// Leader boid calls this to form a flock from surrounding boids
void CFlockingFlyer :: FormFlock( void )
	if ( !InSquad() )
		// I am my own leader
		m_pSquadLeader = this;
		m_pSquadNext = NULL;
		int squadCount = 1;

		CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
		while ((pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pEntity, pev->origin, AFLOCK_MAX_RECRUIT_RADIUS )) != NULL)
			CBaseMonster *pRecruit = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer( );

			if ( pRecruit && pRecruit != this && pRecruit->IsAlive() && !pRecruit->m_pCine )
				// Can we recruit this guy?
				if ( FClassnameIs ( pRecruit->pev, "monster_flyer" ) )
					SquadAdd( (CFlockingFlyer *)pRecruit );

	SetThink( &CFlockingFlyer::IdleThink );// now that flock is formed, go to idle and wait for a player to come along.
	pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time;
Пример #2
void CTalkMonster::AlertFriends( void )
	CBaseEntity *pFriend = NULL;
	int i;

	// for each friend in this bsp...
	for ( i = 0; i < TLK_CFRIENDS; i++ )
		while( ( pFriend = EnumFriends( pFriend, i, true ) ) != nullptr )
			CBaseMonster *pMonster = pFriend->MyMonsterPointer();
			if ( pMonster->IsAlive() )
				// don't provoke a friend that's playing a death animation. They're a goner
				pMonster->m_afMemory |= bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED;