Пример #1
int import_from_file(FakeCore& simple_core, const std::string& import_file_path, uint64_t block_stop=0)
#if !defined(BLOCKCHAIN_DB)
  static_assert(std::is_same<fake_core_memory, FakeCore>::value || std::is_same<fake_core_lmdb, FakeCore>::value,
      "FakeCore constraint error");
  if (std::is_same<fake_core_lmdb, FakeCore>::value)
    // Reset stats, in case we're using newly created db, accumulating stats
    // from addition of genesis block.
    // This aligns internal db counts with importer counts.
  boost::filesystem::path fs_import_file_path(import_file_path);
  boost::system::error_code ec;
  if (!boost::filesystem::exists(fs_import_file_path, ec))
    LOG_PRINT_L0("bootstrap file not found: " << fs_import_file_path);
    return false;

  BootstrapFile bootstrap;
  // BootstrapFile bootstrap(import_file_path);
  uint64_t total_source_blocks = bootstrap.count_blocks(import_file_path);
  LOG_PRINT_L0("bootstrap file last block number: " << total_source_blocks-1 << " (zero-based height)  total blocks: " << total_source_blocks);

  std::cout << ENDL;
  std::cout << "Preparing to read blocks..." << ENDL;
  std::cout << ENDL;

  std::ifstream import_file;
  import_file.open(import_file_path, std::ios_base::binary | std::ifstream::in);

  uint64_t h = 0;
  uint64_t num_imported = 0;
  if (import_file.fail())
    LOG_PRINT_L0("import_file.open() fail");
    return false;

  // 4 byte magic + (currently) 1024 byte header structures

  std::string str1;
  char buffer1[1024];
  char buffer_block[BUFFER_SIZE];
  block b;
  transaction tx;
  int quit = 0;
  uint64_t bytes_read = 0;

  uint64_t start_height = 1;
  if (opt_resume)
    start_height = simple_core.m_storage.get_current_blockchain_height();

  // Note that a new blockchain will start with block number 0 (total blocks: 1)
  // due to genesis block being added at initialization.

  if (! block_stop)
    block_stop = total_source_blocks - 1;

  // These are what we'll try to use, and they don't have to be a determination
  // from source and destination blockchains, but those are the defaults.
  LOG_PRINT_L0("start block: " << start_height << "  stop block: " <<

  bool use_batch = false;
  if (opt_batch)
    if (simple_core.support_batch)
      use_batch = true;
      LOG_PRINT_L0("WARNING: batch transactions enabled but unsupported or unnecessary for this database engine - ignoring");

  if (use_batch)

  LOG_PRINT_L0("Reading blockchain from bootstrap file...");
  std::cout << ENDL;

  // Within the loop, we skip to start_height before we start adding.
  // TODO: Not a bottleneck, but we can use what's done in count_blocks() and
  // only do the chunk size reads, skipping the chunk content reads until we're
  // at start_height.
  while (! quit)
    uint32_t chunk_size;
    import_file.read(buffer1, sizeof(chunk_size));
    // TODO: bootstrap.read_chunk();
    if (! import_file) {
      std::cout << refresh_string;
      LOG_PRINT_L0("End of file reached");
      quit = 1;
    bytes_read += sizeof(chunk_size);

    str1.assign(buffer1, sizeof(chunk_size));
    if (! ::serialization::parse_binary(str1, chunk_size))
      throw std::runtime_error("Error in deserialization of chunk size");
    LOG_PRINT_L3("chunk_size: " << chunk_size);

