void BrowserNodeList::search(BrowserNode * bn, UmlCode k, const QString & s, bool cs, bool even_deleted, bool for_name, bool for_stereotype) { Q3ListViewItem * child; for (child = bn->firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (even_deleted || !((BrowserNode *) child)->deletedp()) { BrowserNode * ch = (BrowserNode *) child; if (((k == UmlCodeSup) || ((k == UmlRelations) ? IsaRelation(ch->get_type()) : (ch->get_type() == k))) && (s.isEmpty() || (QString((for_name) ? ch->get_name() : ((for_stereotype) ? ch->get_stereotype() : ch->get_comment())) .find(s, 0, cs) != -1))) append((BrowserNode *) child); search((BrowserNode *) child, k, s, cs, even_deleted, for_name, for_stereotype); } } }
void PackageCanvas::prepare_for_move(bool on_resize) { if (! on_resize) { DiagramCanvas::prepare_for_move(on_resize); Q3CanvasItemList l = collisions(TRUE); Q3CanvasItemList::ConstIterator it; Q3CanvasItemList::ConstIterator end = l.end(); DiagramItem * di; BrowserNode * p = get_bn(); for (it = l.begin(); it != end; ++it) { if ((*it)->visible() && // at least not deleted !(*it)->selected() && ((di = QCanvasItemToDiagramItem(*it)) != 0) && di->move_with_its_package()) { BrowserNode * bn = di->get_bn(); do bn = (BrowserNode *) bn->parent(); while (bn->get_type() != UmlPackage); if (bn == p) { the_canvas()->select(*it); di->prepare_for_move(FALSE); } } } } }
void BasicDialog::accept() { if (!check_edits(edits) || !kvtable->check_unique()) return; BrowserNode * bn = data->get_browser_node(); if (edname != 0) { QString s = edname->text().stripWhiteSpace(); if ((s != bn->get_name()) && ((BrowserNode *) bn->parent())->wrong_child_name(s, bn->get_type(), bn->allow_spaces(), bn->allow_empty())) { msg_critical(TR("Error"), edname->text() + TR("\n\nillegal name or already used")); return; } else bn->set_name(s); } bool newst = data->set_stereotype(fromUnicode(edstereotype->currentText().stripWhiteSpace())); bn->set_comment(comment->text()); UmlWindow::update_comment_if_needed(bn); kvtable->update(bn); ProfiledStereotypes::modified(bn, newst); bn->package_modified(); data->modified(); Q3TabDialog::accept(); }
// have marked elements not yet drawn ? static bool marked_not_yet_drawn(Q3PtrDict<DiagramItem> & drawn) { const Q3PtrList<BrowserNode> & l = BrowserNode::marked_nodes(); Q3PtrListIterator<BrowserNode> it(l); BrowserNode * bn; for (; (bn = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { UmlCode k = bn->get_type(); switch (k) { default: if (!IsaSimpleRelation(k)) break; // no break case UmlComponent: case UmlDeploymentNode: case UmlArtifact: case UmlPackage: if (drawn[bn->get_data()] == 0) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BrowserNode * BrowserNode::get_container(UmlCode k) const { BrowserNode * p = (BrowserNode *) this; while ((p != 0) && (p->get_type() != k)) p = (BrowserNode *) p->parent(); return p; }
void ActivityDialog::menu_specification() { Q3PopupMenu m(0); m.insertItem(TR("Choose"), -1); m.insertSeparator(); int index = list.findIndex(edspecification->currentText().stripWhiteSpace()); if (index != -1) m.insertItem(TR("Select in browser"), 0); BrowserNode * bn = 0; if (! visit) { bn = BrowserView::selected_item(); if ((bn != 0) && (bn->get_type() == UmlOperation) && !bn->deletedp()) m.insertItem(TR("Choose operation selected in browser"), 1); else bn = 0; } if ((index != -1) || (bn != 0)) { switch (m.exec(QCursor::pos())) { case 0: opers.at(index)->select_in_browser(); break; case 1: { QString s = bn->full_name(TRUE); if ((index = list.findIndex(s)) == -1) { // new operation, may be created through an other dialog index = 0; QStringList::Iterator iter = list.begin(); QStringList::Iterator iter_end = list.end(); while ((iter != iter_end) && (*iter < s)) { ++iter; index += 1; } opers.insert((unsigned) index, bn); list.insert(iter, s); edspecification->insertItem(s, index + 1); } } edspecification->setCurrentItem(index + 1); break; default: break; } } }
