CContactCache* CContactCache::getContactCache(const HANDLE hContact)
	CContactCache *c = m_cCache, *cTemp;

	cTemp = c;

	while(c) {
		cTemp = c;
		if(c->m_hContact == hContact) {
		c = c->m_next;
	CContactCache* _c = new CContactCache(hContact);
	if(cTemp) {
		cTemp->m_next = _c;
	m_cCache = _c;
Пример #2
int SendQueue::ackMessage(TWindowData *dat, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	ACKDATA				*ack = (ACKDATA *) lParam;
	DBEVENTINFO			dbei = { 0};
	HANDLE				hNewEvent;
	int					iFound = SendQueue::NR_SENDJOBS, iNextFailed;
	TContainerData *m_pContainer = 0;
	if (dat)
		m_pContainer = dat->pContainer;

	iFound = (int)(LOWORD(wParam));
	//i = (int)(HIWORD(wParam));

	if (m_jobs[iFound].iStatus == SQ_ERROR) {      // received ack for a job which is already in error state...
		if (dat) {                        // window still open
			if (dat->iCurrentQueueError == iFound) {
				dat->iCurrentQueueError = -1;
				showErrorControls(dat, FALSE);
		 * we must discard this job, because there is no message window open to handle the
		 * error properly. But we display a tray notification to inform the user about the problem.
			goto inform_and_discard;

	// failed acks are only handled when the window is still open. with no window open, they will be *silently* discarded

	if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_FAILED) {
		if (dat) {
			 * "hard" errors are handled differently in multisend. There is no option to retry - once failed, they
			 * are discarded and the user is notified with a small log message.
			if (!nen_options.iNoSounds && !(m_pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_NOSOUND))

			TCHAR *szAckMsg = mir_a2t((char *)ack->lParam);
			mir_sntprintf(m_jobs[iFound].szErrorMsg, safe_sizeof(m_jobs[iFound].szErrorMsg),
						 CTranslator::get(CTranslator::GEN_MSG_DELIVERYFAILURE), szAckMsg);
			m_jobs[iFound].iStatus = SQ_ERROR;
			KillTimer(dat->hwnd, TIMERID_MSGSEND + iFound);
			if (!(dat->dwFlags & MWF_ERRORSTATE))
				handleError(dat, iFound);
			return 0;
		else {
			_DebugPopup(m_jobs[iFound].hOwner, CTranslator::get(CTranslator::GEN_SQ_DELIVERYFAILEDLATE));
			return 0;

	dbei.cbSize = sizeof(dbei);
	dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE;
	dbei.flags = DBEF_SENT;
	dbei.szModule = (char *) CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM) m_jobs[iFound].hOwner, 0);
	dbei.timestamp = time(NULL);
	dbei.cbBlob = lstrlenA(m_jobs[iFound].sendBuffer) + 1;

	if (dat)
		dat->cache->updateStats(TSessionStats::BYTES_SENT, dbei.cbBlob - 1);
	else {
		CContactCache *c = CContactCache::getContactCache(m_jobs[iFound].hOwner);
			c->updateStats(TSessionStats::BYTES_SENT, dbei.cbBlob - 1);

	if (m_jobs[iFound].dwFlags & PREF_UNICODE)
		dbei.cbBlob *= sizeof(TCHAR) + 1;
	if (m_jobs[iFound].dwFlags & PREF_RTL)
		dbei.flags |= DBEF_RTL;
	if (m_jobs[iFound].dwFlags & PREF_UTF)
		dbei.flags |= DBEF_UTF;
	dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE) m_jobs[iFound].sendBuffer;
	hNewEvent = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_EVENT_ADD, (WPARAM) m_jobs[iFound].hOwner, (LPARAM) & dbei);

	if (m_pContainer) {
		if (!nen_options.iNoSounds && !(m_pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_NOSOUND))

	if (dat && (m_jobs[iFound].hOwner == dat->hContact)) {
		if (dat->hDbEventFirst == NULL) {
			dat->hDbEventFirst = hNewEvent;
			SendMessage(dat->hwnd, DM_REMAKELOG, 0, 0);

	m_jobs[iFound].hSendId = NULL;

