int main(int argc,char **argv) { try { if(argc<3) {cerr<<"Usage: image boardConfig.yml [cameraParams.yml] [markerSize] [outImage]"<<endl;exit(0);} aruco::CameraParameters CamParam; MarkerDetector MDetector; vector<aruco::Marker> Markers; float MarkerSize=-1; BoardConfiguration TheBoardConfig; BoardDetector TheBoardDetector; Board TheBoardDetected; cv::Mat InImage=cv::imread(argv[1]); TheBoardConfig.readFromFile(argv[2]); if (argc>=4) { CamParam.readFromXMLFile(argv[3]); //resizes the parameters to fit the size of the input image CamParam.resize( InImage.size()); } if (argc>=5) MarkerSize=atof(argv[4]); cv::namedWindow("in",1); MDetector.detect(InImage,Markers);//detect markers without computing R and T information //Detection of the board float probDetect=TheBoardDetector.detect( Markers, TheBoardConfig,TheBoardDetected, CamParam,MarkerSize); //for each marker, draw info and its boundaries in the image for(unsigned int i=0;i<Markers.size();i++){ cout<<Markers[i]<<endl; Markers[i].draw(InImage,Scalar(0,0,255),2); } //draw a 3d cube in each marker if there is 3d info if ( CamParam.isValid()){ for(unsigned int i=0;i<Markers.size();i++){ CvDrawingUtils::draw3dCube(InImage,Markers[i],CamParam); CvDrawingUtils::draw3dAxis(InImage,Markers[i],CamParam); } CvDrawingUtils::draw3dAxis(InImage,TheBoardDetected,CamParam); cout<<TheBoardDetected.Rvec<<" "<<TheBoardDetected.Tvec<<endl; } //draw board axis //show input with augmented information cv::imshow("in",InImage); cv::waitKey(0);//wait for key to be pressed if(argc>=6) cv::imwrite(argv[5],InImage); }catch(std::exception &ex) { cout<<"Exception :"<<ex.what()<<endl; } }
ArSysSingleBoard() : cam_info_received(false), foundBoard(false), nh("~"), it(nh) { image_sub = it.subscribe("/image", 1, &ArSysSingleBoard::image_callback, this); cam_info_sub = nh.subscribe("/camera_info", 1, &ArSysSingleBoard::cam_info_callback, this); image_pub = it.advertise("result", 1); debug_pub = it.advertise("debug", 1); //Added///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rvec_pub = it.advertise("rvec",1); tvec_pub = it.advertise("tvec",1); boardSize_pub = nh.advertise<std_msgs::Float32>("boardSize", 100); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pose_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("pose", 100); transform_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::TransformStamped>("transform", 100); position_pub = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped>("position", 100); nh.param<double>("marker_size", marker_size, 0.05); nh.param<std::string>("board_config", board_config, "boardConfiguration.yml"); nh.param<std::string>("board_frame", board_frame, ""); nh.param<bool>("image_is_rectified", useRectifiedImages, true); nh.param<bool>("draw_markers", draw_markers, false); nh.param<bool>("draw_markers_cube", draw_markers_cube, false); nh.param<bool>("draw_markers_axis", draw_markers_axis, false); nh.param<bool>("publish_tf", publish_tf, false); the_board_config.readFromFile(board_config.c_str()); ROS_INFO("Modified ArSys node started with marker size of %f m and board configuration: %s", marker_size, board_config.c_str()); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { if (readArguments(argc, argv) == false) return 0; // read board configuration TheBoardConfig.readFromFile(TheBoardConfigFile); // Open video input source if (TheInputVideo == "") // read from camera; else; if (!TheVideoCapturer.isOpened()) { cerr << "Could not open video" << endl; return -1; } // read first image TheVideoCapturer >> TheInputImage; // read camera paramters if passed