void CodAddMsgDialog::menu_op() { QPopupMenu m(0); m.insertItem(TR("Choose"), -1); m.insertSeparator(); int index = list.findIndex(edoper->currentText().stripWhiteSpace()); if (index != -1) m.insertItem(TR("Select in browser"), 0); BrowserNode * bn = BrowserView::selected_item(); if ((bn != 0) && (bn->get_type() == UmlOperation) && !bn->deletedp() && (opers.findIndex((OperationData *) bn->get_data()) != -1)) m.insertItem(TR("Choose operation selected in browser"), 1); else bn = 0; if (cl != 0) m.insertItem(TR("Create operation and choose it"), 2); if ((index != -1) || (bn != 0) || (cl != 0)) { switch (m.exec(QCursor::pos())) { case 0: opers[index]->get_browser_node()->select_in_browser(); break; case 2: bn = cl->add_operation(); if (bn == 0) return; bn->select_in_browser(); // no break case 1: { OperationData * od = (OperationData *) bn->get_data(); if ((index = opers.findIndex(od)) == -1) { index = opers.count(); opers.append(od); QString s = od->definition(TRUE, FALSE); list.append(s); edoper->insertItem(s); } } edoper->setCurrentItem(index + 1); } } }
void BrowserNodeList::search_ddb(BrowserNode * bn, UmlCode k, const QString & s, bool cs, bool even_deleted) { Q3ListViewItem * child; for (child = bn->firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (even_deleted || !((BrowserNode *) child)->deletedp()) { BrowserNode * ch = (BrowserNode *) child; if (((k == UmlCodeSup) || ((k == UmlRelations) ? IsaRelation(ch->get_type()) : (ch->get_type() == k))) && (s.isEmpty() || ch->get_data()->decldefbody_contain(s, cs, ch))) append(ch); search_ddb(ch, k, s, cs, even_deleted); } } }
void BrowserNode::unconsistent_fixed(const char * what, BrowserNode * newone) { UnconsistencyFixedMsg += QString("<li>") + what + QString(" <i>") + quote(full_name()) + QString("</i> and <i>") + quote(newone->full_name()) + QString("</i></li>\n"); BrowserNode * bn = this; while (bn->get_type() != UmlPackage) bn = (BrowserNode *) bn->parent(); if (ModifiedPackages.findRef(bn) == -1) ModifiedPackages.append(bn); }
// just check if the inheritance already exist QString BrowserArtifact::check_inherit(const BrowserNode * new_parent) const { BrowserNode * child; for (child = firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) { BrowserNode * ch = ((BrowserNode *) child); if ((ch->get_type() == UmlInherit) && ((((SimpleRelationData *) ch->get_data())->get_end_node()) == new_parent)) return QObject::tr("already exist"); } return (new_parent != this) ? QString() : QObject::tr("circular inheritance"); }
void ClassDiagramView::menu(const QPoint& p) { Q3PopupMenu m(0); MenuFactory::createTitle(m, TR("Class diagram menu")); if ((((UmlCanvas *) canvas())->browser_diagram())->is_writable()) { BrowserNode * bn = BrowserView::selected_item(); DiagramItemList items(canvas()->allItems()); Q3PtrDict<DiagramItem> drawn; get_drawn(items, drawn); if ((bn != 0) && (bn->get_type() == UmlClassView)) { if (not_yet_drawn(bn, drawn)) { m.insertItem(TR("Add classes of the selected class view"), 29); if (marked_not_yet_drawn(drawn)) m.insertItem(TR("Add marked elements"), 28); m.insertSeparator(); } } else if (marked_not_yet_drawn(drawn)) { m.insertItem(TR("Add