bool CModelAdd::addCompartments(std::string name) { size_t i, imax = mmModel->getCompartments().size(); for (i = 0; i < imax; ++i) { const CCompartment* sourceComp = &mmModel->getCompartments()[i]; if (!sourceComp) return false; //create new compartment std::string newName = sourceComp->getObjectName() + "_" + name; CCompartment* newComp = mpModel->createCompartment(newName, sourceComp->getInitialValue()); if (!newComp) return false; newComp->setStatus(sourceComp->getStatus()); newComp->setDimensionality(sourceComp->getDimensionality()); keyMap[sourceComp->getKey()] = newComp->getKey(); nameMap[sourceComp->getObjectName()] = newName; } return true; }
void CQSpecieDM::deleteSpecieRow(UndoSpeciesData *pSpecieData) { GET_MODEL_OR_RETURN(pModel); switchToWidget(CCopasiUndoCommand::SPECIES); CMetab * pSpecies = dynamic_cast< CMetab * >(pSpecieData->getObject(pModel)); if (pSpecies == NULL) return; size_t Index = pModel->getMetabolites().getIndex(pSpecies); removeRow((int) Index); if (!pSpecieData->getCreatedCompartment()) return; Index = pModel->getCompartments().getIndex(pSpecieData->getCompartment()); if (Index == C_INVALID_INDEX) return; CCompartment* pComp = &pModel->getCompartments()[Index]; if (pComp == NULL) return; std::string key = pComp->getKey(); pModel->removeCompartment(Index); emit notifyGUI(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::DELETE, key); }
QList <UndoSpeciesData *> CQSpecieDM::insertNewSpecieRow(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex&index, const QVariant& value) { QList <UndoSpeciesData *> result; GET_MODEL_OR(pModel, return result); bool createdCompartment = false; if (pModel->getCompartments().size() == 0) { CCompartment* pComp = pModel->createCompartment("compartment"); createdCompartment = true; if (mNotify) { emit notifyGUI(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::ADD, pComp->getKey()); } } beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), position, position + rows - 1); int column = index.column(); for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { QString name = createNewName(index.isValid() && column == COL_NAME_SPECIES ? value.toString() : "species", COL_NAME_SPECIES); QString compartment = index.isValid() && column == COL_COMPARTMENT ? value.toString() : ""; double initial = index.isValid() && column == COL_ICONCENTRATION ? value.toDouble() : 1.0; CModelEntity::Status status = index.isValid() && column == COL_TYPE_SPECIES ? (CModelEntity::Status) mItemToType[value.toInt()] : CModelEntity::REACTIONS; mpSpecies = pModel->createMetabolite(TO_UTF8(name), TO_UTF8(compartment), initial, status); if (mpSpecies == NULL) continue; if (mNotify) { emit notifyGUI(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::ADD, mpSpecies->getKey()); } UndoSpeciesData* data = new UndoSpeciesData(mpSpecies); data->setCreatedCompartment(row == 0 && createdCompartment); result.append(data); } endInsertRows(); return result; }
void CQCompartment::deleteCompartment(UndoCompartmentData *pCompartmentData) { switchToWidget(CCopasiUndoCommand::COMPARTMENTS); CModel * pModel = mpCompartment->getModel(); assert(pModel != NULL); CCompartment* pComp = &pModel->getCompartments()[pCompartmentData->getName()]; if (pComp == NULL) return; std::string key = pComp->getKey(); pModel->removeCompartment(key); mpCompartment = NULL; #undef DELETE protectedNotify(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::DELETE, key); protectedNotify(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::DELETE, "");//Refresh all as there may be dependencies. }
void UndoDependentData::createDependentObjects(CModel *pModel, QList<UndoCompartmentData *> *pCompartmentData) { if (pModel == NULL || pCompartmentData == NULL || pCompartmentData->empty()) return; //reaction may further has dependencies, these must be taken care of QList <UndoCompartmentData *>::const_iterator rs; for (rs = pCompartmentData->begin(); rs != pCompartmentData->end(); ++rs) { UndoCompartmentData * data = *rs; CCompartment* pCompartment = data->createObjectIn(pModel); if (pCompartment == NULL) continue; updateGUI(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::ADD, pCompartment->getKey()); } }