TheCameraParams.readFromXMLFile(TheIntrinsicFile); TheCameraParams.resize(TheInputImage.size()); TheBoardDetector.getMarkerDetector().setThresholdParams(25, 7); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0); glutInitWindowSize(TheInputImage.size().width, TheInputImage.size().height); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE); glutCreateWindow("ArUco"); glutDisplayFunc(vDrawScene); glutIdleFunc(vIdle); glutReshapeFunc(vResize); glutMouseFunc(vMouse); glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); glClearDepth(1.0); // these two are necesary for the mask effect glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.5); TheGlWindowSize = TheInputImage.size(); vResize(TheGlWindowSize.width, TheGlWindowSize.height); glutMainLoop(); } catch (std::exception& ex) { cout << "Exception :" << ex.what() << endl; } }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { try { if (readArguments (argc,argv)==false) return 0; //read board configuration TheBoardConfig.readFromFile(TheBoardConfigFile); //Open video input source if (TheInputVideo=="live") //read from camera; else; if (!TheVideoCapturer.isOpened()) { cerr<<"Could not open video"<<endl; return -1; } //read first image TheVideoCapturer>>TheInputImage; //read camera paramters if passed TheCameraParams.readFromXMLFile(TheIntrinsicFile); TheCameraParams.resize( TheInputImage.size()); //init glut information and init glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowPosition( 0, 0); glutInitWindowSize(TheInputImage.size().width,TheInputImage.size().height); glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE ); glutCreateWindow( "AruCo" ); glutDisplayFunc( vDrawScene ); glutIdleFunc( vIdle ); glutReshapeFunc( vResize ); glutMouseFunc(vMouse); glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); glClearDepth( 1.0 ); TheGlWindowSize=TheInputImage.size(); vResize(TheGlWindowSize.width,TheGlWindowSize.height); glutMainLoop(); } catch (std::exception &ex) { cout<<"Exception :"<<ex.what()<<endl; } }
/*! * */ int main(int argc,char **argv) { readArguments (argc,argv); //read board configuration boardConfig.readFromFile(bcon->sval[0]); //Open video input source if (inp->count==0 || strcmp(inp->sval[0], "live")==0) { //read from camera; vCapturer.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, wid->ival[0]); vCapturer.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, hei->ival[0]); int val = CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', 'E', 'G'); vCapturer.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC, val); } else>sval[0]); if (!vCapturer.isOpened()) { std::cerr<<"Could not open video"<<std::endl; return -1; } //read first image vCapturer>>inImg; //read camera paramters if passed camParams.readFromXMLFile(ints->sval[0]); camParams.resize( inImg.size()); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitWindowPosition( 0, 0); glutInitWindowSize(inImg.size().width,inImg.size().height); glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE ); glutCreateWindow( "AruCo" ); glutDisplayFunc( vDrawScene ); glutIdleFunc( vIdle ); glutReshapeFunc( vResize ); glutMouseFunc(vMouse); glClearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); glClearDepth( 1.0 ); glSize=inImg.size(); vResize(glSize.width,glSize.height); glutMainLoop(); }