marked elements"), 28); m.insertSeparator(); } switch (default_menu(m, 30)) { case EDIT_DRAWING_SETTING_CMD: ((BrowserClassDiagram *) ((UmlCanvas *) canvas())->browser_diagram())->edit_settings(); break; case RELOAD_CMD: // pure drawing modifications are lost // mark the diagram modified because the undid modifications // may be saved in the file are not saved in memory load("Class"); window()->package_modified(); break; case 28: add_marked_elements(p, drawn); break; case 29: add_classview_classes(bn, p, drawn); break; } } else (void) default_menu(m, 30); }
// returns all parents for NON class Q3PtrList<BrowserNode> BrowserNode::parents() const { Q3PtrList<BrowserNode> l; Q3ListViewItem * child; for (child = firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) { BrowserNode * ch = ((BrowserNode *) child); switch (ch->get_type()) { case UmlInherit: if (!ch->deletedp()) l.append(((SimpleRelationData *) ch->get_data()) ->get_end_node()); default: break; } } return l; }
ActivityPartitionCanvas::ActivityPartitionCanvas(BrowserNode * bn, UmlCanvas * canvas, int x, int y) : ActivityContainerCanvas(0, canvas, x, y, ACTIVITY_PARTITION_CANVAS_MIN_SIZE, ACTIVITY_PARTITION_CANVAS_MIN_SIZE, 0) { browser_node = bn; itscolor = UmlDefaultColor; BrowserNode * parent = (BrowserNode *) browser_node->parent(); if (parent->get_type() == UmlActivityPartition) { Q3CanvasItemList all = the_canvas()->allItems(); Q3CanvasItemList::Iterator cit; for (cit = all.begin(); cit != all.end(); ++cit) { if ((*cit)->visible()) { DiagramItem * di = QCanvasItemToDiagramItem(*cit); if ((di != 0) && (di->get_bn() == parent)) { horiz = ((ActivityPartitionCanvas *) di)->horiz; break; } } } if (cit == all.end()) horiz = FALSE; } else horiz = FALSE; check_size(); check_stereotypeproperties(); ActivityPartitionData * data = (ActivityPartitionData *) browser_node->get_data(); connect(data, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(modified())); connect(data, SIGNAL(deleted()), this, SLOT(deleted())); connect(DrawingSettings::instance(), SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(modified())); }
void ExpansionRegionDialog::accept() { if (!check_edits(edits) || !kvtable->check_unique()) return; BrowserNode * bn = data->get_browser_node(); if (edname != 0) { QString s = edname->text().trimmed(); if ((s != bn->get_name()) && ((BrowserNode *) bn->parent())->wrong_child_name(s, bn->get_type(), bn->allow_spaces(), bn->allow_empty())) { msg_critical(TR("Error"), edname->text() + TR("\n\nillegal name or already used")); return; } else bn->set_name(s); } data->must_isolate = must_isolate_cb->isChecked(); data->mode = expansion_mode_kind(edmode->currentText().toLatin1().constData()); bool newst = data->set_stereotype(fromUnicode(edstereotype->currentText().trimmed())); bn->set_comment(comment->text()); UmlWindow::update_comment_if_needed(bn); kvtable->updateNodeFromThis(bn); ProfiledStereotypes::modified(bn, newst); bn->package_modified(); data->modified(); TabDialog::accept(); }
