int main() { /* Initialize Building */ Building dc; int num_zones = dc.get_num_zones(); int num_rooms = dc.get_num_rooms(); int update = 0; printf("DEFAULT: \n Number of Zones = %d \n Number of Rooms = %d \n", num_zones, num_rooms); printf("Do you want to change? (1-Yes, 0-No): "); scanf_s("%d", &update); if (update == 1) { printf("WARNING: Number should lie between 0-255. Otherwise, Unexpected Results\n"); printf("Enter Number of Zones : "); scanf_s("%d", &num_zones); dc.set_num_zones(num_zones); printf("Enter Number of Rooms : "); scanf_s("%d", &num_rooms); dc.set_num_rooms(num_rooms); } num_zones = dc.get_num_zones(); num_rooms = dc.get_num_rooms(); printf("UPDATED: \n Number of Zones = %d \n Number of Rooms = %d \n", num_zones, num_rooms); /* Initialize Simulation Details */ int MIN2SEC = 60; long int duration = 120000; int time_step = 600; printf("DEFAULT: \n Duration = %ld \n Time Step = %d \n", duration, time_step); printf("Do you want to change? (1-Yes, 0-No): "); scanf_s("%d", &update); if (update == 1) { printf("Enter Simulation Duration (in seconds) : "); scanf_s("%ld", &duration); printf("Enter Time Step (in seconds) : "); scanf_s("%d", &time_step); } if ((time_step/MIN2SEC)/duration > 1) { printf("ERROR: Time step can't be greater than total duration of simulation"); return 0; } printf("UPDATED: \n Duration = %ld \n Time Step = %d \n", duration, time_step); int control_type = 1; printf("DEFAULT: SPOT Always On \n"); printf("Do you want to change? (1-Yes, 0-No): "); scanf_s("%d", &update); if (update == 1) { printf("Enter Control Type (1 - AlwaysOn, 2 - Reactive, 3 - MPC) : "); scanf_s("%d", &control_type); } if (control_type == 1) { printf("Updated: SPOT Always On \n"); } else if (control_type == 1) { printf("Updated: Reactive Control \n"); } else { printf("Updated: MPC Control \n"); } dc.Simulate(duration, time_step, control_type); printf("Simulation Complete"); system("pause"); return 0; }
void AIObjectiveMarker::AdvanceStandard() { AIObjective *objective = (AIObjective *)g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( m_objectiveId ); if( objective && objective->m_active ) { if( m_objectiveBuildingId != -1 ) { Building *b = g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( m_objectiveBuildingId ); if( b && !b->m_destroyed ) { if( b->m_type == Building::TypeSolarPanel && b->GetNumPorts() == 0 ) { m_objectiveBuildingId = -1; } else { SetTeamId( b->m_id.GetTeamId() ); } } else { AppDebugOut("Registered Objective Building missing\n"); m_objectiveBuildingId = -1; } } if( m_objectiveBuildingId == -1 ) { if( m_scanRange == 0.0 ) { SetTeamId(m_defaultTeam); } else { bool include[NUM_TEAMS]; memset( include, true, sizeof(bool) * NUM_TEAMS ); include[g_app->m_location->GetMonsterTeamId()] = false; include[g_app->m_location->GetFuturewinianTeamId()] = false; int total = g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->GetNumNeighbours( m_pos.x, m_pos.z, m_scanRange, include ); if( total > 0 ) { int teamCounts[NUM_TEAMS]; memset( teamCounts, 0, sizeof(int) * NUM_TEAMS ); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i ) { if( i == g_app->m_location->GetMonsterTeamId() ) continue; if( i == g_app->m_location->GetFuturewinianTeamId() ) continue; teamCounts[i] = g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->GetNumFriends( m_pos.x, m_pos.z, m_scanRange, i ); } int currentWinner = 0; for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i ) { if( teamCounts[i] > (teamCounts[currentWinner] * 4 ) && teamCounts[currentWinner] < 10) currentWinner = i; } SetTeamId( currentWinner ); } else { SetTeamId(255); } } } } int id = AI::FindNearestTarget( m_pos ); AITarget *target = (AITarget *)g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( id ); if( target ) { for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i ) { if( g_app->m_location->IsAttacking(i) ) { AI *ai = AI::s_ai[i]; if( ai ) { if( ai->m_currentObjective == m_objectiveId ) { if( m_armourObjective == 0 ) { if(!g_app->m_location->IsFriend(m_id.GetTeamId(), i )) { target->m_priority[i] = 1.0; target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = true; } else { target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = false; } } else { target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = false; } } else if( m_pickupAvailable ) { target->m_priority[i] = 1.0; target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = true; } else { target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = false; } } } } } }
TEST_F(ModelFixture, Building_SpaceAttributes) { Model model; Building building = model.getUniqueModelObject<Building>(); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.floorArea()); EXPECT_FALSE(building.conditionedFloorArea()); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.lightingPower()); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.lightingPowerPerFloorArea()); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.peoplePerFloorArea()); Space space(model); // floor Point3dVector points; points.push_back(Point3d(0, 10, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(10, 10, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(10, 0, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 0, 0)); Surface floor(points, model); floor.setParent(space); EXPECT_EQ("Floor", floor.surfaceType()); EXPECT_NEAR(100, space.floorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(100, building.floorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_FALSE(building.conditionedFloorArea()); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.lightingPower()); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.lightingPowerPerFloorArea()); EXPECT_EQ(0, building.peoplePerFloorArea()); LightsDefinition lightsDefinition(model); Lights light(lightsDefinition); EXPECT_TRUE(light.setSpace(space)); EXPECT_TRUE(lightsDefinition.setLightingLevel(100)); PeopleDefinition peopleDefinition(model); People person(peopleDefinition); EXPECT_TRUE(person.setSpace(space)); EXPECT_TRUE(peopleDefinition.setNumberofPeople(1)); EXPECT_NEAR(100, building.floorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_FALSE(building.conditionedFloorArea()); EXPECT_NEAR(100, building.lightingPower(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(1, building.lightingPowerPerFloorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(1.0/100.0, building.peoplePerFloorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_TRUE(light.setMultiplier(2)); EXPECT_TRUE(person.setMultiplier(2)); EXPECT_NEAR(100, building.floorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_FALSE(building.conditionedFloorArea()); EXPECT_NEAR(200, building.lightingPower(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(2, building.lightingPowerPerFloorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(2.0/100.0, building.peoplePerFloorArea(), 0.0001); ThermalZone thermalZone(model); EXPECT_TRUE(thermalZone.setMultiplier(2)); EXPECT_TRUE(space.setThermalZone(thermalZone)); EXPECT_EQ(2, space.multiplier()); EXPECT_NEAR(200, building.floorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_FALSE(building.conditionedFloorArea()); EXPECT_NEAR(400, building.lightingPower(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(2, building.lightingPowerPerFloorArea(), 0.0001); EXPECT_NEAR(2.0/100.0, building.peoplePerFloorArea(), 0.0001); }
