bool Action::fromBottle(const Bottle &b) { if (!this->Entity::fromBottle(b)) return false; if (!b.check("description")||!b.check("subactions")) return false; Bottle* bDesc = b.find("description").asList(); initialDescription.fromBottle(*bDesc); this->subActions.clear(); Bottle* bSub = b.find("subactions").asList(); for(int i=0; i<bSub->size(); i++) { Action a; a.fromBottle(*bSub->get(i).asList()); this->subActions.push_back(a); } this->estimatedDriveEffects.clear(); bSub = b.find("estimatedDriveEffects").asList(); for(int i=0; i<bSub->size(); i++) { string driveName = bSub->get(i).asList()->get(0).asString().c_str(); double driveEffect = bSub->get(i).asList()->get(1).asDouble(); this->estimatedDriveEffects[driveName] = driveEffect; } return true; }
bool MapGrid2D::loadROSParams(string ros_yaml_filename, string& pgm_occ_filename, double& resolution, double& orig_x, double& orig_y, double& orig_t ) { std::string file_string; std::ifstream file;; if (!file.is_open()) { yError() << "failed to open file" << ros_yaml_filename; return false; } string line; while (getline(file, line)) { if (line.find("origin") != std::string::npos) { std::replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ',', ' '); std::replace(line.begin(), line.end(), '[', '('); std::replace(line.begin(), line.end(), ']', ')'); /* auto it = line.find('['); if (it != string::npos) line.replace(it, 1, "("); it = line.find(']'); if(it != string::npos) line.replace(it, 1, ")");*/ } file_string += (line + '\n'); } file.close(); bool ret = true; Bottle bbb; bbb.fromString(file_string); string debug_s = bbb.toString(); if (bbb.check("image:") == false) { yError() << "missing image"; ret = false; } pgm_occ_filename = bbb.find("image:").asString(); //ppm_flg_filename = (pgm_occ_filename.substr(0, pgm_occ_filename.size()-4))+"_yarpflags"+".ppm"; if (bbb.check("resolution:") == false) { yError() << "missing resolution"; ret = false; } resolution = bbb.find("resolution:").asDouble(); if (bbb.check("origin:") == false) { yError() << "missing origin"; ret = false; } Bottle* b = bbb.find("origin:").asList(); if (b) { orig_x = b->get(0).asDouble(); orig_y = b->get(1).asDouble(); orig_t = b->get(2).asDouble(); } if (bbb.check("occupied_thresh:")) {m_occupied_thresh = bbb.find("occupied_thresh:").asDouble();} if (bbb.check("free_thresh:")) {m_free_thresh = bbb.find("free_thresh:").asDouble();} return ret; }
void testFindPlugins() { report(0,"test get 'home' dirs for writing"); setUpTestArea(false); YarpPluginSelector selector; selector.scan(); Bottle lst = selector.getSelectedPlugins(); checkTrue(lst.check("fakedev1"),"first device present"); checkTrue(lst.check("fakedev2"),"second device present"); checkFalse(lst.check("fakedev3"),"non-existent device absent"); breakDownTestArea(); }
void ReactiveLayer::configureSalutation(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { ; //Initialise the gestures response Bottle grpSocial = rf.findGroup("SOCIAL"); salutationLifetime = grpSocial.check("salutationLifetime", Value(15.0)).asDouble(); Bottle *socialStimulus = grpSocial.find("stimuli").asList(); if (socialStimulus) { for (int d = 0; d<socialStimulus->size(); d++) { string socialStimulusName = socialStimulus->get(d).asString().c_str(); StimulusEmotionalResponse response; Bottle * bSentences = grpSocial.find((socialStimulusName + "-sentence").c_str()).asList(); for (int s = 0; s<bSentences->size(); s++) { response.m_sentences.push_back(bSentences->get(s).asString().c_str()); } std::string sGroupTemp = socialStimulusName; sGroupTemp += "-effect"; Bottle *bEffects = grpSocial.find(sGroupTemp.c_str()).asList(); for (int i = 0; bEffects && i<bEffects->size(); i += 2) { response.m_emotionalEffect[bEffects->get(i).asString().c_str()] = bEffects->get(i + 1).asDouble(); } salutationEffects[socialStimulusName] = response; } } //Add the relevant Entities for handling salutation iCub->opc->addOrRetrieveAction("is"); iCub->opc->addOrRetrieveAdjective("saluted"); }
bool RosNameSpace::connectTopic(Bottle& cmd, bool srcIsTopic, const Contact& src, const Contact& dest, ContactStyle style, bool activeRegistration) { Bottle reply; Contact dynamicSrc = src; Contact dynamicDest = dest; if (style.carrier!="") { if (srcIsTopic) { dynamicDest.setCarrier(style.carrier); } else { dynamicSrc.setCarrier(style.carrier); } } Contact base = getNameServerContact(); bool ok = NetworkBase::write(base, cmd, reply); bool fail = (reply.check("faultCode", Value(0)).asInt()!=0)||!ok; if (fail) { if (!style.quiet) { fprintf(stderr, "Failure: name server did not accept connection to topic.\n"); if (reply.check("faultString")) { fprintf(stderr, "Cause: %s\n", reply.check("faultString", Value("")).asString().c_str()); } } } if (!fail) { if (activeRegistration) { Bottle *lst = reply.get(2).asList(); Bottle cmd2; if (lst!=nullptr) { cmd2.addString("publisherUpdate"); cmd2.addString("/yarp"); cmd2.addString(dynamicSrc.getName()); cmd2.addList() = *lst; NetworkBase::write(dynamicDest, cmd2, reply, true); } } } return !fail; }
bool Agent::fromBottle(Bottle b) { if (!this->Object::fromBottle(b)) return false; if (!b.check("belief")||!b.check("emotions")) return false; m_belief.clear(); Bottle* beliefs = b.find("belief").asList(); for(int i=0; i<beliefs->size() ; i++) { Bottle* bRelation = beliefs->get(i).asList(); Relation r(*bRelation); m_belief.push_back(r); } m_emotions_intrinsic.clear(); Bottle* emotions = b.find("emotions").asList(); for(int i=0; i<emotions->size() ; i++) { Bottle* bEmo = emotions->get(i).asList(); string emotionName = bEmo->get(0).asString().c_str(); double emotionValue = bEmo->get(1).asDouble(); m_emotions_intrinsic[emotionName.c_str()] = emotionValue; } m_drives.clear(); Bottle* drivesProperty = b.find("drives").asList(); string drivesDebug = drivesProperty->toString().c_str(); for(int i=0; i<drivesProperty->size() ; i++) { Bottle* bD = drivesProperty->get(i).asList(); string drivesDebug1 = bD->toString().c_str(); Drive currentDrive; currentDrive.fromBottle(*bD); m_drives[] = currentDrive; } Bottle* bodyProperty = b.find("body").asList(); m_body.fromBottle(*bodyProperty); return true; }
/** Add an interaction in the adjKnowledge bInput format: (action sAction_name) (timing timing) (coordinate X Y dX dY) */ void adjKnowledge::addInteraction(Bottle bInput) { string sAction = bInput.check("action", Value("none")).asString(); vdGnlTiming.push_back(bInput.check("timing", Value(0.)).asDouble()); Bottle bTemp = *bInput.get(2).asList(); pair<double, double> pXY(bTemp.get(1).asDouble(), bTemp.get(2).asDouble()); pair<double, double> pDXY(bTemp.get(3).asDouble(), bTemp.get(4).asDouble()); // mActionTiming[sAction].first.push_back(bInput.check("timing", Value(0.)).asDouble()); vdGnlXY.push_back(pXY); vdGnlDelta.push_back(pDXY); mActionAbsolut[sAction].push_back(pXY); mActionDelta[sAction].push_back(pDXY); }
bool Adjective::fromBottle(Bottle b) { if (!this->Entity::fromBottle(b)) return false; if (!b.check("qualityType")) return false; m_quality = b.find("qualityType").asString().c_str(); return true; }
bool getProjectionMatrix(Bottle b, Matrix &P) { double fx,fy,cx,cy; if(b.check("fx")) fx = b.find("fx").asDouble(); else return 0; if(b.check("fy")) fy = b.find("fy").asDouble(); else return 0; // we suppose that the center distorsion is already compensated if(b.check("w")) cx = b.find("w").asDouble()/2.0; else return 0; if(b.check("h")) cy = b.find("h").asDouble()/2.0; else return 0; double sth= 0.0; double sx = fx; double sy = fy; double ox = cx; double oy = cy; double f = 1.0; Matrix K = eye(3,3); K(0,0)=sx*f; K(1,1)=sy*f; K(0,1)=sth*f; K(0,2)=ox; K(1,2)=oy; Matrix Pi = zeros(3,4); Pi(0,0)=1.0; Pi(1,1)=1.0; Pi(2,2)=1.0; P = K*Pi; //fprintf(stderr, "Working with Projection %s\n", P.toString().c_str()); return 1; }
//--------------------------------------------------------- void readInt(Bottle &rf, string name, int &v, int vdefault) { if(rf.check(name.c_str())) { v = rf.find(name.c_str()).asInt(); } else { v = vdefault; cout<<"Could not find value for "<<name<<". " <<"Setting default "<<vdefault<<endl; } displayNameValue(name,v); }