void ActivityObjectDialog::menu_type() { Q3PopupMenu m(0); m.insertItem(TR("Choose"), -1); m.insertSeparator(); int index = list.findIndex(edtype->currentText().stripWhiteSpace()); if (index != -1) m.insertItem(TR("Select in browser"), 0); BrowserNode * bn = 0; if (! visit) { bn = BrowserView::selected_item(); if ((bn != 0) && (bn->get_type() == UmlClass) && !bn->deletedp()) m.insertItem(TR("Choose class selected in browser"), 1); else bn = 0; m.insertItem(TR("Create class and choose it"), 2); } if (!visit || (index != -1) || (bn != 0)) { switch (m.exec(QCursor::pos())) { case 0: nodes.at(index)->select_in_browser(); break; case 2: bn = BrowserClass::add_class(FALSE, view); if (bn == 0) return; bn->select_in_browser(); // no break case 1: { QString s = bn->full_name(TRUE); if ((index = list.findIndex(s)) == -1) { // new class, may be created through an other dialog QStringList::Iterator iter = list.begin(); QStringList::Iterator iter_end = list.end(); index = 0; while ((iter != iter_end) && (*iter < s)) { ++iter; index += 1; } nodes.insert((unsigned) index, bn); list.insert(iter, s); edtype->insertItem(s, index + offset); } } edtype->setCurrentItem(index + offset); break; default: break; } } }
void CodChangeMsgDialog::menu_op() { QMenu m(0); MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Choose"), -1); m.addSeparator(); int index = list.indexOf(edoper->currentText().trimmed()); if (index != -1) MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Select in browser"), 0); BrowserNode * bn = BrowserView::selected_item(); if ((bn != 0) && (bn->get_type() == UmlOperation) && !bn->deletedp() && (opers.indexOf((OperationData *) bn->get_data()) != -1)) MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Choose operation selected in browser"), 1); else bn = 0; if (cl != 0) MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Create operation and choose it"), 2); if ((index != -1) || (bn != 0) || (cl != 0)) { QAction* retAction = m.exec(QCursor::pos()); if(retAction) { switch (retAction->data().toInt()) { case 0: opers[index]->get_browser_node()->select_in_browser(); break; case 2: bn = cl->add_operation(); if (bn == 0) return; bn->select_in_browser(); // no break case 1: { OperationData * od = (OperationData *) bn->get_data(); if ((index = opers.indexOf(od)) == -1) { index = opers.count(); opers.append(od); QString s = od->definition(TRUE, FALSE); list.append(s); edoper->addItem(s); } } edoper->setCurrentIndex(index + 1); } } } }
void ComponentDiagramView::add_related_elements(DiagramItem * di, QString what, bool inh, bool assoc) { BrowserNodeList l; RelatedElementsDialog dialog(di->get_bn(), what, inh, assoc, l); dialog.raise(); if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::waitCursor); DiagramItemList items(canvas()->allItems()); Q3PtrDict<DiagramItem> drawn; get_drawn(items, drawn); history_save(); history_protected = TRUE; int xmax = canvas()->width() - Diagram_Margin; int ymax = canvas()->height() - Diagram_Margin; QRect re = di->rect(); int x = re.x(); int y = re.bottom() + Diagram_Margin; int future_y = y; Q3PtrListIterator<BrowserNode> it(l); BrowserNode * bn; for (; (bn = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { if (drawn[bn->get_data()] == 0) { DiagramCanvas * dc; switch (bn->get_type()) { case UmlComponent: dc = new ComponentCanvas(bn, the_canvas(), x, y); break; case UmlPackage: dc = new PackageCanvas(bn, the_canvas(), x, y, 0); break; default: continue; } drawn.replace(dc->get_bn()->get_data(), dc); if ((x + dc->width()) > xmax) dc->move(x = Diagram_Margin, y = future_y); if (y + dc->height() > ymax) { dc->move(x = Diagram_Margin, y = Diagram_Margin); future_y = y + dc->height() + Diagram_Margin; } else { int bot = y + dc->height() + Diagram_Margin; if (bot > future_y) future_y = bot; } x = x + dc->width() + Diagram_Margin; dc->show(); dc->upper(); } } canvas()->update(); history_protected = FALSE; window()->package_modified(); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } }
void ComponentDiagramView::add_marked_elements(const QPoint& p, Q3PtrDict<DiagramItem> & drawn) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::waitCursor); history_save(); history_protected = TRUE; int xmax = canvas()->width() - Diagram_Margin; int ymax = canvas()->height() - Diagram_Margin; int x = p.x(); int y = p.y(); int future_y = y; const Q3PtrList<BrowserNode> & l = BrowserNode::marked_nodes(); Q3PtrListIterator<BrowserNode> it(l); BrowserNode * bn; for (; (bn = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { if (drawn[bn->get_data()] == 0) { DiagramCanvas * dc; switch (bn->get_type()) { case UmlComponent: dc = new ComponentCanvas(bn, the_canvas(), x, y); break; case UmlPackage: dc = new PackageCanvas(bn, the_canvas(), x, y, 0); break; default: continue; } drawn.replace(dc->get_bn()->get_data(), dc); if ((x + dc->width()) > xmax) dc->move(x = Diagram_Margin, y = future_y); if (y + dc->height() > ymax) { dc->move(x = Diagram_Margin, y = Diagram_Margin); future_y = y + dc->height() + Diagram_Margin; } else { int bot = y + dc->height() + Diagram_Margin; if (bot > future_y) future_y = bot; } x = x + dc->width() + Diagram_Margin; dc->show(); dc->upper(); } } UmlCanvas * cnv = (UmlCanvas *) canvas(); if (! cnv->must_draw_all_relations()) { for (it.toFirst(); (bn = it.current()) != 0; ++it) { if ((drawn[bn->get_data()] == 0) && IsaSimpleRelation(bn->get_type())) SimpleRelationCanvas::drop(bn, cnv, drawn); } } canvas()->update(); history_protected = FALSE; window()->package_modified(); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); }
void RelatedElementsDialog::accept() { bool inh = (inh_rb != 0) && inh_rb->isChecked(); bool dep = dep_rb->isChecked(); bool assoc = (assoc_rb != 0) && assoc_rb->isChecked(); if (!inh && !dep && !assoc) return; bool sametype = sametype_rb->isChecked(); UmlCode k = elt->get_type(); elts.clear(); Q3PtrDict<BrowserNode> d(71); BrowserNodeList added; int lvl = sb_level->value(); added.append(elt); d.insert(elt, elt); do { BrowserNodeList newones; Q3PtrListIterator<BrowserNode> it(added); for (; it.current() != 0; ++it) { BrowserNode * e = (BrowserNode *) it.current(); BrowserNode * bn; if (referenced_rb->isChecked()) { for (bn = (BrowserNode *) e->firstChild(); bn != 0; bn = (BrowserNode *) bn->nextSibling()) { if (! bn->deletedp()) { BrowserNode * target; switch (bn->get_type()) { case UmlAssociation: case UmlDirectionalAssociation: case UmlAggregation: case UmlAggregationByValue: case UmlDirectionalAggregation: case UmlDirectionalAggregationByValue: if (! assoc) continue; target = ((RelationData *) bn->get_data())->get_end_class(); break; case UmlDependency: if (! dep) continue; target = ((RelationData *) bn->get_data())->get_end_class(); break; case UmlGeneralisation: case UmlRealize: if (! inh) continue; target = ((RelationData *) bn->get_data())->get_end_class(); break; case UmlDependOn: if (! dep) continue; target = ((SimpleRelationData *) bn->get_data())->get_end_node(); break; case UmlInherit: if (! inh) continue; target = ((SimpleRelationData *) bn->get_data())->get_end_node(); break; default: continue; } if ((sametype && (target->get_type() != k)) || (d[target] != 0)) continue; d.insert(target, target); newones.append(target); } } } if (referencing_rb->isChecked()) { if (e->get_type() == UmlClass) BrowserRelation::get_relating(e, d, newones, inh, dep, assoc); BrowserSimpleRelation::get_relating(e, d, newones, inh, dep, sametype, k); } } added = newones; } while (--lvl != 0); d.remove(elt); Q3PtrDictIterator<BrowserNode> it(d); while (it.current()) { elts.append(it.current()); ++it; } QDialog::accept(); }
