bool SonarFilter::Iterate() { AppCastingMOOSApp::Iterate(); CMOOSVariable * pDepth = GetMOOSVar("Depth"); double dfDepth = -1; if (pDepth->IsFresh()) { dfDepth = pDepth->GetDoubleVal(); pDepth->SetFresh(false); // This sets a static 0.5m min depth at this time if (dfDepth > MIN_DEPTH_LIMIT) { m_last_depth = dfDepth; m_fresh_depth = m_nadir_filter.IngestValue(dfDepth); } } pDepth = GetMOOSVar("Depth_Port"); dfDepth = -1; if (pDepth->IsFresh()) { dfDepth = pDepth->GetDoubleVal(); pDepth->SetFresh(false); if (dfDepth > MIN_DEPTH_LIMIT) { m_fresh_depth = m_port_filter.IngestValue(dfDepth); } } pDepth = GetMOOSVar("Depth_Stbd"); dfDepth = -1; if (pDepth->IsFresh()) { dfDepth = pDepth->GetDoubleVal(); pDepth->SetFresh(false); if (dfDepth > MIN_DEPTH_LIMIT) { m_fresh_depth = m_stbd_filter.IngestValue(dfDepth) || m_fresh_depth; } } if (m_fresh_depth) { string swath_message = GenerateSwathMessage(); SetMOOSVar("Swath", swath_message, MOOSTime()); m_fresh_depth = false; } bool published = PublishFreshMOOSVariables(); AppCastingMOOSApp::PostReport(); return(published); }
bool CMOOSApp::SetMOOSVar(const CMOOSVariable& Var) { MOOSVARMAP::iterator p = m_MOOSVars.find(Var.GetName ()); if(p==m_MOOSVars.end()) return false; p->second = Var; p->second.SetFresh (true); return true; }
bool CPlannerApp::Iterate() { IterateBase(); // Are there CMOOSVariable *path = GetMOOSVar("PATH"); CMOOSVariable *PLAN_FINISHED = GetMOOSVar("PLAN_FINISHED"); if (PLAN_FINISHED && PLAN_FINISHED->IsFresh()) { PLAN_FINISHED->SetFresh(false); planner.FinishedCommand(atoi(PLAN_FINISHED->GetStringVal().c_str())); } if (planner.PendingPetitions()) { planner.pet_sem.enter(); std::string petition=planner.pet_map.begin()->second; //printf("Pending %d,%s\n",planner.pet_map.begin()->first,petition.c_str()); std::deque<std::string> cad; mrpt::utils::tokenize(petition," ",cad); //printf("notifying %s %d %s\n",cad[0].c_str(),planner.pet_map.begin()->first,cad[1].c_str()); m_Comms.Notify(cad[0],format("%d %s",(int)planner.pet_map.begin()->first,cad[1].c_str())); planner.asked_petitions.erase(planner.pet_map.begin()->first); //printf("borre %d y quedan %d\n",planner.pet_map.begin()->first,planner.asked_petitions.size()); planner.pet_sem.leave(); } if (path && path->IsFresh()) { path->SetFresh(false); // printf("%s\n",path->GetStringVal().c_str()); std::deque<std::string> lista; mrpt::utils::tokenize(path->GetStringVal()," ",lista); planner.pet_sem.enter(); std::deque<std::string> cad; mrpt::utils::tokenize(path->GetStringVal()," ",cad); planner.answer_map.insert(pet_pair(atoi(cad[0].c_str()),path->GetStringVal())); planner.pet_sem.leave(); } return true; }
bool CMOOSRemoteLite::PrintCustomSummary() { ostringstream os; os<<"\n****** User Custom Summary ******"<<endl; STRING_LIST::iterator p; for(p = m_CustomSummaryList.begin();p!=m_CustomSummaryList.end();p++) { string sWhat = *p; CMOOSVariable * pVar = GetMOOSVar(sWhat); if(pVar==NULL) continue; //make left justified os.setf(ios::left); os<<setw(20)<<sWhat.c_str()<<"t="; os.setf(ios::fixed); if(!pVar->IsFresh()) { os<<setw(10)<<"****"; os<<setw(3)<<" : "; os<<setw(10)<<"****"; } else { os<<setw(10)<<setprecision(1)<<pVar->GetTime()-GetAppStartTime(); os<<setw(3)<<" : "; if(pVar->IsDouble()) { os<<setw(10)<<setprecision(1)<<pVar->GetDoubleVal(); } else { os<<setw(10)<<pVar->GetStringVal().c_str();; } } os<<endl; } os<<ends; MOOSTrace("%s",string(os.str()).c_str()); return true; }