	if (m_jobs[iFound].iAcksNeeded == 0) {              // everything sent
		//if (m_jobs[iFound].hOwner != 0 && dat)
		//	EnableSending(dat, TRUE);
		if (dat) {
			KillTimer(dat->hwnd, TIMERID_MSGSEND + iFound);
	if (dat) {
		if ((iNextFailed = findNextFailed(dat)) >= 0 && !(dat->dwFlags & MWF_ERRORSTATE))
			handleError(dat, iNextFailed);
		//MAD: close on send mode
		else {
			if (M->GetByte("AutoClose", 0)) {
				if(M->GetByte("adv_AutoClose_2", 0))
					SendMessage(dat->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 1);
					SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
	return 0;
Пример #3
int SendQueue::sendQueued(TWindowData *dat, const int iEntry)
	HWND	hwndDlg = dat->hwnd;

	if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) {
		HANDLE			hContact, hItem;
		int				iJobs = 0;
		int				iMinLength = 0;
		CContactCache*	c = 0;

		hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);

		m_jobs[iEntry].hOwner = dat->hContact;
		m_jobs[iEntry].iStatus = SQ_INPROGRESS;
		m_jobs[iEntry].hwndOwner = hwndDlg;

		int	iSendLength = getSendLength(iEntry, dat->sendMode);

		do {
			hItem = (HANDLE) SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
			if (hItem && SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM) hItem, 0)) {
				c = CContactCache::getContactCache(hContact);
					iMinLength = (iMinLength == 0 ? c->getMaxMessageLength() : min(c->getMaxMessageLength(), iMinLength));
		} while (hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0));

		if(iSendLength >= iMinLength) {
			TCHAR	tszError[256];

			mir_sntprintf(tszError, 256, CTranslator::get(CTranslator::GEN_SQ_SENDLATER_ERROR_MSG_TOO_LONG), iMinLength);
			::SendMessage(dat->hwnd, DM_ACTIVATETOOLTIP, IDC_MESSAGE, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(tszError));

		hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDFIRST, 0, 0);
		do {
			hItem = (HANDLE) SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0);
			if (hItem && SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM) hItem, 0)) {
				doSendLater(iEntry, 0, hContact, false);
		} while (hContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_FINDNEXT, (WPARAM) hContact, 0));

			sendLater->flushQueue();							// force queue processing
	else {
		if (dat->hContact == NULL)
			return 0;  //never happens

		dat->nMax = dat->cache->getMaxMessageLength();                      // refresh length info

		if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI && M->GetByte(dat->cache->getActiveContact(), dat->cache->getActiveProto(), "UnicodeSend", 1))
			M->WriteByte(dat->cache->getActiveContact(), dat->cache->getActiveProto(), "UnicodeSend", 0);
		else if (!(dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI) && !M->GetByte(dat->cache->getActiveContact(), dat->cache->getActiveProto(), "UnicodeSend", 0))
			M->WriteByte(dat->cache->getActiveContact(), dat->cache->getActiveProto(), "UnicodeSend", 1);

		if (M->GetByte("autosplit", 1) && !(dat->sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER)) {
			BOOL    fSplit = FALSE;
			DWORD   dwOldFlags;

			 * determine send buffer length
			if(getSendLength(iEntry, dat->sendMode) >= dat->nMax)
				fSplit = true;

			if (!fSplit)
				goto send_unsplitted;

			m_jobs[iEntry].hOwner = dat->hContact;
			m_jobs[iEntry].hwndOwner = hwndDlg;
			m_jobs[iEntry].iStatus = SQ_INPROGRESS;
			m_jobs[iEntry].iAcksNeeded = 1;
			m_jobs[iEntry].chunkSize = dat->nMax;

			dwOldFlags = m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags;
			if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI)
				m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags &= ~PREF_UNICODE;

			if (!(m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags & PREF_UNICODE) || dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI)
				mir_forkthread(DoSplitSendA, (LPVOID)iEntry);
				mir_forkthread(DoSplitSendW, (LPVOID)iEntry);
			m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags = dwOldFlags;
		else {


			m_jobs[iEntry].hOwner = dat->hContact;
			m_jobs[iEntry].hwndOwner = hwndDlg;
			m_jobs[iEntry].iStatus = SQ_INPROGRESS;
			m_jobs[iEntry].iAcksNeeded = 1;
			if(dat->sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER) {
				TCHAR	tszError[256];