float BoardDetector::detect(const vector< Marker > &detectedMarkers, const BoardConfiguration &BConf, Board &Bdetected, Mat camMatrix, Mat distCoeff, float markerSizeMeters) throw(cv::Exception) { if (BConf.size() == 0) throw cv::Exception(8881, "BoardDetector::detect", "Invalid BoardConfig that is empty", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (BConf[0].size() < 2) throw cv::Exception(8881, "BoardDetector::detect", "Invalid BoardConfig that is empty 2", __FILE__, __LINE__); // compute the size of the markers in meters, which is used for some routines(mostly drawing) float ssize; if (BConf.mInfoType == BoardConfiguration::PIX && markerSizeMeters > 0) ssize = markerSizeMeters; else if (BConf.mInfoType == BoardConfiguration::METERS) { ssize = cv::norm(BConf[0][0] - BConf[0][1]); } // cout<<"markerSizeMeters="<<markerSizeMeters<<endl; Bdetected.clear(); /// find among detected markers these that belong to the board configuration for (unsigned int i = 0; i < detectedMarkers.size(); i++) { int idx = BConf.getIndexOfMarkerId(detectedMarkers[i].id); if (idx != -1) { Bdetected.push_back(detectedMarkers[i]); Bdetected.back().ssize = ssize; } } // copy configuration Bdetected.conf = BConf; // bool hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation = false; if (Bdetected.size() >= 1) { if (camMatrix.rows != 0) { if (markerSizeMeters > 0 && BConf.mInfoType == BoardConfiguration::PIX) hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation = true; else if (BConf.mInfoType == BoardConfiguration::METERS) hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation = true; } } // calculate extrinsic if there is information for that if (hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation) { // calculate the size of the markers in meters if expressed in pixels double marker_meter_per_pix = 0; if (BConf.mInfoType == BoardConfiguration::PIX) marker_meter_per_pix = markerSizeMeters / cv::norm(BConf[0][0] - BConf[0][1]); else marker_meter_per_pix = 1; // to avoind interferring the process below // now, create the matrices for finding the extrinsics vector< cv::Point3f > objPoints; vector< cv::Point2f > imagePoints; for (size_t i = 0; i < Bdetected.size(); i++) { int idx = Bdetected.conf.getIndexOfMarkerId(Bdetected[i].id); assert(idx != -1); for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { imagePoints.push_back(Bdetected[i][p]); const aruco::MarkerInfo &Minfo = Bdetected.conf.getMarkerInfo(Bdetected[i].id); objPoints.push_back(Minfo[p] * marker_meter_per_pix); // cout<<objPoints.back()<<endl; } } if ( == 0) distCoeff = cv::Mat::zeros(1, 4, CV_32FC1); // for(size_t i=0;i< imagePoints.size();i++){ // cout<<objPoints[i]<<" "<<imagePoints[i]<<endl; // } // cout<<"cam="<<camMatrix<<" "<<distCoeff<<endl; cv::Mat rvec, tvec; cv::solvePnP(objPoints, imagePoints, camMatrix, distCoeff, rvec, tvec); rvec.convertTo(Bdetected.Rvec, CV_32FC1); tvec.convertTo(Bdetected.Tvec, CV_32FC1); // cout<<rvec<< " "<<tvec<<" _setYPerpendicular="<<_setYPerpendicular<<endl; { vector< cv::Point2f > reprojected; cv::projectPoints(objPoints, rvec, tvec, camMatrix, distCoeff, reprojected); double errSum = 0; // check now the reprojection error and for (size_t i = 0; i < reprojected.size(); i++) { errSum += cv::norm(reprojected[i] - imagePoints[i]); } // cout<<"AAA RE="<<errSum/double ( reprojected.size() ) <<endl; } // now, do a refinement and remove points whose reprojection error is above a threshold, then repeat calculation with the rest if (repj_err_thres > 0) { vector< cv::Point2f > reprojected; cv::projectPoints(objPoints, rvec, tvec, camMatrix, distCoeff, reprojected); vector< int > pointsThatPassTest; // indices // check now the reprojection error and for (size_t i = 0; i < reprojected.size(); i++) { float err = cv::norm(reprojected[i] - imagePoints[i]); if (err < repj_err_thres) pointsThatPassTest.push_back(i); } // cerr<<"Number of points after reprjection test "<<pointsThatPassTest.size() <<"/"<<objPoints.size() <<endl; // copy these data to another vectors and repeat vector< cv::Point3f > objPoints_filtered; vector< cv::Point2f > imagePoints_filtered; for (size_t i = 0; i < pointsThatPassTest.size(); i++) { objPoints_filtered.push_back(objPoints[pointsThatPassTest[i]]); imagePoints_filtered.push_back(imagePoints[pointsThatPassTest[i]]); } cv::solvePnP(objPoints_filtered, imagePoints_filtered, camMatrix, distCoeff, rvec, tvec); rvec.convertTo(Bdetected.Rvec, CV_32FC1); tvec.convertTo(Bdetected.Tvec, CV_32FC1); } // now, rotate 90 deg in X so that Y axis points up if (_setYPerpendicular) rotateXAxis(Bdetected.Rvec); // cout<<<float>(0,0)<<" "<<<float>(1,0)<<" "<<<float>(2,0)<<endl; // cout<<<float>(0,0)<<" "<<<float>(1,0)<<" "<<<float>(2,0)<<endl; } float prob = float(Bdetected.size()) / double(Bdetected.conf.size()); return prob; }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { try { if ( readArguments (argc,argv)==false) return 0; //parse arguments TheBoardConfig.readFromFile(TheBoardConfigFile); //read from camera or from file if (TheInputVideo=="live") {; waitTime=10; } else; //check video is open if (!TheVideoCapturer.isOpened()) { cerr<<"Could not open video"<<endl; return -1; } //read first image to get the dimensions TheVideoCapturer>>TheInputImage; //Open outputvideo if ( TheOutVideoFilePath!=""),CV_FOURCC('M','J','P','G'),15,TheInputImage.size()); //read camera parameters if passed if (TheIntrinsicFile!="") { TheCameraParameters.readFromXMLFile(TheIntrinsicFile); TheCameraParameters.resize(TheInputImage.size()); } //Create gui cv::namedWindow("thres",1); cv::namedWindow("in",1); TheBoardDetector.setParams(TheBoardConfig,TheCameraParameters,TheMarkerSize); TheBoardDetector.getMarkerDetector().getThresholdParams( ThresParam1,ThresParam2); TheBoardDetector.getMarkerDetector().enableErosion(true);//for chessboards iThresParam1=ThresParam1; iThresParam2=ThresParam2; cv::createTrackbar("ThresParam1", "in",&iThresParam1, 13, cvTackBarEvents); cv::createTrackbar("ThresParam2", "in",&iThresParam2, 13, cvTackBarEvents); char key=0; int index=0; //capture until press ESC or until the end of the video while ( key!=27 && TheVideoCapturer.grab()) { TheVideoCapturer.retrieve( TheInputImage); TheInputImage.copyTo(TheInputImageCopy); index++; //number of images captured double tick = (double)getTickCount();//for checking the speed //Detection of the board float probDetect=TheBoardDetector.detect(TheInputImage); //chekc the speed by calculating the mean speed of all iterations AvrgTime.first+=((double)getTickCount()-tick)/getTickFrequency(); AvrgTime.second++; cout<<"Time detection="<<1000*AvrgTime.first/AvrgTime.second<<" milliseconds"<<endl; //print marker borders for (unsigned int i=0;i<TheBoardDetector.getDetectedMarkers().size();i++) TheBoardDetector.getDetectedMarkers()[i].draw(TheInputImageCopy,Scalar(0,0,255),1); //print board if (TheCameraParameters.isValid()) { if ( probDetect>0.2) { CvDrawingUtils::draw3dAxis( TheInputImageCopy,TheBoardDetector.getDetectedBoard(),TheCameraParameters); //draw3dBoardCube( TheInputImageCopy,TheBoardDetected,TheIntriscCameraMatrix,TheDistorsionCameraParams); } } //DONE! Easy, right? //show input with augmented information and the thresholded image cv::imshow("in",TheInputImageCopy); cv::imshow("thres",TheBoardDetector.getMarkerDetector().getThresholdedImage()); //write to video if required if ( TheOutVideoFilePath!="") { //create a beautiful compiosed image showing the thresholded //first create a small version of the thresholded image cv::Mat smallThres; cv::resize( TheBoardDetector.getMarkerDetector().getThresholdedImage(),smallThres,cvSize(TheInputImageCopy.cols/3,TheInputImageCopy.rows/3)); cv::Mat small3C; cv::cvtColor(smallThres,small3C,CV_GRAY2BGR); cv::Mat roi=TheInputImageCopy(cv::Rect(0,0,TheInputImageCopy.cols/3,TheInputImageCopy.rows/3)); small3C.copyTo(roi); VWriter<<TheInputImageCopy; // cv::imshow("TheInputImageCopy",TheInputImageCopy); } key=cv::waitKey(waitTime);//wait for key to be pressed processKey(key); } } catch (std::exception &ex) { cout<<"Exception :"<<ex.what()<<endl; } }