void cartControlReachAvoidThread::getArmHomeOptions(Bottle &b, Vector &poss, Vector &vels) { if (b.check("poss","Getting arm home poss")) { Bottle &grp=b.findGroup("poss"); int sz=grp.size()-1; int len=sz>7?7:sz; for (int i=0; i<len; i++){ poss[i]=grp.get(1+i).asDouble(); } } if (b.check("vels","Getting arm home vels")) { Bottle &grp=b.findGroup("vels"); int sz=grp.size()-1; int len=sz>7?7:sz; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) vels[i]=grp.get(1+i).asDouble(); } }
void Localizer::setPidOptions(const Bottle &options) { mutex.lock(); pid->setOptions(options); if (options.check("dominantEye")) { string domEye=options.find("dominantEye").asString().c_str(); if ((domEye=="left") || (domEye=="right")) dominantEye=domEye; } mutex.unlock(); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- void readVector(Bottle &rf, string name, Vector &v, int len) { v.resize(len,0.0); if(rf.check(name.c_str())) { Bottle &grp = rf.findGroup(name.c_str()); for (int i=0; i<len; i++) v[i]=grp.get(1+i).asDouble(); } else { cout<<"Could not find parameters for "<<name<<". " <<"Setting everything to zero by default"<<endl; } displayNameVector(name,v); }
//--------------------------------------------------------- void readBool(Bottle &rf, string name, bool &v, bool vdefault) { if(rf.check(name.c_str())) { if((rf.find(name.c_str()).asString()=="true")||(rf.find(name.c_str()).asString()=="on")) v = true; else v = false; } else { v = vdefault; cout<<"Could not find value true/false for "<<name<<". " <<"Setting default "<<((vdefault==true)?"true":"false")<<endl; } displayNameValue(name,((v==true)?"true":"false")); }
void readBridgeHeaderVector(Bottle &rf, string name, field &groups, int size) { groups.clear(); if ( rf.check( name.c_str() ) ) { Bottle &grp = rf.findGroup(name.c_str()); for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++) { groups.push_back({grp.get(1+i).asString().c_str(),""}); } } else { cout << "Could not find parameters for " << name << ". " << "Setting everything to null by default" << endl; } }
bool NetworkProfiler::yarpNameList(ports_name_set &ports, bool complete) { ports.clear(); ContactStyle style; style.quiet = true; style.timeout = 3.0; string nameserver = NetworkBase::getNameServerName(); Bottle msg, reply; msg.addString("bot"); msg.addString("list"); if(!NetworkBase::write(Contact(nameserver), msg, reply, style)) { yError() << "Cannot write to yarp name server"; return false; } if(reply.size() == 0) { yError() << "Empty reply from yarp name server"; return false; } for (int i=1; i<reply.size(); i++) { Bottle *entry = reply.get(i).asList(); if(entry != nullptr) { bool shouldTake = false; ConstString portname = entry->check("name", Value("")).asString(); if(complete) { shouldTake = portname != ""; } else { shouldTake = portname != "" && portname != "fallback" && portname != nameserver; } if (shouldTake) { Contact c = Contact::fromConfig(*entry); if(c.getCarrier() != "mcast") ports.push_back(*entry); } } } return true; }
bool helperPID::getVectorFromOption(const Bottle &options, const char *key, Vector &val, int &size) { if (options.check(key)) { if (Bottle *b=options.find(key).asList()) { int len=(int)val.length(); int bSize=b->size(); size=bSize<len?bSize:len; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) val[i]=b->get(i).asDouble(); return true; } } return false; }
void cartControlReachAvoidThread::getTorsoOptions(Bottle &b, const char *type, const int i, Vector &sw, Matrix &lim) { if (b.check(type)) { Bottle &grp=b.findGroup(type); sw[i]=grp.get(1).asString()=="on"?1.0:0.0; if (grp.check("min","Getting minimum value")) { lim(i,0)=1.0; lim(i,1)=grp.find("min").asDouble(); } if (grp.check("max","Getting maximum value")) { lim(i,2)=1.0; lim(i,3)=grp.find("max").asDouble(); } } }
Relation AdaptiveLayer::getRelationFromSemantic(Bottle b) { string s = "none"; string v = "none"; string o = "none"; string p = "none"; string t = "none"; string m = "none"; if (b.check("groupSubject")) s = getEntityFromWordGroup(b.find("groupSubject").asList()); if (b.check("groupVerbal")) v = getEntityFromWordGroup(b.find("groupVerbal").asList()); if (b.check("groupObject")) o = getEntityFromWordGroup(b.find("groupObject").asList()); if (b.check("groupPlace")) p = getEntityFromWordGroup(b.find("groupPlace").asList()); if (b.check("groupTime")) t = getEntityFromWordGroup(b.find("groupTime").asList()); if (b.check("groupManner")) m = getEntityFromWordGroup(b.find("groupManner").asList()); return Relation(s,v,o,p,t,m); }
Bottle autobiographicalMemory::snapshot(const Bottle &bInput) { /* format of input bottle : snapshot (action name_action type_action) (time t_time) (arguments (arg1) (arg2, role) ... argN) (begin 0/1) (mental) Arguments are from 2 types: - something from the OPC : just argN is enough - something external : argN + role is mandatory */ // run only one snapshot at a time LockGuard lg(mutexSnapshot); //get Instance of the next opc string sRequest_instance; // get the OPC to check en bois bool bMental = bInput.check("mental"); if (bMental) { // change the providers !! } if (isconnected2reasoning) { Bottle b2reasoning; b2reasoning.addString("updateObjectLocation"); b2reasoning.addString(s_real_OPC.c_str()); abm2reasoning.write(b2reasoning); } sRequest_instance = "SELECT instance FROM main ORDER BY instance DESC LIMIT 1;"; Bottle bRequest, bTemp; bRequest.addString("request"); bRequest.addString(sRequest_instance.c_str()); bRequest = request(bRequest); int instance; if (bRequest.toString() != "NULL") { instance = atoi(bRequest.get(0).asList()->get(0).toString().c_str()) + 1; } else { instance = 0; } OPCEARS.setInstance(instance); currentInstance = instance; // Filling table main: Bottle bMain; bMain.addString("request"); ostringstream osMain; osMain << "INSERT INTO main(activityname, activitytype, time, instance, begin, opcname) VALUES ('"; string sName; //for streaming image bool isStreamActivity = false; string fullSentence = "defaultLabel"; string activityType; //Action bool done = false; for (int i = 1; i < bInput.size(); i++) { bTemp = *(bInput.get(i).asList()); if (bTemp.get(0) == "action" && !done) { osMain << bTemp.get(1).asString() << "' , '"; // activityname sName = bTemp.get(1).asString(); imgLabel = bTemp.get(1).asString(); //used to name the single image ostringstream labelImg; labelImg << imgLabel << "_" << instance; fullSentence = labelImg.str(); activityType = bTemp.get(2).asString(); //if activity is an action -> stream if (activityType == "action") { isStreamActivity = true; } osMain << bTemp.get(2).asString() << "' , '"; // activitytype done = true; } } if (!done) { osMain << "unknown' , 'unknown', '"; } // Time string sTime = getCurrentTime(); osMain << sTime << "' , " << instance << " , "; // time + instance //Begin done = false; bool bBegin = false; //yDebug() << "bInput has a size of " << bInput.size() << " and is : " << bInput.toString().c_str(); for (int i = 1; i < bInput.size(); i++) { bTemp = *(bInput.get(i).asList()); if (bTemp.get(0) == "begin" && !done) { if (bTemp.get(1).asInt() == 1) { osMain << "TRUE "; bBegin = true; } else { osMain << "FALSE "; bBegin = false; } done = true; } } if (!done) { osMain << "FALSE"; } if (isStreamActivity == true && !bBegin) { //just stop stream images stores when relevant activity yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] try locking in snapshot end"; mutexChangeover.lock(); yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] locked in snapshot end"; streamStatus = "end"; //is done here (before the OPC snapshot), because the snapshot is slowing everything down } if(bMental) { osMain << " , '" << s_mental_OPC << "' ) ; "; } else { osMain << " , '" << s_real_OPC << "' ) ; "; } bMain.addString(string(osMain.str()).c_str()); request(bMain); OPCClient *opcWorld; //Connection to the OPC (bMental) ? opcWorld = opcWorldMental : opcWorld = opcWorldReal; Bottle bOPCEearsResponse = OPCEARS.snapshot(bInput, opcWorld); if(bOPCEearsResponse.get(0).asString() == "nack") { return bOPCEearsResponse; } ostringstream osName; osName << sName << instance; sName += osName.str(); //I dont understand this Gregoire : you concatenate the name with nameInstance with itself, producing namenameinstance //yDebug() << "OPCEARS: " << sName; Bottle bSnapShot = OPCEARS.insertOPC(sName); if(bSnapShot.get(0).asString() == "nack") { return bSnapShot; } ostringstream osAllArg; Bottle bRecogSemantic; bool bShouldSend = true; // Filling contentArg if (opcWorld->isConnected()) { for (int i = 1; i < bInput.size(); i++) { bTemp = *(bInput.get(i).asList()); if (bTemp.get(0) == "arguments" && bTemp.size() > 1) { for (int j = 1; j < bTemp.size(); j++) { ostringstream osArg; string cArgArgument, cArgType, cArgSubtype, cArgRole; //check if the argument is an entity in OPC Entity* currentEntity = opcWorld->getEntity(bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).toString().c_str()); if (currentEntity == NULL) { cArgArgument = bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).asString(); cArgType = "external"; cArgSubtype = "default"; } else { cArgArgument = currentEntity->name(); cArgType = "entity"; cArgSubtype = currentEntity->entity_type(); } if (bTemp.get(j).asList()->size() > 1) { cArgRole = bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(1).asString(); //add sentence for single img label if (cArgRole == "sentence"){ fullSentence = cArgArgument; } if (cArgRole == "semantic"){ yInfo() << " " << bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).toString(); bRecogSemantic.fromString(bTemp.get(j).asList()->get(0).toString()); yInfo() << " " << bRecogSemantic.toString(); yInfo() << " bRecog size: " << bRecogSemantic.size(); bShouldSend = false; } } else { cArgRole = "unknown"; } std::replace( cArgArgument.begin(), cArgArgument.end(), '\'', ' '); if (bShouldSend){ osArg << "INSERT INTO contentarg(instance, argument, type, subtype, role) VALUES ( " << instance << ", '" << cArgArgument << "', " << "'" << cArgType << "', '" << cArgSubtype << "', '" << cArgRole << "') ; "; } else{ bShouldSend = true; } // one stringstream with all argments osAllArg << osArg.str().c_str(); } } } // add the snapshot of the OPC osAllArg << bSnapShot.get(0).asString(); bRequest.clear(); if(osAllArg.str() != "") { bRequest.addString("request"); bRequest.addString(osAllArg.str().c_str()); request(bRequest); } } if ((!bBegin) && isconnected2reasoning) { Bottle b2reasoning; b2reasoning.addString("addLastActivity"); b2reasoning.addString("action"); abm2reasoning.write(b2reasoning); } if (isStreamActivity == true) { //just launch stream images stores when relevant activity if (bBegin) { while(!mutexStreamRecord.tryLock()) { yDebug() << "[mutexStreamRecord] tryLock"; yarp::os::Time::delay(0.1); } yDebug() << "[mutexStreamRecord] unlock"; mutexStreamRecord.unlock(); yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] try locking in snapshot begin"; mutexChangeover.lock(); yDebug() << "[mutexChangeover] locked in snapshot begin"; streamStatus = "begin"; //streamStatus = "end" is done before the OPC snapshot, because the snapshot is slowing everything down } } else { //just one image (sentence?) while(streamStatus == "send") { // when it's sending, don't record new images! yarp::os::Time::delay(0.1); } if(streamStatus != "record") { // only change instance number if we are not recording already imgInstance = currentInstance; } string synchroTime = getCurrentTime(); frameNb = 0; storeImagesAndData(synchroTime, true, fullSentence); //if activity = say, we have to take one image/data + the sound that is coming from another port and catch in the update method of ABM (store in /tmp/sound/default.wav if (activityType == "recog") { string sndName; //take the full sentence, replace space by _ to have the sound name replace(fullSentence.begin(), fullSentence.end(), ' ', '_'); sndName = fullSentence + ".wav"; //read sound from file and put data in yarp::sig::Sound to store properly with semantic/instance that we are now aware of yarp::sig::Sound s; string defaultSoundFullPath = storingPath + "/" + storingTmpSuffix + "/sound/" + "default.wav"; yDebug() << "opening sound file " << defaultSoundFullPath.c_str(); if (yarp::sig::file::read(s, defaultSoundFullPath.c_str()) == false) { yWarning() << "Cannot open the default sound file: check " << defaultSoundFullPath; } else { yInfo() << "Default sound file loaded from " << defaultSoundFullPath; stringstream sInstance; sInstance << currentInstance; //build the path and the name of the sound according to the instance and sentence said string relativePath = sInstance.str() + "/" + sndName; string fullPath = storingPath + "/" + relativePath; if (yarp::sig::file::write(s, fullPath.c_str()) == false) { yError() << "Cannot save the default sound file to " << fullPath; } else { yInfo() << "Default sound file renamed and moved to " << fullPath; database_mutex.lock(); //add the sound into the large_objects table of ABM unsigned int snd_oid = ABMDataBase->lo_import(fullPath.c_str()); database_mutex.unlock(); Bottle bRequest; ostringstream osArg; //Populate the sounddata table with the infos bRequest.addString("request"); osArg << "INSERT INTO sounddata(instance, relative_path, time, snd_provider_port, snd_oid) VALUES ('" << currentInstance << "', '" << relativePath << "', '" << synchroTime << "', '" << portSoundStreamInput.getName() << "', '" << snd_oid << "');"; bRequest.addString(osArg.str()); request(bRequest); } } osInsertTemp.str(""); recogFromGrammarSemantic(bRecogSemantic, "", 1, currentInstance); requestFromString(osInsertTemp.str()); } } bSnapShot.addInt(instance); return bSnapShot; }
bool embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig(yarp::os::Searchable &_config) { Bottle xtmp; int format=0; // embObj parameters, in ETH group Value val =_config.findGroup("ETH").check("Ems",Value(1), "Board number"); if(val.isInt()) _fId.boardNumber = val.asInt(); else { _as_type=AS_NONE; yError () << "embObjAnalogSensor: EMS Board number identifier not found\n"; return false; } // Analog Sensor stuff Bottle config = _config.findGroup("GENERAL"); if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Period","transmitting period of the sensors", 1)) { yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor Using default value = 0 (disabled)"; _period = 0; _as_type=AS_NONE; } else { _period = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); yDebug() << "embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig() detects embObjAnalogSensor Using value of" << _period; } if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Channels","Number of channels of the sensor", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: Using default value = 0 (disabled)\n"); _channels = 0; _numofsensors = 0; _period = 0; _as_type=AS_NONE; } else { _channels = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } #if 0 if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "NumberOfSensors","Number of sensors managed", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: Using default value = 1 for _numofsensors\n"); _numofsensors = 1; } else { _numofsensors = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } #endif // Type is a new parameter describing the sensor Type using human readable string if(config.check("Type") ) { yDebug() << "Using new syntax"; yarp::os::ConstString type = config.find("Type").asString(); if(type == "inertial") { _as_type=AS_INERTIAL_MTB; } else if(type == "strain") { _as_type=AS_STRAIN; } else if(type == "mais") { _as_type=AS_MAIS; } else { _as_type=AS_NONE; yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor: unknown device " << type << ". Supported devices are 'mais', 'strain' and 'inertial'"; return false; } } else { // Infer the sensor type by combining other parameters yDebug() << "Using old syntax"; if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Format","data format of the Analog Sensor", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: Using default value = 0 (disabled)"); _channels = 0; _period = 0; _as_type=AS_NONE; } else { format = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } if((_channels==NUMCHANNEL_STRAIN) && (format==FORMATDATA_STRAIN)) { _as_type=AS_STRAIN; } else if((_channels==NUMCHANNEL_MAIS) && (format==FORMATDATA_MAIS)) { _as_type=AS_MAIS; } else { _as_type=AS_NONE; yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor incorrect config!channels="<< _channels <<" format="<< format; cleanup(); return false; } } _numofsensors = 1; // however, if we have a AS_INERTIAL_MTB, then we may have more than one. for sure not zero. if(AS_INERTIAL_MTB == _as_type) { Bottle tmp; _numofsensors = 0; tmp = config.findGroup("enabledAccelerometers"); _numofsensors += (tmp.size()-1); // sensors holds strings "enabledAccelerometers" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 tmp = config.findGroup("enabledGyroscopes"); _numofsensors += (tmp.size()-1); // sensors holds strings "enabledGyroscopes" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 #if 0 if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "enabledAccelerometers", "Position of managed sensors axpressed as strings", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: cannot find enabledAccelerometers\n"); _numofsensors = 1; } else { _numofsensors = xtmp.size(); } #endif } if(AS_STRAIN == _as_type) { if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "UseCalibration","Calibration parameters are needed", 1)) { return false; } else { _useCalibration = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } } return true; }