				int iSendLength = getSendLength(iEntry, dat->sendMode);
				if(iSendLength >= dat->nMax) {
					mir_sntprintf(tszError, 256, CTranslator::get(CTranslator::GEN_SQ_SENDLATER_ERROR_MSG_TOO_LONG), dat->nMax);
					SendMessage(dat->hwnd, DM_ACTIVATETOOLTIP, IDC_MESSAGE, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(tszError));
				doSendLater(iEntry, dat);
			m_jobs[iEntry].hSendId = (HANDLE) CallContactService(dat->hContact, MsgServiceName(dat->hContact, dat, m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags), (dat->sendMode & SMODE_FORCEANSI) ? (m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags & ~PREF_UNICODE) : m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags, (LPARAM) m_jobs[iEntry].sendBuffer);

			if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_NOACK) {              // fake the ack if we are not interested in receiving real acks
				ACKDATA ack = {0};
				ack.hContact = dat->hContact;
				ack.hProcess = m_jobs[iEntry].hSendId;
				ack.type = ACKTYPE_MESSAGE;
				ack.result = ACKRESULT_SUCCESS;
				SendMessage(hwndDlg, HM_EVENTSENT, (WPARAM)MAKELONG(iEntry, 0), (LPARAM)&ack);
				SetTimer(hwndDlg, TIMERID_MSGSEND + iEntry, PluginConfig.m_MsgTimeout, NULL);

	// give icon feedback...

	if (dat->pContainer->hwndActive == hwndDlg)

	if (!(dat->sendMode & SMODE_NOACK))
		::HandleIconFeedback(dat, PluginConfig.g_IconSend);

		::SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0);
	return 0;
Пример #4
int SendQueue::ackMessage(TWindowData *dat, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA *)lParam;

	TContainerData *m_pContainer = 0;
	if (dat)
		m_pContainer = dat->pContainer;

	int iFound = (int)(LOWORD(wParam));
	SendJob &job = m_jobs[iFound];

	if (job.iStatus == SQ_ERROR) { // received ack for a job which is already in error state...
		if (dat) {                  // window still open
			if (dat->iCurrentQueueError == iFound) {
				dat->iCurrentQueueError = -1;
				showErrorControls(dat, FALSE);
		// we must discard this job, because there is no message window open to handle the
		// error properly. But we display a tray notification to inform the user about the problem.
		else goto inform_and_discard;

	// failed acks are only handled when the window is still open. with no window open, they will be *silently* discarded

	if (ack->result == ACKRESULT_FAILED) {
		if (dat) {
			// "hard" errors are handled differently in multisend. There is no option to retry - once failed, they
			// are discarded and the user is notified with a small log message.
			if (!nen_options.iNoSounds && !(m_pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_NOSOUND))

			TCHAR *szAckMsg = mir_a2t((char *)ack->lParam);
			mir_sntprintf(job.szErrorMsg, TranslateT("Delivery failure: %s"), szAckMsg);
			job.iStatus = SQ_ERROR;
			KillTimer(dat->hwnd, TIMERID_MSGSEND + iFound);
			if (!(dat->dwFlags & MWF_ERRORSTATE))
				handleError(dat, iFound);
			return 0;

		_DebugPopup(job.hContact, TranslateT("A message delivery has failed after the contacts chat window was closed. You may want to resend the last message"));
		return 0;

	DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) };
	dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE;
	dbei.flags = DBEF_SENT;
	dbei.szModule = GetContactProto(job.hContact);
	dbei.timestamp = time(NULL);
	dbei.cbBlob = (int)mir_strlen(job.szSendBuffer) + 1;

	if (dat)
		dat->cache->updateStats(TSessionStats::BYTES_SENT, dbei.cbBlob - 1);
	else {
		CContactCache *cc = CContactCache::getContactCache(job.hContact);
		if (cc)
			cc->updateStats(TSessionStats::BYTES_SENT, dbei.cbBlob - 1);

	if (job.dwFlags & PREF_RTL)
		dbei.flags |= DBEF_RTL;
	dbei.flags |= DBEF_UTF;
	dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)job.szSendBuffer;

