Пример #1
int CLuaFunctionDefs::BindKey ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLuaMain )
        if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) == LUA_TSTRING &&
            lua_type ( luaVM, 2 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
            const char* szKey = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 1 );
            const char* szHitState = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );

            if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 3 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
                const char* szResource = pLuaMain->GetResource()->GetName();
                const char* szCommand = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 3 );
                const char* szArguments = "";
                if  ( lua_type ( luaVM, 4 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
                    szArguments = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 4 );
                if ( CStaticFunctionDefinitions::BindKey ( szKey, szHitState, szCommand, szArguments, szResource ) )
                    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                    return 1;
                // Jax: grab our arguments first, luaM_toref pops the stack!
                CLuaArguments Arguments;
                Arguments.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 4 );
                int iLuaFunction = luaM_toref ( luaVM, 3 );            

                if ( VERIFY_FUNCTION ( iLuaFunction ) )
                    if ( CStaticFunctionDefinitions::BindKey ( szKey, szHitState, pLuaMain, iLuaFunction, Arguments ) )
                        lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, true );
                        return 1;
                    m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadPointer ( luaVM, "bindKey", "function", 3 );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #2
CLuaTimer* CLuaTimerManager::AddTimer ( lua_State* luaVM )
    if ( luaVM )
        int iArgument2 = lua_type ( luaVM, 2 );
        int iArgument3 = lua_type ( luaVM, 3 );
        if ( lua_type ( luaVM, 1 ) &&
             (( iArgument2 == LUA_TNUMBER || iArgument2 == LUA_TSTRING ) ||
              ( iArgument3 == LUA_TNUMBER || iArgument3 == LUA_TSTRING ) ))
            // Grab the string argument, start-time, delay and repeats
            unsigned long ulTimeDelay = static_cast < unsigned long > ( lua_tonumber ( luaVM, 2 ) );
            unsigned int uiRepeats = static_cast < unsigned int > ( lua_tonumber ( luaVM, 3 ) );

            // Check for the minimum interval
            if ( ulTimeDelay < LUA_TIMER_MIN_INTERVAL ) return NULL;

            // Grab the arguments from argument 4 and up
            CLuaArguments Arguments;
            Arguments.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 4 );

            int iLuaFunction = luaM_toref ( luaVM, 1 );

            if ( iLuaFunction != LUA_REFNIL )
                // Add the timer
                CLuaTimer* pLuaTimer = new CLuaTimer ( iLuaFunction, Arguments );
                pLuaTimer->SetStartTime ( GetTime () );
                pLuaTimer->SetDelay ( ulTimeDelay );
                pLuaTimer->SetRepeats ( uiRepeats );
                m_TimerList.push_back ( pLuaTimer );
                return pLuaTimer;
    return false;
Пример #3
int CLuaFunctionDefs::Call ( lua_State* luaVM )
    CResource * pResource = NULL;
    SString strFunctionName = "";
    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pResource );
    argStream.ReadString ( strFunctionName );
    if ( !argStream.HasErrors ( ) )
        // Grab our VM
        CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
        if ( pLuaMain )
            // Grab this resource
            CResource* pThisResource = pLuaMain->GetResource ();
            if ( pThisResource )
                if ( pResource )
                    //Get the target Lua VM
                    lua_State* targetLuaVM = pResource->GetVM()->GetVM();

                    // Read out the vargs
                    CLuaArguments args;
                    args.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 3 );
                    CLuaArguments returns;

                    LUA_CHECKSTACK ( targetLuaVM, 1 );   // Ensure some room

                    //Lets grab the original hidden variables so we can restore them later
                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResource ( luaVM, -1 );
                    lua_pop( targetLuaVM, 1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResourceRoot ( luaVM, -1 );
                    lua_pop( targetLuaVM, 1 );

                    //Set the new values for the current sourceResource, and sourceResourceRoot
                    lua_pushresource ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                    lua_pushelement ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource->GetResourceEntity() );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    // Call the exported function with the given name and the args
                    if ( pResource->CallExportedFunction ( strFunctionName, args, returns, *pThisResource ) )
                        // Push return arguments
                        returns.PushArguments ( luaVM );
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                        return returns.Count ();
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                        m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM, "call: failed to call '%s:%s'", pResource->GetName (), *strFunctionName );
                    m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM );
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
Пример #4
int CLuaDatabaseDefs::ExecuteSQLQuery ( lua_State* luaVM )
    SString strQuery;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadString ( strQuery );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors () )
        CLuaArguments Args;
        CRegistryResult Result;