/** Add an other interaction in the adjKnowledge (event adj is not this one, this is used for a comparaison) bInput format: (action sAction_name) (timing timing) (coordinate X Y dX dY) */ void adjKnowledge::addOtherInteraction(Bottle bInput) { string sAction = bInput.check("action", Value("none")).asString(); // vdNoGnlTiming.push_back(bInput.check("timing", Value(0.)).asDouble()); // mActionTiming[sAction].second.push_back(bInput.check("timing", Value(0.)).asDouble()); }
bool ClientCartesianController::open(Searchable &config) { ConstString remote, local, carrier; if (config.check("remote")) remote=config.find("remote").asString(); else return false; if (config.check("local")) local=config.find("local").asString(); else return false; carrier=config.check("carrier",Value("udp")).asString(); if (config.check("timeout")) timeout=config.find("timeout").asDouble();"/command:o").c_str());"/state:i").c_str());"/events:i").c_str());"/rpc:o").c_str()); bool ok=true; ok&=Network::connect(portRpc.getName().c_str(),(remote+"/rpc:i").c_str()); if (ok) { Bottle info; getInfoHelper(info); if (info.check("server_version")) { double server_version=info.find("server_version").asDouble(); if (server_version!=CARTCTRL_CLIENT_VER) { yError("version mismatch => server(%g) != client(%g); please update accordingly", server_version,CARTCTRL_CLIENT_VER); return false; } } else yWarning("unable to retrieve server version; please update the server"); } else { yError("unable to connect to the server rpc port!"); return false; } ok&=Network::connect(portCmd.getName().c_str(),(remote+"/command:i").c_str(),carrier.c_str()); ok&=Network::connect((remote+"/state:o").c_str(),portState.getName().c_str(),carrier.c_str()); ok&=Network::connect((remote+"/events:o").c_str(),portEvents.getName().c_str(),carrier.c_str()); // check whether the solver is alive and connected if (ok) { Bottle command, reply; command.addVocab(IKINCARTCTRL_VOCAB_CMD_GET); command.addVocab(IKINCARTCTRL_VOCAB_OPT_ISSOLVERON); if (!portRpc.write(command,reply)) { yError("unable to get reply from server!"); close(); return false; } if (reply.get(0).asVocab()==IKINCARTCTRL_VOCAB_REP_ACK) if (reply.size()>1) if (reply.get(1).asVocab()==IKINCARTCTRL_VOCAB_VAL_TRUE) return connected=true; yError("unable to connect to solver!"); close(); return false; } else { yError("unable to connect to server!"); close(); return false; } }
void AllostaticController::configureAllostatic(yarp::os::ResourceFinder &rf) { //The homeostatic module should be running in parallel, independent from this, so the objective of //this config would be to have a proper list and connect to each port homeo_name = "homeostasis"; string homeo_rpc_name = "/" + homeo_name + "/rpc"; string to_h_rpc_name="/"+moduleName+"/toHomeoRPC:o";; while(!Network::connect(to_h_rpc_name,homeo_rpc_name)) { yDebug()<<"Trying to connect to homeostasis..."; yDebug() << "from " << to_h_rpc_name << " to " << homeo_rpc_name; yarp::os::Time::delay(0.2); } yInfo() << "Initializing drives...";//<<endl; Bottle grpAllostatic = rf.findGroup("ALLOSTATIC"); drivesList = *grpAllostatic.find("drives").asList(); Bottle cmd; priority_sum = 0.; double priority; for (int d = 0; d<drivesList.size(); d++) { cmd.clear(); string driveName = drivesList.get(d).asString(); yInfo() << ("Initializing drive " + driveName); cmd.addString("add"); cmd.addString("conf"); Bottle drv; drv.clear(); Bottle aux; aux.clear(); aux.addString("name"); aux.addString(driveName); drv.addList()=aux; aux.clear(); drv.addList()=grpAllostatic; cmd.addList()=drv; Bottle rply; rply.clear(); rply.get(0).asString(); to_homeo_rpc.write(cmd,rply); AllostaticDrive alloDrive; = driveName; Value cmds = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-sensation-on"), Value("None")); alloDrive.sensationOnCmd = *cmds.asList(); cmds = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-sensation-off"), Value("None")); alloDrive.sensationOffCmd = *cmds.asList(); cmds = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-before-trigger"), Value("None")); if (!(cmds.isString() && cmds.asString() == "None")) { alloDrive.beforeTriggerCmd = *cmds.asList(); } cmds = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-after-trigger"), Value("None")); if (!(cmds.isString() && cmds.asString() == "None")) { alloDrive.afterTriggerCmd = *cmds.asList(); } alloDrive.homeoPort = &to_homeo_rpc; alloDrive.inputSensationPort = new BufferedPort<Bottle>; string portName = "/" + moduleName + "/" + driveName + "/sensation:i"; alloDrive.inputSensationPort->open(portName); openPorts(driveName); string sensationPort = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-sensation-port"), Value("None")).asString(); string pn = "/" + moduleName + "/" + driveName + "/sensation:i"; while(!Network::connect(sensationPort, pn)) { yDebug()<<"Connecting " << sensationPort << " to " << pn; yarp::os::Time::delay(0.5); } // set drive priorities. Default to 1. priority = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-priority"), Value(1.)).asDouble(); priority_sum += priority; drivePriorities.push_back(priority); //Under effects string under_port_name = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-under-behavior-port"), Value("None")).asString(); string under_cmd_name = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-under-behavior"), Value("None")).asString(); bool active = false; if (under_port_name != "None" && under_cmd_name != "None") { active = true; string out_port_name = "/" + moduleName + "/" + driveName + "/under_action:o"; alloDrive.behaviorUnderPort = new Port(); alloDrive.behaviorUnderPort->open(out_port_name); yDebug() << "trying to connect to" << under_port_name; while(!Network::connect(out_port_name,under_port_name)) { yarp::os::Time::delay(0.5); } alloDrive.behaviorUnderCmd = Bottle(under_cmd_name); }else{ yInfo() << "No port name for" << driveName << "under-behavior-port"; } //Over effects string over_port_name = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-over-behavior-port"), Value("None")).asString(); string over_cmd_name = grpAllostatic.check((driveName + "-over-behavior"), Value("None")).asString(); if (over_port_name != "None" && over_cmd_name != "None") { active=true; string out_port_name = "/" + moduleName + "/" + driveName + "/over_action:o"; alloDrive.behaviorOverPort = new Port(); alloDrive.behaviorOverPort->open(out_port_name); yDebug() << "trying to connect to" << over_port_name; while(!Network::connect(out_port_name, over_port_name)) { yarp::os::Time::delay(0.5); } alloDrive.behaviorOverCmd = Bottle(over_cmd_name); } else { yInfo() << "No port name for" << driveName << "over-behavior-port"; } = active; allostaticDrives[driveName] = alloDrive; } if (! Normalize(drivePriorities)) yDebug() << "Error: Drive priorities sum up to 0."; yInfo() << "done."; }
