int CNotification::CalculateWidth(int defaultSize) { CString s; GetWindowText(s); CDIB dib; dib.Resize(1, 1); if(!dib.Ready()) { return defaultSize; } Graphics g(dib.dc); g.SetCompositingMode(CompositingModeSourceOver); g.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); RectF rf(0, 0, 0, 0); Font font(L"Arial", defaultSize * 0.6f, FontStyleRegular, UnitPixel); StringFormat *stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat->SetAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringFormat->SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringFormat->SetFormatFlags(StringFormatFlagsLineLimit); stringFormat->SetTrimming(StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter); g.MeasureString(s.GetBuffer(), s.GetLength(), &font, rf, stringFormat, &rf); delete stringFormat; defaultSize += (int)rf.Width - defaultSize / 2; return defaultSize; }
void CShowPalDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) { ASSERT(1); // We don't do this. } else { // Get the file from the archive. CFile* fp = ar.GetFile(); ASSERT(fp); ar.Flush(); // Load the DIB from the file. CDIB dib; if (!dib.Load(fp)) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to load DIB file"); return; } // Create the palette from the DIB. if (m_pPal) delete m_pPal; m_pPal = new CDIBPal; ASSERT(m_pPal); if (!m_pPal->Create(&dib)) { AfxMessageBox("Failed to create palette from DIB file"); delete m_pPal; m_pPal = NULL; } } }
BOOL CDIB::DrawText(CDC *pDC, LPCTSTR szString, COLORREF fontcolor ) { CFont pfont; LOGFONT lf; lf.lfHeight=16; lf.lfWidth=0; lf.lfEscapement=0; lf.lfOrientation=0; lf.lfWeight=FW_NORMAL; lf.lfItalic=0; lf.lfUnderline=0; lf.lfStrikeOut=0; lf.lfCharSet=DEFAULT_CHARSET; //ANSI_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision=OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision=CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality=PROOF_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily=VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_ROMAN; wcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, _T("MS Sans Serif") ); pfont.CreateFontIndirect( &lf ); CDC BufferDC; CBitmap BufferBitmap, *OldBitmap; BufferDC.CreateCompatibleDC ( pDC ); CFont *pOldFont = BufferDC.SelectObject(&pfont); SIZE size; GetTextExtentPoint32( BufferDC.GetSafeHdc(), szString, wcslen(szString), &size ); += 16; BufferBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap ( pDC,, ); OldBitmap=BufferDC.SelectObject ( &BufferBitmap ); BufferDC.FillSolidRect ( 0, 0,,, 0 ); RECT rect; rect.left = 2; = 0; rect.right =; rect.bottom =; BufferDC.SetTextColor(fontcolor); BufferDC.DrawText(szString,&rect,DT_LEFT|DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE); BufferDC.SelectObject ( OldBitmap ); CDIB tempDIB; tempDIB.Create (, ); GetDIBits ( pDC->m_hDC, HBITMAP(BufferBitmap), 0,, tempDIB.m_Bits, &(tempDIB.m_Info), DIB_RGB_COLORS ); BufferDC.SelectObject(pOldFont); pfont.DeleteObject(); BlendRect( &tempDIB, 0, 0 ); return TRUE; }
void CSkinList::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); CDIB tmp; Draw(tmp); if(!tmp.Ready()) { return; } BitBlt(dc.m_hDC, 0, 0, tmp.Width(), tmp.Height(), tmp.dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); }