    if (chunk_size > BUFFER_SIZE)
      LOG_PRINT_L0("WARNING: chunk_size " << chunk_size << " > BUFFER_SIZE " << BUFFER_SIZE);
      throw std::runtime_error("Aborting: chunk size exceeds buffer size");
    if (chunk_size > 100000)
      LOG_PRINT_L0("NOTE: chunk_size " << chunk_size << " > 100000");
    else if (chunk_size == 0) {
      LOG_PRINT_L0("ERROR: chunk_size == 0");
      return 2;
    import_file.read(buffer_block, chunk_size);
    if (! import_file) {
      LOG_PRINT_L0("ERROR: unexpected end of file: bytes read before error: "
          << import_file.gcount() << " of chunk_size " << chunk_size);
      return 2;
    bytes_read += chunk_size;
    LOG_PRINT_L3("Total bytes read: " << bytes_read);

    if (h + NUM_BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK < start_height + 1)
    if (h > block_stop)
      std::cout << refresh_string << "block " << h-1
        << " / " << block_stop
        << std::flush;
      std::cout << ENDL << ENDL;
      LOG_PRINT_L0("Specified block number reached - stopping.  block: " << h-1 << "  total blocks: " << h);
      quit = 1;

      str1.assign(buffer_block, chunk_size);
      bootstrap::block_package bp;
      if (! ::serialization::parse_binary(str1, bp))
        throw std::runtime_error("Error in deserialization of chunk");

      int display_interval = 1000;
      int progress_interval = 10;
      // NOTE: use of NUM_BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK is a placeholder in case multi-block chunks are later supported.
      for (int chunk_ind = 0; chunk_ind < NUM_BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK; ++chunk_ind)
        if ((h-1) % display_interval == 0)
          std::cout << refresh_string;
          LOG_PRINT_L0("loading block number " << h-1);
          LOG_PRINT_L3("loading block number " << h-1);
        b = bp.block;
        LOG_PRINT_L2("block prev_id: " << b.prev_id << ENDL);

        if ((h-1) % progress_interval == 0)
          std::cout << refresh_string << "block " << h-1
            << " / " << block_stop
            << std::flush;

        std::vector<transaction> txs;
        std::vector<transaction> archived_txs;

        archived_txs = bp.txs;

        // std::cout << refresh_string;
        // LOG_PRINT_L1("txs: " << archived_txs.size());

        // if archived_txs is invalid
        // {
        //   std::cout << refresh_string;
        //   LOG_PRINT_RED_L0("exception while de-archiving txs, height=" << h);
        //   quit = 1;
        //   break;
        // }

        // tx number 1: coinbase tx
        // tx number 2 onwards: archived_txs
        unsigned int tx_num = 1;
        for (const transaction& tx : archived_txs)
          // if tx is invalid
          // {
          //   LOG_PRINT_RED_L0("exception while indexing tx from txs, height=" << h <<", tx_num=" << tx_num);
          //   quit = 1;
          //   break;
          // }

          // std::cout << refresh_string;
          // LOG_PRINT_L1("tx hash: " << get_transaction_hash(tx));

          // crypto::hash hsh = null_hash;
          // size_t blob_size = 0;
          // NOTE: all tx hashes except for coinbase tx are available in the block data
          // get_transaction_hash(tx, hsh, blob_size);
          // LOG_PRINT_L0("tx " << tx_num << "  " << hsh << " : " << ENDL);
          // LOG_PRINT_L0(obj_to_json_str(tx) << ENDL);

          // add blocks with verification.
          // for Blockchain and blockchain_storage add_new_block().
          if (opt_verify)
            // crypto::hash hsh = null_hash;
            // size_t blob_size = 0;
            // get_transaction_hash(tx, hsh, blob_size);

            // we'd need to get the starting heights from the daemon
            // to be correct once voting kicks in
            uint64_t v2height = opt_testnet ? 624634 : 1009827;

            uint8_t version = h < v2height ? 1 : 2;
            tx_verification_context tvc = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tvc);
            bool r = true;
            r = simple_core.m_pool.add_tx(tx, tvc, true, true, version);
            if (!r)
              LOG_PRINT_RED_L0("failed to add transaction to transaction pool, height=" << h <<", tx_num=" << tx_num);
              quit = 1;
            // for add_block() method, without (much) processing.
            // don't add coinbase transaction to txs.
            // because add_block() calls
            // add_transaction(blk_hash, blk.miner_tx) first, and
            // then a for loop for the transactions in txs.