void LocationEditor::AdvanceModeBuilding() { BuildingEditWindow *ew = (BuildingEditWindow *)EclGetWindow("editor_buildingid"); if (ew && EclMouseInWindow(ew)) return; Camera *cam = g_app->m_camera; // Find the ID of the building the user is clicking on int newSelectionId = -1; if ( g_inputManager->controlEvent( ControlTileSelect ) ) { Vector3 rayStart, rayDir; cam->GetClickRay( g_target->X(), g_target->Y(), &rayStart, &rayDir ); newSelectionId = DoesRayHitBuilding(rayStart, rayDir); } if (m_selectionId == -1) { // If there isn't currently any selection, then check for a new one if (newSelectionId != -1) { m_selectionId = newSelectionId; BuildingsCreateWindow *cw = (BuildingsCreateWindow*)EclGetWindow("editor_buildings"); AppDebugAssert(!ew); AppDebugAssert(cw); BuildingEditWindow *bew = new BuildingEditWindow("editor_buildingid"); bew->m_w = cw->m_w; bew->m_h = 140; bew->m_x = cw->m_x; EclRegisterWindow(bew); bew->m_y = cw->m_y - bew->m_h - 10; m_waitingForRelease = true; Location *location = g_app->m_location; Building *building = location->GetBuilding(m_selectionId); if( building->m_type == Building::TypeTree ) { TreeWindow *tw = new TreeWindow( "editor_treeditor" ); tw->m_w = cw->m_w; tw->m_h = 230; tw->m_y = bew->m_y - tw->m_h - 10; tw->m_x = bew->m_x; EclRegisterWindow( tw ); } } } else { Location *location = g_app->m_location; Building *building = location->GetBuilding(m_selectionId); if ( g_inputManager->controlEvent( ControlTileSelect ) ) // If left mouse is clicked then consider creating a new link { if (newSelectionId == -1) { EclRemoveWindow("editor_buildingid"); m_selectionId = -1; } else if (m_tool == ToolLink) { building->SetBuildingLink(newSelectionId); m_tool = ToolNone; } } else if ( g_inputManager->controlEvent( ControlTileDrag ) && newSelectionId == -1 ) // Otherwise consider rotation and movement { switch (m_tool) { case ToolMove: { Vector3 mousePos = g_app->m_userInput->GetMousePos3d(); building->m_pos = mousePos; break; } case ToolRotate: { Vector3 front = building->m_front; front.RotateAroundY((float)g_target->dX() * 0.01); building->m_front = front; break; } } } } }
/* * handleClickInput - if shift is held, then user is wanting to select units, * and no spell will cast. Otherwise the selected spell, if a single-click * type spell, will cast. */ void InGameState::handleClickInput(int x, int y,int screenX,int screenY){ if(!game->getGSM()->isGameInProgress()){ int overlayState= game->getGSM()->getOverlayGameState(); map<int,GUIScreenOverlay*>::iterator find=overlayWorkers.find(overlayState); if(find!=overlayWorkers.end())(*find).second->handleClick(screenX,screenY); return; } Viewport *vp = game->getGUI()->getViewport(); Cursor *c = game->getGUI()->getCursor(GS_GAME_IN_PROGRESS); toolbar.handleClick(game,screenX,screenY); displayUnits.handleClick(this,game,x,y); //spDBToolbar.handleClick(this, game, screenX, screenY); if(!isCursorBusy()){ vector<Tower*>::iterator beginTower=towers.begin(), endTower=towers.end(); b2Vec2 scaleMouse(x,y); scaleMouse*=BOX2D_Scale_Factor; for(;beginTower!=endTower;) { Tower* t = *beginTower; if(!t->isDead()){ if(t->p==mainPlayer){ b2AABB rct=t->getAABB(); if(rct.lowerBound.x<scaleMouse.x && rct.lowerBound.y<scaleMouse.y && rct.upperBound.x>scaleMouse.x && rct.upperBound.y>scaleMouse.y){ t->mouseClick(game,screenX,screenY); } } beginTower++; }else{ beginTower=towers.erase(beginTower); endTower=towers.end(); } } vector<Building*>::iterator beginOther=buildings.begin(), endOther=buildings.end(); for(;beginOther!=endOther;) { Building* t = *beginOther; if(!t->isDead()){ if(t->p==mainPlayer){ b2AABB rct=t->getAABB(); if(rct.lowerBound.x<scaleMouse.x && rct.lowerBound.y<scaleMouse.y && rct.upperBound.x>scaleMouse.x && rct.upperBound.y>scaleMouse.y){ t->mouseClick(game,screenX,screenY); } } beginOther++; } else{ beginOther=buildings.erase(beginOther); endOther=buildings.end(); } } } if( screenY < vp->getViewportHeight()+vp->getViewportOffsetY() ){ if (canCastSpell() && !isCursorBusy()){ Spell* p = toolbar.getCurrentSpell(); if(p!=NULL && p->getType()==click){ //x+=vp->getViewportX()-vp->getViewportOffsetX(); //y+=vp->getViewportY()-vp->getViewportOffsetY(); if(p->getManaCost(game,x,y,0,0)<=this->mainPlayer->mana){ mainPlayer->mana-=p->getManaCost(game,x,y,0,0); p=p->clone(); p->start(game,x,y); p->owner=mainPlayer; spells.push_back(p); } } //c->setActiveCursorID(2); } else{ if(currentBuilding!=NULL&& mappable){ if(!mainPlayer->getWizard()->buildingsTutorials){ tutSys->currentTutorial="BuildBarracks"; game->getGSM()->setOverlayGameState(TUTSYSSCREENOVERLAYNUM); mainPlayer->getWizard()->buildingsTutorials=true; } this->addBuilding(currentBuilding,bx,by,this->players[0]); currentBuilding=NULL; } } } }
void Handler::spawnObject(int objectID, ofVec2f inPos) { if (objectID >= 0 && objectID <= 6) { for (auto &obj : *gameObjects) { Building* building = dynamic_cast<Building*>(obj); if (building) { if (building->getPos().x == inPos.x&&building->getPos().y == inPos.y) { if (objectID == 0) { building->setHealth(0); } return; } } } } switch (objectID) { case(objectSheet::warehouse) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Warehouse(map)); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::forest) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Forest(map)); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::mine) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Mine(map)); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::farm) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Farm(map)); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::house) : { gameObjects->push_back(new House(map)); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::stockPile) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Stockpile(map)); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::person) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Person(gameObjects)); int random = rand(); random = random % 4; (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID+random]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::cow) : { gameObjects->push_back(new Cow()); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } case(objectSheet::onyxHorse) : { gameObjects->push_back(new OnyxHorse()); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setMyImage(images[objectID]); (*gameObjects)[gameObjects->size() - 1]->setPos(inPos); break; } } }
