CCRect LotteryRotateView::getViewRect() { CCSize size = getPanelChild()->getContentSize(); CCPoint screenPos = this->convertToWorldSpace(CCPointZero); float scaleX = this->getScaleX(); float scaleY = this->getScaleY(); for (CCNode *p = _parent; p != NULL; p = p->getParent()) { scaleX *= p->getScaleX(); scaleY *= p->getScaleY(); } if(scaleX<0.f) { screenPos.x += size.width*scaleX; scaleX = -scaleX; } if(scaleY<0.f) { screenPos.y += size.height*scaleY; scaleY = -scaleY; } return CCRectMake(getPanelChild()->getPositionX() - size.width/2, getPanelChild()->getPositionY() - size.height/2, size.width, size.height); }
void HRootLayer::relayoutAsHorizontal(CCArray *nodes, CCPoint basePos, int interval) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes->count(); ++i) { CCNode *node = (CCNode *)nodes->objectAtIndex(i); node->setPosition(CCPointMake(basePos.x + node->getAnchorPoint().x * node->getContentSize().width * node->getScaleX(), basePos.y)); basePos.x += node->getContentSize().width * node->getScaleX() + interval; } }
void CCBClippingNode::visit(){ CCNode* hock = this->getChildByTag(htag); if (hock==NULL) { getStencil()->setPosition(0, 0); getStencil()->setScaleX(1); getStencil()->setScaleY(1); getStencil()->setRotationX(0); getStencil()->setRotationY(0); getStencil()->setSkewX(0); getStencil()->setSkewY(0); getStencil()->setAnchorPoint(ccp(0.5, 0.5)); }else{ getStencil()->setPosition(hock->getPositionX(),hock->getPositionY()); getStencil()->setScaleX(hock->getScaleX()); getStencil()->setScaleY(hock->getScaleY()); getStencil()->setRotationX(hock->getRotationX()); getStencil()->setRotationY(hock->getRotationY()); getStencil()->setSkewX(hock->getSkewX()); getStencil()->setSkewY(hock->getSkewY()); getStencil()->setAnchorPoint(hock->getAnchorPoint()); } CCClippingNode::visit(); }
void APSScaleAction::saveNodeState() { APSGraphic *graphic = this->getTargetGraphic(); if (graphic) { CCNode *node = graphic->getNode(); this->m_startScale.x = node->getScaleX(); this->m_startScale.y = node->getScaleY(); } }
void MDragDownView::updateRect() { CCPoint worldPosition = this->convertToWorldSpace(CCPointZero); float fScaleX = this->getScaleX(); float fScaleY = this->getScaleY(); for (CCNode *p = m_pParent; p != NULL; p = p->getParent()) { fScaleX *= p->getScaleX(); fScaleY *= p->getScaleY(); } if(fScaleX < 0.f) { worldPosition.x += m_viewSize.width * fScaleX; fScaleX = -fScaleX; } if(fScaleY < 0.f) { worldPosition.y += m_viewSize.height * fScaleY; fScaleY = -fScaleY; } m_viewRect.setRect(worldPosition.x, worldPosition.y + (m_fViewMaxHeight - m_viewSize.height) * fScaleY, m_viewSize.width * fScaleX, m_viewSize.height * fScaleY); if (m_pDragBar) { auto dragSize = m_pDragBar->getContentSize(); auto dragFixSize = CCSizeMake(dragSize.width * m_pDragBar->getScaleX() * fScaleX, dragSize.height * m_pDragBar->getScaleY() * fScaleY); float fWidth = dragFixSize.width < m_viewRect.size.width ? dragFixSize.width : m_viewRect.size.width; float fHeight = dragFixSize.height < m_viewRect.size.height ? dragFixSize.height : m_viewRect.size.height; m_dragBarRect.setRect(m_viewRect.origin.x + (m_viewRect.size.width-fWidth)*0.5, m_viewRect.origin.y, fWidth, fHeight); } /* CCLog("[%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f], [%.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f]", m_viewRect.origin.x, m_viewRect.origin.y, m_viewRect.size.width, m_viewRect.size.height, m_dragBarRect.origin.x, m_dragBarRect.origin.y, m_dragBarRect.size.width, m_dragBarRect.size.height);//*/ }
// Sets the value of originalScale from the current parent. void CCNodeAdornmentScaler::setOriginalScaleFromParent() { CCNode* p = getParent(); if ( p ) _originalScale = CCSizeMake(p->getScaleX(), p->getScaleY()); }
