Пример #1
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupListACL ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  table aclGroupListACL ( aclgroup theGroup )
    CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Create a table to return into
        lua_newtable ( luaVM );

        // Loop through ACL stuff
        unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
        list <CAccessControlList* > ::const_iterator iter = pGroup->IterBeginACL ();
        for ( ; iter != pGroup->IterEndACL (); ++iter )
            // Push onto the table
            lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, ++uiIndex );
            lua_pushacl ( luaVM, *iter );
            lua_settable ( luaVM, -3 );
        // Return the table
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    // Return true
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #2
int CLuaACLDefs::isObjectInACLGroup ( lua_State* luaVM )
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TSTRING && lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        const char* szObject = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 1 );
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 2 );
        CAccessControlListGroupObject::EObjectType GroupObjectType;

        if ( pGroup && m_pACLManager->VerifyGroup ( pGroup ) )
            if ( StringBeginsWith ( szObject, "resource." ) ) {
                szObject += 9;
                GroupObjectType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE;
            else if ( StringBeginsWith ( szObject, "user." ) )
                szObject += 5;
                GroupObjectType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER;
                // Invalid group type
                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
                return 1;
            if ( pGroup->FindObjectMatch ( szObject, GroupObjectType ) )
                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                return 1;
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #3
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupRemoveACL ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA &&
         lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab the arguments
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 1 );
        CAccessControlList* pACL = lua_toacl ( luaVM, 2 );

        // Verify the group and ACL
        if ( pGroup && pACL )
            // Add the ACL to the group
            pGroup->RemoveACL ( pACL );
            CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: ACL '%s' removed from group '%s'\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), pACL->GetName (), pGroup->GetGroupName () );

            // Return success
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "aclGroupRemoveACL" );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #4
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupListACL ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab and verify the group
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 1 );
        if ( pGroup )
            // Create a table to return into
            lua_newtable ( luaVM );

            // Loop through ACL stuff
            unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
            list <CAccessControlList* > ::const_iterator iter = pGroup->IterBeginACL ();
            for ( ; iter != pGroup->IterEndACL (); iter++ )
                // Push onto the table
                lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, ++uiIndex );
                lua_pushacl ( luaVM, *iter );
                lua_settable ( luaVM, -3 );

            // Return the table
            return 1;

    // Return true
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #5
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupAddObject ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA &&
         lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
        // Grab the arguments
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 1 );
        const char* szObject = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );

        // Verify the group and ACL
        if ( pGroup )
            // Figure out what type of object this is
            const char* szObjectAfterDot = szObject;
            CAccessControlListGroupObject::EObjectType eType;
            if ( StringBeginsWith ( szObject, "resource." ) )
                eType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE;
                szObjectAfterDot += 9;
            else if ( StringBeginsWith ( szObject, "user." ) )
                eType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER;
                szObjectAfterDot += 5;
                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
                return 1;

            // Make sure it doesn't already exist
            if ( !pGroup->FindObjectMatch ( szObjectAfterDot, eType ) )
                // Set it
                pGroup->AddObject ( szObjectAfterDot, eType );
                CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: Object '%s' added to group '%s'\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), szObject, pGroup->GetGroupName () );

                // Return success
                lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "aclGroupAddObject" );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #6
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupListObjects ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // table aclGroupListObjects ( aclgroup theGroup )
    CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Create a table to return into
        lua_newtable ( luaVM );

        // Loop through ACL stuff
        char szBuffer [255];
        unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
        list <CAccessControlListGroupObject* > ::const_iterator iter = pGroup->IterBeginObjects ();
        for ( ; iter != pGroup->IterEndObjects (); ++iter )
            // Put the base type depending on the type
            switch ( (*iter)->GetObjectType () )
                case CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE:
                    strcpy ( szBuffer, "resource." );

                case CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER:
                    strcpy ( szBuffer, "user." );

            // Append the object name
            strncat ( szBuffer, (*iter)->GetObjectName (), 254 );

            // Push its name onto the table
            lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, ++uiIndex );
            lua_pushstring ( luaVM, szBuffer );
            lua_settable ( luaVM, -3 );
        // Return the table
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #7
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupListObjects ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab and verify the group
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 1 );
        if ( pGroup )
            // Create a table to return into
            lua_newtable ( luaVM );

