Пример #1
// function to add book
void Inventory::addBook() {
		Book temp = getBook();
		for (vector<Book>::iterator it = books.begin(); it != books.end(); it++){
			//Allow for duplicate titles but not ISBN's
			if (it->getISBN() == temp.getISBN()) {
				cout << "\nBook already in library\n\n";
		cout << "\nAdded book:\n\n" << temp << endl << endl;
	catch (exception &e){
		cout << endl << e.what() << endl << endl;
Пример #2
//The following function uses a non-recursive method to traverse the tree, adding books into a stack array.
//As it comes back, it pops books from the stack and checks if they are the book to be sold. If they are, the quantity
//parameter is subtracted by 1. If there is only one left, the function removes the book from the binary search tree
//by rearranging it appropriately. 
void Library::SellBookbyISBN(Book *tmp, string aISBN) {
    //If there are no Books
    if (root == NULL) {
        cout << "There are no books in the library." << endl;
    //If there is only one Book
    else if (tmp->getLeft() == 0 && tmp->getRight() == 0) {
        cout << "Only one book in the library." << endl;
        cout << "$" << tmp->getPrice() << " " << tmp->getTitle() << " by " << tmp->getAuthor() << endl;
    else {
        Book *stack[200];
        int L = 0;
        Book *current = tmp;
        bool done = false;
        while (done == false) {
            if (current != NULL) {
                stack[L] = current;
                current = current->getLeft(current);
            else {
                if (L != 0 && current == NULL) {
                    current = stack[L];
                    if (current->getISBN() == aISBN) {
                        if (current->getQuantity() == 1) {
                            Book* parent = stack[L-1];
                            cout << "Oh, looks like you are selling the last one. Removing from tree." << endl;
                            if (current->getLeft() == NULL && current->getRight() == NULL) {
                                if (current->getPrice() > parent->getPrice()) {
                                else {
                            else if (current->getLeft() != NULL && current->getRight() == NULL) {
                                if (current->getPrice() > parent->getPrice()) {
                                else {
                            else if (current->getLeft() == NULL && current->getRight() != NULL) {
                                if (current->getPrice() > parent->getPrice()) {
                                else {
                            else if (current->getLeft() != NULL && current->getRight() != NULL) {
                                Book* prev = predecessor(current->getPrice(), current);
                                if (prev == NULL) {
                                    prev = successor(current->getPrice(), current);
                                if (prev->getPrice() > prev->getParent()->getPrice()) {
                                else if (prev->getPrice() <= prev->getParent()->getPrice()) {
                                delete prev;
                        else {
                        int new_quant = current->getQuantity()-1;
                        cout << "$" << current->getPrice() << " " << current->getTitle() << " by " << current->getAuthor() << endl;
                        cout << "New quantity: " << current->getQuantity() << endl;
                    current = current->getRight(current);
                else {
                    done = true;
Пример #3
int main()

  Book bookshelf;
  Member listofmembers;
  string file1;
  string file2;
  int numberofbooks;
  int numberofmembers;
  bool program = false;
  int choice1 = 0;
  int choice2=0;
  bool files=false;

  ///////////// Reading in Files//////////////
  while(files == false)
	  cout << "Please enter books.txt"<< endl;
	  cin >> file1; 
	  cout <<"Please enter ratings.txt"<< endl;
	  cin >> file2;
	  numberofbooks = readBookfile(file1, bookshelf);
	  numberofmembers=readRatingfile(file2, numberofbooks, listofmembers);
	  if(numberofbooks == 0 or numberofmembers == 0)
		{cout << "Unable to read files. Please enter usuable files."<< endl;
		files =true;

  ///////////////Running Program/////////////
  program = true;
  bool login= false;
  while(program == true){
	cout << endl<<"Welcome to the Book Recommender!"<<endl; //Welcome screen
	cout << "Select an opion below:"<<endl;
	cout <<"1) Login:"******"2) Add new member:"<<endl<<"3) Add new book:"<< endl << "4) Quit"<<endl;
	cin >> choice1;
	while (choice1>4){
	  cout << "Please select a choice from above. Idoit." <<endl;
	  cin >> choice1;}

	while(choice1 == 1){//login
	  string name;
	  int ID;
	  Rating rateobject;
	  cout<< "Please enter user ID"<< endl;
	  cin >>ID;

	  while (ID> numberofmembers){
		cout<<"That user doesn't exsist! Please enter a valid user ID."<<endl;
		cin >>ID;
	  login =true;
	  name= listofmembers.getName(ID);
	  cout << endl<<"Welcome " <<name<< "!"<< endl;
	  cout<< "Select an opion below." << endl;
	  cout<< "1) Rate book"<<endl<<"2) View your ratings"<<endl<<"3) Recommend Books"<<endl<<"4) Logout"<<endl;

	  while(choice2 >4){
		cout << "Please select a choice from above like how hard is it come on?"<<endl;
		cin >> choice2;}
	  /////////logged in functions
	  while(choice2 == 1){//rate book
		string YorN= "y";
		int bookchoice=0;
		int bookrate=0;
		while(YorN == "y")
			cout << "Here are the books avalible to rate:" <<endl;
			for(int i=0; i < numberofbooks; i++){
			  cout<< bookshelf.getISBN(i)<<") "<< bookshelf.getTitle(i)<<endl;
		cout<< "Enter the number of the book to rate: "<< endl;
		cin >> bookchoice;
		cout << "What would you give this book? (-5, -3, 0, 1, 3, 5)"<<endl;
		cin >>bookrate;
		listofmembers.getMemberRating(ID).setrating(bookchoice, bookrate);
		cout<< "Would you like to rate another book?(y/n)"<<endl;
		if (YorN != "n"){
		  cout << "Please enter y or n. " << endl;
		  cin >> YorN;