// Purpose: 
void CWeaponPlasmaRifle::FireBullets( CBaseTFCombatWeapon *pWeapon, int cShots, const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDirShooting, const Vector &vecSpread, float flDistance, int iBulletType, int iTracerFreq )
	CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer = static_cast< CBaseTFPlayer * >( GetOwner() );
	if ( !pPlayer )

	Vector vecForward;
	pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecForward );
	Vector vecOrigin = pPlayer->EyePosition();
	trace_t tr;

	Vector vecTracerSrc = pWeapon->GetTracerSrc( (Vector&)vecSrc, (Vector&)vecDirShooting );

	// Fire the emp projectile
	CBasePlasmaProjectile *pPlasma = CBasePlasmaProjectile::Create( vecTracerSrc, vecDirShooting, DMG_ENERGYBEAM, pPlayer );
	pPlasma->SetDamage( weapon_plasmarifle_damage.GetFloat() );
	pPlasma->m_hOwner = pPlayer;
// Purpose: Plasma sentrygun's fire
void CObjectMannedPlasmagun::Fire( )
    if (m_flNextAttack > gpGlobals->curtime)

    // Because the plasma sentrygun always thinks it has ammo (see below)
    // we might not have ammo here, in which case we should just abort.
    if ( !m_nAmmoCount )

    // Make sure we think soon enough in case of firing...
    float flNextRecharge = gpGlobals->curtime + (HasPowerup(POWERUP_EMP) ? MANNED_PLASMAGUN_RECHARGE_TIME * 1.5 : MANNED_PLASMAGUN_RECHARGE_TIME);
    SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + flNextRecharge );

    // We have to flush the bone cache because it's possible that only the bone controllers
    // have changed since the bonecache was generated, and bone controllers aren't checked.

    QAngle vecAng;
    Vector vecSrc, vecAim;

    // Alternate barrels when firing
    if ( m_bFiringLeft )
        // Aliens permanently fire left barrel because they have no right
        if ( GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_HUMANS )
            m_bFiringLeft = false;
        GetAttachment( m_nBarrelAttachment, vecSrc, vecAng );
        SetActivity( ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK );
        m_bFiringLeft = true;
        GetAttachment( m_nRightBarrelAttachment, vecSrc, vecAng );
        SetActivity( ACT_VM_SECONDARYATTACK );

    // Get the distance to the target
    AngleVectors( vecAng, &vecAim, 0, 0 );

    int damageType = GetAmmoDef()->DamageType( m_nAmmoType );
    CBasePlasmaProjectile *pPlasma = CBasePlasmaProjectile::CreatePredicted( vecSrc, vecAim, Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), damageType, GetDriverPlayer() );
    if ( pPlasma )
        pPlasma->SetDamage( obj_manned_plasmagun_damage.GetFloat() );
        pPlasma->m_hOwner = GetDriverPlayer();
        //pPlasma->SetOwnerEntity( this );
        pPlasma->SetMaxRange( m_flMaxRange );
        if ( obj_manned_plasmagun_radius.GetFloat() )
            pPlasma->SetExplosive( obj_manned_plasmagun_radius.GetFloat() );

    CSoundParameters params;
    if ( GetParametersForSound( "ObjectMannedPlasmagun.Fire", params, NULL ) )
        CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, params.soundlevel );
        if ( IsPredicted() )
        EmitSound( filter, entindex(), "ObjectMannedPlasmagun.Fire" );
//	SetSentryAnim( TFTURRET_ANIM_FIRE );


    m_flNextIdleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + MANNED_PLASMAGUN_IDLE_TIME;

    // If I'm EMPed, slow the firing rate down
    m_flNextAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + ( HasPowerup(POWERUP_EMP) ? 0.3f : 0.1f );