            // Loop through ACL stuff
            char szBuffer [255];
            unsigned int uiIndex = 0;
            list <CAccessControlListGroupObject* > ::const_iterator iter = pGroup->IterBeginObjects ();
            for ( ; iter != pGroup->IterEndObjects (); iter++ )
                // Put the base type depending on the type
                switch ( (*iter)->GetObjectType () )
                    case CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE:
                        strcpy ( szBuffer, "resource." );

                    case CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER:
                        strcpy ( szBuffer, "user." );

                // Append the object name
                strncat ( szBuffer, (*iter)->GetObjectName (), 254 );

                // Push its name onto the table
                lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, ++uiIndex );
                lua_pushstring ( luaVM, szBuffer );
                lua_settable ( luaVM, -3 );

            // Return the table
            return 1;

    // Return true
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #8
int CLuaACLDefs::aclDestroyGroup ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
         // Grab the arguments
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 1 );

        // Verify the group
        if ( pGroup )
            // Delete it
            CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: Group '%s' deleted\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), pGroup->GetGroupName () );
            m_pACLManager->DeleteGroup ( pGroup );

            // Return success
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "aclDestroyGroup" );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #9
int CLuaACLDefs::aclCreateGroup ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  aclgroup aclCreateGroup ( string groupName )
    SString strGroup;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( strGroup );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Find the ACL specified
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = m_pACLManager->GetGroup ( strGroup );
        if ( !pGroup )
            // Create the group
            pGroup = m_pACLManager->AddGroup ( strGroup );
            CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: Group '%s' created\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), pGroup->GetGroupName () );
            // And return it
            lua_pushaclgroup ( luaVM, pGroup );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #10
int CLuaACLDefs::aclCreateGroup ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
        // Grab the argument strings
        char* szGroup = (char*) lua_tostring ( luaVM, 1 );

        // Find the ACL specified
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = m_pACLManager->GetGroup ( szGroup );
        if ( !pGroup )
            // Create the group
            pGroup = m_pACLManager->AddGroup ( szGroup );
            CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: Group '%s' created\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), pGroup->GetGroupName () );

            // And return it
            lua_pushaclgroup ( luaVM, pGroup );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "aclCreateGroup" );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #11
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupRemoveObject ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  bool aclGroupRemoveObject ( aclgroup theGroup, string theObjectString )
    CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup; SString strObject;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    argStream.ReadString ( strObject );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Figure out what type of object this is
        const char* szObjectAfterDot = strObject;
        CAccessControlListGroupObject::EObjectType eType;

        if ( StringBeginsWith ( strObject, "resource." ) )
            eType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE;
            szObjectAfterDot += 9;
        else if ( StringBeginsWith ( strObject, "user." ) )
            eType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER;
            szObjectAfterDot += 5;
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
            return 1;

        // Remove it
        if ( pGroup->RemoveObject ( szObjectAfterDot, eType ) )
            // Return success
            CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: Object '%s' removed from group '%s'\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), strObject.c_str (), pGroup->GetGroupName () );
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #12
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupGetName ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  string aclGroupGetName ( aclGroup )
    CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Return its name
        lua_pushstring ( luaVM, pGroup->GetGroupName () );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #13
int CLuaACLDefs::isObjectInACLGroup ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  bool isObjectInACLGroup ( string theObject, aclgroup theGroup )
    SString strObject; CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup; CAccessControlListGroupObject::EObjectType GroupObjectType;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( strObject );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Figure out what type of object this is
        const char* szObjectAfterDot = strObject;
        if ( StringBeginsWith ( strObject, "resource." ) ) {
            szObjectAfterDot += 9;
            GroupObjectType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE;
        else if ( StringBeginsWith ( strObject, "user." ) )
            szObjectAfterDot += 5;
            GroupObjectType = CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER;
            // Invalid group type
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
            return 1;
        if ( pGroup->FindObjectMatch ( szObjectAfterDot, GroupObjectType ) )
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #14
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupGetName ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Verify the arguents
    if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA )
        // Grab the arguments
        CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = lua_toaclgroup ( luaVM, 1 );