cartesianMover::cartesianMover(GtkWidget *vbox_d, PolyDriver *partDd_d, char *partName, ResourceFinder *fnd) { finder = fnd; if (!finder->isNull()) fprintf(stderr, "Setting a valid finder \n"); partLabel = partName; partDd = partDd_d; vbox = vbox_d; interfaceError = false; if (!partDd->isValid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Device given to the cartesian interface is not available.\n"); interfaceError = true; } fprintf(stderr, "Opening crt interface..."); bool ok; ok = partDd->view(crt); if ((!ok) || (crt==0)) fprintf(stderr, "...crt was not ok...ok=%d", ok); if (!partDd->isValid()) { fprintf(stderr, "Cartesian device driver was not valid! \n"); dialog_severe_error(GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,(char *) "Cartesian device not available.", (char *) "Check available devices", true); interfaceError = true; } else if (!ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while acquiring cartesian interfaces \n"); dialog_severe_error(GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR,(char *) "Problems acquiring cartesian interface", (char *) "Check if cartesian interface is running", true); interfaceError = true; } if (interfaceError == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocating memory \n"); int j,k; index = new int [MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; entry_id = new guint [0]; *entry_id = -1; frame_slider1 = new GtkWidget* [MAX_NUMBER_OF_JOINTS]; sliderArray = new GtkWidget* [NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES]; currPosArray = new GtkWidget* [NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES]; //fprintf(stderr, "sliderArray has address 0x%x\n", (unsigned int) sliderArray); GtkWidget *top_hbox = NULL; GtkWidget *bottom_hbox = NULL; GtkWidget *panel_hbox = NULL; GtkWidget *inv1 = NULL; GtkWidget *invArray[NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES]; GtkWidget *homeArray[NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES]; GtkWidget *framesArray[NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES]; GtkWidget *sw = NULL; //creation of the top_hbox top_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 0); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (top_hbox), 10); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (vbox), top_hbox); inv1 = gtk_fixed_new (); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (top_hbox), inv1); Vector o; Vector x; while (!crt->getPose(x,o)) Time::delay(0.001); Matrix R = axis2dcm(o); Vector eu = dcm2euler(R); //x(0) = 1; x(1) = 1; x(2) = 1; //o(0) = 1; o(1) = 0; o(2) = 0; o(3) = 0; char buffer[40] = {'i', 'n', 'i', 't'}; int numberOfRows = 3; int height, width; height = 100; width = 180; double min,max; std::string limitString=partLabel; limitString=limitString+"_workspace"; Bottle bCartesianLimits; if (finder->check(limitString.c_str())) { //fprintf(stderr, "There seem limits for %s", partLabel); bCartesianLimits = finder->findGroup(limitString.c_str()); //fprintf(stderr, " %s", bCartesianLimits.toString().c_str()); } fprintf(stderr, "Starting embedding cartesian GUI widgets \n"); for (k = 0; k<NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES; k++) { //fprintf(stderr, "Adding invArray \n"); invArray[k] = gtk_fixed_new (); index[k]=k; j = k/numberOfRows; if (k==0) { sprintf(buffer, "x"); if (bCartesianLimits.check("xmin") && bCartesianLimits.check("xmax")) { min = bCartesianLimits.find("xmin").asDouble(); max = bCartesianLimits.find("xmax").asDouble(); } else { min = x(0) - 0.1 * fabs(x(0)); max = x(0) + 0.1 * fabs(x(0)); } } if (k==1) { sprintf(buffer, "y"); if (bCartesianLimits.check("ymin") && bCartesianLimits.check("ymax")) { min = bCartesianLimits.find("ymin").asDouble(); max = bCartesianLimits.find("ymax").asDouble(); } else { min = x(1) - 0.1 * fabs(x(1)); max = x(1) + 0.1 * fabs(x(1)); } } if (k==2) { sprintf(buffer, "z"); if (bCartesianLimits.check("zmin") && bCartesianLimits.check("zmax")) { min = bCartesianLimits.find("zmin").asDouble(); max = bCartesianLimits.find("zmax").asDouble(); } else { min = x(2) - 0.1 * fabs(x(2)); max = x(2) + 0.1 * fabs(x(2)); } } if (k==3) { sprintf(buffer, "euler-alpha"); min = -180; max = 180; } if (k==4) { sprintf(buffer, "euler-beta"); min = -180; max = 180; } if (k==5) { sprintf(buffer, "euler-gamma"); min = -180; max = 180; } frame_slider1[k] = gtk_frame_new ("Value:"); //fprintf(stderr, "Initializing sliders %d \n",k); if (min<max) { sliderArray[k] = gtk_hscale_new_with_range(min, max, 1); if (k<3) gtk_scale_set_digits((GtkScale*) sliderArray[k],2); else gtk_scale_set_digits((GtkScale*) sliderArray[k],1); } else { sliderArray[k] = gtk_hscale_new_with_range(1, 2, 1); if (k<3) gtk_scale_set_digits((GtkScale*) sliderArray[k],2); else gtk_scale_set_digits((GtkScale*) sliderArray[k],1); } currPosArray[k] = gtk_entry_new(); //fprintf(stderr, "Initializing the buttons %d \n", k); homeArray[k] = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Home"); //fprintf(stderr, "Initializing frames %d \n", k); framesArray[k] = gtk_frame_new (buffer); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), invArray[k], 0+(k%numberOfRows)*width, 0+ j*height); //Positions //fprintf(stderr, "Positioning buttons %d \n", k); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(invArray[k]), frame_slider1[k], 60, 10 ); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(invArray[k]), sliderArray[k], 65, 20 ); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(invArray[k]), currPosArray[k], 95, 70); int buttonDist= 24; int buttonOffset = 13; gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(invArray[k]), homeArray[k], 6, buttonOffset); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(invArray[k]), framesArray[k], 0, 0); //Dimensions //fprintf(stderr, "Dimensioning buttons %d \n", k); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame_slider1[k], 110, 50); gtk_widget_set_size_request (sliderArray[k], 90, 40); gtk_widget_set_size_request (currPosArray[k], 70, 20); gtk_widget_set_size_request (homeArray[k], 50, 25); gtk_widget_set_size_request (framesArray[k], width, height); /* * Positions commands */ //fprintf(stderr, "Assinging callback %d \n", k); gtk_range_set_update_policy ((GtkRange *) (sliderArray[k]), GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); if (k<3) gtk_range_set_value ((GtkRange *) (sliderArray[k]), x(k)); if (k>=3 && k <= 5) gtk_range_set_value ((GtkRange *) (sliderArray[k]), eu(k-3) * 180/M_PI); g_signal_connect (sliderArray[k], "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(position_slider_changed), this); } /* * Display current position */ *entry_id = gtk_timeout_add(UPDATE_TIME, (GtkFunction) display_cartesian_pose, this); for (k = 0; k<NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES; k++) gtk_editable_set_editable ((GtkEditable*) currPosArray[k], FALSE); /* * Common commands */ GtkWidget *frame3; frame3 = gtk_frame_new ("Commands:"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), frame3, (NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, (NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame3, 180, 240); //Button 0 in the panel GtkWidget *button0 = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Open sequence tab"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (inv1), button0, 10+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 20+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (button0, 150, 25); fprintf(stderr, "Initializing the table \n"); init_cartesian_table(); fprintf(stderr, "Connecting the callbacks for the table \n"); g_signal_connect (button0, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (cartesian_table_open), this); //Button1 in the panel GtkWidget *button1 = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Stop"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (inv1), button1, 10+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 45+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (button1, 150, 25); //g_signal_connect (button1, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (stop_motion), crt); //Velocity GtkWidget *frame7; frame7 = gtk_frame_new ("Time[sec]:"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), frame7, 5+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 70 + (NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame7, 160, 50); sliderVelocity = new GtkWidget; sliderVelocity = gtk_hscale_new_with_range(1, 10, 1); gtk_scale_set_digits((GtkScale*) sliderVelocity,2); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), sliderVelocity, 60+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 80 + (NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (sliderVelocity, 90, 40); gtk_range_set_update_policy ((GtkRange *) (sliderVelocity), GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS); gtk_range_set_value ((GtkRange *) (sliderVelocity), 2); //Diplay axis po = new GtkWidget*[4]; for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) { po[i] = gtk_entry_new(); } //Display axis GtkWidget *frame5; frame5 = gtk_frame_new ("Axis:"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), frame5, 5+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 140 + (NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame5, 80, 85); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), po[0], 10+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 155+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), po[1], 10+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 175+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), po[2], 10+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 195+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); //Display angle GtkWidget *frame6; frame6 = gtk_frame_new ("Angle:"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), frame6, 85+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 155 + (NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame6, 80, 45); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(inv1), po[3], 90+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 175+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); for (int i=0; i < 4; i++) { gtk_widget_set_size_request (po[i], 70, 20); gtk_editable_set_editable ((GtkEditable*) po[i], FALSE); } *entry_id = gtk_timeout_add(UPDATE_TIME, (GtkFunction) display_axis_pose, this); //CheckButton in the panel GtkWidget *check= gtk_check_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Tracking Mode"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (inv1), check, 10+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES%numberOfRows)*width, 120+(NUMBER_OF_CARTESIAN_COORDINATES/numberOfRows)*height); gtk_widget_set_size_request (check, 150, 25); //g_signal_connect (check, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (toggle_tracking_mode), crt); } }
/* ******* Configure module ********************************************** */ bool RPCControllerModule::configure(ResourceFinder &rf){ using std::string; using yarp::os::Network; cout << dbgTag << "Starting. \n"; /* ****** Configure the Module ****** */ // Get resource finder and extract properties moduleName = rf.check("name", Value("RPCController"), "The module name.").asString().c_str(); period = rf.check("period", 1.0).asDouble(); robotName = rf.check("robot", Value("icub"), "The robot name.").asString().c_str(); string portNameRoot = "/" + moduleName + "/"; /* ******* Ports. ******* */ + "cmd:io").c_str()); + "experiment/status:o").c_str()); /* ******* Read RPC port parameters. ******* */ Bottle parGroup = rf.findGroup("rpc"); if (!parGroup.isNull()) { if (parGroup.check("rpcServer")) { string rpcServer = parGroup.find("rpcServer").asString().c_str(); // Connect to RPC server if (!Network::connect(rpcModule.getName(), rpcServer)) { cerr << dbgTag << "Could not connect to the specified RPC server: " << rpcServer << ". \n"; return false; } } else { cerr << dbgTag << "Could not find the rpcServer name in the specified configuration file. \n"; return false; } } else { cerr << dbgTag << "Could not find the [rpc] parameter group in the specified configuration file. \n"; return false; } /* ******* Read experiment parameters. ******* */ parGroup = rf.findGroup("experiment"); if (!parGroup.isNull()) { // Number of columns in array if (parGroup.check("nCols")) { int nCols = parGroup.find("nCols").asInt(); // Experiment parameters Bottle *confExpParams = parGroup.find("cmdT").asList(); if (confExpParams != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < confExpParams->size(); ++i) { ExperimentParams tmpPar; tmpPar.cmd = confExpParams->get(i).asString().c_str(); tmpPar.time = confExpParams->get(i + 1).asDouble(); expParams.push_back(tmpPar); i++; } } else { cerr << dbgTag << "Could not find the experiment parameter list in the supplied configuration file. \n"; return false; } } else { cerr << dbgTag << "Could not find nCols parameter in supplied configuration file. \n"; return false; } } else { cerr << dbgTag << "Could not find the experiment parameter group [experiment] in the supplied configuration file. \n"; return false; } #ifndef NODEBUG cout << "DEBUG: " << dbgTag << "Experiment parameters are: \n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < expParams.size(); ++i) { cout << "DEBUG " << dbgTag << expParams[i].cmd << " " << expParams[i].time << "\n"; i++; } #endif cout << dbgTag << "Started correctly. \n"; return true; }
static void myMain2(GtkButton *button, int *position) { std::string robotName; std::string portLocalName; std::string portLocalName2; GtkWidget *main_vbox1 = NULL; GtkWidget *main_vbox2 = NULL; GtkWidget *main_vbox3 = NULL; GtkWidget *main_vbox4 = NULL; GtkWidget *main_vbox5 = NULL; Property options; yarp::os::Network::init(); //retrieve robot name robotName = gtk_entry_get_text((GtkEntry *)(robotNameBox)); //sprintf(&robotName[0], "%s", gtk_entry_get_text((GtkEntry *)(robotNameBox))); gtk_widget_destroy (window); window = NULL; window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); //Creation of the notebook GtkWidget* nb1 = gtk_notebook_new(); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), nb1); g_signal_connect (window, "destroy",G_CALLBACK (destroy_main), &window); gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Robot Motor GUI V1.10"); char legsLabel[]= "Legs"; GtkWidget *label; int n; PolyDriver *partsdd[MAX_NUMBER_ACTIVATED]; PolyDriver *debugdd[MAX_NUMBER_ACTIVATED]; partMover *partMoverList[MAX_NUMBER_ACTIVATED]; partMover *currentPartMover; #ifdef CARTESIAN_MOVER PolyDriver *cartesiandd[MAX_NUMBER_ACTIVATED]; cartesianMover *cartesianMoverList[MAX_NUMBER_ACTIVATED]; cartesianMover *currentCartesianMover; #endif for (n = 0; n < NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_PARTS; n++) { if(*ENA[n] == 1) { label = gtk_label_new(partsName[n]); main_vbox4 = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); gint note4 = gtk_notebook_append_page((GtkNotebook*) nb1, main_vbox4, label); std::string robotPartPort= "/"; robotPartPort += robotName.c_str(); robotPartPort += "/"; robotPartPort += partsName[n]; std::string robotPartDebugPort= "/"; robotPartDebugPort += robotName.c_str(); robotPartDebugPort += "/debug/"; robotPartDebugPort += partsName[n]; //checking existence of the port int ind = 0; portLocalName="/"; portLocalName+=robotName.c_str(); portLocalName+="/yarpmotorgui"; char tmp[80]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", ind); portLocalName+=tmp; portLocalName+="/"; portLocalName+=partsName[n]; // sprintf(&portLocalName[0], "/%s/gui%d/%s", robotName.c_str(), ind, partsName[n]); std::string nameToCheck = portLocalName; nameToCheck += "/rpc:o"; // NameClient &nic=NameClient::getNameClient(); fprintf(stderr, "Checking the existence of: %s \n", nameToCheck.c_str()); // Address adr=nic.queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); Contact adr=Network::queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); //Contact c = yarp::os::Network::queryName(portLocalName.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "ADDRESS is: %s \n", adr.toString().c_str()); while(adr.isValid()) { ind++; portLocalName="/"; portLocalName+=robotName.c_str(); portLocalName+="/yarpmotorgui"; char tmp[80]; sprintf(tmp, "%d", ind); portLocalName+=tmp; portLocalName+="/"; portLocalName+=partsName[n]; // sprintf(&portLocalName[0], "/%s/gui%d/%s", robotName.c_str(), ind, partsName[n]); nameToCheck = portLocalName; nameToCheck += "/rpc:o"; // adr=nic.queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); adr=Network::queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); } options.put("local", portLocalName.c_str()); options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("remote", robotPartPort.c_str()); options.put("carrier", "udp"); partsdd[n] = new PolyDriver(options); if (debug_param_enabled) { Property debugOptions; portLocalName2=portLocalName; // the following complex line of code performs a substring substitution (see example below) // "/icub/yarpmotorgui2/right_arm" -> "/icub/yarpmotorgui2/debug/right_arm" portLocalName2.replace(portLocalName2.find(partsName[n]),strlen(partsName[n]),std::string("debug/")+std::string(partsName[n])); debugOptions.put("local", portLocalName2.c_str()); debugOptions.put("device", "debugInterfaceClient"); debugOptions.put("remote", robotPartPort.c_str()); debugOptions.put("carrier", "udp"); debugdd[n] = new PolyDriver(debugOptions); if(debugdd[n]->isValid() == false) { fprintf(stderr, "Problems opening the debug client \n"); } } else { debugdd[n]=0; } currentPartMover = new partMover(main_vbox4, partsdd[n], debugdd[n], partsName[n], finder,speedview_param_enabled, enable_calib_all); if(!