Пример #1
void Bip38ToolDialog::on_encryptKeyButton_ENC_clicked()
    if (!model)

    QString qstrPassTNXase = ui->passTNXaseIn_ENC->text();
    QString strInvalid;
    if (!isValidPassTNXase(qstrPassTNXase, strInvalid)) {
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setText(tr("The entered passTNXase is invalid. ") + strInvalid + QString(" is not valid") + QString(" ") + tr("Allowed: 0-9,a-z,A-Z,") + specialChar);

    if (!IsValidDestinationString(ui->addressIn_ENC->text().toStdString())) {
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setText(tr("The entered address is invalid.") + QString(" ") + tr("Please check the address and try again."));

    CTxDestination addr = DecodeDestination(ui->addressIn_ENC->text().toStdString());

    CKeyID keyID = GetKeyForDestination(*pwalletMain, addr);
    if (keyID.IsNull()) {
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setText(tr("The entered address does not refer to a key.") + QString(" ") + tr("Please check the address and try again."));

    WalletModel::UnlockContext ctx(model->requestUnlock(true));
    if (!ctx.isValid()) {
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setText(tr("Wallet unlock was cancelled."));

    CKey key;
    if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key)) {
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: red; }");
        ui->statusLabel_ENC->setText(tr("Private key for the entered address is not available."));

    std::string encryptedKey = BIP38_Encrypt(EncodeDestination(addr), qstrPassTNXase.toStdString(), key.GetPrivKey_256(), key.IsCompressed());
Пример #2
// Retrieves a public key for an address from the given CKeyStore
CPubKey AddrToPubKey(CKeyStore* const keystore, const std::string& addr_in)
    CTxDestination dest = DecodeDestination(addr_in);
    if (!IsValidDestination(dest)) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid address: " + addr_in);
    CKeyID key = GetKeyForDestination(*keystore, dest);
    if (key.IsNull()) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("%s does not refer to a key", addr_in));
    CPubKey vchPubKey;
    if (!keystore->GetPubKey(key, vchPubKey)) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, strprintf("no full public key for address %s", addr_in));
    if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid()) {
       throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Wallet contains an invalid public key");
    return vchPubKey;
Пример #3
bool CheckProRegTx(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, CValidationState& state)
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");

    CProRegTx ptx;
    if (!GetTxPayload(tx, ptx)) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payload");

    if (ptx.nVersion == 0 || ptx.nVersion > CProRegTx::CURRENT_VERSION) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-version");
    if (ptx.nType != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-type");
    if (ptx.nMode != 0) {
        return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-mode");

    if (ptx.keyIDOwner.IsNull() || !ptx.pubKeyOperator.IsValid() || ptx.keyIDVoting.IsNull()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-null");
    if (!ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToPublicKeyHash() && !ptx.scriptPayout.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee");

    CTxDestination payoutDest;
    if (!ExtractDestination(ptx.scriptPayout, payoutDest)) {
        // should not happen as we checked script types before
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-dest");
    // don't allow reuse of payout key for other keys (don't allow people to put the payee key onto an online server)
    if (payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDOwner) || payoutDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-payee-reuse");

    // It's allowed to set addr to 0, which will put the MN into PoSe-banned state and require a ProUpServTx to be issues later
    // If any of both is set, it must be valid however
    if (ptx.addr != CService() && !CheckService(tx.GetHash(), ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (ptx.nOperatorReward > 10000) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-operator-reward");

    CTxDestination collateralTxDest;
    CKeyID keyForPayloadSig;
    COutPoint collateralOutpoint;

    if (!ptx.collateralOutpoint.hash.IsNull()) {
        Coin coin;
        if (!GetUTXOCoin(ptx.collateralOutpoint, coin) || coin.out.nValue != 1000 * COIN) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        if (!ExtractDestination(coin.out.scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");

        // Extract key from collateral. This only works for P2PK and P2PKH collaterals and will fail for P2SH.
        // Issuer of this ProRegTx must prove ownership with this key by signing the ProRegTx
        if (!CBitcoinAddress(collateralTxDest).GetKeyID(keyForPayloadSig)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-pkh");

        collateralOutpoint = ptx.collateralOutpoint;
    } else {
        if (ptx.collateralOutpoint.n >= tx.vout.size()) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-index");
        if (tx.vout[ptx.collateralOutpoint.n].nValue != 1000 * COIN) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral");

        if (!ExtractDestination(tx.vout[ptx.collateralOutpoint.n].scriptPubKey, collateralTxDest)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-dest");

        collateralOutpoint = COutPoint(tx.GetHash(), ptx.collateralOutpoint.n);