        Args.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 2 );

        CPerfStatSqliteTiming::GetSingleton ()->SetCurrentResource ( luaVM );
        if ( CStaticFunctionDefinitions::ExecuteSQLQuery ( strQuery, &Args, &Result ) ) {
            lua_newtable ( luaVM );
            int i = 0;
            for ( CRegistryResultIterator iter = Result->begin (); iter != Result->end (); ++iter, ++i )
                const CRegistryResultRow& row = *iter;
                //for ( int i = 0; i < Result.nRows; i++ ) {
                lua_newtable ( luaVM );                             // new table
                lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, i + 1 );                      // row index number (starting at 1, not 0)
                lua_pushvalue ( luaVM, -2 );                        // value
                lua_settable ( luaVM, -4 );                         // refer to the top level table
                for ( int j = 0; j < Result->nColumns; j++ )
                    const CRegistryResultCell& cell = row[j];
                    if ( cell.nType == SQLITE_NULL )

                    // Push the column name
                    lua_pushlstring ( luaVM, Result->ColNames[j].c_str (), Result->ColNames[j].size () );
                    switch ( cell.nType )                           // push the value with the right type
                    case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                        lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, static_cast <double> ( cell.nVal ) );
                    case SQLITE_FLOAT:
                        lua_pushnumber ( luaVM, cell.fVal );
                    case SQLITE_BLOB:
                        lua_pushlstring ( luaVM, (const char *) cell.pVal, cell.nLength );
                    case SQLITE_TEXT:
                        lua_pushlstring ( luaVM, (const char *) cell.pVal, cell.nLength - 1 );
                        lua_pushnil ( luaVM );
                    lua_settable ( luaVM, -3 );
                lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );                               // pop the inner table
            return 1;
            SString strError = "Database query failed: " + CStaticFunctionDefinitions::SQLGetLastError ();
            m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM, "%s", strError.c_str () );

            lua_pushstring ( luaVM, strError );
            lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
            return 2;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage () );

    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;
int CLuaFunctionDefs::Call ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // Grab our VM
    CLuaMain* pLuaMain = m_pLuaManager->GetVirtualMachine ( luaVM );
    if ( pLuaMain )
        // Grab this resource
        CResource* pThisResource = pLuaMain->GetResource ();
        if ( pThisResource )
            // Typechecking
            if ( lua_istype ( luaVM, 1, LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA ) &&
                lua_istype ( luaVM, 2, LUA_TSTRING ) )
                // Grab the resource
                CResource* pResource = lua_toresource ( luaVM, 1 );
                if ( pResource )
                    //Get the target Lua VM
                    lua_State* targetLuaVM = pResource->GetVM()->GetVM();

                    // The function name
                    const char* szFunctionName = lua_tostring ( luaVM, 2 );

                    // Read out the vargs
                    CLuaArguments args;
                    args.ReadArguments ( luaVM, 3 );
                    CLuaArguments returns;

                    //Lets grab the original hidden variables so we can restore them later
                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResource ( luaVM, -1 );

                    lua_getglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                    CLuaArgument OldResourceRoot ( luaVM, -1 );

                    //Set the new values for the current sourceResource, and sourceResourceRoot
                    lua_pushresource ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                    lua_pushelement ( targetLuaVM, pThisResource->GetResourceEntity() );
                    lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                    // Call the exported function with the given name and the args
                    if ( pResource->CallExportedFunction ( szFunctionName, args, returns, *pThisResource ) )
                        // Push return arguments
                        returns.PushArguments ( luaVM );
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );

                        return returns.Count ();
                        //Restore the old variables
                        OldResource.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResource" );

                        OldResourceRoot.Push ( targetLuaVM );
                        lua_setglobal ( targetLuaVM, "sourceResourceRoot" );
                        m_pScriptDebugging->LogError ( luaVM, "call: failed to call '%s:%s'", pResource->GetName (), szFunctionName );
                    m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadPointer ( luaVM, "call", "resource", 1 );
                m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadType ( luaVM, "call" );

    // Failed
    lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
    return 1;