HRESULT Interop_Marshal_double( const CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, UINT32 paramIndex, double ¶m ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); TINYCLR_INTEROP_CHECK_ARG_TYPE(DATATYPE_R8); param = stackFrame.ArgN( paramIndex ).NumericByRef().r8; TINYCLR_INTEROP_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Interop_Marshal_StoreRef( CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, void *pVoidHeapBlock, UINT32 paramIndex ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); TINYCLR_HEADER(); CLR_RT_HeapBlock *pHeapBlock = (CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pVoidHeapBlock; TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(pHeapBlock->StoreToReference( stackFrame.ArgN(paramIndex), 0 )); TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Interop_Marshal_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_ByRef( const CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, void *pHeapBlock, UINT32 paramIndex, UNSUPPORTED_TYPE *&pParam ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); TINYCLR_HEADER(); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->LoadFromReference( stackFrame.ArgN(paramIndex) )); pParam = NULL; TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Interop_Marshal_bool( const CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, UINT32 paramIndex, bool ¶m ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); TINYCLR_INTEROP_CHECK_ARG_TYPE(DATATYPE_I4); // The comparison with 0 converts numeric type "u1" to boolean type. param = stackFrame.ArgN( paramIndex ).NumericByRef().u1 != 0; TINYCLR_INTEROP_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Interop_Marshal_double_ByRef( const CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, void *pHeapBlock, UINT32 paramIndex, INT64* &pParam ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); TINYCLR_HEADER(); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->LoadFromReference( stackFrame.ArgN(paramIndex) )); TINYCLR_INTEROP_CHECK_REF_TYPE(DATATYPE_R8) pParam = (INT64 *)&((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->NumericByRef().r8; TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Interop_Marshal_INT8_ByRef( const CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, void *pHeapBlock, UINT32 paramIndex, INT8 *&pParam ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); TINYCLR_HEADER(); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->LoadFromReference( stackFrame.ArgN(paramIndex) )); // INT8 servers for both boolean and sbyte types. So we check for either of them. #if defined(_DEBUG) if ( !( ((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->DataType() == DATATYPE_I1 || ((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->DataType() == DATATYPE_BOOLEAN ) ) { TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(CLR_E_WRONG_TYPE); } #endif pParam = &((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->NumericByRef().s1; TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
//------------------ Unsigned Integral types ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT Interop_Marshal_bool_ByRef( const CLR_RT_StackFrame &stackFrame, void *pHeapBlock, UINT32 paramIndex, UINT8 *&pParam ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_CORE(); // Declare hRes ( #define TINYCLR_HEADER() HRESULT hr ) TINYCLR_HEADER(); // Loads heapblock data from heapblock in managed stack frame TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->LoadFromReference( stackFrame.ArgN(paramIndex) )); // Validates that data in heapblock correspond to requested parameter. TINYCLR_INTEROP_CHECK_REF_TYPE(DATATYPE_U1) // Now we have initialized pHeapBlock with reference paramenter. // Need to cast the pointer because &s1 is "CLR_INT8 *", while we need "UINT8 *" pParam = &((CLR_RT_HeapBlock *)pHeapBlock)->NumericByRef().u1; // Return S_OK or error if there is "go to" from TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT or TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Library_spot_hardware_native_Microsoft_SPOT_Hardware_HardwareProvider::NativeGetSerialPins___VOID__I4__BYREF_MicrosoftSPOTHardwareCpuPin__BYREF_MicrosoftSPOTHardwareCpuPin__BYREF_MicrosoftSPOTHardwareCpuPin__BYREF_MicrosoftSPOTHardwareCpuPin( CLR_RT_StackFrame& stack ) { TINYCLR_HEADER(); CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbrxPin; CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbtxPin; CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbctsPin; CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbrtsPin; CLR_UINT32 port, rxPin, txPin, ctsPin, rtsPin; port = stack.Arg1().NumericByRef().u4; rxPin = (CLR_UINT32)-1; // GPIO_NONE txPin = (CLR_UINT32)-1; // GPIO_NONE ctsPin = (CLR_UINT32)-1; // GPIO_NONE rtsPin = (CLR_UINT32)-1; // GPIO_NONE // COM ports are numbered from 0 up if(port >= CPU_USART_PortsCount()) { TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(CLR_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); } ::CPU_USART_GetPins( port, rxPin, txPin, ctsPin, rtsPin ); hbrxPin.SetInteger ( (CLR_INT32)rxPin ); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(hbrxPin.StoreToReference ( stack.Arg2(), 0 )); hbtxPin.SetInteger ( (CLR_INT32)txPin ); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(hbtxPin.StoreToReference ( stack.Arg3(), 0 )); hbctsPin.SetInteger( (CLR_INT32)ctsPin ); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(hbctsPin.StoreToReference( stack.Arg4(), 0 )); hbrtsPin.SetInteger( (CLR_INT32)rtsPin ); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(hbrtsPin.StoreToReference( stack.ArgN(5), 0 )); TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Library_spot_net_native_Microsoft_SPOT_Net_SocketNative::SendRecvHelper( CLR_RT_StackFrame& stack, bool fSend, bool fAddress ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_NETWORK(); TINYCLR_HEADER(); CLR_RT_HeapBlock* socket = stack.Arg0().Dereference(); CLR_INT32 handle; CLR_RT_HeapBlock_Array* arrData = stack.Arg1().DereferenceArray(); CLR_UINT32 offset = stack.Arg2().NumericByRef().u4; CLR_UINT32 count = stack.Arg3().NumericByRef().u4; CLR_INT32 flags = stack.Arg4().NumericByRef().s4; CLR_INT32 timeout_ms = stack.ArgN(5).NumericByRef().s4; CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbTimeout; CLR_INT64* timeout; CLR_UINT8* buf; bool fRes = true; CLR_INT32 totReadWrite; CLR_INT32 ret = 0; FAULT_ON_NULL(socket); handle = socket[ FIELD__m_Handle ].NumericByRef().s4; FAULT_ON_NULL(arrData); if(offset + count > arrData->m_numOfElements) TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(CLR_E_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE); /* Because we could have been a rescheduled call due to a prior call that would have blocked, we need to see * if our handle has been shutdown before continuing. */ if (handle == DISPOSED_HANDLE) { ThrowError( stack, CLR_E_OBJECT_DISPOSED ); TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE (CLR_E_PROCESS_EXCEPTION); } hbTimeout.SetInteger( timeout_ms ); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(stack.SetupTimeout( hbTimeout, timeout )); // // Push "totReadWrite" onto the eval stack. // if(stack.m_customState == 1) { stack.PushValueI4( 0 ); stack.m_customState = 2; } totReadWrite = stack.m_evalStack[ 1 ].NumericByRef().s4; buf = arrData->GetElement( offset + totReadWrite ); count -= totReadWrite; while(count > 0) { CLR_INT32 bytes = 0; // first make sure we have data to read or ability to write while(fRes) { ret = Helper__SelectSocket( handle, fSend ? 1 : 0 ); if(ret != 0) break; // non-blocking - allow other threads to run while we wait for handle activity TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(g_CLR_RT_ExecutionEngine.WaitEvents( stack.m_owningThread, *timeout, CLR_RT_ExecutionEngine::c_Event_Socket, fRes )); } // timeout expired if(!fRes) { ret = SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR; ThrowError( stack, SOCK_ETIMEDOUT ); TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE( CLR_E_PROCESS_EXCEPTION ); } // socket is in the excepted state, so let's bail out if(SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR == ret) { break; } if(fAddress) { struct SOCK_sockaddr addr; CLR_UINT32 