    // don't allow reuse of collateral key for other keys (don't allow people to put the collateral key onto an online server)
    // this check applies to internal and external collateral, but internal collaterals are not necessarely a P2PKH
    if (collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDOwner) || collateralTxDest == CTxDestination(ptx.keyIDVoting)) {
        return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-collateral-reuse");

    if (pindexPrev) {
        auto mnList = deterministicMNManager->GetListForBlock(pindexPrev->GetBlockHash());

        // only allow reusing of addresses when it's for the same collateral (which replaces the old MN)
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.addr) && mnList.GetUniquePropertyMN(ptx.addr)->collateralOutpoint != collateralOutpoint) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-addr");

        // never allow duplicate keys, even if this ProTx would replace an existing MN
        if (mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.keyIDOwner) || mnList.HasUniqueProperty(ptx.pubKeyOperator)) {
            return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_DUPLICATE, "bad-protx-dup-key");

        if (!deterministicMNManager->IsDIP3Enforced(pindexPrev->nHeight)) {
            if (ptx.keyIDOwner != ptx.keyIDVoting) {
                return state.DoS(10, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-key-not-same");

    if (!CheckInputsHash(tx, ptx, state)) {
        return false;

    if (!keyForPayloadSig.IsNull()) {
        // collateral is not part of this ProRegTx, so we must verify ownership of the collateral
        if (!CheckStringSig(ptx, keyForPayloadSig, state)) {
            return false;
    } else {
        // collateral is part of this ProRegTx, so we know the collateral is owned by the issuer
        if (!ptx.vchSig.empty()) {
            return state.DoS(100, false, REJECT_INVALID, "bad-protx-sig");

    return true;
Пример #4
Value sendtoaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
	int size = params.size();
	if (fHelp || (!(size == 2 || size == 3)))
		throw runtime_error(
						"sendtoaddress (\"Dacrsaddress\") \"receive address\" \"amount\"\n"
						"\nSend an amount to a given address. The amount is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001\n"
						+ HelpRequiringPassphrase() + "\nArguments:\n"
						"1. \"Dacrsaddress\"  (string, optional) The Honghuo address to send to.\n"
						"2. receive address   (string, required) The Honghuo address to receive\n"
						"3.\"amount\"   (string, required) \n"
						"\"transactionid\"  (string) The transaction id.\n"
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddress", "\"1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd\" 0.1")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddress",
						"\"1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd\" 0.1 \"donation\" \"seans outpost\"")
						+ HelpExampleRpc("sendtoaddress",
						"\"1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd\", 0.1, \"donation\", \"seans outpost\""
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddress", "\"0-6\" 10 ")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddress", "\"00000000000000000005\" 10 ")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddress", "\"0-6\" \"0-5\" 10 ")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddress", "\"00000000000000000005\" \"0-6\"10 ")));

	CKeyID sendKeyId;
	CKeyID RevKeyId;

	auto GetKeyId = [](string const &addr,CKeyID &KeyId) {
		if (!CRegID::GetKeyID(addr, KeyId)) {
			if (KeyId.IsEmpty())
			return false;
		return true;

	// Amount
	int64_t nAmount = 0;
	CRegID sendreg;
	//// from address to addreww
	if (size == 3) {

		if (!GetKeyId(params[0].get_str(), sendKeyId)) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "FROM Invalid  address");
		if (!GetKeyId(params[1].get_str(), RevKeyId)) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "to Invalid  address");

		nAmount = AmountToRawValue(params[2]);
		if (pAccountViewTip->GetRawBalance(sendKeyId) <= nAmount + SysCfg().GetTxFee()) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "FROM address not enough coins");
	} else {
		if (!GetKeyId(params[0].get_str(), RevKeyId)) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "to address Invalid  ");

		nAmount = AmountToRawValue(params[1]);
		set<CKeyID> sKeyid;
		pwalletMain->GetKeys(sKeyid); //get addrs
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "No Key In wallet \n");
		for (auto &te : sKeyid) {
			if (pAccountViewTip->GetRawBalance(te) >= nAmount + SysCfg().GetTxFee()) {
				if (pAccountViewTip->GetRegId(CUserID(te), sendreg)) {
					sendKeyId = te;

		if (sendKeyId.IsNull()) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "not find enough moeny account ");

	CRegID revreg;
	CUserID rev;

	if (!pAccountViewTip->GetRegId(CUserID(sendKeyId), sendreg)) {
		throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid  address");

	if (pAccountViewTip->GetRegId(CUserID(RevKeyId), revreg)) {
		rev = revreg;
	} else {
		rev = RevKeyId;

	CTransaction tx(sendreg, rev, SysCfg().GetTxFee(), nAmount, chainActive.Height());

	if (!pwalletMain->Sign(sendKeyId, tx.SignatureHash(), tx.signature)) {
		throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER,  "Sign failed");

	std::tuple<bool,string> ret = pwalletMain->CommitTransaction((CBaseTransaction *) &tx);
		 throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER,  std::get<1>(ret));

