// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUPnPPlayListFiller::DoFillObjectL
// Fills a ingle object to a playlist
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUPnPPlayListFiller::DoFillObjectL(  CMPXMediaArray& aPlaylist,
    const CUpnpObject& aObject, TInt /*aIndex*/ )
    // Create new media object for track
    CMPXMedia* media = CMPXMedia::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( media );
    // Set type
        KMPXMediaGeneralType, EMPXItem );
    // Set gategory
        KMPXMediaGeneralCategory, EMPXSong );
    // URI
    if( UPnPItemUtility::BelongsToClass( aObject , KClassAudio ) )
        ConvertToURI( *iDeviceUid, aObject, iTempBuf );
    else // item is non audio set uri to KUPnPPrefix
    	iTempBuf.Copy( KUPnPPrefix );
        KMPXMediaGeneralUri, iTempBuf );
    // Title
    HBufC16* buf = 
        EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( aObject.Title() );
    CleanupStack::PushL( buf );
        KMPXMediaGeneralTitle, *buf );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
    // Add track to the object list
    aPlaylist.AppendL( media );
    CleanupStack::Pop( media );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add specify attribute to Media
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTestCollectionPlugin::AddAttrbuteL(CMPXMedia& aMedia,
        const TInt aId,
        const TDesC& aTitle,
        const TDesC& aUri,
        const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs)
    TInt attrCnt = aAttrs.Count();
    for(TInt i = 0; i < attrCnt; i++)
        if(aAttrs[i].ContentId() == KMPXMediaIdGeneral)
            TInt attrId = aAttrs[i].AttributeId();
            if(attrId &  EMPXMediaGeneralId)
                aMedia.SetTObjectValueL<TMPXItemId>(KMPXMediaGeneralId, aId);
            if(attrId &  EMPXMediaGeneralTitle)
                aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralTitle, aTitle);

            if(attrId &  EMPXMediaGeneralUri)
                aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralUri, aUri);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding specific attribute
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTestCollectionPlugin::AddAttributeMusicArtistL(CMPXMedia& aMedia, const TInt aId)
    switch( aId )
    case 9901:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9901"));
    case 9902:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9902"));
    case 9903:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9903"));
    case 9904:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9904"));
    case 9905:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9905"));
    case 9906:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9906"));
    case 9907:
        aMedia.SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicArtist, _L("artist9907"));
Пример #4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Append an item into the media array
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void MPXDbUtil::AppendMediaL(
    CMPXMediaArray& aArray,
    const TDesC& aTitle,
    TMPXGeneralType aType,
    TMPXGeneralCategory aCat,
    TMPXPodcastType aPodcastType,
    TMPXPodcastCategory aPodcastCat,
    TMPXItemId aId,
    TInt aNonPermissibleActions)

    RArray<TInt> supportedIds;
    CleanupClosePushL (supportedIds);
    supportedIds.AppendL (KMPXMediaIdGeneral);
    supportedIds.AppendL (KMPXMediaIdPodcast);
    CMPXMedia* entry = CMPXMedia::NewL(supportedIds.Array());
    CleanupStack::PushL (entry);
    entry->SetTextValueL (KMPXMediaGeneralTitle, aTitle);
    entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaPodcastType, aPodcastType);
    entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaPodcastCategoryGroup, aPodcastCat);
    entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralId, aId);
    entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralType, aType);
    entry->SetTObjectValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralCategory, aCat);

    // temp fix: Beryl BEGIN
    if ( aNonPermissibleActions != 0 )
        // set non-permissible actions
    // temp fix: Beryl END
    aArray.AppendL (entry);
    CleanupStack::Pop (entry);
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&supportedIds);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve a media object based on file path
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPXMedia* CMPXCollectionHelperImp::GetL( const TDesC& aFile,
                                          const TArray<TMPXAttribute>& aAttrs,
                                          TMPXGeneralCategory aItemCat )
    MPX_DEBUG2("aFile %S", &aFile);
    if (aItemCat != EMPXSong && aItemCat != EMPXPlaylist && aItemCat != EMPXAbstractAlbum)
    if (aItemCat != EMPXSong && aItemCat != EMPXPlaylist)

    // Playlists synced through MTP contains .pla extension and there
    // is no pla playlist plugin. We can no longer reply on harvester
    // utility's IsPlaylistL to determine if this is a playlist.
    // For now, the default collection to get this playlist is
    // EMPXCollectionPluginMusic for playlists. This will be revised
    // later when there is a generic way of resolving collections aside
    // from using file extension or UID. Same for virtual playlists.
    // Find the collection Id from harvester for songs or playlists
    // scanned from the file system
    TInt col(iMusicCollectionId.iUid);
    if (aItemCat == EMPXSong || iHvsUtility->IsPlaylistL(aFile))
        col = iHvsUtility->FindCollectionIdL( aFile );

    // Search criteria
    CMPXMedia* search = CMPXMedia::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( search );
    search->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXMediaGeneralType, EMPXItem );
    search->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXMediaGeneralCategory, aItemCat );
    search->SetTObjectValueL<TUid>( KMPXMediaGeneralCollectionId, TUid::Uid(col) );
    search->SetTextValueL( KMPXMediaGeneralUri, aFile );

    // Search in synch mode
    CMPXMedia* result = iCollectionUtil->Collection().FindAllL( *search, aAttrs );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( search );

    const CMPXMediaArray* ary(NULL);
    if( result->IsSupported( KMPXMediaArrayContents ) )
      ary = result->Value<CMPXMediaArray>(KMPXMediaArrayContents);
      if( !ary )

