static void write_status_page(BufferFiller &response) { char buffer[32]; response.emit_p(PSTR( "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "\r\n" "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'/>" "<title>Jystic NTP Server v0.1</title>")); print_gps_time(buffer); response.emit_p(PSTR("<h1>UTC $S<h1>"), buffer); response.emit_p(PSTR("Running $S\n"), print_ms_time(millis(), buffer)); response.emit_p(PSTR("Free mem $D\n"), get_free_memory() ); uint32_t time_since_pps = micros() - g_pps_time; response.emit_p(PSTR("Since PPS $S\n"), print_ms_time(time_since_pps/1000, buffer)); }
bool Home::fillJSONData(BufferFiller &buf){ buf.emit_p(PSTR("\"h\":{\"n\":\"$S\",\"p\":["), _name); for (byte i = 0 ; i < _pieces.size() ; i++){ if (i > 0) buf.emit_p(PSTR(",")); _pieces[i]->fillJSONData(buf); } buf.emit_p(PSTR("]}")); return true; }
static uint16_t homePage() { long t = millis() / 1000; word h = t / 3600; byte m = (t / 60) % 60; byte s = t % 60; bfill = ether.tcpOffset(); bfill.emit_p(PSTR( "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "\r\n" "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1'/>" "<title>RBBB server</title>" "<h1>$D$D:$D$D:$D$D</h1>"), h/10, h%10, m/10, m%10, s/10, s%10); return bfill.position(); }
static word serverRequestTemperature(byte fd) { // filling state uint8_t data[16] = {0}; // 16 bytes block for encryption, which have to be send in hex data[0] = uint8_t(uint32_t(sharedState->currentTemperature)); // whole part data[1] = uint8_t(uint32_t(sharedState->currentTemperature * 100) % 100); // fraction part *(uint32_t*)(data + (16 - sizeof(uint32_t))) = sharedState->lastNonce; sharedState->lastNonce += 1; // encrypting the state aes128_enc_single(encKey, data); printlnDebug("Sending encrypted state"); BufferFiller bfill = ether.tcpOffset(); bfill.emit_p(sendTemperatureHeader); bfill.emit_raw((char*)data, sizeof(data)); temperatureSend = 1; sendEaseTime = millis() + SENDINGEASE; return bfill.position(); }
void GetWeather() { // check if we've already done dns lookup if(ether.hisip[0] == 0) { ether.dnsLookup(website); } //bfill=ether.tcpOffset(); char tmp[30]; read_from_file(wtopts_name, tmp, 30); BufferFiller bf = (uint8_t*)tmp_buffer; bf.emit_p(PSTR("$$E&key=$E&fwv=$D&wto=$S"), (int) os.options[OPTION_USE_WEATHER].value, ADDR_NVM_LOCATION, ADDR_NVM_WEATHER_KEY, (int)os.options[OPTION_FW_VERSION].value, tmp); // copy string to tmp_buffer, replacing all spaces with _ char *src=tmp_buffer+strlen(tmp_buffer); char *dst=tmp_buffer+TMP_BUFFER_SIZE-1; char c; // url encode. convert SPACE to %20 // copy reversely from the end because we are potentially expanding // the string size while(src!=tmp_buffer) { c = *src--; if(c==' ') { *dst-- = '0'; *dst-- = '2'; *dst-- = '%'; } else { *dst-- = c; } }; *dst = *src; uint16_t _port = ether.hisport; // save current port number ether.hisport = 80; ether.browseUrl(PSTR("/weather"), dst, website, getweather_callback); ether.hisport = _port; }