(currentPartMover->interfaceError)) { partMoverList[NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_PARTS] = currentPartMover; NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_PARTS++; } else fprintf(stderr, "Trying to exit without starting the GUI \n"); } } if (NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_PARTS > 0) { #ifdef CARTESIAN_MOVER for (n = 0; n < NUMBER_OF_AVAILABLE_PARTS; n++) { if(*ENA[n] == 1) { if (finder->check("cartesian")) { Bottle bCartesianParts = finder->findGroup("cartesian"); if (bCartesianParts.check(partsName[n])) { fprintf(stderr, "Adding cartesian tab %d\n", n); std::string cartesianPartName; cartesianPartName = partsName[n]; cartesianPartName += "_cartesian"; label = gtk_label_new(cartesianPartName.c_str()); main_vbox4 = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); gint note4 = gtk_notebook_append_page((GtkNotebook*) nb1, main_vbox4, label); std::string robotPartPort= "/"; robotPartPort = robotPartPort + robotName.c_str() + "/cartesianController/" + partsName[n]; //checking eixstence of the port int ind = 0; sprintf(&portLocalName[0], "/%s/yarpmotorgui%d/cartesian/%s", robotName.c_str(), ind, partsName[n]); // NameClient &nic=NameClient::getNameClient(); std::string nameToCheck = portLocalName.c_str(); nameToCheck += "/rpc:o"; fprintf(stderr, "Checking the existence of: %s \n", nameToCheck.c_str()); // Address adr=nic.queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); Contact adr = yarp::os::Network::queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "ADDRESS is: %s \n", adr.toString().c_str()); while(adr.isValid()) { ind++; sprintf(&portLocalName[0], "/%s/yarpmotorgui%d/cartesian/%s", robotName.c_str(), ind, partsName[n]); nameToCheck=portLocalName.c_str(); nameToCheck += "/rpc:o"; //Contact adr=yarp::os::Network::queryName(portLocalName.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "Checking the existence of: %s \n", nameToCheck.c_str()); adr=yarp::os::Network::queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); //adr=nic.queryName(nameToCheck.c_str()); } options.put("local", portLocalName.c_str()); //local port names options.put("device", "cartesiancontrollerclient"); options.put("remote", robotPartPort.c_str()); fprintf(stderr, "Trying to open the cartesian PolyDriver...\n"); cartesiandd[n] = new PolyDriver(options); fprintf(stderr, "Checking the validity of the cartesian PolyDriver...\n"); if(cartesiandd[n]->isValid()) { currentCartesianMover = new cartesianMover(main_vbox4, cartesiandd[n], partsName[n], finder); if(!(currentCartesianMover->interfaceError)) { cartesianMoverList[NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_CARTESIAN] = currentCartesianMover; NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_CARTESIAN++; } else fprintf(stderr, "One of the requested cartesian interfaces was not available\n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "Cartesian Poly Driver was not valid \n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "A cartesian interface was requested but no part was associated \n"); } else fprintf(stderr, "GUI was not configured for cartesian \n"); } } #endif if (NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_PARTS>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Activating tabs \n"); g_signal_connect (nb1, "switch-page",G_CALLBACK(notebook_change), partMoverList); main_vbox5 = gtk_fixed_new (); fprintf(stderr, "Created all tab box\n"); label = gtk_label_new("all"); fprintf(stderr, "Appending all tab \n"); gint note5 = gtk_notebook_append_page((GtkNotebook*) nb1, main_vbox5, label); //Frame fprintf(stderr, "Appending all frame \n"); GtkWidget *frame1 = gtk_frame_new ("Global joint commands"); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame1, 250, 550); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (main_vbox5), frame1, 10, 10); //Button 1 in the panel buttonGoAll = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Go ALL!"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonGoAll, 30, 50); g_signal_connect (buttonGoAll, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (go_all_click), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request(buttonGoAll, 190, 30); //Button 2 in the panel buttonSeqAll = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Run ALL Sequence"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAll, 30, 100); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAll, "clicked",G_CALLBACK(sequence_all_click), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAll, 190, 30); //Button 2time in the panel buttonSeqAllTime = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Run ALL Sequence (time)"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllTime, 30, 150); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllTime, "clicked",G_CALLBACK(sequence_all_click_time), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllTime, 190, 30); //Button 3 in the panel buttonSeqAllSave = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Save ALL Sequence"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllSave, 30, 200); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllSave, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(sequence_all_save), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllSave, 190, 30); //Button 4 in the panel buttonSeqAllLoad = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Load ALL Sequence"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllLoad, 30, 250); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllLoad, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_all_load), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllLoad, 190, 30); //Button 5 in the panel buttonSeqAllCycle = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Cycle ALL Sequence"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllCycle, 30, 300); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllCycle, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_all_cycle), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllCycle, 190, 30); //Button 5time in the panel buttonSeqAllCycleTime = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Cycle ALL Sequence (time)"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllCycleTime, 30, 350); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllCycleTime, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_all_cycle_time), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllCycleTime, 190, 30); //Button 6 in the panel buttonSeqAllStop = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Stop ALL Sequence"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllStop, 30, 400); g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllStop, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_all_stop), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllStop, 190, 30); //Button 6time in the panel //buttonSeqAllStopTime = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Stop ALL Sequence (time)"); //gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonSeqAllStopTime, 120, 450); //g_signal_connect (buttonSeqAllStopTime, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_all_stop_time), partMoverList); //gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonSeqAllStopTime, 190, 30); //Button 6time in the panel buttonRunAllParts = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Run ALL Parts"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonRunAllParts, 30, 450); g_signal_connect (buttonRunAllParts, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (run_all_parts), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonRunAllParts, 190, 30); //Button 7 in the panel buttonHomeAllParts = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Home ALL Parts"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonHomeAllParts, 30, 500); g_signal_connect (buttonHomeAllParts, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (home_all_parts), partMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonHomeAllParts, 190, 30); //Global cartesian commands if(NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_CARTESIAN>0) { //Frame fprintf(stderr, "Appending all cartesian frame \n"); GtkWidget *frame2 = gtk_frame_new ("Global cartesian commands"); gtk_widget_set_size_request (frame2, 250, 550); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (main_vbox5), frame2, 300, 10); //for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_CARTESIAN; i++) // add_enabled_joints(cartesianMoverList[i], main_vbox5); //Button 3 in the panel #ifdef CARTESIAN_MOVER buttonCrtSeqAllSave = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Save ALL Cartesian Seq"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonCrtSeqAllSave, 320, 200); g_signal_connect (buttonCrtSeqAllSave, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(sequence_crt_all_save), cartesianMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonCrtSeqAllSave, 190, 30); //Button 4 in the panel buttonCrtSeqAllLoad = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Load ALL Cartesian Seq"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonCrtSeqAllLoad, 320, 250); g_signal_connect (buttonCrtSeqAllLoad, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_crt_all_load), cartesianMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonCrtSeqAllLoad, 190, 30); //Button 5time in the panel buttonCrtSeqAllCycleTime = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Cycle ALL Cartesian Seq"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonCrtSeqAllCycleTime, 320, 350); g_signal_connect (buttonCrtSeqAllCycleTime, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_crt_all_cycle_time), cartesianMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonCrtSeqAllCycleTime, 190, 30); //Button 6 in the panel buttonCrtSeqAllStop = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic ("Stop ALL Cartsian Seq"); gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED(main_vbox5), buttonCrtSeqAllStop, 320, 400); g_signal_connect (buttonCrtSeqAllStop, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (sequence_crt_all_stop), cartesianMoverList); gtk_widget_set_size_request (buttonCrtSeqAllStop, 190, 30); #endif } // finish & show // connected_status(); fprintf(stderr, "Resizing window \n"); gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW (window), 480, 250); gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), true); } } fprintf(stderr, "Making the window visible \n"); if (!GTK_WIDGET_VISIBLE (window)) gtk_widget_show_all (window); else { gtk_widget_destroy (window); window = NULL; } gtk_main (); fprintf(stderr, "Closing the partMovers. Number of activated parts was %d. \n", NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_PARTS); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_PARTS; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing part number %d \n", i); partMoverList[i]->releaseDriver(); fprintf(stderr, "Deleting part number %d \n", i); delete partMoverList[i]; Time::delay(0.1); } #if CARTESIAN_MOVER fprintf(stderr, "Closing the cartesianMovers. Number of activated parts was %d. \n", NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_CARTESIAN); for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_ACTIVATED_CARTESIAN; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "Closing part number %d \n", i); cartesianMoverList[i]->releaseDriver(); fprintf(stderr, "Deleting part number %d \n", i); delete cartesianMoverList[i]; Time::delay(0.1); } #endif fprintf(stderr, "Closing the main GUI \n"); Network::fini(); return; }
int yarp_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { (void) offset; (void) fi; printf(">>>>>>>>>>>READING DIR\n"); filler(buf, ".", NULL, 0); filler(buf, "..", NULL, 0); YPath ypath(path); if (ypath.isPort()) { filler(buf, "rw", NULL, 0); //filler(buf, "write", NULL, 0); //deprecated //filler(buf, "status", NULL, 0); return 0; } NameConfig nc; ConstString name = nc.getNamespace(); Bottle msg, reply; msg.addString("bot"); msg.addString("list"); Network::write(name.c_str(), msg, reply); printf("Got %s\n", reply.toString().c_str()); ACE_Ordered_MultiSet<ConstString> lines; for (int i=1; i<reply.size(); i++) { Bottle *entry = reply.get(i).asList(); string rpath = path; if (rpath[rpath.length()-1]!='/') { rpath = rpath + "/"; } if (entry!=NULL) { ConstString name = entry->check("name",Value("")).asString(); if (name!="") { if (strstr(name.c_str(),rpath.c_str())== name.c_str()) { printf(">>> %s is in path %s\n", name.c_str(), rpath.c_str()); ConstString part(name.c_str()+rpath.length()); if (part[0]=='/') { part = part.substr(1,part.length()-1); } printf(" %s is the addition\n", part.c_str()); char *brk = (char*)strstr(part.c_str(),"/"); if (brk!=NULL) { *brk = '\0'; } ConstString item(part.c_str()); printf(" %s is the item\n", item.c_str()); if (item!="") { lines.remove(item); lines.insert(item); } } } } } // return result in alphabetical order ACE_Ordered_MultiSet_Iterator<ConstString> iter(lines); iter.first(); while (!iter.done()) { printf("adding item %s\n", (*iter).c_str()); filler(buf, (*iter).c_str(), NULL, 0); iter.advance(); } return 0; }
void seriesPID::setOptions(const Bottle &options) { Vector satLimVect(satLim.rows()*satLim.cols()); for (int r=0; r<satLim.rows(); r++) for (int c=0; c<satLim.cols(); c++) satLimVect[r*satLim.cols()+c]=satLim(r,c); bool recomputeQuantities=false; int size; if (getVectorFromOption(options,"Kp",Kp,size)) recomputeQuantities=true; if (getVectorFromOption(options,"Ti",Ti,size)) recomputeQuantities=true; if (getVectorFromOption(options,"Kd",Kd,size)) recomputeQuantities=true; if (getVectorFromOption(options,"N",N,size)) recomputeQuantities=true; if (getVectorFromOption(options,"satLim",satLimVect,size)) { for (int r=0; r<satLim.rows(); r++) for (int c=0; c<satLim.cols(); c++) satLimVect[r*satLim.cols()+c]=satLim(r,c); recomputeQuantities=true; } if (options.check("Ts")) { double _Ts=options.find("Ts").asDouble(); if (_Ts>0.0) { Ts=_Ts; recomputeQuantities=true; } } if (recomputeQuantities) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; i++) uSat[i]=PID_SAT(uSat[i],satLim(i,0),satLim(i,1)); Vector u0(1,0.0); Vector num(2),den(2); for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; i++) { num[0]=Ts; num[1]=Ts; den[0]=Ts+2.0*Ti[i]; den[1]=Ts-2.0*Ti[i]; Int[i]->adjustCoeffs(num,den); Int[i]->init(u0); if ((Kp[i]!=0.0) && (N[i]!=0.0)) { double tau=Kd[i]/(Kp[i]*N[i]); num[0]=2.0; num[1]=-2.0; den[0]=Ts+2.0*tau; den[1]=Ts-2.0*tau; } else { num[0]=num[1]=den[1]=0.0; den[0]=1.0; } Der[i]->adjustCoeffs(num,den); Der[i]->init(u0); } } if (options.check("reset")) reset(); }
bool yarp::os::impl::HttpCarrier::reply(Protocol& proto, SizedWriter& writer) { DummyConnector con; con.setTextMode(true); for (size_t i=writer.headerLength(); i<writer.length(); i++) { con.getWriter().appendBlock(,writer.length(i)); } Bottle b;; ConstString mime = b.check("mime",Value("text/html")).asString(); ConstString body; bool using_json = false; if (stream!=NULL) { if (stream->useJson()) { mime = "text/json"; asJson(body,&b,stream->typeHint()); using_json = true; } } if (b.check("web")&&!using_json) { body = b.find("web").toString(); } if (b.check("stream")&&!using_json) { String header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: "); header += mime; header += "\r\n"; header += "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; header += "\r\n"; int N = 2*1024; header += NetType::toHexString(body.length()+N); header += "\r\n"; Bytes b2((char*)header.c_str(),header.length()); proto.os().write(b2); // chrome etc won't render until enough chars are received. for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { proto.os().write(' '); } Bytes b3((char*)body.c_str(),body.length()); proto.os().write(b3); proto.os().write('\r'); proto.os().write('\n'); if (stream!=NULL) { stream->flip(); } return true; } if (stream!=NULL) { stream->finish(); } // Could check response codes, mime types here. if (body.length()!=0 || using_json) { ConstString mime = b.check("mime",Value("text/html")).asString(); String header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: "); header += mime; header += "\n"; header += "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\n"; header += "\n"; Bytes b2((char*)header.c_str(),header.length()); proto.os().write(b2); //body = b.toString(); Bytes b3((char*)body.c_str(),body.length()); proto.os().write(b3); } else { writer.write(proto.os()); } proto.os().flush(); return proto.os().isOk(); }