    CMPXMedia* foundMedia(NULL);

    if ( ary && ary->Count() )
        foundMedia = CMPXMedia::NewL(*ary->AtL(0));
        foundMedia->SetTObjectValueL<TUid>( KMPXMediaGeneralCollectionId, TUid::Uid(col) );
    return foundMedia;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// rename a media object
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionHelperImp::RenameL( const TDesC& aOldUri,
                                       const TDesC& aNewUri,
                                       TMPXGeneralCategory aItemCat )
    MPX_DEBUG3("aOldUri = %S, aNewUri = %S", &aOldUri, &aNewUri);

    if (aItemCat != EMPXSong && aItemCat != EMPXPlaylist && aItemCat != EMPXAbstractAlbum)

    // find the media using the old URI
    RArray<TMPXAttribute> attributes;
    CleanupClosePushL( attributes );

    CMPXMedia* media = GetL(aOldUri, attributes.Array(), aItemCat);

    const TDesC& fileName(media->ValueText(KMPXMediaMusicAlbumArtFileName));
    // the songs have embedded albumart.
    if(fileName.CompareF(aOldUri) == 0)
        // change the Art filename to the new Uri
        media->SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaMusicAlbumArtFileName, aNewUri);
        // Rename the thumbnail
        TRAPD(err, RenameThumbnailL(aOldUri, aNewUri));
        if(KErrNone != err)
            MPX_DEBUG2("Thumbnail renames failed. Err: %d", err);

    // change file path to the new file path
    media->SetTextValueL(KMPXMediaGeneralUri, aNewUri);

    // ask harvester to rename the file if any of the following is true:
    // 1) renaming a song
    // 2) renaming a playlist scanned through file system.
    //    There are 3 types of playlists. The ones created from the device
    //    are virtual playlists which have file extension .vir. There are
    //    no physical playlist files associated with them; hence not
    //    registered with harvester. For virtual playlists, IsPlaylistL
    //    will return EFalse because there is not a playlist plugin that
    //    deals with .vir playlist files.
    //    The ones synced from PC through MTP have file extension .pla.
    //    There are 0-byte .pla files associated with them but they
    //    are not registered with harvester either. IsPlaylistL will also
    //    return EFalse because there is not a playlist plugin that deals
    //    with .pla.
    //    The 3rd type of playlists is .m3u on the file system. They are
    //    added to the collection through file scan and registered with
    //    harvester. IsPlaylistL will return ETrue.
    if (aItemCat == EMPXSong || iHvsUtility->IsPlaylistL(aOldUri))
        const TUid& collection =
        iHvsUtility->RenameFileL( aOldUri, aNewUri, collection.iUid );

    // Update collection via CMPXCommand
    CMPXCommand* cmd = CMPXCommand::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( cmd );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralId, KMPXCommandIdCollectionSet );
    TUid colId (media->ValueTObjectL<TUid>(KMPXMediaGeneralCollectionId) );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralCollectionId, colId.iUid );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralDoSync, ETrue );
    cmd->SetCObjectValueL( KMPXCommandColSetMedia, media );
    iCollectionUtil->Collection().CommandL( *cmd );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmd );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove a file from the collection
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPXCollectionHelperImp::RemoveL( const TDesC& aFile,
                                       TMPXGeneralCategory aItemCat )
    MPX_DEBUG3("aFile %S, category %d", &aFile, aItemCat);

    if (aItemCat != EMPXSong && aItemCat != EMPXPlaylist)

    // ask harvester to remove the file if any of the following is true:
    // 1) removing a song
    // 2) removing a playlist scanned through file system.
    //    There are 3 types of playlists. The ones created from the device
    //    are virtual playlists which have file extension .vir. There are
    //    no physical playlist files associated with them; hence not
    //    registered with harvester. For virtual playlists, IsPlaylistL
    //    will return EFalse because there is not a playlist plugin that
    //    deals with .vir playlist files.
    //    The ones synced from PC through MTP have file extension .pla.
    //    There are 0-byte .pla files associated with them but they
    //    are not registered with harvester either. IsPlaylistL will also
    //    return EFalse because there is not a playlist plugin that deals
    //    with .pla.
    //    The 3rd type of playlists is .m3u on the file system. They are
    //    added to the collection through file scan and registered with
    //    harvester. IsPlaylistL will return ETrue.
    //    For now virtual playlists and synced playlists are assumed to
    //    be in the music collection for now until there is a generic way
    //    resolving collections aside from using file extension or UID.
    TInt collection(iMusicCollectionId.iUid);
    if (aItemCat == EMPXSong || iHvsUtility->IsPlaylistL(aFile))
        // Remove from the harvester
        collection = iHvsUtility->RemoveFileL( aFile );

    // Remove from the collection
    // Construct a CMPXMedia object with URI, collection id, type and category
    RArray<TInt> contID;
    CleanupClosePushL( contID );
    contID.AppendL( KMPXMediaIdGeneral );
    CMPXMedia* media = CMPXMedia::NewL( contID.Array() );
    CleanupStack::PushL( media );

    media->SetTextValueL( KMPXMediaGeneralUri, aFile );
    media->SetTObjectValueL<TUid>( KMPXMediaGeneralCollectionId, TUid::Uid( collection ) );
    media->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXMediaGeneralType, EMPXItem );
    media->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXMediaGeneralCategory, aItemCat );

    // Remove the item via CMPXCommand
    CMPXCommand* cmd = CMPXCommand::NewL();
    CleanupStack::PushL( cmd );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralCollectionId,
                           collection );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralId,
                           KMPXCommandIdCollectionRemoveMedia );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandGeneralDoSync, ETrue );
    cmd->SetCObjectValueL( KMPXCommandCollectionRemoveMedia, media );
    cmd->SetTObjectValueL( KMPXCommandCollectionRemoveMediaDeleteRecord,
                           ETrue );
    iCollectionUtil->Collection().CommandL( *cmd );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmd );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( media );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &contID );