void BuildingConstructor::construct() { GLdouble currentMaxH = maxH; GLdouble currentMinH = minH; GLdouble xTranslation = ((double) rand() * 0.5) / (double) RAND_MAX; GLdouble zTranslation = ((double) rand() * 0.5) / (double) RAND_MAX; GLdouble xScaling = 2.0; GLdouble zScaling = 2.0; GLdouble rotationAngle = 90.0; GLdouble lotBias = 0.02; Matrix4d translation; Matrix4d scaling; Matrix4d rotation; Matrix4d rotation90; Building* building = NULL; GLdouble scaleMax = 0.90; GLdouble scaleMin = 0.5; double colorH = 1.0; double colorL = 0.90; double r = (double) rand() * (colorH + 1.0 - colorL) / (double) RAND_MAX + colorL; double g = (double) rand() * (colorH + 1.0 - colorL) / (double) RAND_MAX + colorL; double b = (double) rand() * (colorH + 1.0 - colorL) / (double) RAND_MAX + colorL; GLuint buildingChoice = rand() * (3 + 1) / RAND_MAX; GLuint roofChoice = rand() * (5 - 4 + 1) / RAND_MAX + 4; std::cerr << "buildingChoice: " << buildingChoice << " roofChoice: " << roofChoice << std::endl; rotation.identity(); rotation90.makeRotateY(rotationAngle); switch (choice) { // medium buildings case 0: while (buildingChoice == 1) { buildingChoice = rand() * (3 + 1) / RAND_MAX; } std::cerr << "hhhh" << std::endl; xScaling = (double) rand() * (3.0 + 1.0 - 2.0) / (double) RAND_MAX + 2.0; zScaling = (double) rand() * (3.0 + 1.0 - 2.0) / (double) RAND_MAX + 2.0; translation.makeTranslate(xTranslation, 0.0, zTranslation); scaling.makeScale(xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling); building = new Building(buildingChoice, roofChoice, r, g, b, texture, xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling, translation * scaling); root->addChild(building->getRoot()); break; // mid towards out buildings case 1: buildingChoice = rand() * (3 + 1 - 1) / RAND_MAX + 1; xScaling = zScaling = (double) rand() * (1.0 + 1.0 - 0.5) / (double) RAND_MAX + 0.5; for (int count = 0; count < layerCount - 1; ++count) { currentMaxH -= ((double) rand() * (scaleMax - scaleMin)) / (double) RAND_MAX + scaleMin;; xScaling += 0.3; zScaling += 0.3; if (xScaling > 3.0 || zScaling > 3.0) { break; } // std::cerr << "zScaling: " << zScaling << std::endl; scaling.makeScale(xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling); building = new Building(buildingChoice, roofChoice, r, g, b, texture, xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling, scaling); root->addChild(building->getRoot()); } break; // tall buildings with rotation case 2: scaling.makeScale(3.0, 1.0, 3.0); buildingChoice = rand() * (3 + 1 - 1) / RAND_MAX + 1; building = new Building(buildingChoice, roofChoice, r, g, b, texture, 3.0, 1.0, 3.0, scaling); root->addChild(building->getRoot()); translation.makeTranslate(xTranslation, 0.0, zTranslation); scaling.makeScale(xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling); building = new Building(buildingChoice, roofChoice, r, g, b, texture, xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling, translation * scaling); root->addChild(building->getRoot()); //t s m xTranslation = 0.5 - lotBias; zTranslation = 0.0; zScaling = ((double) rand() * (currentMaxH - currentMinH)) / (double) RAND_MAX + currentMinH; for (int count = 0; count < layerCount - 1; ++count) { currentMaxH -= ((double) rand() * (scaleMax - scaleMin)) / (double) RAND_MAX + scaleMin;; rotation = rotation90 * rotation; zScaling = ((double) rand() * (scaleMax - scaleMin)) / (double) RAND_MAX + scaleMin; // std::cerr << "zScaling: " << zScaling << std::endl; scaling.makeScale(xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling); translation.makeTranslate(xTranslation, 0.0, 0.0); building = new Building(buildingChoice, roofChoice, r, g, b, texture, xScaling, currentMaxH, zScaling, rotation * translation * scaling); root->addChild(building->getRoot()); } break; default: break; } }
int OpeningPredictor::instantiate_and_compile(int time, const Building& building, const string& tmpOpening) { #ifdef BENCH clock_t start = clock(); #endif evidence[observed[building.getEnumValue()]] = 1; evidence[Time] = time; #if DEBUG_OUTPUT > 1 cout << "====== evidence ======" << endl; cout << evidence << endl; #endif plDistribution PP_X; Cnd_P_X_knowing_obs.instantiate(PP_X, evidence); #if DEBUG_OUTPUT > 1 cout << "====== P(Opening | rest).instantiate ======" << endl; cout << Cnd_P_Opening_knowing_rest << endl; cout << PP_Opening.get_left_variables() << endl; cout << PP_Opening.get_right_variables() << endl; #endif PP_X.compile(T_P_X); #if DEBUG_OUTPUT >= 1 cout << "====== P(Opening | evidence), building: " << building << " ======" << endl; cout << T_P_Opening << endl; #endif #ifdef BENCH vector<pair<plValues, plProbValue> > outvals; if (T_P_X.is_null()) return -1; T_P_X.sorted_tabulate(outvals); #if PLOT > 0 vector<plValues> dummy; tmpProbV.clear(); T_P_Opening.tabulate(dummy, tmpProbV); T_P_Opening_v.push_back(tmpProbV); #endif for (vector<pair<plValues, plProbValue> >::const_iterator jt = outvals.begin(); jt != outvals.end(); ++jt) { cumulative_prob[jt->first] += jt->second; } #endif #ifdef DIRAC_ON_LAST_OPENING P_LastOpening.mutate(static_cast<plDistribution>( PP_Opening.compile().rename(LastOpening))); #endif #ifdef BENCH plValues toTest(Opening); toTest[Opening] = tmpOpening; if ([Opening] == toTest[Opening]) //&& T_P_Opening[toTest[Opening]] > 0.5) ++times_label_predicted ; if (time > 180 &&[Opening] == toTest[Opening]) ++times_label_predicted_after; #endif #ifdef BENCH clock_t end = clock(); double duration = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; time_taken_prediction.push_back(duration); #if DEBUG_OUTPUT > 2 cout << "TIME: instantiate+compile took: " << duration << " sec" << endl; #endif #endif return 0; }
void Unit::attackBuilding(Building &building) { building.takeDamage(attackDamage_); }
int main() { std::list<Passenger> passengers; Building* building = Building::getInstance(); // Open the file std::ifstream myfile("HW6-Elevators.csv"); std::string line; if(myfile.is_open()) { while(!myfile.eof()) { std::getline(myfile, line); // Simple validation // Line must have characters // and first ones need to be numbers // Short-circuits to avoid dereferencing line[0] when invalid if(line.length() <= 1 || !std::isdigit(line[0]) ) { continue; } // Trim the line boost::trim(line); // Use Boost.Tokenizer to parse the line boost::tokenizer< boost::escaped_list_separator< char > > tok(line); boost::tokenizer< boost::escaped_list_separator< char > >::iterator iter = tok.begin(); // Set the start time uint16_t time = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(*iter++); // Next is the starting floor uint16_t start_floor = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(*iter++); // Finally, set the ending floor uint16_t end_floor = boost::lexical_cast<uint16_t>(*iter++); // Add it to the list Passenger p(time, start_floor, end_floor); cout << p << endl; passengers.push_back(p); } } // If every elevator is idle, and passengers is empty, we're done while(1) // Run forever until internal break triggers { if(!passengers.empty() && passengers.front().getTime() == building->getTicker()) { // Process until all passengers for this timestamp are through while(passengers.front().getTime() == building->getTicker()) { Floor& floor = building->getFloor(passengers.front().getStartFloor()); floor.addPassenger(passengers.front()); building->incrementPassengerNumber(); // When we add a passenger, trigger an alert to the elevators building->alertElevators(floor.getNumber()); passengers.pop_front(); } } // Step the elevators building->stepElevators(); if(passengers.empty() && building->elevatorsIdle()) { break; } ++building->getTicker(); } // Show the average wait time cout << "The average wait time was: " << building->averageWaitTime() << endl; // Show the average travel time cout << "The average travel time was: " << building->averageTravelTime() << endl; }
