// Purpose: Draw the weapon's crosshair
void C_ObjectBaseMannedGun::DrawCrosshair()
	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !player )

	CHudCrosshair *crosshair = (CHudCrosshair *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudCrosshair );
	if ( !crosshair )
	if ( iconCrosshair )
		crosshair->SetCrosshair( iconCrosshair, gHUD.m_clrNormal );
		static wrect_t nullrc;
		crosshair->SetCrosshair( 0, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
Пример #2
// Purpose: Set a crosshair when in a vehicle and we don't have a proper 
//          crosshair sprite (ie. a commando laser rifle).
void CBaseTFVehicle::SetupCrosshair( void )
	if ( !m_pIconDefaultCrosshair )
		// Init the default crosshair the first time.
		CHudTexture newTexture;
		Q_strncpy( newTexture.szTextureFile, "sprites/crosshairs", sizeof( newTexture.szTextureFile ) );

		newTexture.rc.left		= 0;
		newTexture.rc.top		= 48;
		newTexture.rc.right		= newTexture.rc.left + 24;
		newTexture.rc.bottom	= newTexture.rc.top + 24;
		m_pIconDefaultCrosshair = gHUD.AddUnsearchableHudIconToList( newTexture );

	CHudCrosshair *crosshair = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudCrosshair );
	if ( crosshair )
		if ( !crosshair->HasCrosshair() && m_pIconDefaultCrosshair )
			crosshair->SetCrosshair( m_pIconDefaultCrosshair, gHUD.m_clrNormal );
// Purpose: Draw the weapon's crosshair
void C_BaseCombatWeapon::DrawCrosshair()
	C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( !player )

	Color clr = gHUD.m_clrNormal;

	// TEST: if the thing under your crosshair is on a different team, light the crosshair with a different color.
	Vector vShootPos, vShootAngles;
	GetShootPosition( vShootPos, vShootAngles );

	Vector vForward;
	AngleVectors( vShootAngles, &vForward );
	// Change the color depending on if we're looking at a friend or an enemy.
	CPartitionFilterListMask filter( PARTITION_ALL_CLIENT_EDICTS );	
	trace_t tr;
	traceline->TraceLine( vShootPos, vShootPos + vForward * 10000, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, MASK_SHOT, &tr, true, ~0, &filter );

	if ( tr.index != 0 && tr.index != INVALID_CLIENTENTITY_HANDLE )
		C_BaseEntity *pEnt = ClientEntityList().GetBaseEntityFromHandle( tr.index );
		if ( pEnt )
			if ( pEnt->GetTeamNumber() != player->GetTeamNumber() )
				g = b = 0;

	CHudCrosshair *crosshair = GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudCrosshair );
	if ( !crosshair )

	// Find out if this weapon's auto-aimed onto a target
	bool bOnTarget = ( m_iState == WEAPON_IS_ONTARGET );
	if ( player->GetFOV() >= 90 )
		// normal crosshairs
		if ( bOnTarget && GetWpnData().iconAutoaim )
			clr[3] = 255;

			crosshair->SetCrosshair( GetWpnData().iconAutoaim, clr );
		else if ( GetWpnData().iconCrosshair )
			clr[3] = 255;
			crosshair->SetCrosshair( GetWpnData().iconCrosshair, clr );
		Color white( 255, 255, 255, 255 );

		// zoomed crosshairs
		if (bOnTarget && GetWpnData().iconZoomedAutoaim)
			crosshair->SetCrosshair(GetWpnData().iconZoomedAutoaim, white);
		else if ( GetWpnData().iconZoomedCrosshair )
			crosshair->SetCrosshair( GetWpnData().iconZoomedCrosshair, white );