ScanService(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path, JavaVM* vm, jobject jobj) : BusObject(bus, path), vm(vm), jobj(jobj) { QStatus status; /* Add the chat interface to this object */ const InterfaceDescription* scanIntf = bus.GetInterface(SCAN_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME); assert(scanIntf); AddInterface(*scanIntf); /* Store the Chat signal member away so it can be quickly looked up when signals are sent */ scanMethodMember = scanIntf->GetMember("Scan"); assert(scanMethodMember); const MethodEntry methodEntries[] = { { scanIntf->GetMember("Scan"), static_cast<MessageReceiver::MethodHandler>(&ScanService::Scan) } }; status = AddMethodHandlers(methodEntries, ARRAY_SIZE(methodEntries)); if (ER_OK != status) { LOGE("Failed to register method handlers for AllJoynAndroidExtService (%s)", QCC_StatusText(status)); } }
BasicSampleObject(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path) : BusObject(bus, path) { /** Add the test interface to this object */ const InterfaceDescription* exampleIntf = bus.GetInterface(SERVICE_NAME); assert(exampleIntf); AddInterface(*exampleIntf); /** Register the method handlers with the object */ const MethodEntry methodEntries[] = { { exampleIntf->GetMember("cat"), static_cast<MessageReceiver::MethodHandler>(&BasicSampleObject::Cat) } }; QStatus status = AddMethodHandlers(methodEntries, sizeof(methodEntries) / sizeof(methodEntries[0])); if (ER_OK != status) { printf("Failed to register method handlers for BasicSampleObject"); } }
ServiceObject(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path, JavaVM* vm, jobject jobj) : BusObject(bus, path), vm(vm), jobj(jobj), isNameAcquired(false) { QStatus status; /* Add the service interface to this object */ const InterfaceDescription* regTestIntf = bus.GetInterface(SIMPLE_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME); assert(regTestIntf); AddInterface(*regTestIntf); /* Register the method handlers with the object */ const MethodEntry methodEntries[] = { { regTestIntf->GetMember("Ping"), static_cast<MessageReceiver::MethodHandler>(&ServiceObject::Ping) } }; status = AddMethodHandlers(methodEntries, ARRAY_SIZE(methodEntries)); if (ER_OK != status) { LOGE("Failed to register method handlers for ServiceObject (%s)", QCC_StatusText(status)); } }
ChatObject(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path, JavaVM* vm, jobject jobj) : BusObject(bus, path), vm(vm), jobj(jobj) { QStatus status; /* Add the chat interface to this object */ const InterfaceDescription* chatIntf = bus.GetInterface(CHAT_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME); QCC_ASSERT(chatIntf); AddInterface(*chatIntf); /* Store the Chat signal member away so it can be quickly looked up when signals are sent */ chatSignalMember = chatIntf->GetMember("Chat"); QCC_ASSERT(chatSignalMember); /* Register signal handler */ status = bus.RegisterSignalHandler(this, static_cast<MessageReceiver::SignalHandler>(&ChatObject::ChatSignalHandler), chatSignalMember, NULL); if (ER_OK != status) { LOGE("Failed to register s_advertisedNamesignal handler for ChatObject::Chat (%s)", QCC_StatusText(status)); } }
/* Bus object */ ChatObject::ChatObject(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path) : BusObject(bus, path), chatSignalMember(NULL) { QStatus status; /* Add the chat interface to this object */ const InterfaceDescription* chatIntf = bus.GetInterface(CHAT_SERVICE_INTERFACE_NAME); assert(chatIntf); AddInterface(*chatIntf); /* Store the Chat signal member away so it can be quickly looked up when signals are sent */ chatSignalMember = chatIntf->GetMember("Chat"); assert(chatSignalMember); /* Register signal handler */ status = bus.RegisterSignalHandler(this, static_cast<MessageReceiver::SignalHandler>(&ChatObject::ChatSignalHandler), chatSignalMember, NULL); if (ER_OK != status) { NotifyUser(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to register signal handler for ChatObject::Chat (%s)\n", QCC_StatusText(status)); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); handler = new UHandler(); try_drawer = new TryDrawUI(); drawer = new CDrawUI(); if (AllJoynInit() != ER_OK) { printf("Ping: Error1.\n"); exit(1); //return EXIT_FAILURE; } //#ifdef ROUTER if (AllJoynRouterInit() != ER_OK) { AllJoynShutdown(); printf("Ping: Error2.\n"); exit(1); //return EXIT_FAILURE; } //#endif BusAttachment* bus = new BusAttachment("door_consumer", true); if (ER_OK != SetupBusAttachment(*bus)) { printf("Ping: Error3.\n"); exit(1); //return EXIT_FAILURE; // void DrawUI() } const char* intfname = INTF_NAME; Observer* obs = new Observer(*bus, &intfname, 1); DoorListener* listener = new DoorListener(); listener->observer = obs; listener->bus = bus; obs->RegisterListener(*listener); bus->RegisterSignalHandler(listener, static_cast<MessageReceiver::SignalHandler>(&DoorListener::PersonPassedThrough), bus->GetInterface(INTF_NAME)->GetMember("PersonPassedThrough"), NULL); // bool done = false; // while (!done) { } // string input; // cout << "> "; // getline(cin, input); // done = !Parse(*bus, obs, input); // } // // Cleanup // obs->UnregisterAllListeners(); // delete obs; // Must happen before deleting the original bus // delete listener; // delete bus; // bus = NULL; // //#ifdef ROUTER // AllJoynRouterShutdown(); // //#endif // AllJoynShutdown(); // printf("Ping: Error4.\n"); // exit(1); // //return EXIT_SUCCESS; engine = new QQmlApplicationEngine(); engine->load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); return app.exec(); }