bool sortByEmpl(Building i, Building j) { return j.employees() > i.employees(); }
void User_Interface::run() { switch (this->status){ case OUTPUT_DATA: { int max = this->calcMtrl->size(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < max; i++) { this->calcMtrl->pop_back(); } this->redraw_window(); this->type_build_box->set_top_index(0); this->num_floors_edit->set_text(""); this->length_edit->set_text(""); this->width_edit->set_text(""); this->mat_fund_box->set_top_index(0); this->mat_wall_box->set_top_index(0); this->mat_roof_box->set_top_index(0); //this->mat_panel_box->set_top_index(0); this->enable_all(true); this->OK_button->set_text("Расчет"); this->OK_button->show(SW_SHOW); this->show(SW_SHOW); this->status = INPUT_DATA; break; } case INPUT_DATA: { if (!this->materials->empty()){ int type_build = this->type_build_box->get_top_index(); int num_floors = _ttoi(this->num_floors_edit->get_text()); double length = _ttof(this->length_edit->get_text()); double width = _ttof(this->width_edit->get_text()); int mat_fund = this->mat_fund_box->get_id_top_material(); int mat_wall = this->mat_wall_box->get_id_top_material(); int mat_roof = this->mat_roof_box->get_id_top_material(); //int mat_panel = this->mat_panel_box->get_id_top_material(); bool podval = this->checkbox->isChecked(); Building* building = nullptr; switch (type_build) { case 0: building = new Home((double)width, (double)length, num_floors); break; case 1: building = new Office((double)width, (double)length, num_floors); break; case 2: building = new Storage((double)width, (double)length, num_floors); break; case 3: building = new Garage((double)width, (double)length, num_floors); break; default: break; } if (building){ building->createFoundation(mat_fund, podval); building->createWall(type_build, mat_wall); building->createRoof(mat_roof, type_build); building->calculate(); building->addMaterials(this->materials, this->calcMtrl); this->enable_all(false); this->OK_button->set_text("Новый"); this->OK_button->show(SW_SHOW); this->status = OUTPUT_DATA; int X = 10, Y = 320; this->textout("Материал", 10, Y); this->textout("Количество", 230, Y); this->textout("Цена/шт", 330, Y); this->textout("Сумма грн", 400, Y); this->line(5,Y-5, 475, Y-5); this->line(5, Y + 20, 475, Y + 20); this->line(5, Y - 5, 5, Y + 20); this->line(225, Y - 5, 225, Y + 20); this->line(325, Y - 5, 325, Y + 20); this->line(395, Y - 5, 395, Y + 20); this->line(475, Y - 5, 475, Y + 20); Y += 25; double itogo = 0; char * buf = 0; int decimal; int sign; int err; if (!this->calcMtrl->empty()){ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->calcMtrl->size(); i++) { if (this->calcMtrl->at(i)->count != 0) { char name[25]; strncpy_s(name,25, this->calcMtrl->at(i)->type.c_str(), 24); this->textout((TCHAR*)name, 10, Y); buf = (char*)malloc(_CVTBUFSIZE); err = _fcvt_s(buf, _CVTBUFSIZE, this->calcMtrl->at(i)->count, 0, &decimal, &sign); this->textout((TCHAR*)buf, 230, Y); _itoa_s(this->calcMtrl->at(i)->price, buf, _CVTBUFSIZE, 10); this->textout((TCHAR*)buf, 330, Y); double summa = this->calcMtrl->at(i)->count * this->calcMtrl->at(i)->price; err = _fcvt_s(buf, _CVTBUFSIZE, summa, 0, &decimal, &sign); this->textout((TCHAR*)buf, 400, Y); itogo += summa; this->line(5, Y + 20, 475, Y + 20); this->line(5, Y - 5, 5, Y + 20); this->line(225, Y - 5, 225, Y + 20); this->line(325, Y - 5, 325, Y + 20); this->line(395, Y - 5, 395, Y + 20); this->line(475, Y - 5, 475, Y + 20); Y += 25; } } this->textout("Итого:", 350, Y); err = _fcvt_s(buf, _CVTBUFSIZE, itogo, 0, &decimal, &sign); this->textout((TCHAR*)buf, 400, Y); this->line(345, Y + 20, 475, Y + 20); this->line(345, Y - 5, 345, Y + 20); this->line(395, Y - 5, 395, Y + 20); this->line(475, Y - 5, 475, Y + 20); } } } else{ this->textout("Нет данных о строительных материалах", 10, 320); this->status = OUTPUT_DATA; } break; } } }
Vector3 Entity::PushFromObstructions( Vector3 const &pos, bool killem ) { Vector3 result = pos; if( m_onGround ) { result.y = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.m_heightMap->GetValue( result.x, result.z ); } Matrix34 transform( m_front, g_upVector, result ); // // Push from Water if( result.y <= 1.0 ) { double pushAngle = syncsfrand(1.0); double distance = 0.0; while( distance < 50.0 ) { double angle = distance * pushAngle * M_PI; Vector3 offset( iv_cos(angle) * distance, 0.0, iv_sin(angle) * distance ); Vector3 newPos = result + offset; double height = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.m_heightMap->GetValue( newPos.x, newPos.z ); if( height > 1.0 ) { result = newPos; result.y = height; break; } distance += 1.0; } } // // Push from buildings LList<int> *buildings = g_app->m_location->m_obstructionGrid->GetBuildings( result.x, result.z ); for( int b = 0; b < buildings->Size(); ++b ) { int buildingId = buildings->GetData(b); Building *building = g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( buildingId ); if( building ) { bool hit = false; if( m_shape && building->DoesShapeHit( m_shape, transform ) ) hit = true; if( (!m_shape || m_type == TypeOfficer ) && building->DoesSphereHit( result, 1.0 ) ) hit = true; // cheap hack, but no point overriding the entire function for this one line if( !hit ) { Vector3 oldPos = m_pos - m_vel * SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD; if( building->DoesRayHit( oldPos, m_front, (m_pos - oldPos).Mag() ) ) hit = true; } if( hit ) { if( building->m_type == Building::TypeLaserFence && killem && ((LaserFence *) building)->IsEnabled()) { if( !g_app->m_location->IsFriend(building->m_id.GetTeamId(), m_id.GetTeamId() ) ) { ChangeHealth( -9999 ); ((LaserFence *) building)->Electrocute( m_pos ); } } else { Vector3 pushForce = (building->m_pos - result); pushForce.y = 0.0f; pushForce.SetLength(4.0f); while( building->DoesSphereHit( result, 2.0f ) ) { result -= pushForce; //result.y = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.m_heightMap->GetValue( result.x, result.z ); } } } } } return result; }