void QTwain::Create24Bit(CDIB& source,CDIB& dest) { int pal; dest.Create(source.Width(),source.Height(),24); pal = source.GetPaletteSize(); BYTE palet[768]; for(int i=0; i < pal; i++) { COLORREF col = source.PaletteColor(i); palet[i*3+2] = GetRValue(col); palet[i*3+1] = GetGValue(col); palet[i*3+0] = GetBValue(col); } int j; int i; BYTE *src,*dst,*ptr; for(i=0; i < source.Height(); i++) { src = source.GetLinePtr(i); dst = dest.GetLinePtr(i); ptr = dst; int index; for(j=0; j < source.Width(); j++,ptr+=3) { switch(pal) { case 2: if(src[j>>3] & masktable[j&7]) { index = 1; } else { index = 0; } break; case 16: if(j & 1) { index = src[j>>1] & 0x0f; } else { index = (src[j>>1] >> 4) & 0x0f; } break; case 256: index = src[j]; break; }
void EVOpenDlg::CopyImage( HANDLE hBitmap,TW_IMAGEINFO& info ) {//处理扫描仪数据 if ( info.SamplesPerPixel!=3 ) { MessageBox("请使用彩色扫描"); return; } CDIB dib; dib.CreateFromHandle(hBitmap,info.BitsPerPixel); CString tmpName=_T("tmp.bmp"); TCHAR tmpPath[_MAX_PATH+1]; GetTempPath(_MAX_PATH,tmpPath); tmpName.Insert(0,tmpPath); dib.SaveDIB(tmpName,CDIB::BMP); IplImage* pImage = cvLoadImage(tmpName.GetBuffer()); UpdateScan(pImage); cvReleaseImage(&pImage);//*/ return; }
void CSkinList::Draw(CDIB &tmp) { CRect r; GetClientRect(&r); tmp.Resize(r.Width(), r.Height()); if(!tmp.Ready()) { return; } RectF rf(0, 0, (REAL)tmp.Width(), (REAL)tmp.Height()); RectF rx; Graphics g(tmp.dc); g.SetCompositingMode(CompositingModeSourceOver); if(bckg->Ready()) { tmp.Draw(tmp.Rect(), 0, 0, bckg, DrawFlagsReflectDest); } if(dib->Ready()) { g.DrawImage(dib->bmp, 0.0f, r.Height() * 0.36f); Font font(L"Arial", 9.0f); StringFormat *stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat->SetAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringFormat->SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringFormat->SetTrimming(StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter); CString s; s.Format(L"%s\n%s", skin->name.GetBuffer(), skin->description.GetBuffer()); RectF rx(0, 0, (REAL)dib->Width(), r.Height() * 0.36f); rx.Y++; SolidBrush brush(0xfff0f0f0); g.DrawString(s.GetBuffer(), s.GetLength(), &font, rx, stringFormat, &brush); rx.Y--; brush.SetColor(0xff000000); g.DrawString(s.GetBuffer(), s.GetLength(), &font, rx, stringFormat, &brush); delete stringFormat; } }
CDIB* CRenderThread::Render(GP<DjVuImage> pImage, const CSize& size, const CDisplaySettings& displaySettings, int nDisplayMode, int nRotate, bool bThumbnail) { if ( <= 0 || <= 0) return NULL; CSize szImage(pImage->get_width(), pImage->get_height()); int nTotalRotate = GetTotalRotate(pImage, nRotate); CSize szScaled(size); if (nTotalRotate % 2 != 0) swap(,; GRect rect(0, 0,,; bool bScalePnmFixed = displaySettings.bScaleColorPnm; // Use fast scaling for thumbnails. if (bThumbnail) bScalePnmFixed = false; // Use default faster scaling when zoom factor is >= 1.0. // Additionally, use the default scaling when requested // image size is small, since quality does not matter at this // scale. NOTE: this also deals with the