	MessageWindowEvent evt = { sizeof(evt), (INT_PTR)job.hSendId, job.hContact, &dbei };
	NotifyEventHooks(PluginConfig.m_event_WriteEvent, 0, (LPARAM)&evt);

	job.szSendBuffer = (char*)dbei.pBlob;
	MEVENT hNewEvent = db_event_add(job.hContact, &dbei);

	if (m_pContainer)
		if (!nen_options.iNoSounds && !(m_pContainer->dwFlags & CNT_NOSOUND))

	M.BroadcastMessage(DM_APPENDMCEVENT, job.hContact, LPARAM(hNewEvent));

	job.hSendId = NULL;

	if (job.iAcksNeeded == 0) {              // everything sent
		if (dat) {
			KillTimer(dat->hwnd, TIMERID_MSGSEND + iFound);
	if (dat) {

		int iNextFailed = findNextFailed(dat);
		if (iNextFailed >= 0 && !(dat->dwFlags & MWF_ERRORSTATE))
			handleError(dat, iNextFailed);
		else {
			if (M.GetByte("AutoClose", 0)) {
				if (M.GetByte("adv_AutoClose_2", 0))
					SendMessage(dat->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 1);
					SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
	return 0;
Пример #5
int SendQueue::sendQueued(TWindowData *dat, const int iEntry)
	CContactCache *ccActive = CContactCache::getContactCache(dat->hContact);
	if (ccActive == NULL)
		return 0;

	HWND	hwndDlg = dat->hwnd;

	if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_MULTIPLE) {
		int iJobs = 0;
		int iMinLength = 0;

		m_jobs[iEntry].iStatus = SQ_INPROGRESS;
		m_jobs[iEntry].hContact = ccActive->getActiveContact();
		m_jobs[iEntry].hOwnerWnd = hwndDlg;

		size_t iSendLength = getSendLength(iEntry);

		for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) {
			HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, hContact, 0);
			if (hItem && SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hItem, 0)) {
				CContactCache *c = CContactCache::getContactCache(hContact);
				if (c)
					iMinLength = (iMinLength == 0 ? c->getMaxMessageLength() : min(c->getMaxMessageLength(), iMinLength));

		if (iSendLength >= iMinLength) {
			TCHAR	tszError[256];
			mir_sntprintf(tszError, TranslateT("The message cannot be sent delayed or to multiple contacts, because it exceeds the maximum allowed message length of %d bytes"), iMinLength);
			::SendMessage(dat->hwnd, DM_ACTIVATETOOLTIP, IDC_MESSAGE, LPARAM(tszError));
			return 0;

		for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact)) {
			HANDLE hItem = (HANDLE)SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_FINDCONTACT, hContact, 0);
			if (hItem && SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_CLIST, CLM_GETCHECKMARK, (WPARAM)hItem, 0)) {
				doSendLater(iEntry, 0, hContact, false);

		if (iJobs)
			sendLater->flushQueue(); // force queue processing
		return 0;

	if (dat->hContact == NULL)
		return 0;  //never happens

	dat->nMax = dat->cache->getMaxMessageLength(); // refresh length info

	if (M.GetByte("autosplit", 0) && !(dat->sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER)) {
		// determine send buffer length
		BOOL fSplit = FALSE;
		if (getSendLength(iEntry) >= dat->nMax)
			fSplit = true;

		if (!fSplit)
			goto send_unsplitted;

		m_jobs[iEntry].hContact = ccActive->getActiveContact();
		m_jobs[iEntry].hOwnerWnd = hwndDlg;
		m_jobs[iEntry].iStatus = SQ_INPROGRESS;
		m_jobs[iEntry].iAcksNeeded = 1;
		m_jobs[iEntry].chunkSize = dat->nMax;