void ParameterDialog::menu_type() { QMenu m(0); MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Choose"), -1); m.addSeparator(); int index = list.indexOf(edtype->currentText().trimmed()); if (index != -1) MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Select in browser"), 0); BrowserNode * bn = 0; if (! visit) { bn = BrowserView::selected_item(); if ((bn != 0) && (bn->get_type() == UmlClass) && !bn->deletedp()) MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Choose class selected in browser"), 1); else bn = 0; MenuFactory::addItem(m, tr("Create class and choose it"), 2); } if (!visit || (index != -1) || (bn != 0)) { QAction* retAction = m.exec(QCursor::pos()); if(retAction) { switch (retAction->data().toInt()) { case 0: nodes.at(index)->select_in_browser(); break; case 2: bn = BrowserClass::add_class(FALSE, view); if (bn == 0) return; bn->select_in_browser(); // no break case 1: { QString s = bn->full_name(TRUE); if ((index = list.indexOf(s)) == -1) { // new class, may be created through an other dialog index = 0; QStringList::Iterator iter = list.begin(); QStringList::Iterator iter_end = list.end(); while ((iter != iter_end) && (*iter < s)) { ++iter; index += 1; } nodes.insert((unsigned) index, bn); list.insert(iter, s); edtype->insertItem(index + offset,s); } } edtype->setCurrentIndex(index + offset); break; default: break; } } } }
BasicDialog::BasicDialog(BasicData * nd, QString s, const QStringList & default_stereotypes, QSize & sz, bool unnamed) : Q3TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WDestructiveClose), data(nd), previous_size(sz) { nd->get_browser_node()->edit_start(); if (nd->get_browser_node()->is_writable()) { setOkButton(TR("OK")); setCancelButton(TR("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString::null); setCancelButton(TR("Close")); } setCaption(TR(s + " dialog")); bool visit = !hasOkButton(); // general tab BrowserNode * bn = data->get_browser_node(); Q3Grid * grid = new Q3Grid(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); if (unnamed) edname = 0; else { new QLabel(TR("name : "), grid); edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid); edname->setReadOnly(visit); } new QLabel(TR("stereotype : "), grid); edstereotype = new Q3ComboBox(!visit, grid); edstereotype->insertItem(toUnicode(data->get_stereotype())); if (! visit) { edstereotype->insertStringList(default_stereotypes); edstereotype->insertStringList(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(bn->get_type())); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentItem(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorData(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); Q3VBox * vtab = new Q3VBox(grid); new QLabel(TR("description :"), vtab); if (! visit) connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); QFont font = comment->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // USER : list key - value grid = new Q3Grid(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(bn, grid, visit); addTab(grid, TR("Properties")); open_dialog(this); }
