void BaseTank::RotateHeadingByRadian(double radian, int sign)
	//Clamp the amount to turn to the max turn rate.
	if (radian > mMaxTurnRate) 
		radian = mMaxTurnRate;
	else if(radian < -mMaxTurnRate)
		radian = -mMaxTurnRate;
    mRotationAngle += RadsToDegs(radian)*sign;

	//Usee a rotation matrix to rotate the player's heading
	C2DMatrix RotationMatrix;
	//Calculate the direction of rotation.
	RotationMatrix.Rotate(radian * sign);	
	//Get the new heading.

	//cout << "RotateHeadingByRadian -- Heading x = " << mHeading.x << " y = " << mHeading.y << endl;

	//Get the new velocity.

	//Side vector must always be perpendicular to the heading.
	mSide = mHeading.Perp();
void B020612E_Steering::Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(Vector2D& v, double ang)
	//create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix mat;


	//now transform the object's vertices
Пример #3
//	sets up the translation matrices for the landing pad and applies
//  the world transform to the pads vertex buffer
void CController::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &pad)
	//create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;
	//and translate
	matTransform.Translate(m_vPadPos.x, m_vPadPos.y);
  //now transform the pads vertices

Пример #4
//	sets up the translation matrices for the mines and applies the
//	world transform to each vertex in the vertex buffer passed to this
//	method.
void CController::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &VBuffer, SVector2D vPos)
	//create the world transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;
	matTransform.Scale(CParams::dMineScale, CParams::dMineScale);
	matTransform.Translate(vPos.x, vPos.y);

	//transform the ships vertices
Vector2D B020612E_Steering::VectorToWorldSpace(const Vector2D &vec, const Vector2D &AgentHeading, const Vector2D &AgentSide)
	//make a copy of the point
	Vector2D TransVec = vec;

	//create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;

	matTransform.Rotate(AgentHeading, AgentSide);

	//now transform the vertices

	return TransVec;
void BaseTank::RotateManByRadian(double radian, int sign)
	//Clamp the amount to turn to the max turn rate.
	if (radian > mMaxTurnRate) 
		radian = mMaxTurnRate;
	else if(radian < -mMaxTurnRate)
		radian = -mMaxTurnRate;
	//Usee a rotation matrix to rotate the player's heading
	C2DMatrix RotationMatrix;
	//Calculate the direction of rotation.
	RotationMatrix.Rotate(radian * sign);	
	//Get the new fire direction.
Пример #7
//	sets up a translation matrix for the sweeper according to its
//  scale, rotation and position. Returns the transformed vertices.
void CDiscMinesweeper::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &sweeper)
	//create the world transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;
	matTransform.Scale(m_dScale, m_dScale);
	matTransform.Rotate((m_dRotation-1) * CParams::dHalfPi);
	//and translate
	matTransform.Translate(m_vPosition.x, m_vPosition.y);
	//now transform the ships vertices
Пример #8
//	sets up a translation matrix for the sweeper according to its
//  scale, rotation and position. Returns the transformed vertices.
void CMinesweeper::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &sweeper, double scale)
	//create the world transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;
	matTransform.Scale(scale, scale);
	//and translate
	matTransform.Translate(m_vPosition.x, m_vPosition.y);
	//now transform the ships vertices
Пример #9
//	sets up the translation matrices for the ship and applies the
//	world transform to the ships vertex buffer
void CGun::WorldTransform()
	//copy the original vertices into the buffer about to be transformed
  m_vecGunVBTrans = m_vecGunVB;
  //create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;
	matTransform.Scale(m_dScale, m_dScale);

	//and translate
	matTransform.Translate(m_vPos.x, m_vPos.y);
  //now transform the ships vertices

Vector2D B020612E_Steering::PointToWorldSpace(const Vector2D &point,	const Vector2D &AgentHeading, const Vector2D &AgentSide,	const Vector2D &AgentPosition)
	//make a copy of the point
	Vector2D TransPoint = point;

	//create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;

	matTransform.Rotate(AgentHeading, AgentSide);

	//and translate
	matTransform.Translate(AgentPosition.x, AgentPosition.y);

	//now transform the vertices

	return TransPoint;
Пример #11
//	sets up the translation matrices for the ship and applies the
//	world transform to the ships vertex buffer
void CLander::WorldTransform(vector<SPoint> &ship)
	//create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;
	matTransform.Scale(m_dScale, m_dScale);

	//rotate -  remember, because the mapping mode is set so that the y
  //axis is pointing up, the rotation is reversed

	//and translate
	matTransform.Translate(m_vPos.x, m_vPos.y);
  //now transform the ships vertices

Пример #12
//------------------ RotateFacingTowardPosition -------------------------------
//  given a target position, this method rotates the bot's facing vector
//  by an amount not greater than m_dMaxTurnRate until it
//  directly faces the target.
//  returns true when the heading is facing in the desired direction
bool Raven_Bot::RotateFacingTowardPosition(Vector2D target)
  Vector2D toTarget = Vec2DNormalize(target - m_vPosition);

  double dot = m_vFacing.Dot(toTarget);

  //clamp to rectify any rounding errors
  Clamp(dot, -1, 1);

  //determine the angle between the heading vector and the target
  double angle = acos(dot);

  //return true if the bot's facing is within WeaponAimTolerance degs of
  //facing the target
  const double WeaponAimTolerance = 0.01; //2 degs approx

  if (angle < WeaponAimTolerance)
    m_vFacing = toTarget;
    return true;

  //clamp the amount to turn to the max turn rate
  if (angle > m_dMaxTurnRate) angle = m_dMaxTurnRate;
  //The next few lines use a rotation matrix to rotate the player's facing
  //vector accordingly
  C2DMatrix RotationMatrix;
  //notice how the direction of rotation has to be determined when creating
  //the rotation matrix
  RotationMatrix.Rotate(angle * m_vFacing.Sign(toTarget));	

  return false;
Vector2D B020612E_Steering::PointToLocalSpace(const Vector2D &point, Vector2D &AgentHeading, Vector2D &AgentSide, Vector2D &AgentPosition)
	//make a copy of the point
	Vector2D TransPoint = point;

	//create a transformation matrix
	C2DMatrix matTransform;

	double Tx = -AgentPosition.Dot(AgentHeading);
	double Ty = -AgentPosition.Dot(AgentSide);

	//create the transformation matrix
	matTransform._11(AgentHeading.x); matTransform._12(AgentSide.x);
	matTransform._21(AgentHeading.y); matTransform._22(AgentSide.y);
	matTransform._31(Tx);           matTransform._32(Ty);

	//now transform the vertices

	return TransPoint;