special case of size (1, 1), // which can force PnmScaleFixed into an infinite loop. if (( < 150 || < 150) || ( >= || >= bScalePnmFixed = false; // Disable PnmFixed scaling if we perform an integer reduction of the image. /* for (int nReduction = 1; nReduction <= 15; ++nReduction) { if (*nReduction > - nReduction &&*nReduction < + nReduction &&*nReduction > - nReduction &&*nReduction < + nReduction) { bScalePnmFixed = false; break; } } */ // Disable PnmFixed scaling for color images according to settings GP<IW44Image> bg44 = pImage->get_bg44(); GP<GPixmap> bgpm = pImage->get_bgpm(); GP<GPixmap> fgpm = pImage->get_fgpm(); if (!displaySettings.bScaleColorPnm && (bg44 != NULL || bgpm != NULL || fgpm != NULL) && nDisplayMode != CDjVuView::BlackAndWhite) bScalePnmFixed = false; if (bScalePnmFixed) rect = GRect(0, 0,,; GP<GBitmap> pGBitmap; GP<GPixmap> pGPixmap; try { switch (nDisplayMode) { case CDjVuView::BlackAndWhite: pGBitmap = pImage->get_bitmap(rect, rect, 4); break; case CDjVuView::Foreground: pGPixmap = pImage->get_fg_pixmap(rect, rect); if (pGPixmap == NULL) pGBitmap = pImage->get_bitmap(rect, rect, 4); break; case CDjVuView::Background: pGPixmap = pImage->get_bg_pixmap(rect, rect); break; case CDjVuView::Color: default: pGPixmap = pImage->get_pixmap(rect, rect); if (pGPixmap == NULL) pGBitmap = pImage->get_bitmap(rect, rect, 4); } } catch (GException&) { return NULL; } catch (CMemoryException*) { return NULL; } catch (...) { theApp.ReportFatalError(); } CDIB* pBitmap = NULL; if (pGPixmap != NULL) { if (nTotalRotate != 0) pGPixmap = pGPixmap->rotate(nTotalRotate); if (bScalePnmFixed) pGPixmap = RescalePixmap_subpix(pGPixmap,,; pBitmap = RenderPixmap(*pGPixmap, displaySettings); } else if (pGBitmap != NULL) { if (nTotalRotate != 0) pGBitmap = pGBitmap->rotate(nTotalRotate); if (bScalePnmFixed) { pGPixmap = RescaleBitmap_subpix(pGBitmap,,; pBitmap = RenderPixmap(*pGPixmap, displaySettings); } else { pBitmap = RenderBitmap(*pGBitmap, displaySettings); } } else { pBitmap = RenderEmpty(size, displaySettings); } if (pBitmap != NULL) pBitmap->SetDPI(pImage->get_dpi()); return pBitmap; }
void CTabsControl::DrawItem(CTabControl *item, Gdiplus::Graphics &g) { CRect rect = ItemRect(item); g.ResetTransform(); g.TranslateTransform((REAL)rect.left, (REAL); RectF rf(0.0f, 0.0f, (REAL)rect.Width(), (REAL)rect.Height()); RectF rx; if(item->selected) { #define shadowb 10 CDIB tmp; tmp.Resize(rect.Width() + shadowb * 2, rect.Height() + shadowb * 2); if(tmp.Ready()) { Graphics gt(tmp.bmp); RectF rx(0, 0, (REAL)tmp.Width(), (REAL)tmp.Height()); GraphicsPath *path = new GraphicsPath(); path->AddLine(rx.X + shadowb, rx.Y + rx.Height - shadowb, rx.X + rx.Width - 2 - shadowb, rx.Y + rx.Height - shadowb); path->AddLine(rx.X + rx.Width - 2 - shadowb, rx.Y + rx.Height - shadowb, rx.X + rx.Width - 2, rx.Y); path->AddLine(rx.X + rx.Width - 2, rx.Y, rx.X + rx.Width, rx.Y + rx.Height); path->AddLine(rx.X + rx.Width, rx.Y + rx.Height, rx.X, rx.Y + rx.Height); path->AddLine(rx.X, rx.Y, rx.X + shadowb, rx.Y + rx.Height - shadowb); path->CloseFigure(); SolidBrush brush(0xff000000); gt.FillPath(&brush, path); tmp.Blur(tmp.Rect(), CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), shadowb); g.DrawImage(tmp.bmp, rf, shadowb, shadowb, rf.Width, rf.Height, UnitPixel); delete path; } } Font font(L"Arial", item->selected ? 