Пример #1
void CPedSync::Packet_PedSync ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )
    // While we're not out of peds
    while ( BitStream.GetNumberOfUnreadBits () > 32 )
        // Read out the ped id
        ElementID ID;
        if ( BitStream.Read ( ID ) )
            // Read out the sync time context. See CClientEntity for documentation on that.
            unsigned char ucSyncTimeContext = 0;
            BitStream.Read ( ucSyncTimeContext );

            unsigned char ucFlags = 0;
            BitStream.Read ( ucFlags );

            CVector vecPosition, vecMoveSpeed;
            float fRotation, fHealth, fArmor;

            // Read out the position
            if ( ucFlags & 0x01 )
                BitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fX );
                BitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fY );
                BitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fZ );

            // And rotation
            if ( ucFlags & 0x02 ) BitStream.Read ( fRotation );

            // And the move speed
            if ( ucFlags & 0x04 )
                BitStream.Read ( vecMoveSpeed.fX );
                BitStream.Read ( vecMoveSpeed.fY );
                BitStream.Read ( vecMoveSpeed.fZ );

            // And health with armour
            if ( ucFlags & 0x08 ) BitStream.Read ( fHealth );
            if ( ucFlags & 0x10 ) BitStream.Read ( fArmor );

            // Grab the ped. Only update the sync if this packet is from the same context.
            CClientPed* pPed = m_pPedManager->Get ( ID );
            if ( pPed && pPed->CanUpdateSync ( ucSyncTimeContext ) )
                if ( ucFlags & 0x01 ) pPed->SetPosition ( vecPosition );
                if ( ucFlags & 0x02 ) pPed->SetCurrentRotation ( fRotation );
                if ( ucFlags & 0x04 ) pPed->SetMoveSpeed ( vecMoveSpeed );
                if ( ucFlags & 0x08 ) pPed->LockHealth ( fHealth );
                if ( ucFlags & 0x10 ) pPed->LockArmor ( fArmor );
Пример #2
void CElementRPCs::SetElementVelocity ( NetBitStreamInterface& bitStream )
    // Read out the entity id and the speed
    ElementID ID;
    CVector vecVelocity;
    if ( bitStream.Read ( ID ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( vecVelocity.fX ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( vecVelocity.fY ) &&
         bitStream.Read ( vecVelocity.fZ ) )
        // Grab the entity
        CClientEntity* pEntity = CElementIDs::GetElement ( ID );
        if ( pEntity )
            switch ( pEntity->GetType () )
                case CCLIENTPED:
                case CCLIENTPLAYER:
                    CClientPed* pPed = static_cast < CClientPed* > ( pEntity );

                    pPed->SetMoveSpeed ( vecVelocity );
                    pPed->ResetInterpolation ();

                    // If local player, reset return position (so we can't warp back if connection fails)
                    if ( pPed->IsLocalPlayer () )
                        m_pClientGame->GetNetAPI ()->ResetReturnPosition ();
                case CCLIENTVEHICLE:
                    CClientVehicle* pVehicle = static_cast < CClientVehicle* > ( pEntity );                    
                    pVehicle->SetMoveSpeed ( vecVelocity );

                case CCLIENTOBJECT:
                    CClientObject * pObject = static_cast < CClientObject * > ( pEntity );
                    pObject->SetMoveSpeed ( vecVelocity );
Пример #3
void CPedSync::Packet_PedStartSync ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream )
    // Read out the element id
    ElementID ID;
    if ( BitStream.Read ( ID ) )
        // Grab the ped
        CClientPed* pPed = static_cast < CClientPed* > ( m_pPedManager->Get ( ID ) );
        if ( pPed )
            // Read out the position
            CVector vecPosition;
            BitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fX );
            BitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fY );
            BitStream.Read ( vecPosition.fZ );

            // And rotation
            float fRotation;
            BitStream.Read ( fRotation );

            // And the velocity
            CVector vecVelocity;
            BitStream.Read ( vecVelocity.fX );
            BitStream.Read ( vecVelocity.fY );
            BitStream.Read ( vecVelocity.fZ );

            // And health/armor
            float fHealth, fArmor;
            BitStream.Read ( fHealth );
            BitStream.Read ( fArmor );

            // Set data
            pPed->SetPosition ( vecPosition );
            pPed->SetCurrentRotation ( fRotation );
            pPed->SetMoveSpeed ( vecVelocity );

            // Set the new health
            pPed->SetHealth ( fHealth );
            pPed->SetArmor ( fArmor );

            // Unlock health and armour for the syncer
            pPed->UnlockHealth ();
            pPed->UnlockArmor ();

            AddPed ( pPed );