        if (opt_verify)
          block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized<block_verification_context>();
          simple_core.m_storage.add_new_block(b, bvc);

          if (bvc.m_verifivation_failed)
            LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block to blockchain, verification failed, height = " << h);
            LOG_PRINT_L0("skipping rest of file");
            // ok to commit previously batched data because it failed only in
            // verification of potential new block with nothing added to batch
            // yet
            quit = 1;
          if (! bvc.m_added_to_main_chain)
            LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block to blockchain, height = " << h);
            LOG_PRINT_L0("skipping rest of file");
            // make sure we don't commit partial block data
            quit = 2;
          size_t block_size;
          difficulty_type cumulative_difficulty;
          uint64_t coins_generated;

          block_size = bp.block_size;
          cumulative_difficulty = bp.cumulative_difficulty;
          coins_generated = bp.coins_generated;

          // std::cout << refresh_string;
          // LOG_PRINT_L2("block_size: " << block_size);
          // LOG_PRINT_L2("cumulative_difficulty: " << cumulative_difficulty);
          // LOG_PRINT_L2("coins_generated: " << coins_generated);

            simple_core.add_block(b, block_size, cumulative_difficulty, coins_generated, txs);
          catch (const std::exception& e)
            std::cout << refresh_string;
            LOG_PRINT_RED_L0("Error adding block to blockchain: " << e.what());
            quit = 2; // make sure we don't commit partial block data

        if (use_batch)
          if ((h-1) % db_batch_size == 0)
            std::cout << refresh_string;
            // zero-based height
            std::cout << ENDL << "[- batch commit at height " << h-1 << " -]" << ENDL;
            std::cout << ENDL;
    catch (const std::exception& e)
      std::cout << refresh_string;
      LOG_PRINT_RED_L0("exception while reading from file, height=" << h);
      return 2;
  } // while


  if (use_batch)
    if (quit > 1)
      // There was an error, so don't commit pending data.
      // Destructor will abort write txn.
    LOG_PRINT_L0("Number of blocks imported: " << num_imported);
    if (h > 0)
      // TODO: if there was an error, the last added block is probably at zero-based height h-2
      LOG_PRINT_L0("Finished at block: " << h-1 << "  total blocks: " << h);
  std::cout << ENDL;
  return 0;
int import_from_file(cryptonote::core& core, const std::string& import_file_path, uint64_t block_stop=0)
  // Reset stats, in case we're using newly created db, accumulating stats
  // from addition of genesis block.
  // This aligns internal db counts with importer counts.

  boost::filesystem::path fs_import_file_path(import_file_path);
  boost::system::error_code ec;
  if (!boost::filesystem::exists(fs_import_file_path, ec))
    MFATAL("bootstrap file not found: " << fs_import_file_path);
    return false;

  uint64_t start_height = 1, seek_height;
  if (opt_resume)
    start_height = core.get_blockchain_storage().get_current_blockchain_height();

  seek_height = start_height;
  BootstrapFile bootstrap;
  std::streampos pos;
  // BootstrapFile bootstrap(import_file_path);
  uint64_t total_source_blocks = bootstrap.count_blocks(import_file_path, pos, seek_height);
  MINFO("bootstrap file last block number: " << total_source_blocks-1 << " (zero-based height)  total blocks: " << total_source_blocks);

  if (total_source_blocks-1 <= start_height)
    return false;

  std::cout << ENDL;
  std::cout << "Preparing to read blocks..." << ENDL;
  std::cout << ENDL;

  std::ifstream import_file;
  import_file.open(import_file_path, std::ios_base::binary | std::ifstream::in);

  uint64_t h = 0;
  uint64_t num_imported = 0;
  if (import_file.fail())
    MFATAL("import_file.open() fail");
    return false;

