Fuse7z_lib7zip(std::string const & filename, std::string const & cwd) : Fuse7z(filename, cwd), stream(filename) { logger << "Initialization of fuse-7z with archive " << filename << Logger::endl; if (!lib.Initialize()) { stringstream ss; ss << "7z library initialization failed"; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } WStringArray exts; if (!lib.GetSupportedExts(exts)) { stringstream ss; ss << "Could not get list of 7z-supported file extensions"; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } logger << "Supported extensions : "; size_t size = exts.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { std::wstring ext = exts[i]; for(size_t j = 0; j < ext.size(); j++) { logger << (char)(ext[j] &0xFF); } logger << " "; } logger << Logger::endl; if (lib.OpenArchive(&stream, &archive)) { unsigned int numItems = 0; archive->GetItemCount(&numItems); logger << "Archive contains " << numItems << " entries" << Logger::endl; Node * node; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < numItems;i++) { C7ZipArchiveItem * pArchiveItem = NULL; if (archive->GetItemInfo(i, &pArchiveItem)) { std::wstring wpath(pArchiveItem->GetFullPath()); std::string path; path.resize(wpath.length()); std::copy(wpath.begin(), wpath.end(), path.begin()); node = root_node->insert(const_cast<char*>(path.c_str())); node->id = i; node->is_dir = pArchiveItem->IsDir(); { unsigned long long size; pArchiveItem->GetUInt64Property(lib7zip::kpidSize, size); node->stat.st_size = size; } { unsigned long long secpy, time, bias, gain; secpy = 31536000; gain = 10000000ULL; bias = secpy * gain * 369 + secpy * 2438356ULL + 5184000ULL; pArchiveItem->GetFileTimeProperty(lib7zip::kpidATime, time); node->stat.st_atim.tv_sec = (time - bias)/gain; node->stat.st_atim.tv_nsec = ((time - bias) % gain) * 100; pArchiveItem->GetFileTimeProperty(lib7zip::kpidCTime, time); node->stat.st_ctim.tv_sec = (time - bias)/gain; node->stat.st_ctim.tv_nsec = ((time - bias) % gain) * 100; pArchiveItem->GetFileTimeProperty(lib7zip::kpidMTime, time); node->stat.st_mtim.tv_sec = (time - bias)/gain; node->stat.st_mtim.tv_nsec = ((time - bias) % gain) * 100; } } if ((i+1) % 10000 == 0) { logger << "Indexed " << (i+1) << "th file : " << node->fullname() << Logger::endl; } } } else { stringstream ss; ss << "open archive " << archive_fn << " failed" << endl; throw runtime_error(ss.str()); } }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) #endif { C7ZipLibrary lib; if (!lib.Initialize()) { wprintf(L"initialize fail!\n"); return 1; } WStringArray exts; if (!lib.GetSupportedExts(exts)) { wprintf(L"get supported exts fail\n"); return 1; } size_t size = exts.size(); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { wstring ext = exts[i]; for(size_t j = 0; j < ext.size(); j++) { wprintf(L"%c", (char)(ext[j] &0xFF)); } wprintf(L"\n"); } C7ZipArchive * pArchive = NULL; TestInStream stream("Test7Zip.zip"); TestOutStream oStream("TestResult.txt"); if (lib.OpenArchive(&stream, &pArchive, true)) { unsigned int numItems = 0; pArchive->GetItemCount(&numItems); wprintf(L"%d\n", numItems); for(unsigned int i = 0;i < numItems;i++) { C7ZipArchiveItem * pArchiveItem = NULL; if (pArchive->GetItemInfo(i, &pArchiveItem)) { wprintf(L"%d,%ls,%d\n", pArchiveItem->GetArchiveIndex(), pArchiveItem->GetFullPath().c_str(), pArchiveItem->IsDir()); wprintf(L"get all properties\n"); for(lib7zip::PropertyIndexEnum index = lib7zip::kpidPackSize; index <= lib7zip::kpidIsDir; index = (lib7zip::PropertyIndexEnum)(index + 1)) { wstring strVal = L""; unsigned __int64 val = 0; bool bVal = false; bool result = pArchiveItem->GetUInt64Property(index, val); wprintf(L"\n\nGetProperty:%d %ls\n", (int)index, index_names[(int)index]); wprintf(L"UInt64 result:%ls val=%ld\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", val); result = pArchiveItem->GetBoolProperty(index, bVal); wprintf(L"Bool result:%ls val=%ls\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", bVal ? L"true" : L"false"); result = pArchiveItem->GetStringProperty(index, strVal); wprintf(L"String result:%ls val=%ls\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", strVal.c_str()); result = pArchiveItem->GetFileTimeProperty(index, val); wprintf(L"FileTime result:%ls val=%ld\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", val); } //set archive password or item password pArchive->SetArchivePassword(L"test"); if (i==0) { //Or set password for each archive item //pArchiveItem->SetArchiveItemPassword(L"test"); pArchive->Extract(pArchiveItem, &oStream); } } //if }//for } else { wprintf(L"open archive Test7Zip.zip fail\n"); } if (pArchive != NULL) delete pArchive; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) #endif { C7ZipLibrary lib; if (!lib.Initialize()) { wprintf(L"initialize fail!\n"); return 1; } const char * files[] = { "Test7ZipProp.tar", "testzip.zip", "Test7Zip.7z", "lib7zip-1.4.0.tar.gz", "testbzip.bz2", }; const wchar_t * files_ext[] = { L"tar", L"zip", L"7z", L"gz", L"bz2", }; C7ZipArchive * pArchive = NULL; for (int i=0; i < sizeof(files) / sizeof(const char *); i++) { TestInStream stream(files[i], files_ext[i]); if (lib.OpenArchive(&stream, &pArchive)) { unsigned int numItems = 0; //print archive properties for(lib7zip::PropertyIndexEnum index = lib7zip::PROP_INDEX_BEGIN; index < lib7zip::PROP_INDEX_END; index = (lib7zip::PropertyIndexEnum)(index + 1)) { wstring strVal = L""; unsigned __int64 val = 0; bool bVal = false; bool result = pArchive->GetUInt64Property(index, val); wprintf(L"\n\nGetArciveProperty:%d %ls\n", (int)index, index_names[(int)index]); wprintf(L"Archive UInt64 result:%ls val=%ld\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", val); result = pArchive->GetBoolProperty(index, bVal); wprintf(L"Archive Bool result:%ls val=%ls\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", bVal ? L"true" : L"false"); result = pArchive->GetStringProperty(index, strVal); wprintf(L"Archive String result:%ls val=%ls\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", strVal.c_str()); result = pArchive->GetFileTimeProperty(index, val); wprintf(L"Archive FileTime result:%ls val=%ld\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", val); } pArchive->GetItemCount(&numItems); wprintf(L"Contains Items:%d\n", numItems); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { C7ZipArchiveItem * pArchiveItem = NULL; if (pArchive->GetItemInfo(i, &pArchiveItem)) { wprintf(L"%d,%ls,%d\n", pArchiveItem->GetArchiveIndex(), pArchiveItem->GetFullPath().c_str(), pArchiveItem->IsDir()); wprintf(L"get all properties\n"); for(lib7zip::PropertyIndexEnum index = lib7zip::PROP_INDEX_BEGIN; index <= lib7zip::PROP_INDEX_END; index = (lib7zip::PropertyIndexEnum)(index + 1)) { wstring strVal = L""; unsigned __int64 val = 0; bool bVal = false; bool result = pArchiveItem->GetUInt64Property(index, val); wprintf(L"\n\nGetProperty:%d %ls\n", (int)index, index_names[(int)index]); wprintf(L"UInt64 result:%ls val=%ld\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", val); result = pArchiveItem->GetBoolProperty(index, bVal); wprintf(L"Bool result:%ls val=%ls\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", bVal ? L"true" : L"false"); result = pArchiveItem->GetStringProperty(index, strVal); wprintf(L"String result:%ls val=%ls\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", strVal.c_str()); result = pArchiveItem->GetFileTimeProperty(index, val); wprintf(L"FileTime result:%ls val=%ld\n", result ? L"true" : L"false", val); } } } } else { wprintf(L"open archive %s fail\n", files[i]); } } if (pArchive != NULL) delete pArchive; return 0; }