bool CMOOSLogger::Iterate() { double dfTimeNow = MOOSTime(); //look to do a synchronous log.... if(m_bSynchronousLog) { if(dfTimeNow-m_dfLastSyncLogTime>m_dfSyncLogPeriod) { m_dfLastSyncLogTime = dfTimeNow; DoSyncLog(dfTimeNow); //finally everything is now stale.. MOOSVARMAP::iterator q; for(q = m_MOOSVars.begin();q!=m_MOOSVars.end();q++) { q->second.SetFresh(false); } } } //check monitored variables if(dfTimeNow-m_dfLastMonitorTime>DEFAULT_MONITOR_TIME) { m_dfLastMonitorTime = dfTimeNow; VARIABLE_TIMER_MAP::iterator p; int nMissing = 0; for(p = m_MonitorMap.begin();p!=m_MonitorMap.end();p++) { CMOOSVariable* pV = GetMOOSVar(p->first); if(pV) { double dfTolerance = p->second; if(pV->GetAge(dfTimeNow)>dfTolerance) { MOOSTrace("Monitored Variable \"%s\" is not appearing\n",pV->GetName().c_str()); nMissing++; } } } if(nMissing>0) { MOOSDebugWrite(MOOSFormat("%d monitored variable%s not being logged\n",nMissing,nMissing==1?" is":"s are")); } //piggy back on this timer to publish current log directory m_Comms.Notify("LOGGER_DIRECTORY",m_sLogDirectoryName.c_str()); } //are we requested to do wild card logging? if(m_bWildCardLogging) HandleWildCardLogging(); //finally flush all files to be safe m_SyncLogFile.flush(); m_AsyncLogFile.flush(); m_SystemLogFile.flush(); return true; }
bool CPlannerApp::Iterate() { IterateBase(); // Is plan finished? CMOOSVariable *PLAN_FINISHED = GetMOOSVar("PLAN_FINISHED"); if (PLAN_FINISHED && PLAN_FINISHED->IsFresh()) { PLAN_FINISHED->SetFresh(false); planner.FinishedCommand(atoi(PLAN_FINISHED->GetStringVal().c_str())); } // PETITIONS // Check for pending petitions: "asked_petitions" list. // Petitions are requests of information to other modules via OpenMORA variables. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (planner.PendingPetitions()) { planner.pet_sem.enter(); //Get first pending petition (petID, what) std::string petition = planner.pet_map.begin()->second; //The string with the "what" to perform. ej "GET_PATH nX" std::deque<std::string> cad; mrpt::system::tokenize(petition," ",cad); //printf("notifying %s %d %s\n",cad[0].c_str(),planner.pet_map.begin()->first,cad[1].c_str()); //! @moos_publish <OpenMORA_VAR> This variable could be any OpenMORA variable. It is the result of a scheduled task. The first parameter is always the petitionID. // ej. Notify(GET_PATH,"petitionID nX") // ej. Notify(GET_PERSON_LOCATION, "petitionID userID") m_Comms.Notify(cad[0], format("%d %s", (int)planner.pet_map.begin()->first, cad[1].c_str())); //Remove petition from pending list. planner.asked_petitions.erase(planner.pet_map.begin()->first); planner.pet_sem.leave(); } // PATH // Check if any PATH petition has been answered by the WorldModel // Path = "petitionID NOTFOUND" (If node or path not found in the topology) // Path = "petitionID (nodeID1 nodeLabel1 nodeX1 nodeY1) (nodeID2 nodeLanel2 nodeX2 nodeY2)..." //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMOOSVariable *path = GetMOOSVar("PATH"); if (path && path->IsFresh()) { path->SetFresh(false); printf("[Planner:Iterate] New Path received: '%s'",path->GetStringVal().c_str()); planner.pet_sem.enter(); std::deque<std::string> cad; mrpt::system::tokenize(path->GetStringVal()," ",cad); // remove the petitionID identifier from response std::string response = path->GetStringVal().substr((size_t)1 + path->GetStringVal().find(" ")); // answer_map(petitionID, response) planner.answer_map.insert( pet_pair(atoi(cad[0].c_str()),response) ); planner.pet_sem.leave(); } // PERSON_LOCATION // Check if any PERSON_LOCATION request has been answered by WorldModel // PERSON_LOCATION "petitionID NOTFOUND" // PERSON_LOCATION "petitoinID location_node_label" //----------------------------------------------------------------------- CMOOSVariable *person_location = GetMOOSVar("PERSON_LOCATION"); if (person_location && person_location->IsFresh()) { person_location->SetFresh(false); printf("%s\n",person_location->GetStringVal().c_str()); planner.pet_sem.enter(); std::deque<std::string> cad; mrpt::system::tokenize(person_location->GetStringVal()," ",cad); // remove the petitionID identifier from response std::string response = person_location->GetStringVal().substr((size_t)1 + person_location->GetStringVal().find(" ")); // answer_map(petitionID, response) planner.answer_map.insert( pet_pair(atoi(cad[0].c_str()),response) ); planner.pet_sem.leave(); } return true; }
/** UpdateTopologicalPlace * Set the ID of the closest node to the current robot position. * It updates the arcs between the graph and the "robot" node * which indicates the node closest to the robot */ void CAHGraphApp::UpdateTopologicalPlace() { std::string closest_node = "empty"; mrpt::poses::CPose2D robotPose2D; mrpt::math::CVectorDouble Robot_coord; //Get current Robot pose. LOCALIZATION x y phi CMOOSVariable * pVarLoc = GetMOOSVar( "LOCALIZATION" ); if(pVarLoc && pVarLoc->IsFresh()) { pVarLoc->SetFresh(false); robotPose2D.fromString( pVarLoc->GetStringVal() ); robotPose2D.getAsVector(Robot_coord); if (verbose) printf("\n Robot Pose is: [%.2f,%.2f]",Robot_coord[0],Robot_coord[1]); } else { MOOSTrace(mrpt::format("[%s]: Warning: 'LOCALIZATION' not available -> ROBOT_TOPOLOGICAL_PLACE not updated.\n", GetAppName().c_str() )); return; } //Get closest node to current Robot location std::string sNodes; graph.GetAllNodes(sNodes); std::string delimiter = "#"; if (verbose) cout << "\n [WorldModel]: Estimating current node from list: " << sNodes << endl; size_t pos = 0; std::string snode_i; float min_distance = 0.0; bool first_node = true; while ((pos = sNodes.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos) { snode_i = sNodes.substr(0, pos); //get node [name x y] size_t pos2 = 0; //node name pos2 = snode_i.find(" "); std::string nodeName = snode_i.substr(0, pos2); snode_i.erase(0, pos2 + 1); //node x pos2 = snode_i.find(" "); std::string nodeX = snode_i.substr(0, pos2); snode_i.erase(0, pos2 + 1); //node y std::string nodeY = snode_i; if ("Robot") != 0 ) { //Distance from Robot_pose to node_i float c1 = abs( atof(nodeX.c_str()) - (float)Robot_coord[0] ); float c2 = abs( atof(nodeY.c_str()) - (float)Robot_coord[1] ); float distance = sqrt( square(c1) + square(c2) ); if (verbose) printf("[WorldModel]: Node: %s|%s|%s at d=%.2f\n",nodeName.c_str(),nodeX.c_str(),nodeY.c_str(),distance); if ( (first_node) || (distance < min_distance) ) { min_distance = distance; closest_node = nodeName; first_node = false; } } if (pos != sNodes.length()-1) { //Delete node from list of Nodes to be parsed sNodes.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length()); } else { break; } }//end-while //Update Graph size_t id = 0; size_t idrobot = graph.GetNodeId("Robot"); if( graph.ExistsNodeLabel(closest_node) ) { size_t idtarget = graph.GetNodeId(closest_node); //Did Robot_Topological_Place changed? std::vector<size_t> neighbors; graph.GetNodeNeighbors(idrobot,"Location",neighbors); if (neighbors[0] != idtarget ) { graph.DeleteOutcommingArcs(idrobot,"Location"); printf("[WorldModel]: Updating robot pose to %s\n",closest_node.c_str()); graph.AddArc(idrobot,idtarget,"robotpose","Location",id); RefreshGraph(); } } //! @moos_publish ROBOT_TOPOLOGICAL_PLACE The id of the closet node in the world model graph to the current robot position m_Comms.Notify("ROBOT_TOPOLOGICAL_PLACE",closest_node); }