bool BrowserNode::delete_internal(QString & warning) { if (deletedp()) return TRUE; if (!is_writable() && !root_permission() && !is_from_lib()) { warning += "\n " + TR("%1 is read-only", full_name()); return FALSE; } static Q3PtrList<BrowserNode> targetof; static bool made = FALSE; bool made_here; if (!made) { made = TRUE; made_here = TRUE; referenced_by(targetof, TRUE); } else made_here = FALSE; bool ro = FALSE; if (!root_permission()) { Q3PtrListIterator<BrowserNode> it(targetof); BrowserNode * r; while ((r = it.current()) != 0) { if (!r->is_writable() && !r->is_from_lib()) { ro = TRUE; warning += "\n "; switch (r->get_type()) { case UmlComponent: warning += TR("%1 referenced by the read-only component %2", full_name(), r->full_name()); break; case UmlArtifact: warning += TR("%1 referenced by the read-only artifact %2", full_name(), r->full_name()); break; default: warning += TR("%1 is the target of the read-only relation %2", full_name(), r->full_name()); break; } } ++it; } } if (made_here) { made = FALSE; targetof.clear(); } if (ro) return FALSE; // sub elts Q3ListViewItem * child; bool ok = TRUE; for (child = firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) ok &= ((BrowserNode *) child)->delete_internal(warning); if (ok) { is_deleted = TRUE; if (is_marked) { marked_list.removeRef(this); is_marked = FALSE; } get_data()->delete_it(); repaint(); package_modified(); } return ok; }
void ActivityActionCanvas::draw(QPainter & p) { if (! visible()) return; QRect r = rect(); QBrush brsh = p.brush(); QColor bckgrnd = p.backgroundColor(); p.setBackgroundMode((used_color == UmlTransparent) ? ::Qt::TransparentMode : ::Qt::OpaqueMode); QColor co = color(used_color); p.setBackgroundColor(co); const ActivityActionData * data = (ActivityActionData *) browser_node->get_data(); const int shadow = the_canvas()->shadow(); int margin; FILE * fp = svg(); if (fp != 0) fputs("<g>\n", fp); switch (data->get_action_kind()) { case UmlAcceptEventAction: if (((AcceptEventAction *) data->get_action())->timeevent) { // don't draw shadow margin = (int) (21 * the_canvas()->zoom()); int t = (r.y() + r.bottom() - margin)/2; p.setPen(::Qt::SolidLine); p.setBackgroundMode(::Qt::TransparentMode); p.drawLine(r.right() - margin, t, r.right() - 1, t); p.lineTo(r.right() - margin - 1, t + margin); p.lineTo(r.right() - 1, t + margin); p.lineTo(r.right() - margin - 1, t); if (fp != 0) { fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", r.right() - margin, t, r.right() - 1, t); fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", r.right() - 1, t, r.right() - margin - 1, t + margin); fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", r.right() - margin - 1, t + margin, r.right() - 1, t + margin); fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", r.right() - 1, t + margin, r.right() - margin - 1, t); } r.setWidth(r.width() - margin - 1); margin = (int) (3 * the_canvas()->zoom()); } else { if ((used_color != UmlTransparent) && (shadow != 0)) { r.setRight(r.right() - shadow); r.setBottom(r.bottom() - shadow); } margin = ((r.height() < r.width()) ? r.height() : r.width()) / 4; QPointArray a(6); a.setPoint(0, r.x(), r.y()); a.setPoint(1, r.right(), r.y()); a.setPoint(2, r.right(), r.bottom()); a.setPoint(3, r.x(), r.bottom()); a.setPoint(4, r.x() + margin, (r.y() + r.bottom())/2); a.setPoint(5, r.x(), r.y()); if (used_color == UmlTransparent) { p.drawPolyline(a); if (fp != 0) draw_poly(fp, a, UmlTransparent); } else { if (shadow != 0) { QPointArray b(6); b.setPoint(0, r.x() + shadow, r.y() + shadow); b.setPoint(1, r.right() + shadow, r.y() + shadow); b.setPoint(2, r.right() + shadow, r.bottom() + shadow); b.setPoint(3, r.x() + shadow, r.bottom() + shadow); b.setPoint(4, r.x() + margin + shadow, (r.y() + r.bottom())/2 + shadow); b.setPoint(5, r.x() + shadow, r.y() + shadow); p.setBrush(::Qt::darkGray); p.setPen(::Qt::NoPen); p.drawPolygon(b, TRUE, 0, 5); p.setPen(::Qt::SolidLine); if (fp != 0) draw_shadow(fp, b); } p.setBrush(co); p.drawPolygon(a, TRUE, 