Пример #1
void CPodcastModel::GetProxyInformationForConnectionL(TBool& aIsUsed, HBufC*& aProxyServerName, TUint32& aPort)
	TInt iapId = GetIapId();
	CCommsDbTableView* table = iCommDB->OpenViewMatchingUintLC(TPtrC(IAP), TPtrC(COMMDB_ID), iapId);
	TUint32 iapService;
	HBufC* iapServiceType;
	table->ReadUintL(TPtrC(IAP_SERVICE), iapService);
	iapServiceType = table->ReadLongTextLC(TPtrC(IAP_SERVICE_TYPE));
	CCommsDbTableView* proxyTableView = iCommDB->OpenViewOnProxyRecordLC(iapService, *iapServiceType);
	TInt err = proxyTableView->GotoFirstRecord();
	if( err != KErrNone)

	proxyTableView->ReadBoolL(TPtrC(PROXY_USE_PROXY_SERVER), aIsUsed);
		HBufC* serverName = proxyTableView->ReadLongTextLC(TPtrC(PROXY_SERVER_NAME));
		proxyTableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC(PROXY_PORT_NUMBER), aPort);
		aProxyServerName = serverName->AllocL();
Пример #2
 * Function that will access the PAN service table in the CommDb
 * and use the values contained to printout the current state.
void CPanConnections::PrintIAPL()
	CCommsDatabase* db = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
	CCommsDbTableView* tableView = db->OpenTableLC(TPtrC(PAN_SERVICE_EXTENSIONS));

	TInt err = tableView->GotoFirstRecord();
	if(err == KErrNone)
		// Print the IAP
		TUint32 uVal;
		TBool bVal;
		TBuf<KMaxBufferSize> sVal;

		iConsole.Printf(_L("------------------- CURRENT IAP ------------------\n"));
		tableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC(PAN_LOCAL_ROLE), uVal);
		iConsole.Printf(_L("Local Role: %d, "), uVal);			
		tableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC(PAN_PEER_ROLE), uVal);
		iConsole.Printf(_L("Peer Role: %d\n"), uVal);
		tableView->ReadBoolL(TPtrC(PAN_PROMPT_FOR_REMOTE_DEVICES), bVal);
		iConsole.Printf(_L("Peer Prompt: %d, "), bVal);			
		tableView->ReadBoolL(TPtrC(PAN_DISABLE_SDP_QUERY), bVal);
		iConsole.Printf(_L("Disable SDP: %d, "), bVal);			
		tableView->ReadBoolL(TPtrC(PAN_ALLOW_INCOMING), bVal);
		iConsole.Printf(_L("Listening: %d\n"), bVal);			
		tableView->ReadTextL(TPtrC(PAN_PEER_MAC_ADDRESSES), sVal);
		iConsole.Printf(_L("Peer MAC Addr: %S\n"), &sVal);

Пример #3
TInt CCommDbTest036_08::executeStepL()
	CCommsDbTemplateRecord* templateRecord = CCommsDbTemplateRecord::NewL(iTheDb, TPtrC(DIAL_IN_ISP));

	TBool inputBool = ETrue;
	templateRecord->WriteTextL(TPtrC(COMMDB_NAME), _L("Name"));
//	templateRecord->WriteTextL(TPtrC(ISP_IF_NAME), _L("SLIP"));
	templateRecord->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_IP_ADDR_FROM_SERVER), ETrue);
	templateRecord->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_IP_DNS_ADDR_FROM_SERVER), ETrue);
	templateRecord->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_IP6_DNS_ADDR_FROM_SERVER), ETrue);
	templateRecord->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT), inputBool);	//Set to ETrue, since EFalse is default


	//Create a view on the DialInISP table, make a new record and change the value we set in the template

	CCommsDbTableView* tableView = iTheDb->OpenTableLC(TPtrC(DIAL_IN_ISP));
	TUint32 dummyId;
	//Create a new record, so we can be sure it is the same as the templated one
	tableView->WriteTextL(TPtrC(COMMDB_NAME), _L("Test ISP"));
//	tableView->WriteTextL(TPtrC(ISP_IF_NAME), _L("Test If"));
	tableView->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_IP_ADDR_FROM_SERVER), EFalse);
	tableView->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_IP_DNS_ADDR_FROM_SERVER), EFalse);
	tableView->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_IP6_DNS_ADDR_FROM_SERVER), EFalse);
	//Overwrite the value set in the template
	TBool overwriteBool = EFalse;
	tableView->WriteBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT), overwriteBool);

	//Retrieve the bool we just set for the record
	TBool retrievedBool;
	tableView->ReadBoolL(TPtrC(ISP_USE_LOGIN_SCRIPT), retrievedBool);


		return KErrGeneral;

