_mask.getField( pos, len );

        setField( pos, len, dVal & ~sVal );
Пример #5
BitStringBuffer BitString::operator|( const BitString & i_bs ) const
    // Get the length of the smallest string.
    uint32_t actLen = std::min( getBitLen(), i_bs.getBitLen() );

    BitStringBuffer bsb( actLen );

    for ( uint32_t pos = 0; pos < actLen; pos += CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN )
        uint32_t len = std::min( actLen - pos, CPU_WORD_BIT_LEN );

        CPU_WORD dVal =      getField( pos, len );
        CPU_WORD sVal = i_bs.getField( pos, len );

        bsb.setField( pos, len, dVal | sVal );

    return bsb;
Пример #6
    void ScrDB::Write(TARGETING::TargetHandle_t i_ptargetHandle,
                      BitString & bs,
                      uint64_t registerId)
        PRDF_TRAC( "ScrDB::Write() huid: %X, addr: %016X, data: %08X %08X",
                    getHuid(i_ptargetHandle), registerId,
                    bs.getFieldJustify(0,32), bs.getFieldJustify(32,32) );

        unsigned int dataWordSize = bs.getBitLen()/32;
        //    PRDF_TRAC("dataWordSize1: %d", dataWordSize);
        dataWordSize += (bs.getBitLen() % 32) ? 1 : 0;
        //    PRDF_TRAC("dataWordSize2: %d", dataWordSize);
        DataList data;

        // parse all data given
        //    PRDF_TRAC("parse all data given");
        // look for expected data
        DataList expectedData;
        if(eChipset.find(i_ptargetHandle) != eChipset.end())
            PRDF_TRAC("found target");
            PreScrMap escrmap = eChipset[i_ptargetHandle];
            if(escrmap.find(registerId) != escrmap.end()) // we have expected data value
                PRDF_TRAC("found scom reg");
                SimScrDataSet eValues = escrmap[registerId];
                expectedData = eValues.GetData(); // get next set of values
                escrmap[registerId] = eValues;
                eChipset[i_ptargetHandle] = escrmap;
        if(expectedData.size() > 0)
            if((expectedData[0] != data[0]) || (expectedData[1] != data[1]))
                PRDF_ERR("Verify SC register: %p", i_ptargetHandle);
                PRDF_ERR(" Address: 0x%016X", registerId);
                PRDF_ERR("SCR write Actual  : %08X %08X", data[0], data[1]);
                PRDF_ERR("SCR write Expected: %08X %08X", expectedData[0], expectedData[1]);
                PRDF_TRAC("Verify SC register: %p", i_ptargetHandle);
                PRDF_TRAC(" Address: 0x%016X", registerId);
                PRDF_TRAC("SCR write Actual: %08X %08X", data[0], data[1]);

        //    PRDF_TRAC("get a copy");
        // get a copy of the scrMap for this chip - if one does not exist it will be created
        ScrMap scrMap = chipset[i_ptargetHandle];

        //    PRDF_TRAC("update register value");
        // update register value
        scrMap[registerId] = data; // copy the supplied value to the register

        //    PRDF_TRAC("update the master");
        chipset[i_ptargetHandle] = scrMap; // scrMap is only a copy so must update the master

        //PRDF_EXIT( "ScrDB::Write()" );