void AIObjectiveMarker::AdvanceDefensive() { AIObjective *objective = (AIObjective *)g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( m_objectiveId ); if( objective && objective->m_active ) { Building *b = g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( m_objectiveBuildingId ); if( b ) { if( b->m_type == Building::TypeSolarPanel && b->GetNumPorts() == 0 ) { m_objectiveBuildingId = -1; } } else { m_objectiveBuildingId = -1; } int teamCounts[NUM_TEAMS]; memset( teamCounts, 0, sizeof(int) * NUM_TEAMS ); for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i ) { if( i == g_app->m_location->GetMonsterTeamId() ) continue; if( i == g_app->m_location->GetFuturewinianTeamId() ) continue; teamCounts[i] = g_app->m_location->m_entityGrid->GetNumFriends( m_pos.x, m_pos.z, m_scanRange, i ); } int currentWinner = 0; int totalDefenders = 0; for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i ) { if( g_app->m_location->IsDefending(i) ) { totalDefenders += teamCounts[i]; if( totalDefenders >= 15 || (b && g_app->m_location->IsDefending( b->m_id.GetTeamId() ) ) ) { currentWinner = i; break; } } if( teamCounts[i] > (teamCounts[currentWinner] * 2 ) ) currentWinner = i; } SetTeamId( currentWinner ); } int id = AI::FindNearestTarget( m_pos ); AITarget *target = (AITarget *)g_app->m_location->GetBuilding( id ); if( target ) { for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i ) { if( g_app->m_location->IsDefending(i) ) { AI *ai = AI::s_ai[i]; if( ai ) { if( ai->m_currentObjective == m_objectiveId ) { if(g_app->m_location->IsFriend(m_id.GetTeamId(), i )) { target->m_priority[i] = 1.0; target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = true; } else { target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = false; } } else { target->m_aiObjectiveTarget[i] = false; } } } } } }
void WorldModel::setBuildingsInSightPoints() { int extendedSightRange = maxSightRange * 2; LOG(Main, 2) << "num of roads: " << world->roads.size() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < (int) world->roads.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (int) world->roads[i]->getInnerPoints().size(); j++) { Point p = world->roads[i]->getInnerPoints()[j]; vector<Building*> nearBuildings; // vector<Point> nearPoints; // vector<Point> upNearPoints; // vector<Point> downNearPoints; LOG(Main, 2) << "road: " << i << " with id " << world->roads[i]->getId() << endl; for (int k = 0; k < (int) world->buildings.size(); k++) { if (distanceBetweenPoints(p, world->buildings[k]->getPos()) < extendedSightRange) { nearBuildings.push_back(world->buildings[k]); // LOG(Main, 1) << "circle" << world->buildings[k]->getPos() << " 2000; "; } } //algorithm for sort near points // for(int k = 0; k < (int)nearBuildings.size(); k++) // { // for(int l = 0; l < nearBuildings[k]->getShape().size(); l++) // { // Point tmp = nearBuildings[k]->getShape().getVertex(l); // if(isLessEqual(p.getY(), tmp.getY())) // { // upNearPoints.push_back(tmp); // } // else // { // downNearPoints.push_back(tmp); // } // } // } // setComparePoint(p); // sort(upNearPoints.begin(), upNearPoints.end(), Geometry::angleCompare); // sort(downNearPoints.begin(), downNearPoints.end(), Geometry::angleCompare); // for(int k = 0; k < (int)upNearPoints.size(); k++) // { // nearPoints.push_back(upNearPoints[k]); // } // for(int k = 0; k < (int)downNearPoints.size(); k++) // { // nearPoints.push_back(downNearPoints[k]); // } // LOG(Main, 2) << "after sort" << endl; // if(nearPoints.size() == 0) // { // continue; // } set<Building*> inSightBuildings; setColor(4); LOG(Main, 2) << Circle(p, maxSightRange) << ' '; LOG(Main, 2) << Circle(p, 500) << ' '; setColor(1); // LOG(Main, 1) << "circle" << p << " " << extendedSightRange << "; "; // for(int k = 1; k < (int)nearPoints.size(); k++) // { // LOG(Main, 1) << "line" << nearPoints[k - 1] << nearPoints[k] << "; "; // } // LOG(Main, 1) << "line" << nearPoints[0] << nearPoints.back() << "; "; // for(int k = 0; k < (int)nearPoints.size(); k++) double dAngle = M_PI * 2 / rayCount; for (int k = 0; k < rayCount; k++) { // int next = (k + 1) % nearPoints.size(); // Point mid = Segment(nearPoints[k], nearPoints[next]).getMiddlePoint(); // Segment s(p, mid); // Vector ext = p.asVector() + s.asVector() * (extendedSightRange / s.getLength()); // s = Segment(p, ext.asPoint()); double angle = k * dAngle; Segment s(p, (p.asVector() + Vector(sin(angle) * maxSightRange, cos(angle) * maxSightRange)).asPoint()); LOG(Main, 2) << s << ' '; // LOG(Main, 1) << "circle" << nearPoints[k] << " 200; "; double minDist = 1e10; Building* inSightBuilding = NULL; Segment minLine; for (int l = 0; l < (int) nearBuildings.size(); l++) { for (int m = 0; m < nearBuildings[l]->getIDs().size(); m++) { if (nearBuildings[l]->getIDs()[m] == -1) { Segment edge = nearBuildings[l]->getShape().getSegment(m); // LOG(Main, 1) << "line" << edge.getFirstPoint() << edge.getSecondPoint() << "; "; if (isIntersect(s, edge)) { // LOG(Main, 1) << "circle" << p << " " << maxSightRange << "; "; // LOG(Main, 1) << "circle" << p << " " << extendedSightRange << "; "; // LOG(Main, 1) << "line" << s.getFirstPoint() << s.getSecondPoint() << "; "; // LOG(Main, 1) << "line" << edge.getFirstPoint() << edge.getSecondPoint() << "; "; Point intersect = getIntersectPoint(s.asLine(), edge.asLine()); // LOG(Main, 1) << "circle" << intersect << " 200;" << endl; if (isLess(distanceBetweenPoints(p, intersect), minDist)) { minDist = distanceBetweenPoints(p, intersect); inSightBuilding = nearBuildings[l]; minLine = edge; } } } } } if (inSightBuilding != NULL && isLess(minDist, (double) maxSightRange)) { inSightBuildings.insert(inSightBuilding); LOG(Main, 2) << Circle(inSightBuilding->getPos(), 1000) << ' '; LOG(Main, 2) << minLine << ' '; // LOG(Main, 1) << "line" << s.getFirstPoint() << s.getSecondPoint() << "; "; } } // LOG(Main, 2) << endl << endl; for (set<Building*>::iterator k = inSightBuildings.begin(); k != inSightBuildings.end(); k++) { (*k)->addInSightPoint(i, j); } } LOG(Main, 2) << endl; } // Reverse Log (buildings) // for(int i = 0; i < (int)world->buildings.size(); i++) // { // LOG(Main, 2) << "building " << i << " with id " << world->buildings[i]->getId() << endl; // setColor(0); // LOG(Main, 2) << Circle(world->buildings[i]->getPos(), 1000) << ' '; // setColor(2); // for(int j = 0; j < (int)world->buildings[i]->getInSightPoints().size(); j++) // { // LOG(Main, 2) << Circle(world->roads[world->buildings[i]->getInSightPoints()[j].roadIndex]->getInnerPoints()[world->buildings[i]->getInSightPoints()[j].index], 500) << ' '; // } // LOG(Main, 2) << endl << endl; // } }
TEST_F(ModelFixture, Construction_NetArea_InteriorWall) { Model model; Construction construction1(model); Construction construction2(model); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, construction1.