void CQCompartment::deleteCompartment(UndoCompartmentData *pCompartmentData) { assert(CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList()->size() > 0); CCopasiDataModel* pDataModel = (*CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList())[0]; assert(pDataModel != NULL); CModel * pModel = pDataModel->getModel(); assert(pModel != NULL); CCompartment * pCompartment = pModel->getCompartments()[pCompartmentData->getName()]; std::string key = pCompartment->getKey(); pModel->removeCompartment(key); mpCompartment = NULL; #undef DELETE protectedNotify(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::DELETE, key); protectedNotify(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::DELETE, "");//Refresh all as there may be dependencies. mpListView->switchToOtherWidget(111, ""); }
void CModelExpansion::duplicateCompartment(const CCompartment* source, const std::string & index, const SetOfModelElements & sourceSet, ElementsMap & emap) { //if the source object has already been duplicated: do nothing if (emap.exists(source)) return; //try creating the object until we find a name that is not yet used CCompartment* newObj; std::ostringstream infix; do { std::ostringstream name; name << source->getObjectName() << infix.str() << index; newObj = mpModel->createCompartment(name.str(), source->getInitialValue()); infix << "_"; } while (!newObj); //add duplicated object to the map emap.add(source, newObj); //now copy the contents of the object newObj->setDimensionality(source->getDimensionality()); //status newObj->setStatus(source->getStatus()); //expression (for assignment or ODE) newObj->setExpression(source->getExpression()); updateExpression(newObj->getExpressionPtr(), index, sourceSet, emap); //initial expression newObj->setInitialExpression(source->getInitialExpression()); updateExpression(newObj->getInitialExpressionPtr(), index, sourceSet, emap); newObj->setNotes(source->getNotes()); newObj->setMiriamAnnotation(source->getMiriamAnnotation(), newObj->getKey(), source->getKey()); }
std::string CODEExporterC::KineticFunction2ODEmember(const CReaction *reac) { std::ostringstream equation; if (reac->getFunction()->getType() != CEvaluationTree::MassAction) { const CFunctionParameters & params = reac->getFunctionParameters(); size_t k, params_size = params.size(); const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > & keyMap = reac->getParameterMappings(); std::string name; equation << NameMap[reac->getFunction()->getKey()] << "("; for (k = 0; k < params_size; ++k) { CFunctionParameter::Role role = params[k]->getUsage(); CCopasiObject * obj = CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory()->get(keyMap[k][0]); if ((role == CFunctionParameter::SUBSTRATE) || (role == CFunctionParameter::PRODUCT) || (role == CFunctionParameter::MODIFIER)) { if (obj) name = NameMap[obj->getKey()]; else name = "unknown"; } if (role == CFunctionParameter::PARAMETER) { if (!(reac->isLocalParameter(k))) { CModelValue* modval; modval = dynamic_cast< CModelValue * >(obj); name = NameMap[modval->getKey()]; } else { CCopasiParameter* param; param = dynamic_cast< CCopasiParameter * >(obj); name = NameMap[param->getKey()]; } } if (role == CFunctionParameter::VOLUME) { CCompartment* comp; comp = dynamic_cast< CCompartment * >(obj); name = NameMap[comp->getKey()]; } if (role == CFunctionParameter::TIME) { name = "T"; } if (name.empty()) { std::string message = "Could not export C code, since one of the arguments could not be resolved. Please consider filing a bug with the COPASI tracker:"; CCopasiMessage(CCopasiMessage::EXCEPTION, message.c_str()); } equation << name; if (k != params_size - 1) equation << ", "; } equation << ")"; } else { const CCopasiVector<CChemEqElement> & substrs = reac->getChemEq().getSubstrates(); const CCopasiVector<CChemEqElement> & prods = reac->getChemEq().getProducts(); const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > & keyMap = reac->getParameterMappings(); CCopasiObject * obj; size_t substrs_size = substrs.size(), prods_size = prods.size(); size_t k, m, mult; const CChemEqElement* substr; const CChemEqElement* prod; const CMassAction & cMassAction = *static_cast<const CMassAction*>(reac->getFunction()); equation << "("; obj = CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory()->get(keyMap[0][0]); if (!