        // Verify the group
        if ( pGroup )
            // Return its name
            lua_pushstring ( luaVM, pGroup->GetGroupName () );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "aclGroupGetName" );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #15
int CLuaACLDefs::aclGroupRemoveACL ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  bool aclGroupRemoveACL ( aclgroup theGroup, acl theACL )
    CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup; CAccessControlList* pACL;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pACL );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Add the ACL to the group
        pGroup->RemoveACL ( pACL );
        CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: ACL '%s' removed from group '%s'\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), pACL->GetName (), pGroup->GetGroupName () );
        // Return success
        lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #16
int CLuaACLDefs::aclDestroyGroup ( lua_State* luaVM )
//  bool aclDestroyGroup ( aclgroup aclGroup )
    CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup;
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pGroup );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        // Delete it
        CLogger::LogPrintf ( "ACL: %s: Group '%s' deleted\n", GetResourceName ( luaVM ), pGroup->GetGroupName () );
        m_pACLManager->DeleteGroup ( pGroup );
        // Return success
        lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
        return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
bool CAccessControlListManager::Load ( void )
    // Eventually destroy the previously loaded xml
    if ( m_pXML )
        delete m_pXML;

    // Load the XML
    m_pXML = g_pServerInterface->GetXML ()->CreateXML ( GetFileName ().c_str () );
    if ( !m_pXML )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Error loading Access Control List file\n" );
        return false;

    // Parse it
    if ( !m_pXML->Parse () )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Error parsing Access Control List file\n" );
        return false;

    // Grab the XML root node
    m_pRootNode = m_pXML->GetRootNode ();
    if ( !m_pRootNode )
        CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Missing root node ('ACL')\n" );
        return false;

    // Clear previous ACL stuff
    ClearACLs ();
    ClearGroups ();

    // load the acl's
    CXMLNode* pSubNode = NULL;
    unsigned int uiSubNodesCount = m_pRootNode->GetSubNodeCount ();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < uiSubNodesCount ; i++ )
        pSubNode = m_pRootNode->GetSubNode ( i );
        if ( !pSubNode ) continue;

        if ( pSubNode->GetTagName ().compare ( "acl" ) == 0 )
            CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pSubNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "name" );
            if ( pAttribute )
                CAccessControlList* pACL = AddACL ( pAttribute->GetValue ().c_str () );

                CXMLNode* pSubSubNode = NULL;
                unsigned int uiSubSubNodesCount = pSubNode->GetSubNodeCount ();
                for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < uiSubSubNodesCount ; j++ )
                    // If this subnode doesn't exist, return to the for loop and continue it
                    pSubSubNode = pSubNode->GetSubNode ( j );
                    if ( !pSubSubNode ) continue;

                    // Check that this subsub node is named "right"
                    if ( pSubSubNode->GetTagName ().compare ( "right" ) == 0 )
                        // Grab the name and the access attributes
                        CXMLAttribute* pNameAttribute = pSubSubNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "name" );
                        CXMLAttribute* pAccessAttribute = pSubSubNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "access" );
                        if ( pNameAttribute && pAccessAttribute )
                            // See if the access attribute is true or false
                            bool bAccess = false;
                            std::string strAccess = pAccessAttribute->GetValue ();

                            if ( stricmp ( strAccess.c_str (), "true" ) == 0 ||
                                 stricmp ( strAccess.c_str (), "yes" ) == 0 ||
                                 strcmp ( strAccess.c_str (), "1" ) == 0 )
                                bAccess = true;

                            // Grab the name of the 'right' name
                            const char *szRightName = pNameAttribute->GetValue ().c_str ();

                            // Create the rights control list
                            CAccessControlListRight* pRight = NULL;
                            if ( StringBeginsWith ( szRightName, "command." ) )
                                pRight = pACL->AddRight ( &szRightName[8], CAccessControlListRight::RIGHT_TYPE_COMMAND, bAccess );
                            else if ( StringBeginsWith ( szRightName, "function." ) )
                                pRight = pACL->AddRight ( &szRightName[9], CAccessControlListRight::RIGHT_TYPE_FUNCTION, bAccess );
                            else if ( StringBeginsWith ( szRightName, "resource." ) )
                                pRight = pACL->AddRight ( &szRightName[9], CAccessControlListRight::RIGHT_TYPE_RESOURCE, bAccess );
                            else if ( StringBeginsWith ( szRightName, "general." ) )
                                pRight = pACL->AddRight ( &szRightName[8], CAccessControlListRight::RIGHT_TYPE_GENERAL, bAccess );
                            else continue;

                            // Set all the extra attributes
                            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < pSubSubNode->GetAttributes ().Count () ; i++ )
                                CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pSubSubNode->GetAttributes ().Get ( i );
                                pRight->SetAttributeValue ( pAttribute->GetName (), pAttribute->GetValue () );