float BoardDetector::detect ( const vector<Marker> &detectedMarkers,const BoardConfiguration &BConf, Board &Bdetected, Mat camMatrix,Mat distCoeff,float markerSizeMeters ) throw ( cv::Exception ) { if (BConf.size()==0) throw cv::Exception(8881,"BoardDetector::detect","Invalid BoardConfig that is empty",__FILE__,__LINE__); if (BConf[0].size()<2) throw cv::Exception(8881,"BoardDetector::detect","Invalid BoardConfig that is empty 2",__FILE__,__LINE__); //compute the size of the markers in meters, which is used for some routines(mostly drawing) float ssize; if ( BConf.mInfoType==BoardConfiguration::PIX && markerSizeMeters>0 ) ssize=markerSizeMeters; else if ( BConf.mInfoType==BoardConfiguration::METERS ) { ssize=cv::norm ( BConf[0][0]-BConf[0][1] ); } // cout<<"markerSizeMeters="<<markerSizeMeters<<endl; Bdetected.clear(); ///find among detected markers these that belong to the board configuration for ( unsigned int i=0;i<detectedMarkers.size();i++ ) { int idx=BConf.getIndexOfMarkerId(detectedMarkers[i].id); if (idx!=-1) { Bdetected.push_back ( detectedMarkers[i] ); Bdetected.back().ssize=ssize; } } //copy configuration Bdetected.conf=BConf; // bool hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation=false; if ( Bdetected.size() >=1 ) { if ( camMatrix.rows!=0 ) { if ( markerSizeMeters>0 && BConf.mInfoType==BoardConfiguration::PIX ) hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation=true; else if ( BConf.mInfoType==BoardConfiguration::METERS ) hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation=true; } } //calculate extrinsic if there is information for that if ( hasEnoughInfoForRTvecCalculation ) { //calculate the size of the markers in meters if expressed in pixels double marker_meter_per_pix=0; if ( BConf.mInfoType==BoardConfiguration::PIX ) marker_meter_per_pix=markerSizeMeters / cv::norm ( BConf[0][0]-BConf[0][1] ); else marker_meter_per_pix=1;//to avoind interferring the process below // now, create the matrices for finding the extrinsics Mat objPoints ( 4*Bdetected.size(),3,CV_32FC1 ); Mat imagePoints ( 4*Bdetected.size(),2,CV_32FC1 ); //size in meters of inter-marker distance for ( size_t i=0;i<Bdetected.size();i++ ) { int idx=Bdetected.conf.getIndexOfMarkerId(Bdetected[i].id); assert(idx!=-1); for ( int p=0;p<4;p++ ) {<float> ( ( i*4 ) +p,0 ) =Bdetected[i][p].x;<float> ( ( i*4 ) +p,1 ) =Bdetected[i][p].y; const aruco::MarkerInfo &Minfo=Bdetected.conf.getMarkerInfo( Bdetected[i].id);<float> ( ( i*4 ) +p,0 ) = Minfo[p].x*marker_meter_per_pix;<float> ( ( i*4 ) +p,1 ) = Minfo[p].y*marker_meter_per_pix;<float> ( ( i*4 ) +p,2 ) = Minfo[p].z*marker_meter_per_pix; // cout<<<float>( (i*4)+p,0)<<" "<<<float>( (i*4)+p,1)<<" "<<<float>( (i*4)+p,2)<<endl; } } if ( distCoeff=cv::Mat::zeros(1,4,CV_32FC1 ); cv::Mat rvec,tvec; cv::solvePnP(objPoints,imagePoints,camMatrix,distCoeff,rvec,tvec ); rvec.convertTo(Bdetected.Rvec,CV_32FC1); tvec.convertTo(Bdetected.Tvec,CV_32FC1); //now, rotate 90 deg in X so that Y axis points up if (_setYPerperdicular) rotateXAxis ( Bdetected.Rvec ); // cout<<<float>(0,0)<<" "<<<float>(1,0)<<" "<<<float>(2,0)<<endl; // cout<<<float>(0,0)<<" "<<<float>(1,0)<<" "<<<float>(2,0)<<endl; } float prob=float( Bdetected.size() ) /double ( Bdetected.conf.size() ); return prob; }