  // 4 byte magic + (currently) 1024 byte header structures
  uint8_t major_version, minor_version;
  bootstrap.seek_to_first_chunk(import_file, major_version, minor_version);

  std::string str1;
  char buffer1[1024];
  char buffer_block[BUFFER_SIZE];
  block b;
  transaction tx;
  int quit = 0;
  uint64_t bytes_read;

  // Note that a new blockchain will start with block number 0 (total blocks: 1)
  // due to genesis block being added at initialization.

  if (! block_stop)
    block_stop = total_source_blocks - 1;

  // These are what we'll try to use, and they don't have to be a determination
  // from source and destination blockchains, but those are the defaults.
  MINFO("start block: " << start_height << "  stop block: " <<

  bool use_batch = opt_batch && !opt_verify;

  MINFO("Reading blockchain from bootstrap file...");
  std::cout << ENDL;

  std::vector<block_complete_entry> blocks;

  // Skip to start_height before we start adding.
    bool q2 = false;
    bytes_read = bootstrap.count_bytes(import_file, start_height-seek_height, h, q2);
    if (q2)
      quit = 2;
      goto quitting;
    h = start_height;

  if (use_batch)
    uint64_t bytes, h2;
    bool q2;
    pos = import_file.tellg();
    bytes = bootstrap.count_bytes(import_file, db_batch_size, h2, q2);
    if (import_file.eof())
    core.get_blockchain_storage().get_db().batch_start(db_batch_size, bytes);
  while (! quit)
    uint32_t chunk_size;
    import_file.read(buffer1, sizeof(chunk_size));
    // TODO: bootstrap.read_chunk();
    if (! import_file) {
      std::cout << refresh_string;
      MINFO("End of file reached");
      quit = 1;
    bytes_read += sizeof(chunk_size);

    str1.assign(buffer1, sizeof(chunk_size));
    if (! ::serialization::parse_binary(str1, chunk_size))
      throw std::runtime_error("Error in deserialization of chunk size");
    MDEBUG("chunk_size: " << chunk_size);

    if (chunk_size > BUFFER_SIZE)
      MWARNING("WARNING: chunk_size " << chunk_size << " > BUFFER_SIZE " << BUFFER_SIZE);
      throw std::runtime_error("Aborting: chunk size exceeds buffer size");
    if (chunk_size > CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_THRESHOLD)
      MINFO("NOTE: chunk_size " << chunk_size << " > " << CHUNK_SIZE_WARNING_THRESHOLD);
    else if (chunk_size == 0) {
      MFATAL("ERROR: chunk_size == 0");
      return 2;
    import_file.read(buffer_block, chunk_size);
    if (! import_file) {
      if (import_file.eof())
        std::cout << refresh_string;
        MINFO("End of file reached - file was truncated");
        quit = 1;
        MFATAL("ERROR: unexpected end of file: bytes read before error: "
            << import_file.gcount() << " of chunk_size " << chunk_size);
        return 2;
    bytes_read += chunk_size;
    MDEBUG("Total bytes read: " << bytes_read);

    if (h > block_stop)
      std::cout << refresh_string << "block " << h-1
        << " / " << block_stop
        << "\r" << std::flush;
      std::cout << ENDL << ENDL;
      MINFO("Specified block number reached - stopping.  block: " << h-1 << "  total blocks: " << h);
      quit = 1;

      str1.assign(buffer_block, chunk_size);
      bootstrap::block_package bp;
      bool res;
      if (major_version == 0)
        bootstrap::block_package_1 bp1;
        res = ::serialization::parse_binary(str1, bp1);
        if (res)
          bp.block = std::move(bp1.block);
          bp.txs = std::move(bp1.txs);
          bp.block_weight = bp1.block_weight;
          bp.cumulative_difficulty = bp1.cumulative_difficulty;
          bp.coins_generated = bp1.coins_generated;
        res = ::serialization::parse_binary(str1, bp);
      if (!res)
        throw std::runtime_error("Error in deserialization of chunk");

