Пример #1
void Level::loadBoundsElement(const CL_DomNode &p_boundsNode)
	const CL_DomNodeList boundList = p_boundsNode.get_child_nodes();
	const int boundListSize = boundList.get_length();

	for (int i = 0; i < boundListSize; ++i) {
		const CL_DomNode boundNode = boundList.item(i);

		if (boundNode.get_node_name() == "bound") {
			CL_DomNamedNodeMap attrs = boundNode.get_attributes();

			float x1 = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("x1").get_node_value());
			float y1 = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("y1").get_node_value());
			float x2 = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("x2").get_node_value());
			float y2 = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("y2").get_node_value());

			x1 *= Block::WIDTH;
			y1 *= Block::WIDTH;
			x2 *= Block::WIDTH;
			y2 *= Block::WIDTH;

			cl_log_event("debug", "Loading bound %1 x %2 -> %3 x %4", x1, y1, x2, y2);

			const CL_LineSegment2f segment(CL_Pointf(x1, y1), CL_Pointf(x2, y2));
			m_bounds.push_back(CL_SharedPtr<Bound>(new Bound(segment)));
		} else {
			cl_log_event("race", "Unknown node '%1', ignoring", boundNode.get_node_name());
Пример #2
void Level::loadSandElement(const CL_DomNode &p_sandNode)
	const CL_DomNodeList sandChildren = p_sandNode.get_child_nodes();
	const int sandChildrenCount = sandChildren.get_length();

	CL_DomNode sandChildNode, groupChildNode;

	for (int i = 0; i < sandChildrenCount; ++i) {
		sandChildNode = sandChildren.item(i);

		if (sandChildNode.get_node_name() == "group") {
			const CL_DomNodeList groupChildren = sandChildNode.get_child_nodes();
			const int groupChildrenCount = groupChildren.get_length();

			// create new sandpit
			Sandpit &sandpit = m_sandpits.back();

			for (int j = 0; j < groupChildrenCount; ++j) {
				groupChildNode = groupChildren.item(j);

				if (groupChildNode.get_node_name() == "circle") {

					CL_DomNamedNodeMap attrs = groupChildNode.get_attributes();

					const float x = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("x").get_node_value());
					const float y = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("y").get_node_value());
					const float radius = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_float(attrs.get_named_item("radius").get_node_value());

					// add to sandpit

					// must save as integer
					const CL_Pointf centerFloat = real(CL_Pointf(x, y));
					const CL_Point centerInt = CL_Point((int) floor(centerFloat.x), (int) floor(centerFloat.y));

					sandpit.addCircle(centerInt, real(radius));

//					m_resistanceMap.addGeometry(geom, 0.8f);
				} else {
					cl_log_event("error", "unknown element in <sand><group></group></sand>: <%1>", sandChildNode.get_node_name());
		} else {
			cl_log_event("error", "unknown element in <sand></sand>: <%1>", sandChildNode.get_node_name());
Пример #3
CL_DomAttr CL_DomElement::get_attribute_node(const CL_DomString &name) const
	if (impl)
		CL_DomNamedNodeMap attributes = get_attributes();
		CL_DomAttr attribute = attributes.get_named_item(name).to_attr();
		return attribute;
	return CL_DomAttr();
Пример #4
void CL_DomElement::set_attribute(const CL_DomString &name, const CL_DomString &value)
	if (impl)
		CL_DomNamedNodeMap attributes = get_attributes();
		CL_DomAttr attribute = attributes.get_named_item(name).to_attr();
		if (attribute.is_attr())
			attribute = get_owner_document().create_attribute(name);
Пример #5
void Level::loadTrackElement(const CL_DomNode &p_trackNode)
	// build block type map
	typedef std::map<CL_String, Common::GroundBlockType> blockMap_t;
	blockMap_t blockMap;
	blockMap_t::iterator blockMapItor;

	blockMap["vert"] = Common::BT_STREET_VERT;
	blockMap["horiz"] = Common::BT_STREET_HORIZ;
	blockMap["turn_bottom_right"] = Common::BT_TURN_BOTTOM_RIGHT;
	blockMap["turn_bottom_left"] = Common::BT_TURN_BOTTOM_LEFT;
	blockMap["turn_top_right"] = Common::BT_TURN_TOP_RIGHT;
	blockMap["turn_top_left"] = Common::BT_TURN_TOP_LEFT;
	blockMap["start_line_up"] = Common::BT_START_LINE_UP;

	// prepare level blocks
	const int blocksCount = m_width * m_height;

	for (int i = 0; i < blocksCount; ++i) {
		m_blocks.push_back(CL_SharedPtr<Block>(new Block(Common::BT_GRASS)));

	// create global resistance geometry
	CL_SharedPtr<RaceResistance::Geometry> globalResGeom(new RaceResistance::Geometry());
	globalResGeom->addRectangle(CL_Rectf(real(0), real(0), real(m_width), real(m_height)));

	m_resistanceMap.addGeometry(globalResGeom, 0.3f);

	// add sand resistance
	foreach (const Sandpit &sandpit, m_sandpits) {
		const unsigned circleCount = sandpit.getCircleCount();

		CL_SharedPtr<RaceResistance::Geometry> sandpitGeometry(new RaceResistance::Geometry());

		for (unsigned i = 0; i < circleCount; ++i) {
			// sandpit values are real
			const Sandpit::Circle &circle = sandpit.circleAt(i);
			sandpitGeometry->addCircle(CL_Circlef(circle.getCenter().x, circle.getCenter().y, circle.getRadius()));

		m_resistanceMap.addGeometry(sandpitGeometry, 0.8f);

	// read blocks
	const CL_DomNodeList blockList = p_trackNode.get_child_nodes();
	const int blockListSize = blockList.get_length();

	cl_log_event("debug", "Track node child count: %1", blockListSize);

	CL_Pointf lastCP; // last checkpoint

	for (int i = 0; i < blockListSize; ++i) {
		const CL_DomNode blockNode = blockList.item(i);

		if (blockNode.get_node_name() == "block") {
			CL_DomNamedNodeMap attrs = blockNode.get_attributes();

			const int x = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_int(attrs.get_named_item("x").get_node_value());
			const int y = CL_StringHelp::local8_to_int(attrs.get_named_item("y").get_node_value());
			const CL_String typeStr = attrs.get_named_item("type").get_node_value();

			if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= m_width || y >= m_height) {
				cl_log_event("debug", "coords x=%1, y=%2", x, y);
				throw CL_Exception("Blocks coords out of bounds");

			blockMapItor = blockMap.find(typeStr);

			if (blockMapItor != blockMap.end()) {

				const Common::GroundBlockType blockType = blockMapItor->second;
				m_blocks[m_width * y + x]->setType(blockType);

				// add checkpoint to track
				if (blockType == Common::BT_START_LINE_UP) {
					lastCP = CL_Pointf((x + 0.5f) * Block::WIDTH, (y + 0.2f) * Block::WIDTH);
					const CL_Pointf firstCP((x + 0.5f) * Block::WIDTH, (y + 0.2 - 0.01f) * Block::WIDTH);

				} else {
					const CL_Pointf checkPosition((x + 0.5f) * Block::WIDTH, (y + 0.5f) * Block::WIDTH);


				// add resistance geometry based on block
				CL_SharedPtr<RaceResistance::Geometry> resGeom = buildResistanceGeometry(x, y, blockType);
				m_resistanceMap.addGeometry(resGeom, 0.0f);

			} else {
				cl_log_event("race", "Unknown block type: %1", typeStr);

		} else {
			cl_log_event("race", "Unknown node '%1', ignoring", blockNode.get_node_name());