(reac->isLocalParameter(0))) { CModelValue* modval; modval = dynamic_cast< CModelValue * >(obj); equation << NameMap[modval->getKey()]; } else { CCopasiParameter* param; param = dynamic_cast< CCopasiParameter * >(obj); equation << NameMap[param->getKey()]; } for (k = 0; k < substrs_size; ++k) { substr = &substrs[k]; mult = (size_t) substr->getMultiplicity(); assert(substr->getMetabolite()); equation << " * " << NameMap[substr->getMetabolite()->getKey()]; if (mult > 1) for (m = 1; m < mult; ++m) equation << " * " << NameMap[substr->getMetabolite()->getKey()]; } if (cMassAction.isReversible() == TriTrue) { equation << " - "; obj = CCopasiRootContainer::getKeyFactory()->get(keyMap[2][0]); if (!(reac->isLocalParameter(2))) { CModelValue* modval; modval = dynamic_cast< CModelValue * >(obj); equation << NameMap[modval->getKey()]; } else { CCopasiParameter* param; param = dynamic_cast< CCopasiParameter * >(obj); equation << NameMap[param->getKey()]; } for (k = 0; k < prods_size; ++k) { prod = &prods[k]; mult = (size_t) prod->getMultiplicity(); assert(prod->getMetabolite()); equation << " * " << NameMap[prod->getMetabolite()->getKey()]; if (mult > 1) for (m = 1; m < mult; ++m) equation << " * " << NameMap[prod->getMetabolite()->getKey()]; } } equation << ") "; } return equation.str(); }
bool CODEExporterC::preprocess(const CModel* copasiModel) { size_t n[3] = {0, 0, 0}; size_t n_c[3] = {0, 0, 0}; size_t i, j; size_t dependent; setReservedNames(); NameMap[timeKey] = translateTimeVariableName(); const CCopasiVector< CMetab > & metabs = copasiModel->getMetabolitesX(); size_t metabs_size = metabs.size(); for (i = 0; i < metabs_size; i++) { CMetab * metab = metabs[i]; //if (metab->isUsed()) { std::string smname; std::string name; dependent = metab->isDependent(); smname = setExportName(metab->getStatus(), n, dependent); name = setConcentrationName(metab->getStatus(), n_c, dependent); NameMap[metab->getKey()] = name; std::ostringstream smKey; smKey << "sm_" << metab->getKey(); NameMap[smKey.str()] = smname; if ((metab->getStatus() == CModelEntity::REACTIONS && !metab->isDependent()) || metab->getStatus() == CModelEntity::ODE) { std::ostringstream odeKey; odeKey << "ode_" << metab->getKey(); NameMap[odeKey.str()] = setODEName(smname); } } } size_t comps_size = copasiModel->getCompartments().size(); const CCopasiVector< CCompartment > & comps = copasiModel->getCompartments(); for (i = 0; i < comps_size; i++) { CCompartment * comp = comps[i]; std::string name; dependent = 0; name = setExportName(comp->getStatus(), n, dependent); NameMap[comp->getKey()] = name; if (comp->getStatus() == CModelEntity::ODE) { std::ostringstream odeKey; odeKey << "ode_" << comp->getKey(); NameMap[odeKey.str()] = setODEName(name); } } size_t modvals_size = copasiModel->getModelValues().size(); const CCopasiVector< CModelValue > & modvals = copasiModel->getModelValues(); for (i = 0; i < modvals_size; i++) { CModelValue* modval = modvals[i]; std::string name = setExportName(modval->getStatus(), n, 0); NameMap[modval->getKey()] = name; if (modval->getStatus() == CModelEntity::ODE) { std::ostringstream odeKey; odeKey << "ode_" << modval->getKey(); NameMap[odeKey.str()] = setODEName(name); } } size_t reacs_size = copasiModel->getReactions().size(); const CCopasiVector< CReaction > & reacs = copasiModel->getReactions(); std::set<std::string> tmpset; for (i = 0; i < reacs_size; ++i) { size_t params_size; params_size = reacs[i]->getParameters().size(); for (j = 0; j < params_size; ++j) { if (!reacs[i]->isLocalParameter(reacs[i]->getParameters().getParameter(j)->getObjectName())) continue; std::ostringstream name; name << "p[" << n[0] << "]"; n[0] ++; NameMap[reacs[i]->getParameters().getParameter(j)->getKey()] = name.str(); } const CFunction* func = reacs[i]->getFunction(); std::string name = func->getObjectName(); if (func->getRoot()) setExportNameOfFunction(func->getRoot(), tmpset); if (func->getType() != CEvaluationTree::MassAction) if (tmpset.find(name) == tmpset.end()) { NameMap[func->getKey()] = translateObjectName(name); tmpset.insert(name); } } return true; }