addrLen = sizeof(addr); CLR_RT_HeapBlock& blkAddr = stack.ArgN( 6 ); if(fSend) { TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(MarshalSockAddress( &addr, addrLen, blkAddr )); bytes = SOCK_sendto( handle, (const char*)buf, count, flags, &addr, addrLen ); } else { CLR_RT_HeapBlock* pBlkAddr = blkAddr.Dereference(); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(MarshalSockAddress( &addr, addrLen, *pBlkAddr )); bytes = SOCK_recvfrom( handle, (char*)buf, count, flags, &addr, (int*)&addrLen ); if(bytes != SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR) { TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(MarshalSockAddress( blkAddr, &addr, addrLen )); } } } else { if(fSend) { bytes = SOCK_send( handle, (const char*)buf, count, flags ); } else { bytes = SOCK_recv( handle, (char*)buf, count, flags ); } } // send/recv/sendto/recvfrom failed if(bytes == SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR) { CLR_INT32 err = SOCK_getlasterror(); if(err != SOCK_EWOULDBLOCK) { ret = SOCK_SOCKET_ERROR; break; } continue; } // zero recv bytes indicates the handle has been closed. else if(!fSend && (bytes == 0)) { break; } buf += bytes; totReadWrite += bytes; count -= bytes; stack.m_evalStack[ 1 ].NumericByRef().s4 = totReadWrite; // receive returns immediately after receiving bytes. if(!fSend && (totReadWrite > 0)) { break; } } stack.PopValue(); // totReadWrite stack.PopValue(); // Timeout TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(ThrowOnError( stack, ret )); stack.SetResult_I4( totReadWrite ); TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }
HRESULT Library_spot_net_security_native_Microsoft_SPOT_Net_Security_SslNative::ParseCertificate___STATIC__VOID__SZARRAY_U1__STRING__BYREF_STRING__BYREF_STRING__BYREF_mscorlibSystemDateTime__BYREF_mscorlibSystemDateTime( CLR_RT_StackFrame& stack ) { NATIVE_PROFILE_CLR_NETWORK(); TINYCLR_HEADER(); CLR_RT_HeapBlock_Array* arrData = stack.Arg0().DereferenceArray(); CLR_UINT8* certBytes; CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbIssuer; CLR_RT_HeapBlock hbSubject; CLR_RT_ProtectFromGC gc1( hbIssuer ); CLR_RT_ProtectFromGC gc2( hbSubject ); X509CertData cert; CLR_INT64* val; CLR_INT64 tzOffset; SYSTEMTIME st; INT32 standardBias; CLR_RT_HeapBlock* hbPwd = stack.Arg1().DereferenceString(); LPCSTR szPwd; FAULT_ON_NULL_ARG(hbPwd); szPwd = hbPwd->StringText(); CLR_RT_Memory::ZeroFill( &cert, sizeof(cert) ); FAULT_ON_NULL(arrData); certBytes = arrData->GetFirstElement(); if(!SSL_ParseCertificate( (const char*)certBytes, arrData->m_numOfElements, szPwd, &cert )) TINYCLR_SET_AND_LEAVE(CLR_E_INVALID_PARAMETER); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(CLR_RT_HeapBlock_String::CreateInstance( hbIssuer, cert.Issuer )); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(hbIssuer.StoreToReference( stack.Arg2(), 0 )); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(CLR_RT_HeapBlock_String::CreateInstance( hbSubject, cert.Subject )); TINYCLR_CHECK_HRESULT(hbSubject.StoreToReference( stack.Arg3(), 0 )); st.wYear = cert.EffectiveDate.year; st.wMonth = cert.EffectiveDate.month; st.wDay =; st.wHour = cert.EffectiveDate.hour; st.wMinute = cert.EffectiveDate.minute; st.wSecond = cert.EffectiveDate.second; st.wMilliseconds = cert.EffectiveDate.msec; standardBias = Time_GetTimeZoneOffset(); standardBias *= TIME_CONVERSION__ONEMINUTE; val = Library_corlib_native_System_DateTime::GetValuePtr( stack.Arg4() ); *val = Time_FromSystemTime( &st ); tzOffset = cert.EffectiveDate.tzOffset; // adjust for timezone differences if(standardBias != tzOffset) { *val += tzOffset - standardBias; } st.wYear = cert.ExpirationDate.year; st.wMonth = cert.ExpirationDate.month; st.wDay =; st.wHour = cert.ExpirationDate.hour; st.wMinute = cert.ExpirationDate.minute; st.wSecond = cert.ExpirationDate.second; st.wMilliseconds = cert.ExpirationDate.msec; val = Library_corlib_native_System_DateTime::GetValuePtr( stack.ArgN( 5 ) ); *val = Time_FromSystemTime( &st ); tzOffset = cert.ExpirationDate.tzOffset; if(standardBias != tzOffset) { *val += tzOffset - standardBias; } TINYCLR_NOCLEANUP(); }