0, 5); if (fp != 0) draw_poly(fp, a, used_color); } r.setLeft(r.left() + margin); margin = (int) (6 * the_canvas()->zoom()); } break; case UmlSendSignalAction: case UmlBroadcastSignalAction: { if ((used_color != UmlTransparent) && (shadow != 0)) { r.setRight(r.right() - shadow); r.setBottom(r.bottom() - shadow); } margin = ((r.height() < r.width()) ? r.height() : r.width()) / 4; QPointArray a(6); a.setPoint(0, r.x(), r.y()); a.setPoint(1, r.right() - margin, r.y()); a.setPoint(2, r.right(), (r.y() + r.bottom())/2); a.setPoint(3, r.right() - margin, r.bottom()); a.setPoint(4, r.x(), r.bottom()); a.setPoint(5, r.x(), r.y()); if (used_color == UmlTransparent) { p.drawPolyline(a); if (fp != 0) draw_poly(fp, a, UmlTransparent); } else { if (shadow != 0) { QPointArray b(6); b.setPoint(0, r.x() + shadow, r.y() + shadow); b.setPoint(1, r.right() - margin + shadow, r.y() + shadow); b.setPoint(2, r.right() + shadow, (r.y() + r.bottom())/2 + shadow); b.setPoint(3, r.right() - margin + shadow, r.bottom() + shadow); b.setPoint(4, r.x() + shadow, r.bottom() + shadow); b.setPoint(5, r.x() + shadow, r.y() + shadow); p.setBrush(::Qt::darkGray); p.setPen(::Qt::NoPen); p.drawPolygon(b, TRUE, 0, 5); p.setPen(::Qt::SolidLine); if (fp != 0) draw_shadow(fp, b); } p.setBrush(co); p.drawPolygon(a, TRUE, 0, 5); if (fp != 0) draw_poly(fp, a, used_color); } r.setWidth(r.width() - margin); margin = (int) (6 * the_canvas()->zoom()); } break; default: margin = (int) (9 * the_canvas()->zoom()); if ((used_color != UmlTransparent) && (shadow != 0)) { r.setRight(r.right() - shadow); r.setBottom(r.bottom() - shadow); p.setPen(::Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(::Qt::darkGray); p.drawRoundRect(r.left() + shadow, r.top() + shadow, r.width(), r.height()); if (fp != 0) fprintf(fp, "\t<rect fill=\"#%06x\" stroke=\"none\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"10\" />\n", ::Qt::darkGray.rgb()&0xffffff, r.left() + shadow, r.top() + shadow, r.width() - 1, r.height() - 1); p.setPen(::Qt::SolidLine); } p.setBrush(co); p.drawRoundRect(r); if (fp != 0) fprintf(fp, "\t<rect fill=\"%s\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"10\" />\n", svg_color(used_color), r.left(), r.top(), r.width() - 1, r.height() - 1); if (data->get_action_kind() == UmlCallBehaviorAction) { BrowserNode * behavior = ((CallBehaviorAction *) data->get_action())->behavior; if ((behavior != 0) && (behavior->get_type() == UmlActivity)) { int l = (int) (6 * the_canvas()->zoom()); int lx = r.right() - margin - l; int ty = r.bottom() - margin - l; int mx = lx + l; int my = ty + l; int rx = mx + l; int by = my + l; p.drawLine(lx, my, rx, my); p.drawLine(mx, ty, mx, by); p.drawLine(lx, my, lx, by); p.drawLine(rx, my, rx, by); if (fp != 0) { fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", lx, my, rx, my); fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", mx, ty, mx, by); fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", lx, my, lx, by); fprintf(fp, "\t<line stroke=\"black\" stroke-opacity=\"1\"" " x1=\"%d\" y1=\"%d\" x2=\"%d\" y2=\"%d\" />\n", rx, my, rx, by); } } } break; } p.setFont(the_canvas()->get_font(UmlNormalFont)); p.drawText(r.x() + margin, r.y() + margin, r.width() - margin - margin, r.height() - margin - margin, align, s); if (fp != 0) { fputs("</g>\n", fp); draw_text(r.x() + margin, r.y() + margin, r.width() - margin - margin, r.height() - margin - margin, align, s, p.font(), fp); } p.setBackgroundColor(bckgrnd); p.setBrush(brsh); if (selected()) show_mark(p, rect()); }