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, construction2.getNetArea()); // add costs boost::optional<LifeCycleCost> cost1 = LifeCycleCost::createLifeCycleCost("Brick", construction1, 3.0, "CostPerArea", "Construction"); ASSERT_TRUE(cost1); boost::optional<LifeCycleCost> cost2 = LifeCycleCost::createLifeCycleCost("Glass", construction2, 5.0, "CostPerArea", "Construction"); ASSERT_TRUE(cost2); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, cost1->totalCost()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, cost2->totalCost()); Building building = model.getUniqueModelObject<Building>(); DefaultSurfaceConstructions defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions(model); DefaultSurfaceConstructions defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions(model); DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions(model); DefaultSubSurfaceConstructions defaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions(model); DefaultConstructionSet defaultConstructionSet(model); defaultConstructionSet.setDefaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions(defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions); defaultConstructionSet.setDefaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions(defaultInteriorSurfaceConstructions); defaultConstructionSet.setDefaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions(defaultExteriorSubSurfaceConstructions); defaultConstructionSet.setDefaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions(defaultInteriorSubSurfaceConstructions); building.setDefaultConstructionSet(defaultConstructionSet); Space space(model); Point3dVector points; points.push_back(Point3d(0, 0, 1)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 0, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 1, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 1, 1)); Surface surface1(points, model); surface1.setSpace(space); EXPECT_EQ("Wall", surface1.surfaceType()); EXPECT_EQ("Outdoors", surface1.outsideBoundaryCondition()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, surface1.netArea()); points.clear(); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 1, 1)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 1, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 0, 0)); points.push_back(Point3d(0, 0, 1)); Surface surface2(points, model); surface2.setSpace(space); EXPECT_EQ("Wall", surface2.surfaceType()); EXPECT_EQ("Outdoors", surface2.outsideBoundaryCondition()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, surface2.netArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, construction1.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, construction2.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, cost1->totalCost()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, cost2->totalCost()); defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.setWallConstruction(construction1); ASSERT_TRUE(; ASSERT_TRUE(; EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction1.handle()); EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction1.handle()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(2.0, construction1.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, construction2.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(6.0, cost1->totalCost()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0, cost2->totalCost()); surface1.setConstruction(construction1); surface2.setConstruction(construction2); ASSERT_TRUE(; ASSERT_TRUE(; EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction1.handle()); EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction2.handle()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, construction1.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, construction2.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(3.0, cost1->totalCost()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(5.0, cost2->totalCost()); surface1.setAdjacentSurface(surface2); ASSERT_TRUE(; ASSERT_TRUE(; EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction1.handle()); EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction2.handle()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, construction1.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, construction2.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(3.0, cost1->totalCost()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(5.0, cost2->totalCost()); surface2.setConstruction(construction1); ASSERT_TRUE(; ASSERT_TRUE(; EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction1.handle()); EXPECT_EQ(>handle(), construction1.handle()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, construction1.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, construction2.getNetArea()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(3.0, cost1->totalCost()); EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(0.0, cost2->totalCost()); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Name : deserialize // ----------------------------------------------------------------- bool LuaContext::deserialize(NetworkData * pData, PlayerManagerAbstract * pMngr, Map * pMap) { pLua = NULL; pPlayer = NULL; pUnit = NULL; pTown = NULL; u32 uType = (u32) pData->readLong(); switch (uType) { case LUAOBJECT_SPELL: { // Find player u8 uPlayerId = (u8) pData->readLong(); pPlayer = pMngr->findPlayer(uPlayerId); assert(pPlayer != NULL); // Find spell u32 uLuaId = (u32) pData->readLong(); pLua = pPlayer->findSpell(0, uLuaId, pPlayer->m_pActiveSpells); assert(pLua != NULL); ((Spell*)pLua)->setCaster(pPlayer); break; } case LUAOBJECT_SKILL: { // Find player u8 uPlayerId = (u8) pData->readLong(); pPlayer = pMngr->findPlayer(uPlayerId); assert(pPlayer != NULL); // Find unit u32 uUnitId = (u32) pData->readLong(); pUnit = pPlayer->findUnit(uUnitId); assert(pUnit != NULL); // Find skill u32 uLuaId = (u32) pData->readLong(); pLua = pUnit->findSkill(uLuaId); assert(pLua != NULL); ((Skill*)pLua)->setCaster(pUnit); break; } case LUAOBJECT_BUILDING: { // Find town u32 uTown = (u32) pData->readLong(); pTown = pMap->findTown(uTown); assert(pTown != NULL); // Find building u32 uLuaId = (u32) pData->readLong(); Building * pBuild = pTown->getFirstBuilding(0); while (pBuild != NULL) { if (pBuild->getInstanceId() == uLuaId) { pLua = pBuild; break; } pBuild = pTown->getNextBuilding(0); } assert(pLua != NULL); ((Building*)pLua)->setCaster(pTown); break; } case LUAOBJECT_SPECIALTILE: { // Find special tile u32 uLuaId = (u32) pData->readLong(); pLua = pMap->findSpecialTile(uLuaId); assert(pLua != NULL); break; } } pLua->setCurrentEffect((int) pData->readLong()); return true; }
bool IsValid() const { return m_building.IsValid() && m_street.IsValid(); }
//Saves the map. Good for editing maps, not good for saving a game in mid-play because unit statuses are not saved. void InformationStorage::saveMap(string filename, Map *level) { TiXmlDocument doc; string s; TiXmlDeclaration* decl = new TiXmlDeclaration("1.0", "", ""); doc.LinkEndChild(decl); //Set up the root of the XML document TiXmlElement *root = new TiXmlElement("TileInfo"); doc.LinkEndChild(root); //Set up the Units, Buildings, and Tiles blocks TiXmlElement *units = new TiXmlElement("Units"); TiXmlElement *buildings = new TiXmlElement("Buildings"); TiXmlElement *tiles = new TiXmlElement("Tiles"); //Set up pointers to be used throughout saving the map TiXmlElement *elem; GameObject *gObj = 0; Unit *unit = 0; Building *building = 0; Terrain *tile = 0; //Set the width, height, and player count in the XML based on the level tiles->SetAttribute("width", level->width); tiles->SetAttribute("height", level->height); tiles->SetAttribute("playercount", level->playerCount()); //Add the units, buildings, and tiles blocks to the root root->LinkEndChild(units); root->LinkEndChild(buildings); root->LinkEndChild(tiles); Cell* cell; //Go through every cell of the map, and check