		DWORD dwOldFlags = m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags;
		mir_forkthread(DoSplitSendA, (LPVOID)iEntry);
		m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags = dwOldFlags;
	else {
		m_jobs[iEntry].hContact = ccActive->getActiveContact();
		m_jobs[iEntry].hOwnerWnd = hwndDlg;
		m_jobs[iEntry].iStatus = SQ_INPROGRESS;
		m_jobs[iEntry].iAcksNeeded = 1;
		if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_SENDLATER) {
			TCHAR	tszError[256];

			size_t iSendLength = getSendLength(iEntry);
			if (iSendLength >= dat->nMax) {
				mir_sntprintf(tszError, TranslateT("The message cannot be sent delayed or to multiple contacts, because it exceeds the maximum allowed message length of %d bytes"), dat->nMax);
				SendMessage(dat->hwnd, DM_ACTIVATETOOLTIP, IDC_MESSAGE, LPARAM(tszError));
				return 0;
			doSendLater(iEntry, dat);
			return 0;
		m_jobs[iEntry].hSendId = (HANDLE)CallContactService(dat->hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, m_jobs[iEntry].dwFlags, (LPARAM)m_jobs[iEntry].szSendBuffer);

		if (dat->sendMode & SMODE_NOACK) {              // fake the ack if we are not interested in receiving real acks
			ACKDATA ack = { 0 };
			ack.hContact = dat->hContact;
			ack.hProcess = m_jobs[iEntry].hSendId;
			ack.type = ACKTYPE_MESSAGE;
			ack.result = ACKRESULT_SUCCESS;
			SendMessage(hwndDlg, HM_EVENTSENT, (WPARAM)MAKELONG(iEntry, 0), (LPARAM)&ack);
		else SetTimer(hwndDlg, TIMERID_MSGSEND + iEntry, PluginConfig.m_MsgTimeout, NULL);


	// give icon feedback...
	if (dat->pContainer->hwndActive == hwndDlg)

	if (!(dat->sendMode & SMODE_NOACK))
		::HandleIconFeedback(dat, PluginConfig.g_IconSend);

		::SendMessage(dat->pContainer->hwnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0);
	return 0;
Пример #6
// fills the list of jobs with current contents of the job queue
// filters by m_hFilter (contact handle)
void CSendLater::qMgrFillList(bool fClear)
	TCHAR *formatTime = _T("%Y.%m.%d - %H:%M");

	if (fClear) {
		::SendMessage(m_hwndList, LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0);
		::SendMessage(m_hwndFilter, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);

	m_sel = 0;
	::SendMessage(m_hwndFilter, CB_INSERTSTRING, -1, 
				  LPARAM(TranslateT("<All contacts>")));
	::SendMessage(m_hwndFilter, CB_SETITEMDATA, 0, 0);

	LVITEM lvItem = { 0 };
	lvItem.cchTextMax = 255;

	BYTE bCode = '-';
	unsigned uIndex = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < m_sendLaterJobList.getCount(); i++) {
		CSendLaterJob *p = m_sendLaterJobList[i];
		CContactCache *c = CContactCache::getContactCache(p->hContact);
		if (c) {
			const TCHAR *tszNick = c->getNick();
			if (m_hFilter && m_hFilter != p->hContact) {
				qMgrAddFilter(c->getContact(), tszNick);

			lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_PARAM;
			TCHAR tszBuf[255];
			mir_sntprintf(tszBuf, 255, _T("%s [%s]"), tszNick, c->getRealAccount());
			lvItem.pszText = tszBuf;
			lvItem.iItem = uIndex++;
			lvItem.iSubItem = 0;
			lvItem.lParam = LPARAM(p);
			::SendMessage(m_hwndList, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, LPARAM(&lvItem));
			qMgrAddFilter(c->getContact(), tszNick);

			lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
			TCHAR tszTimestamp[30];
			_tcsftime(tszTimestamp, 30, formatTime, _localtime32((__time32_t *)&p->created));
			tszTimestamp[29] = 0;
			lvItem.pszText = tszTimestamp;
			lvItem.iSubItem = 1;
			::SendMessage(m_hwndList, LVM_SETITEM, 0, LPARAM(&lvItem));

			TCHAR *msg = mir_utf8decodeT(p->sendBuffer);
			TCHAR *preview = Utils::GetPreviewWithEllipsis(msg, 255);
			lvItem.pszText = preview;
			lvItem.iSubItem = 2;
			::SendMessage(m_hwndList, LVM_SETITEM, 0, LPARAM(&lvItem));