    // Load the groups
    pSubNode = NULL;
    uiSubNodesCount = m_pRootNode->GetSubNodeCount ();
    for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < uiSubNodesCount ; i++ )
        pSubNode = m_pRootNode->GetSubNode ( i );
        if ( !pSubNode ) continue;

        if ( pSubNode->GetTagName ().compare ( "group" ) == 0 )
            CXMLAttribute* pAttribute = pSubNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "name" );
            if ( pAttribute )
                CAccessControlListGroup* pGroup = AddGroup ( pAttribute->GetValue ().c_str () );

                CXMLNode* pSubSubNode = NULL;
                unsigned int uiSubSubNodesCount = pSubNode->GetSubNodeCount ();
                for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < uiSubSubNodesCount ; j++ )
                    pSubSubNode = pSubNode->GetSubNode ( j );
                    if ( !pSubSubNode ) continue;

                    if ( pSubSubNode->GetTagName ().compare ( "object" ) == 0 )
                        CXMLAttribute* pSubAttribute = pSubSubNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "name" );
                        if ( pSubAttribute )
                            const char *szAccountName = pSubAttribute->GetValue ().c_str ();

                            if ( StringBeginsWith ( szAccountName, "user." ) )
                                pGroup->AddObject ( &szAccountName[5], CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_USER );
                            else if ( StringBeginsWith ( szAccountName, "resource." ) )
                                pGroup->AddObject ( &szAccountName[9], CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE );
                    else if ( pSubSubNode->GetTagName ().compare ( "acl" ) == 0 )
                        CXMLAttribute* pSubAttribute = pSubSubNode->GetAttributes ().Find ( "name" );
                        if ( pSubAttribute )
                            CAccessControlList* pACL = GetACL ( pSubAttribute->GetValue ().c_str () );
                            if ( pACL )
                                pGroup->AddACL ( pACL );

    m_bNeedsSave = false;
    return true;
Пример #18
// CResource::RefreshAutoPermissions
// Update group and acl used aclrequest items
bool CResource::RefreshAutoPermissions ( CXMLNode* pNodeAclRequest )
    // Ensure group and acl exist
    CAccessControlListGroup* pAutoGroup = g_pGame->GetACLManager()->AddGroup ( GetAutoGroupName () );
    pAutoGroup->AddACL ( GetAutoAcl () );
    pAutoGroup->AddObject ( GetName ().c_str (), CAccessControlListGroupObject::OBJECT_TYPE_RESOURCE );

    // Track unused right names
    std::vector < CAclRightName > unusedRightNameMap;
    std::vector < SAclRequest > unusedRequestList;
    GetAclRequests ( unusedRequestList );
    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < unusedRequestList.size () ; i++ )
       unusedRightNameMap.push_back ( unusedRequestList[i].rightName );

    // Track any pending requests
    bool bHasPending = false;

    for ( uint uiIndex = 0 ; true ; uiIndex++ )
        CXMLNode* pNodeRight = pNodeAclRequest->FindSubNode ( "right", uiIndex );
        if ( !pNodeRight )

        // Find existing
        SAclRequest request ( CAclRightName ( pNodeRight->GetAttributeValue ( "name" ) ) );
        if ( !FindAclRequest ( request ) )
            // Add new request
            request.bAccess = false;
            request.bPending = true;
            request.strWho = "";
            request.strDate = "";

            // Validate request
            if ( !request.rightName.IsValid () || !StringToBool ( pNodeRight->GetAttributeValue ( "access" ) ) )
                CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Invalid aclrequest line in %s (%s)\n", GetName ().c_str (), *request.rightName.GetFullName () );
                return false;

            CommitAclRequest ( request );

        // This right is used
        ListRemove ( unusedRightNameMap, request.rightName );

        // Update flag
        bHasPending |= request.bPending;

    // Remove rights not requested
    for ( std::vector < CAclRightName >::iterator iter = unusedRightNameMap.begin () ; iter != unusedRightNameMap.end () ; ++iter )
        GetAutoAcl ()->RemoveRight ( iter->GetName (), iter->GetType () );

    // If any rights are pending, print message
    if ( bHasPending )
        CLogger::LogPrintf ( "Resource '%s' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list %s'\n", GetName ().c_str (), GetName ().c_str () );

    return bHasPending;