what the terrain, unit(if any), and building(if any) //there is, and store it in the xml for(int i=0; i<level->width; i++) { for(int j=0; j<level->height; j++) { cell = level->getCell(i, j); gObj = cell->objectAtLayer(CellLayers::Unit); if(gObj) { //Add the unit to the units tag unit = (Unit*)gObj; elem = new TiXmlElement("Unit"); elem->SetAttribute("id", unit->id); elem->SetAttribute("pId", unit->getOwner()->id); elem->SetAttribute("x", i); elem->SetAttribute("y", j); units->LinkEndChild(elem); } gObj = cell->objectAtLayer(CellLayers::Building); if(gObj) { //Add the building to the buildings tag building = (Building*)gObj; elem = new TiXmlElement("Building"); elem->SetAttribute("id", building->id); elem->SetAttribute("pId", building->getOwner()->id); elem->SetAttribute("x", i); elem->SetAttribute("y", j); buildings->LinkEndChild(elem); } //Don't bother checking for terrain, there should always be one there. gObj = cell->objectAtLayer(CellLayers::Terrain); tile = (Terrain*)gObj; elem = new TiXmlElement("Tile"); elem->SetAttribute("shorthand", tile->id); elem->SetAttribute("x", i); elem->SetAttribute("y", j); tiles->LinkEndChild(elem); } } doc.SaveFile(filename.c_str()); }
/* Fall 3: prüft, ob sich alles korrekt verhält, wenn das Gebäude gedreht ist. * * Süd Ost Nord West * ===== ===== ====== ====== * * x=88 x=88 x=88 x=88 * | | | | * □□□□□□□□□ □□□□ ▨▨▨□□□□□□ □▨▨▨ * □▨▨▣▣▣▨▨▨ — y=42 □▨▨□ ▨▨▨▣▣▣▨▨□ — y=42 □▨▨▨ * □▨▨▣▣▣▨▨▨ □▨▨□ ▨▨▨▣▣▣▨▨□ □▨▨▨ * □□□□□□▨▨▨ □▣▣□ — y=42 □□□□□□□□□ □▣▣□ — y=42 * □▣▣□ □▣▣□ * □▣▣□ □▣▣□ * ▨▨▨□ □▨▨□ * ▨▨▨□ □▨▨□ * ▨▨▨□ □□□□ * * Wir prüfen immer dieselben MapCoords im Test. * Je nach Gebäude-View sind wir dann innerhalb ..oder außerhalb des Einzugsbereichs. */ TEST(CatchmentAreaTest, isInsideCatchmentArea_Views) { Building building; building.setMapCoords(MapCoords(88, 42)); building.setView(Direction::SOUTH); RectangleData<char>* catchmentArea = new RectangleData<char>(9, 4); memcpy(catchmentArea->data, "000000000011111111011111111000000111", 36); MapObjectType mapObjectType; mapObjectType.catchmentArea.reset(catchmentArea); building.setMapObjectType(&mapObjectType); building.setMapWidth(3); building.setMapHeight(2); building.setView(Direction::SOUTH); ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(88, 42))); // Mitte ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 41))); // Ecken des Quer-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 41))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 44))); ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 39))); // Ecken des Hochkant-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 39))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 47))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 47))); building.setMapWidth(2); building.setMapHeight(3); building.setView(Direction::EAST); ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(88, 42))); // Mitte ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 41))); // Ecken des Quer-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 41))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 39))); // Ecken des Hochkant-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 39))); ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 47))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 47))); building.setMapWidth(3); building.setMapHeight(2); building.setView(Direction::NORTH); ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(88, 42))); // Mitte ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 41))); // Ecken des Quer-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 41))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 39))); // Ecken des Hochkant-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 39))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 47))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 47))); building.setMapWidth(2); building.setMapHeight(3); building.setView(Direction::WEST); ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(88, 42))); // Mitte ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 41))); // Ecken des Quer-Rechtecks ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 41))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(85, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(93, 44))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 39))); // Ecken des Hochkant-Rechtecks ASSERT_TRUE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 39))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(87, 47))); ASSERT_FALSE(CatchmentArea::isInsideCatchmentArea(building, MapCoords(90, 47))); }
void LocationEditor::Render() { // // Render our buildings g_app->m_renderer->SetObjectLighting(); LevelFile *levelFile = g_app->m_location->m_levelFile; for( int i = 0; i < levelFile->m_buildings.Size(); ++i ) { if( levelFile->m_buildings.ValidIndex(i) ) { Building *b = levelFile->m_buildings.GetData(i); b->Render(0.0); } } g_app->m_renderer->UnsetObjectLighting(); if (m_mode == ModeBuilding) { for( int i = 0; i < levelFile->m_buildings.Size(); ++i ) { if( levelFile->m_buildings.ValidIndex(i) ) { Building *b = levelFile->m_buildings.GetData(i); b->RenderAlphas(0.0); b->RenderLink(); } } } // // Render camera mounts { g_app->m_renderer->SetObjectLighting(); Shape *camShape = g_app->m_resource->GetShape("camera.shp"); Matrix34 mat; for (int i = 0; i < g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->m_cameraMounts.Size(); ++i) { CameraMount *mount = g_app->m_location->m_levelFile->m_cameraMounts[i]; Vector3 camToMount = g_app->m_camera->GetPos() - mount->m_pos; if (camToMount.Mag() < 20.0) continue; mat.OrientFU(mount->m_front, mount->m_up); mat.pos = mount->m_pos; camShape->Render(0.0, mat); } g_app->m_renderer->UnsetObjectLighting(); } g_app->m_renderer->UnsetObjectLighting(); // // Render our instant units for (int i = 0; i < levelFile->m_instantUnits.Size(); ++i) { InstantUnit *iu = levelFile->m_instantUnits.GetData(i); RenderUnit(iu); } switch (m_mode) { case ModeLandTile: RenderModeLandTile(); break; case ModeLandFlat: RenderModeLandFlat(); break; case ModeBuilding: RenderModeBuilding(); break; case ModeLight: break; case ModeInstantUnit: RenderModeInstantUnit(); break; case ModeCameraMount: RenderModeCameraMount(); break; } // // Render axes float sizeX = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.GetWorldSizeX() / 2; float sizeZ = g_app->m_location->m_landscape.GetWorldSizeZ() / 2; RenderArrow(Vector3(10, 200, 0), Vector3(sizeX, 200, 0), 4.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(sizeX, 250, 0); glVertex3f(sizeX + 90, 150, 0); glVertex3f(sizeX, 150, 0); glVertex3f(sizeX + 90, 250, 0); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); RenderArrow(Vector3(0, 200, 10), Vector3(0, 200, sizeZ), 4.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(0, 250, sizeZ); glVertex3f(0, 250, sizeZ + 90); glVertex3f(0, 250, sizeZ); glVertex3f(0, 150, sizeZ + 90); glVertex3f(0, 150, sizeZ); glVertex3f(0, 150, sizeZ + 90); glEnd(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); // // Render targetting crosshair g_app->m_renderer->SetupMatricesFor2D(); glColor3ub(255,255,255); glLineWidth( 1.0 ); glBegin( GL_LINES ); glVertex2i( g_app->m_renderer->ScreenW()/2, g_app->m_renderer->ScreenH()/2 - 30 ); glVertex2i( g_app->m_renderer->ScreenW()/2, g_app->m_renderer->ScreenH()/2 + 30 ); glVertex2i( g_app->m_renderer->ScreenW()/2 - 30, g_app->m_renderer->ScreenH()/2 ); glVertex2i( g_app->m_renderer->ScreenW()/2 + 30, g_app->m_renderer->ScreenH()/2 ); glEnd(); g_app->m_renderer->SetupMatricesFor3D(); CHECK_OPENGL_STATE(); }