	return KErrNone;
Пример #4
   bool GetProxy( char*& aHost, uint32& aPort, const int32 aIAP )
      CCommsDatabase * comdb = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
# else
      CCommsDatabase * comdb = CCommsDatabase::NewL( EDatabaseTypeUnspecified );
# endif
      CleanupStack::PushL( comdb );
      // First get the IAP
      CCommsDbTableView* iaptable = comdb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ), 
                                                                TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), aIAP );
      TInt iapres = iaptable->GotoFirstRecord();
      bool found = false;
      if ( iapres == KErrNone ) {
         HBufC* iap_name = iaptable->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( COMMDB_NAME) );
         uint32 iap_service = 0;
         iaptable->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), iap_service );
         // The current IAP exists!
         HBufC* iap_type = iaptable->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ) );
         // Find Proxy for ISP (and same service type)
         CCommsDbTableView* proxytable = comdb->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( PROXIES ), 
                                                                     TPtrC( PROXY_ISP ), iap_service );
         TInt dretval= proxytable->GotoFirstRecord();
         while ( dretval == KErrNone && !found ) {
            // Check if matching proxy service type
            HBufC* proxy_service_type = proxytable->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( PROXY_SERVICE_TYPE ) );
            if ( proxy_service_type != NULL &&
               proxy_service_type->CompareC( *iap_type ) == 0 ) 
               // Match!
               // PROXY_USE_PROXY_SERVER 
               TBool proxy_use_proxy_server = 0;
               proxytable->ReadBoolL( TPtrC( PROXY_USE_PROXY_SERVER ), proxy_use_proxy_server );
               if ( proxy_use_proxy_server ) {
# endif
               // PROXY_SERVER_NAME - Name of the proxy server
               HBufC* proxy_server_name = proxytable->ReadLongTextLC( 
               TPtrC( PROXY_SERVER_NAME ) );
               if ( proxy_server_name ) {
                  found = true;
                  // Convert to something we can use.
                  aHost = WFTextUtil::TDesCToUtf8L( proxy_server_name->Des() );
                  proxytable->ReadUintL( TPtrC( PROXY_PORT_NUMBER ), aPort );
                  // Sanity on port
                  if ( aPort == 9201 ) {
                     // We don't talk wap
                     // XXX: Or no proxy at all?
                     aPort = 8080;
                  } else if ( aPort == 0 ) {
                     // Not valid => no proxy
                     found = false;
                     delete [] aHost;
                     aHost = NULL;
               } // End if have proxy_server_name
               CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( proxy_server_name );
               } // End if proxy_use_proxy_server is true
# endif
            } // End if service type matches
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( proxy_service_type );
            dretval = proxytable->GotoNextRecord(); // next proxy
         } // End while all proxies

         // XXX: Perhaps "IAP_SERVICE_TYPE" table -> [GPRS|ISP]_IP_GATEWAY 
         // especially in s60v1
         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( proxytable );
         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap_type );
         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap_name );
      } // End if the current IAP is found
      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iaptable );
      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( comdb );
      return found;   
 *	Check the current retrieved Contact Point, contained in
 *	iContactPoint, to check that the connection details are
 *	valid for a connection-oriented Push session. If the
 *	iContactPoint passes the tests iConnPoint is set and 
 *	this value will be used for opening a connection.
 *	@return TBool
 *		Returns True if ContactPoint is valid
 *		retruns False if invalid contact point
 *	@leave CCommsDatabase::OpenViewMatchingTextLC
 *		CommDb methods can Leave - so just propogate
 *		as can't verfiy address and security.
 *	@leave CCommsDbTableView::ReadBoolL
TBool CSIAContentHandler::ValidContactPointL()
	__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: ValidContactPointL Called");

	TBool valid = ETrue;
	TUint index = 0;

	// check first bit of first byte to see if bearer Type present 
	TUint8 byte = iContactPoint[index];
	// will be zero if flag not set - non-zero overwise
	TUint8 bearerFlagPresent = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KBearerFlagBitMask);
	TUint8 portFlagPresent = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KPortFlagBitMask);
	// mask off 1st two bits to get the 6 bits representing address length
	TUint8 addressLength = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, byte & KAddressLengthBitMask);

	//check bearer type
	if (bearerFlagPresent)
		byte = iContactPoint[index];
		if ((byte != KCSDBearer) && (byte != KGPRSBearer))
			// unsupported bearer
			__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler: unsupported Bearer Type");
			valid = EFalse;
			return valid;

	//set postion of the first byte of the port
	TUint portStartByte = index; 
	// get address
	if (portFlagPresent)
		index += 2;
	TPtrC8 address;
	address.Set(iContactPoint.Mid(index, addressLength));

	//Look up supplied address in commsdb. Leave possible from here on in... 
	TPtrC KSecurityCol(WAP_SECURITY);
	CCommsDbTableView* table = iCommDb->OpenViewMatchingTextLC(KTableName, KColumnName, address); 
	TInt ret = table->GotoFirstRecord();
	if (ret == KErrNone)	//address found
		__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: Commdb lookup");

		// set port number, using the following logic:
		// 1. if port number supplied, use it with an unsecure security setting
		// 2. if no port supplied, use the default port for the security setting 
		//    returned by the commsdb address lookup
		TUint16 port;
		if (portFlagPresent)
			TUint8 portNumHighByte = iContactPoint[portStartByte];
			TUint8 portNumlowByte = iContactPoint[portStartByte + 1];
			port = STATIC_CAST(TUint16, ((portNumHighByte<<8)|portNumlowByte));
			TBool secure;
			table->ReadBoolL(KSecurityCol, secure);
			 if (secure)
				port = KPushPortSecure;
				port = KPushPortUnsecure;

		//set connection point
		iConnPoint.iHost = address;
		iConnPoint.iPort = port;
	else	//address lookup failed
		valid = EFalse;
		__LOG_PTR_DEBUG("CSIAContentHandler:: Commdb lookup failed");
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // table

	// will only return true if not SMS and address in CommDB
	return valid;