	Object obj;
	obj.push_back(Pair("hash" , std::get<1>(ret)));
	return obj;
Пример #5
Value sendtoaddresswithfee(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
	int size = params.size();
	if (fHelp || (!(size == 3 || size == 4)))
		throw runtime_error(
						"sendtoaddresswithfee (\"sendaddress\") \"recvaddress\" \"amount\" (fee)\n"
						"\nSend an amount to a given address with fee. The amount is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001\n"
						"1. \"sendaddress\"  (string, optional) The Honghuo address to send to.\n"
						"2. \"recvaddress\" (string, required) The Honghuo address to receive.\n"
						"3.\"amount\"   (string,required) \n"
						"4.\"fee\"      (string,required) \n"
						"\"transactionid\"  (string) The transaction id.\n"
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddresswithfee", "\"1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd\" 10000000 1000")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddresswithfee",
						"\"1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd\" 0.1 \"donation\" \"seans outpost\"")
						+ HelpExampleRpc("sendtoaddresswithfee",
						"\"1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd\", 0.1, \"donation\", \"seans outpost\""
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddresswithfee", "\"0-6\" 10 ")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddresswithfee", "\"00000000000000000005\" 10 ")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddresswithfee", "\"0-6\" \"0-5\" 10 ")
						+ HelpExampleCli("sendtoaddresswithfee", "\"00000000000000000005\" \"0-6\"10 ")));

	CKeyID sendKeyId;
	CKeyID RevKeyId;

	auto GetKeyId = [](string const &addr,CKeyID &KeyId) {
		if (!CRegID::GetKeyID(addr, KeyId)) {
			if (KeyId.IsEmpty())
			return false;
		return true;

	// Amount
	int64_t nAmount = 0;
	int64_t nFee = 0;
	//// from address to addreww
	if (size == 4) {

		if (!GetKeyId(params[0].get_str(), sendKeyId)) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "FROM Invalid  address");
		if (!GetKeyId(params[1].get_str(), RevKeyId)) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "to Invalid  address");

		nAmount = AmountToRawValue(params[2]);
		if (pAccountViewTip->GetRawBalance(sendKeyId) <= nAmount + SysCfg().GetTxFee()) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "FROM address not enough coins");
		nFee = AmountToRawValue(params[3]);
	} else {
		if (!GetKeyId(params[0].get_str(), RevKeyId)) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "to address Invalid  ");

		nAmount = AmountToRawValue(params[1]);
		set<CKeyID> sKeyid;
		if (sKeyid.empty()) //get addrs
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "No Key In wallet \n");
		nFee = AmountToRawValue(params[2]);
		for (auto &te : sKeyid) {
			if (pAccountViewTip->GetRawBalance(te) >= nAmount + SysCfg().GetTxFee()) {
				sendKeyId = te;

		if (sendKeyId.IsNull()) {
			throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "not find enough moeny account ");

	auto SendMoney = [&](const CRegID &send, const CUserID &rsv, int64_t nValue, int64_t nFee) {
		CTransaction tx;
		tx.srcRegId = send;
		tx.desUserId = rsv;
		tx.llValues = nValue;
		if (0 == nFee) {
			tx.llFees = SysCfg().GetTxFee();
		} else
		tx.llFees = nFee;
		tx.nValidHeight = chainActive.Tip()->nHeight;

		CKeyID keID;
		if(!pAccountViewTip->GetKeyId(send,keID)) {
			return std::make_tuple (false,"key or keID failed");

		if (!pwalletMain->Sign(keID,tx.SignatureHash(), tx.signature)) {
			return std::make_tuple (false,"Sign failed");
		std::tuple<bool,string> ret = pwalletMain->CommitTransaction((CBaseTransaction *) &tx);
		bool falg = std::get<0>(ret);
		string te = std::get<1>(ret);
		if(falg == true)
		te = tx.GetHash().ToString();
		return std::make_tuple (falg,te.c_str());

	CRegID sendreg;
	CRegID revreg;

	if (!pAccountViewTip->GetRegId(CUserID(sendKeyId), sendreg)) {
		throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid  address");

	std::tuple<bool,string> ret;
	if (pAccountViewTip->GetRegId(CUserID(RevKeyId), revreg)) {
		ret = SendMoney(sendreg, revreg, nAmount, nFee);
	} else {

		ret = SendMoney(sendreg, CUserID(RevKeyId), nAmount, nFee);

	Object obj;
	obj.push_back(Pair(std::get<0>(ret) ? "hash" : "error code", std::get<1>(ret)));
	return obj;