void Fire() { if (!game.input->grabbing) return; // Ignore when not selected if (!NetCode::TryLock()) { game.firing = true; return; } game.firing = false; switch (game.player->weapon) { case weapWrench: Build(); return; case weapLaser: { Camera &cam = game.controller->camera; Vd vec = ~(game.player->rotation * Vd(0,1,0)); double yaw = atan2(vec.x, vec.y); Pd gunLoc = game.player->origin;// + game.player->model.weapon->origin; gunLoc.x = gunLoc.x + game.player->model.weapon->origin.x * cos(yaw) + game.player->model.weapon->origin.y * sin(yaw); gunLoc.y = gunLoc.y + game.player->model.weapon->origin.x * sin(yaw) + game.player->model.weapon->origin.y * cos(yaw); gunLoc.z = gunLoc.z + game.player->model.weapon->origin.z; Vd lookVec = (~(Vd(game.controller->target)+ -Vd(cam.origin))) * 38; Pd target = game.controller->target; ObjectHandle collision; if(game.controller->firstPerson){ lookVec = (~(game.controller->camAngle * Vd(0,1,0)))*38; collision =>trace(game.controller->camera.origin, lookVec, game.player); }else{ collision =>trace(game.controller->target, lookVec, game.player); } if (collision) { Pd collisionPoint; if(game.controller->firstPerson){ collisionPoint = game.controller->camera.origin + (lookVec); }else{ collisionPoint = game.controller->target + (lookVec); } Qd beam = gunLoc.lookAt(collisionPoint); ObjectHandle laser = LaserBeam(gunLoc, beam, !lookVec);>addLaserBeam(laser); NetCode::Fire(*TO(LaserBeam,laser)); Player *p = TO(Player, collision); if(p){ //if(p->team != game.player->team){//Precent teamkill p->damage(10.0, game.player->id); NetCode::Hit(p->id, 10.0, true); //} }else{ Building *b = TO(Building, collision); if(b){ /* Enable team kill on towers to demolish Player *own = NULL; if(Game::game.players.count(t->owner)) own = TO(Player, Game::game.players[t->owner]); if(own && own->team != game.player->team){*/ b->damage(10.0, game.player->id); NetCode::Attack(b->loc, 10.0, true); //} } } } else{>addLaserBeam(ObjectHandle(LaserBeam(gunLoc, cam.objective, !lookVec))); } return; } break; } }
#include <catch.hpp> #include <resourceshandler.hpp> #include <world/building.hpp> #include <world/buildingtypehandler.hpp> using World::Building; TEST_CASE("Basic Buildings tests") { const auto house_bt = World::BuildingTypeHandler::instance().add(World::BuildingType{"House", {3, 3}, {}}); SECTION("Creating a building that can't produce anything has no current recipe") { Building b{house_bt, {1, 1}, {{1, 0}, utils::SizeU{3, 3}}}; CHECK_FALSE(b.currentRecipe()); } ResourcesHandler::clear(); ResourcesHandler::loadResources({"Wood", "Plank"}); const auto wood_id = ResourcesHandler::const_instance().idOf("Wood"); const auto plank_id = ResourcesHandler::const_instance().idOf("Plank"); const auto lumbermill_bt = World::BuildingTypeHandler::instance().add( World::BuildingType{"LumberMill", {3, 3}, {}, {Recipe{1, {{wood_id, 1}}, {{plank_id, 1}}}}}); SECTION("Creating a building with only one possible recipe has it as current recipe upon construction") { Building b{lumbermill_bt, {1, 1}, {{1, 0}, utils::SizeU{3, 3}}}; CHECK(b.currentRecipe()); }
boost::optional<IdfObject> ForwardTranslator::translateBuilding( Building & modelObject ) { Model model = modelObject.model(); IdfObject idfObject(IddObjectType::Building); m_idfObjects.push_back(idfObject); for (LifeCycleCost lifeCycleCost : modelObject.lifeCycleCosts()){ translateAndMapModelObject(lifeCycleCost); } OptionalString optS =; if( optS ) { idfObject.setName(stripOS2(*optS)); } if (!modelObject.isNorthAxisDefaulted()){ idfObject.setDouble(openstudio::BuildingFields::NorthAxis, modelObject.northAxis()); } // terrain comes from Site OptionalSite site = model.getOptionalUniqueModelObject<Site>(); if (site){ if (!site->isTerrainDefaulted()){ idfObject.setString(openstudio::BuildingFields::Terrain, site->terrain()); } } // these fields come from SimulationControl OptionalSimulationControl simulationControl = model.getOptionalUniqueModelObject<SimulationControl>(); if (simulationControl){ if (!simulationControl->isLoadsConvergenceToleranceValueDefaulted()){ idfObject.setDouble(openstudio::BuildingFields::LoadsConvergenceToleranceValue, simulationControl->loadsConvergenceToleranceValue()); } if (!simulationControl->isTemperatureConvergenceToleranceValueDefaulted()){ idfObject.setDouble(openstudio::BuildingFields::TemperatureConvergenceToleranceValue, simulationControl->temperatureConvergenceToleranceValue()); } if (!simulationControl->isSolarDistributionDefaulted()){ idfObject.setString(openstudio::BuildingFields::SolarDistribution, simulationControl->solarDistribution()); } if (!simulationControl->isMaximumNumberofWarmupDaysDefaulted()){ idfObject.setInt(openstudio::BuildingFields::MaximumNumberofWarmupDays, simulationControl->maximumNumberofWarmupDays()); } if (!simulationControl->isMinimumNumberofWarmupDaysDefaulted()) { idfObject.setInt(openstudio::BuildingFields::MinimumNumberofWarmupDays, simulationControl->minimumNumberofWarmupDays()); } } // translate shading groups ShadingSurfaceGroupVector shadingSurfaceGroups = modelObject.shadingSurfaceGroups(); std::sort(shadingSurfaceGroups.begin(), shadingSurfaceGroups.end(), WorkspaceObjectNameLess()); for (ShadingSurfaceGroup& shadingSurfaceGroup : shadingSurfaceGroups){ translateAndMapModelObject(shadingSurfaceGroup); } return boost::optional<IdfObject>(idfObject); }
int main () { Building* b = new Building ("SoftUni", "SoftUni", 11, 106, 200, 60) ; cout <<(b->getBldgInfo()) <<endl ; return 0; }
void NetworkManager::CreateBuildingForFemtocells (int idBuilding, int buildingType, double apartmentSide, int nbFloors, double pos_X, double pos_Y, int firstFemtoCellID, int nbOfFemtocells) { double side_X; double side_Y; if ( buildingType == 0) { side_X = 5 * apartmentSide; side_Y = 5 * apartmentSide; } else { side_X = 10 * apartmentSide; side_Y = 5 * apartmentSide; } Building* building = new Building (idBuilding, buildingType, nbFloors, side_X, side_Y, pos_X, pos_Y); // CREATE FEMTO _CELLS int idCell; for (int floor = 0; floor < nbFloors; floor++ ) { int femtocellIndex = 0; while ( femtocellIndex < nbOfFemtocells ) { idCell = femtocellIndex + firstFemtoCellID; double* offset = GetFemtoCellOffsetInBuilding ( building->GetBuildingType(), femtocellIndex, apartmentSide); building->AddFemtoCell( CreateFemtoCell( idCell, apartmentSide, offset[0] + pos_X, offset[1] + pos_Y) ); GetFemtoCellByID(idCell)->GetCellCenterPosition()->SetCoordinateZ( floor ); delete [] offset; femtocellIndex++; } } GetBuildingContainer()->push_back(building); }