void CQCompartment::addCompartment(UndoCompartmentData *pSData) { assert(CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList()->size() > 0); CCopasiDataModel* pDataModel = (*CCopasiRootContainer::getDatamodelList())[0]; assert(pDataModel != NULL); CModel * pModel = pDataModel->getModel(); assert(pModel != NULL); //reinsert all the Compartments CCompartment *pCompartment = pModel->createCompartment(pSData->getName()); pCompartment->setInitialValue(pSData->getInitialValue()); pCompartment->setStatus(pSData->getStatus()); std::string key = pCompartment->getKey(); protectedNotify(ListViews::COMPARTMENT, ListViews::ADD, key); //restore all the dependencies //reinsert all the species QList <UndoSpecieData *> *pSpecieData = pSData->getSpecieDependencyObjects(); QList <UndoSpecieData *>::const_iterator i; for (i = pSpecieData->begin(); i != pSpecieData->end(); ++i) { UndoSpecieData * data = *i; // beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 1, 1); CMetab *pSpecie = pModel->createMetabolite(data->getName(), data->getCompartment(), data->getIConc(), data->getStatus()); protectedNotify(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::ADD, pSpecie->getKey()); //endInsertRows(); } //reinsert the dependency reaction QList <UndoReactionData *> *pReactionData = pSData->getReactionDependencyObjects(); QList <UndoReactionData *>::const_iterator j; for (j = pReactionData->begin(); j != pReactionData->end(); ++j) { //UndoReactionData * rData = dynamic_cast<UndoReactionData*>(*j); UndoReactionData * rData = *j; //TODO check if reaction already exist in the model, better idea may be implemented in the future bool exist = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)pModel->getReactions().size(); ++ii) { if (pModel->getReactions()[ii]->getObjectName() == rData->getName()) { exist = true; ii = ii + pModel->getReactions().size() + 1; //jump out of the loop reaction exist already } else { exist = false; } } if (!exist) { protectedNotify(ListViews::METABOLITE, ListViews::ADD, ""); //Refresh all dependency species. CReaction *pRea = pModel->createReaction(rData->getName()); rData->getRi()->writeBackToReaction(pRea); protectedNotify(ListViews::REACTION, ListViews::ADD, pRea->getKey()); } } mpListView->switchToOtherWidget(C_INVALID_INDEX, key); }
CompartmentDataChangeCommand::CompartmentDataChangeCommand( const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role, CQCompartmentDM *pCompartmentDM) : CCopasiUndoCommand("Compartment", COMPARTMENT_DATA_CHANGE, "Change") , mNew(value) , mOld( , mIndex(index) , mpCompartmentDM(pCompartmentDM) , mRole(role) , mPathIndex() , mpCompartmentUndoData(NULL) { //set the data for UNDO history assert(pCompartmentDM->getDataModel() != NULL); CModel * pModel = pCompartmentDM->getDataModel()->getModel(); assert(pModel != NULL); if (pModel->getCompartments().size() <= (size_t)index.row()) { return; } CCompartment *pCompartment = &pModel->getCompartments()[index.row()]; setKey(pCompartment->getKey()); setName(pCompartment->getObjectName()); setOldValue(TO_UTF8(mOld.toString())); setNewValue(TO_UTF8(mNew.toString())); switch (index.column()) { case 0: setProperty(""); break; case 1: setProperty("Name"); break; case 2: setProperty("Type"); switch (mNew.toInt()) { case 0: setNewValue("fixed"); break; case 1: setNewValue("assignment"); break; case 2: setNewValue("ode"); break; } break; case 3: setProperty("Initial Volume"); // need to store additional undo data to be able to restore // species initial concentrations / patricle numbers mpCompartmentUndoData = new UndoCompartmentData(pCompartment); break; } setText(QString(": Changed compartment %1").arg(getProperty().c_str())); }