8.0f : 8.0f); StringFormat *stringFormat = new StringFormat(); stringFormat->SetAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringFormat->SetLineAlignment(StringAlignmentCenter); stringFormat->SetTrimming(StringTrimmingEllipsisCharacter); stringFormat->SetFormatFlags(StringFormatFlagsLineLimit); if(item->icon->Ready()) { g.SetInterpolationMode(InterpolationModeBicubic); rx = rf; rx.Y += 6; rx.Height -= (20 + rx.Y); rx.Width = rx.Height; rx.X += (rf.Width - rx.Width) / 2; if(item->selected) { rx.Y++; #define shadow 5 CDIB tmp; tmp.Resize(item->icon->Width(), item->icon->Height()); if(tmp.Ready()) { tmp.Draw(CRect(shadow, shadow, item->icon->Width() - shadow, item->icon->Height() - shadow), item->icon->Rect(), item->icon); DIB_ARGB *p = tmp.scan0; int size = tmp.Width() * tmp.Height(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++, p++) { p->r = 0; p->g = 0; p->b = 0; } tmp.Blur(tmp.Rect(), CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), shadow); g.DrawImage(tmp.bmp, RectF(rx.X, rx.Y + shadow, rx.Width, rx.Height)); } tmp.Assign(item->icon); /*if(tmp.Ready()) { DIB_ARGB *p = tmp.scan0; int size = tmp.Width() * tmp.Height(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++, p++) { p->r = 0x6f; p->g = 0xa6; p->b = 0xde; } }*/ g.DrawImage(tmp.bmp, rx); } else { g.DrawImage(item->icon->bmp, rx); } } SolidBrush brush(0xff000000); rx = rf; rx.Height = 20; rx.Y = rf.Height - rx.Height; rx.Y++; g.DrawString(item->text.GetBuffer(), item->text.GetLength(), &font, rx, stringFormat, &brush); brush.SetColor(item->selected && false ? 0xff6fa6de : 0xfff0f0f0); rx.Y--; g.DrawString(item->text.GetBuffer(), item->text.GetLength(), &font, rx, stringFormat, &brush); delete stringFormat; //POSITION p = items.Find(item); //items.GetNext(p); //if(p) { RectF rx = rf; rx.X += rx.Width - 1; rx.Width = 1; LinearGradientBrush brush(rx, Color(140, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69), Color(0x69, 0x69, 0x69), LinearGradientModeVertical); g.FillRectangle(&brush, rx); } }
bool Dock3D::DrawImage(CDIB *dst, CRect rect, int offsetX, CDIB *src) { const int scale = 2; CDIB tmp; tmp.Resize(rect.Width() * scale, rect.Height() * scale); if (!tmp.Ready()) { return false; } DrawDockD3Image(&tmp, tmp.Rect(), offsetX * scale, src); rect.left++; //rect.right--; dst->Draw(rect, tmp.Rect(), &tmp); /*int x, y, index, x1, x2; float y_ratio = (float)(src->Height() - 1) / rect.Height(); float x_ratio, x_diff, y_diff; DIB_ARGB *pd, *psa, *psb, *psc, *psd; for(int i = 0; i < rect.Height(); i++) { x1 = (int)(rect.left + 1 + offsetX * (1 - (1.0f + i) / rect.Height())); x2 = (int)(rect.right - 1 - offsetX * (1 - (1.0f + i) / rect.Height())); x_ratio = (float)src->Width() / (x2 - x1); pd = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - i) * dst->Width() + x1) * 4); for(int j = 0; j < x2 - x1; j++, pd++) { x = (int)(x_ratio * j); y = (int)(y_ratio * i); x_diff = (x_ratio * j) - x; y_diff = (y_ratio * i) - y; index = y * src->Width() + x; psa = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)src->scan0 + (index) * 4); psb = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)src->scan0 + (index + 1) * 4); psc = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)src->scan0 + (index + src->Width()) * 4); psd = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)src->scan0 + (index + src->Width() + 1) * 4); pd->a = (unsigned char)( psa->a * (1 - x_diff) * (1 - y_diff) + psb->a * x_diff * (1 - y_diff) + psc->a * y_diff * (1 - x_diff) + psd->a * x_diff * y_diff); pd->b = (unsigned char)( psa->b * (1 - x_diff) * (1 - y_diff) + psb->b * x_diff * (1 - y_diff) + psc->b * y_diff * (1 - x_diff) + psd->b * x_diff * y_diff) * pd->a / 255; pd->g = (unsigned char)( psa->g * (1 - x_diff) * (1 - y_diff) + psb->g * x_diff * (1 - y_diff) + psc->g * y_diff * (1 - x_diff) + psd->g * x_diff * y_diff) * pd->a / 255; pd->r = (unsigned char)( psa->r * (1 - x_diff) * (1 - y_diff) + psb->r * x_diff * (1 - y_diff) + psc->r * y_diff * (1 - x_diff) + psd->r * x_diff * y_diff) * pd->a / 255; } } // Border's antialiasing DIB_ARGB *pd1, *pd2; int px2 = 0, py2 = 0, px1 = 0, py1 = 0; for(int i = 0; i <= rect.Height(); i++) { if(i == 0) { px1 = (int)(rect.left + 1 + offsetX * (1 - (1.0f + i) / rect.Height())); py1 = i; px2 = (int)(rect.right - 1 - offsetX * (1 - (1.0f + i) / rect.Height())); py2 = i; } else { x1 = (int)(rect.left + 1 + offsetX * (1 - (1.0f + i) / rect.Height())); if(x1 < px1) { pd1 = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - py1) * dst->Width() + px1 + 1) * 4); pd2 = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - py1 + 1) * dst->Width() + px1) * 4); pd = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - py1) * dst->Width() + px1) * 4); for(int y = py1; y < i; y++, pd1 -= dst->Width(), pd2 -= dst->Width(), pd -= dst->Width()) { pd->a = (unsigned char)((pd1->a + pd2->a) / 2 * (1 + y - py1) / (i - py1)); pd->r = (pd1->r * 255 / max(pd1->a, 1) + pd2->r * 255 / max(pd2->a, 1)) / 2 * pd->a / 255; pd->g = (pd1->g * 255 / max(pd1->a, 1) + pd2->g * 255 / max(pd2->a, 1)) / 2 * pd->a / 255; pd->b = (pd1->b * 255 / max(pd1->a, 1) + pd2->b * 255 / max(pd2->a, 1)) / 2 * pd->a / 255; } px1 = x1; py1 = i; } x2 = (int)(rect.right - 1 - offsetX * (1 - (1.0f + i) / rect.Height())); if(x2 > px2) { pd1 = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - py2) * dst->Width() + px2 - 1) * 4); pd2 = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - py2 + 1) * dst->Width() + px2) * 4); pd = (DIB_ARGB*)((int)dst->scan0 + ((rect.bottom - 1 - py2) * dst->Width() + px2) * 4); for(int y = py2; y < i; y++, pd1 -= dst->Width(), pd2 -= dst->Width(), pd -= dst->Width()) { pd->a = (unsigned char)((pd1->a + pd2->a) / 2 * (1 + y - py2) / (i - py2)); pd->r = (pd1->r * 255 / max(pd1->a, 1) + pd2->r * 255 / max(pd2->a, 1)) / 2 * pd->a / 255; pd->g = (pd1->g * 255 / max(pd1->a, 1) + pd2->g * 255 / max(pd2->a, 1)) / 2 * pd->a / 255; pd->b = (pd1->b * 255 / max(pd1->a, 1) + pd2->b * 255 / max(pd2->a, 1)) / 2 * pd->a / 255; } px2 = x2; py2 = i; } } }*/ return true; }