void GetWeather() { // perform DNS lookup for every query nvm_read_block(tmp_buffer, (void*)ADDR_NVM_WEATHERURL, MAX_WEATHERURL); ether.dnsLookup(tmp_buffer, true); //bfill=ether.tcpOffset(); char tmp[30]; read_from_file(wtopts_filename, tmp, 30); BufferFiller bf = (uint8_t*)tmp_buffer; bf.emit_p(PSTR("$$E&key=$E&fwv=$D&wto=$S"), (int) os.options[OPTION_USE_WEATHER], ADDR_NVM_LOCATION, ADDR_NVM_WEATHER_KEY, (int)os.options[OPTION_FW_VERSION], tmp); // copy string to tmp_buffer, replacing all spaces with _ char *src=tmp_buffer+strlen(tmp_buffer); char *dst=tmp_buffer+TMP_BUFFER_SIZE-12; char c; // url encode. convert SPACE to %20 // copy reversely from the end because we are potentially expanding // the string size while(src!=tmp_buffer) { c = *src--; if(c==' ') { *dst-- = '0'; *dst-- = '2'; *dst-- = '%'; } else { *dst-- = c; } }; *dst = *src; uint16_t _port = ether.hisport; // save current port number ether.hisport = 80; ether.browseUrl(PSTR("/weather"), dst, PSTR("*"), getweather_callback); ether.hisport = _port; }
void GetWeather() { EthernetClient client; static struct hostent *server = NULL; if (!server) { strcpy(tmp_buffer, WEATHER_SCRIPT_HOST); server = gethostbyname(tmp_buffer); if (!server) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("can't resolve weather server"); return; } DEBUG_PRINT("weather server ip:"); DEBUG_PRINT(((uint8_t*)server->h_addr)[0]); DEBUG_PRINT(":"); DEBUG_PRINT(((uint8_t*)server->h_addr)[1]); DEBUG_PRINT(":"); DEBUG_PRINT(((uint8_t*)server->h_addr)[2]); DEBUG_PRINT(":"); DEBUG_PRINTLN(((uint8_t*)server->h_addr)[3]); } if (!client.connect((uint8_t*)server->h_addr, 80)) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("failed to connect to weather server"); client.stop(); return; } BufferFiller bf = tmp_buffer; char tmp[100]; read_from_file(wtopts_name, tmp, 100); bf.emit_p(PSTR("$$E&key=$E&fwv=$D&wto=$S"), (int) os.options[OPTION_USE_WEATHER].value, ADDR_NVM_LOCATION, ADDR_NVM_WEATHER_KEY, (int)os.options[OPTION_FW_VERSION].value, tmp); char *src=tmp_buffer+strlen(tmp_buffer); char *dst=tmp_buffer+TMP_BUFFER_SIZE-1; char c; // url encode. convert SPACE to %20 // copy reversely from the end because we are potentially expanding // the string size while(src!=tmp_buffer) { c = *src--; if(c==' ') { *dst-- = '0'; *dst-- = '2'; *dst-- = '%'; } else { *dst-- = c; } }; *dst = *src; char urlBuffer[255]; strcpy(urlBuffer, "GET /weather"); strcat(urlBuffer, dst); strcat(urlBuffer, " HTTP/1.0\r\nHOST:\r\n\r\n"); client.write((uint8_t *)urlBuffer, strlen(urlBuffer)); bzero(ether_buffer, ETHER_BUFFER_SIZE); time_t timeout = os.now_tz() + 5; // 5 seconds timeout while(os.now_tz() < timeout) { int *)ether_buffer, ETHER_BUFFER_SIZE); if (len<=0) { if(!client.connected()) break; else continue; } peel_http_header(); getweather_callback(0, 0, ETHER_BUFFER_SIZE); } client.stop(); }
void print_json_header(bool bracket=true) { bfill.emit_p(PSTR("$F$F$F$F\r\n"), html200OK, htmlContentJSON, htmlAccessControl, htmlNoCache); if(bracket) bfill.emit_p(PSTR("{")); }
void print_html_standard_header() { bfill.emit_p(PSTR("$F$F$F$F\r\n"), html200OK, htmlContentHTML, htmlNoCache, htmlAccessControl); }