void CCINode::showFrame(){ //std::vector<CCIMovieTag *> tags = this->swfMovie->getTags(); while (true) { CCIMovieTag * tag = NULL; if (currentTag<tags.size()) { tag = tags[currentTag++]; }else{ this->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); //this->stop(); currentTag = 0; currentFrame = 0; break; } if(tag->getTagType()==TagTypePlaceObject||tag->getTagType()==TagTypePlaceObject2||tag->getTagType()==TagTypePlaceObject3){ CCIPlaceObject * placeTag = (CCIPlaceObject *)tag; int charactorId = placeTag->getCharacterId(); int depth = placeTag->getDepth(); CCIPlaceObject2 * placeTag2 = NULL; if (tag->getTagType()==TagTypePlaceObject2||tag->getTagType()==TagTypePlaceObject3) { placeTag2 = (CCIPlaceObject2 *)tag; } CCNode * node; if (!placeTag2||placeTag2->placeType==PlaceObjectTypeNew) { //place1 or placetag2 new node = (CCNode *)this->nodes->objectForKey(charactorId); if (node&&node->getParent()==NULL) { this->addChild(node, depth, depth); CCInteger * nodeType = (CCInteger *)node->getUserObject(); if (nodeType->getValue()==NodeTypeCCINode) { CCINode * ccinode = (CCINode *)node; ccinode->play(); } } }else if(placeTag2&&placeTag2->placeType==PlaceObjectTypeModify){ node = (CCNode *)this->getChildByTag(depth); }else if(placeTag2&&placeTag2->placeType==PlaceObjectTypeReplace){ CCNode * newNode = (CCNode *)this->nodes->objectForKey(charactorId); node = (CCNode *)this->getChildByTag(depth); if (node) { if (newNode) { //get last transform matrix newNode->setPosition(node->getPosition()); newNode->setScaleX(node->getScaleX()); newNode->setScaleY(node->getScaleY()); newNode->setSkewX(node->getSkewX()); newNode->setSkewY(node->getSkewY()); } CCInteger * nodeType = (CCInteger *)node->getUserObject(); if (nodeType->getValue()==NodeTypeCCINode) { CCINode * ccinode = (CCINode *)node; ccinode->stop(); } node->removeFromParentAndCleanup(true); } node = newNode; if (node&&node->getParent()==NULL) { this->addChild(node, depth, depth); CCInteger * nodeType = (CCInteger *)node->getUserObject(); if (nodeType->getValue()==NodeTypeCCINode) { CCINode * ccinode = (CCINode *)node; ccinode->play(); } } } if (node) { CCIMatrix * matrix = placeTag->getMatrix(); if (matrix) { int x = matrix->getTranslateX(); int y = matrix->getTranslateY(); node->setPosition(this->swfMovie->getHeader()->getBounds()->convertToCCSpace(x, y)); //restore float scaleX = 1.0; float scaleY = 1.0; node->setScaleX(1); node->setScaleY(1); node->setSkewX(0); node->setSkewY(0); if (matrix->HasScale) { scaleX = matrix->getScaleX(); scaleY = matrix->getScaleY(); node->setScaleX(scaleX); node->setScaleY(scaleY); } if (matrix->HasRotate) { float skewX = matrix->getSkewX(); float skewY = matrix->getSkewY(); this->applySkew(node, skewX, skewY,false); } } CCICxform * colorTransform = placeTag->getColorTransform(); int red = 255; int green = 255; int blue = 255; int alpha = 255; if (colorTransform) { if (colorTransform->HasMultTerms) { red = colorTransform->RedMultTerm-1; green = colorTransform->GreenMultTerm-1; blue = colorTransform->BlueMultTerm-1; if (colorTransform->hasAlpha()) { CCICxformWithAlpha * cxformAlpha = (CCICxformWithAlpha *)colorTransform; alpha = cxformAlpha->AlphaMultTerm-1; } } if (colorTransform->HasAddTerms) { //TODO no add term } if (red==-1) { red = 0; } if (green ==-1) { green = 0; } if (blue == -1) { blue = 0; } if (alpha ==-1) { alpha = 0; } } this->applyColorTransform(node, ccc4(red, green, blue, alpha)); if (tag->getTagType()==TagTypePlaceObject3) { //check filters CCIPlaceObject3 * placeTag3 = (CCIPlaceObject3 *)tag; CCIFilterList * filterList = placeTag3->getFilterList(); if (filterList) { //apply filter list for (int i=0; i<filterList->NumberOfFilters; i++) { //CCIFilter * filter = filterList->Filter[i]; } } } } }else if (tag->getTagType()==TagTypeRemoveObject||tag->getTagType()==TagTypeRemoveObject2){ CCIRemoveObject * removeTag = (CCIRemoveObject *)tag; int depth = removeTag->getDepth(); CCNode * node = this->getChildByTag(depth); if (node) { CCInteger * nodeType = (CCInteger *)node->getUserObject(); if (nodeType->getValue()==NodeTypeCCINode) { CCINode * ccinode = (CCINode *)node; ccinode->stop(); } node->removeFromParentAndCleanup(true); } }else if(tag->getTagType()==TagTypeFrameLabel){ if (isPlayingFrameLabel&¤tTag!=frameLabelIndex) { currentTag = frameLabelIndex; currentFrame = 0; //this->removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(true); break; } }else if(tag->getTagType()==TagTypeShowFrame){ if (this->delegate) { this->delegate->didEnterFrame(currentFrame, this->frameLabel); } currentFrame++; break; } } }