Пример #1
// Purpose: Searches for a hint node that this NPC cares about. If one is
//			claims that hint node for this NPC so that no other NPCs
//			try to use it.
// Input  : nFlags - Search criterea. Can currently be one or more of the following:
//				bits_HINT_NODE_VISIBLE - searches for visible hint nodes.
//				bits_HINT_NODE_RANDOM - calls through the FindHintRandom and builds list of all matching
//				nodes and picks randomly from among them.  Note:  Depending on number of hint nodes, this
//				could be slower, so use with care.
// Output : Returns pointer to hint node if available hint node was found that matches the
//			given criterea that this NPC also cares about. Otherwise, returns NULL
CAI_Hint* CAI_HintManager::FindHint( CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, Hint_e nHintType, int nFlags, float flMaxDist, const Vector *pMaxDistFrom )
	assert( pNPC != NULL );
	if ( pNPC == NULL )
		return NULL;

	CHintCriteria	hintCriteria;
	hintCriteria.SetHintType( nHintType );
	hintCriteria.SetFlag( nFlags );

	// Using the NPC's hint group?
	if ( nFlags & bits_HINT_NODE_USE_GROUP )
		hintCriteria.SetGroup( pNPC->GetHintGroup() );

	// Add the search position
	Vector vecPosition = ( pMaxDistFrom != NULL ) ? (*pMaxDistFrom) : pNPC->GetAbsOrigin();
	hintCriteria.AddIncludePosition( vecPosition, flMaxDist );

	// If asking for a random node, use random logic instead
	if ( nFlags & bits_HINT_NODE_RANDOM )
		return FindHintRandom( pNPC, vecPosition, hintCriteria );

	return FindHint( pNPC, vecPosition, hintCriteria );