			const TCHAR *tszStatusText = 0;
			if (p->fFailed) {
				tszStatusText = p->bCode == CSendLaterJob::JOB_REMOVABLE ? 
					TranslateT("Removed") : TranslateT("Failed");
			else if (p->fSuccess)
				tszStatusText = TranslateT("Sent OK");
			else {
				switch(p->bCode) {
				case CSendLaterJob::JOB_DEFERRED:
					tszStatusText = TranslateT("Deferred");
				case CSendLaterJob::JOB_AGE:
					tszStatusText = TranslateT("Failed");
				case CSendLaterJob::JOB_HOLD:
					tszStatusText = TranslateT("Suspended");
					tszStatusText = TranslateT("Pending");
			if (p->bCode)
				bCode = p->bCode;
			TCHAR tszStatus[20];
			mir_sntprintf(tszStatus, 20, _T("X/%s[%c] (%d)"), tszStatusText, bCode, p->iSendCount);
			tszStatus[0] = p->szId[0];
			lvItem.pszText = tszStatus;
			lvItem.iSubItem = 3;
			::SendMessage(m_hwndList, LVM_SETITEM, 0, LPARAM(&lvItem));

			if (p->lastSent == 0)
				mir_sntprintf(tszTimestamp, 30, _T("%s"), _T("Never"));
			else {
				_tcsftime(tszTimestamp, 30, formatTime, _localtime32((__time32_t *)&p->lastSent));
				tszTimestamp[29] = 0;
			lvItem.pszText = tszTimestamp;
			lvItem.iSubItem = 4;
			::SendMessage(m_hwndList, LVM_SETITEM, 0, LPARAM(&lvItem));

	if (m_hFilter == 0)
		::SendMessage(m_hwndFilter, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0);
		::SendMessage(m_hwndFilter, CB_SETCURSEL, m_sel, 0);
Пример #7
// Try to send an open job from the job list
// this is ONLY called from the WM_TIMER handler and should never be executed directly.
int CSendLater::sendIt(CSendLaterJob *job)
	time_t now = time(0);
	if (job->bCode == CSendLaterJob::JOB_HOLD || job->bCode == CSendLaterJob::JOB_DEFERRED || job->fSuccess || job->fFailed || job->lastSent > now)
		return 0;											// this one is frozen or done (will be removed soon), don't process it now.

	if (now - job->created > SENDLATER_AGE_THRESHOLD) {		// too old, this will be discarded and user informed by popup
		job->fFailed = true;
		job->bCode = CSendLaterJob::JOB_AGE;
		return 0;

	// mark job as deferred (5 unsuccessful sends). Job will not be removed, but 
	// the user must manually reset it in order to trigger a new send attempt.
	if (job->iSendCount == 5) {
		job->bCode = CSendLaterJob::JOB_DEFERRED;
		return 0;

	if (job->iSendCount > 0 && (now - job->lastSent < SENDLATER_RESEND_THRESHOLD))
		return 0;											// this one was sent, but probably failed. Resend it after a while

	CContactCache *c = CContactCache::getContactCache(job->hContact);
	if (c == NULL)
		return 0;						// should not happen

	if (!c->isValid()) {
		job->fFailed = true;
		job->bCode = CSendLaterJob::INVALID_CONTACT;
		return 0;						// can happen (contact has been deleted). mark the job as failed

	MCONTACT hContact = c->getActiveContact();
	const char *szProto = c->getActiveProto();
	if (!hContact || szProto == 0)
		return 0;

	WORD wMyStatus = (WORD)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0);
	WORD wContactStatus = c->getActiveStatus();

	// status mode checks
	if (wMyStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) {
		job->bCode = CSendLaterJob::JOB_MYSTATUS;
		return 0;
	if (job->szId[0] == 'S') {
		if (!(wMyStatus == ID_STATUS_ONLINE || wMyStatus == ID_STATUS_FREECHAT)) {
			job->bCode = CSendLaterJob::JOB_MYSTATUS;
			return 0;

	job->lastSent = now;
	job->hTargetContact = hContact;
	job->bCode = CSendLaterJob::JOB_WAITACK;

	DWORD dwFlags = IsUtfSendAvailable(hContact) ? PREF_UTF : PREF_UNICODE;
	if (dwFlags & PREF_UTF)
		job->hProcess = (HANDLE)CallContactService(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, dwFlags, (LPARAM)job->sendBuffer);
		job->hProcess = (HANDLE)CallContactService(hContact, PSS_MESSAGE, dwFlags, (LPARAM)job->pBuf);
	return 0;