      int display_interval = 1000;
      int progress_interval = 10;
      // NOTE: use of NUM_BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK is a placeholder in case multi-block chunks are later supported.
      for (int chunk_ind = 0; chunk_ind < NUM_BLOCKS_PER_CHUNK; ++chunk_ind)
        if ((h-1) % display_interval == 0)
          std::cout << refresh_string;
          MDEBUG("loading block number " << h-1);
          MDEBUG("loading block number " << h-1);
        b = bp.block;
        MDEBUG("block prev_id: " << b.prev_id << ENDL);

        if ((h-1) % progress_interval == 0)
          std::cout << refresh_string << "block " << h-1
            << " / " << block_stop
            << "\r" << std::flush;

        if (opt_verify)
          cryptonote::blobdata block;
          cryptonote::block_to_blob(bp.block, block);
          std::vector<cryptonote::blobdata> txs;
          for (const auto &tx: bp.txs)
            cryptonote::tx_to_blob(tx, txs.back());
          blocks.push_back({block, txs});
          int ret = check_flush(core, blocks, false);
          if (ret)
            quit = 2; // make sure we don't commit partial block data
          std::vector<std::pair<transaction, blobdata>> txs;
          std::vector<transaction> archived_txs;

          archived_txs = bp.txs;

          // tx number 1: coinbase tx
          // tx number 2 onwards: archived_txs
          for (const transaction &tx : archived_txs)
            // add blocks with verification.
            // for Blockchain and blockchain_storage add_new_block().
            // for add_block() method, without (much) processing.
            // don't add coinbase transaction to txs.
            // because add_block() calls
            // add_transaction(blk_hash, blk.miner_tx) first, and
            // then a for loop for the transactions in txs.
            txs.push_back(std::make_pair(tx, tx_to_blob(tx)));

          size_t block_weight;
          difficulty_type cumulative_difficulty;
          uint64_t coins_generated;

          block_weight = bp.block_weight;
          cumulative_difficulty = bp.cumulative_difficulty;
          coins_generated = bp.coins_generated;

            uint64_t long_term_block_weight = core.get_blockchain_storage().get_next_long_term_block_weight(block_weight);
            core.get_blockchain_storage().get_db().add_block(std::make_pair(b, block_to_blob(b)), block_weight, long_term_block_weight, cumulative_difficulty, coins_generated, txs);
          catch (const std::exception& e)
            std::cout << refresh_string;
            MFATAL("Error adding block to blockchain: " << e.what());
            quit = 2; // make sure we don't commit partial block data

          if (use_batch)
            if ((h-1) % db_batch_size == 0)
              uint64_t bytes, h2;
              bool q2;
              std::cout << refresh_string;
              // zero-based height
              std::cout << ENDL << "[- batch commit at height " << h-1 << " -]" << ENDL;
              pos = import_file.tellg();
              bytes = bootstrap.count_bytes(import_file, db_batch_size, h2, q2);
              core.get_blockchain_storage().get_db().batch_start(db_batch_size, bytes);
              std::cout << ENDL;
    catch (const std::exception& e)
      std::cout << refresh_string;
      MFATAL("exception while reading from file, height=" << h << ": " << e.what());
      return 2;
  } // while


  if (opt_verify)
    int ret = check_flush(core, blocks, true);
    if (ret)
      return ret;

  if (use_batch)
    if (quit > 1)
      // There was an error, so don't commit pending data.
      // Destructor will abort write txn.

  MINFO("Number of blocks imported: " << num_imported);
  if (h > 0)
    // TODO: if there was an error, the last added block is probably at zero-based height h-2
    MINFO("Finished at block: " << h-1 << "  total blocks: " << h);

  std::cout << ENDL;
  return 0;