Пример #1
void Init()
	// Set the map to default

	// By default set the current tile type to map tiles

	// Set our current map to ....  our current map :)
	g_pCurrentMap = &g_Map;
Пример #2
void Init(HWND hWnd)
	// Set our global window handle to our main window
	g_hWnd = hWnd;

	// Create our double buffering for each window

	// Set the map to default

	// Load the tiles into the global lists and then get the scroll bar max scroll position
	g_ScrollInfo.nMax = LoadTiles();

	// By default set the current tile type to map tiles

	// Set our current map to ....  our current map :)
	g_pCurrentMap = &g_Map;

	// Initialize the scroll bar information
	g_ScrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
	g_ScrollInfo.nMin = 0; 
	g_ScrollInfo.nPage = 1; 
	g_ScrollInfo.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE;
	SetScrollInfo(g_hWndTool, SB_VERT, &g_ScrollInfo, FALSE);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// Here we initialize our open file information
	g_OpenInfo.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);				// Set the size of the structure
	g_OpenInfo.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;								// Set the max characters for a file name
	g_OpenInfo.lpstrFile = g_szFileName;						// Give a string to store the file name
	g_OpenInfo.lpstrFilter = "Map Files (*.map)\0*.map";		// Only accept .map files to load
	g_OpenInfo.hwndOwner = g_hWndTool;							// Assign the window owner and give it desired flags

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// Here we set the current pen to red for drawing our exit rectangles

	// Set the backbuffer to black first (This clears the backbuffer)
Пример #3
void Init(HWND hWnd)
    // Set our global window handle to our main window
    g_hWnd = hWnd;

    // Create our double buffering for each window

    // Set the map to default

    // Load the tiles into the global lists and then get the scroll bar max scroll position
    g_ScrollInfo.nMax = LoadTiles();

    // By default set the current tile type to map tiles

    // Set our current map to ....  our current map :)
    g_pCurrentMap = &g_Map;

    // Initialize the scroll bar information
    g_ScrollInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
    g_ScrollInfo.nMin = 0;
    g_ScrollInfo.nPage = 1;
    g_ScrollInfo.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE;
    SetScrollInfo(g_hWndTool, SB_VERT, &g_ScrollInfo, FALSE);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

    // Here we set the current pen to red for drawing our exit rectangles

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

    // Set the backbuffer to black first (This clears the backbuffer)
Пример #4
void CheckMouseInput(const INPUT_RECORD &InputRecord)
	// Get the current position of the mouse in the console window
	g_cursorPos = InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// If we have the exit map open (destination map) then we don't want the
	// user to click on the editor tiles since it will screw up our placing
	// of the destination point, so we quit this function if they try that.
	if( (g_cursorPos.Y >= MAP_HEIGHT - EDITOR_HEIGHT) && g_bExitMapOpen) return;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// If the user hits the left mouse button
	if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
		// Here we check if the user chose a tile from our editor.  
		if(g_cursorPos.Y > MAP_HEIGHT - EDITOR_HEIGHT)
			// Get the character chosen from the editor
			CHAR_INFO chosenTile = g_Map.GetEditorSelection(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);	
			CHAR_INFO cursorTile = chosenTile;

			// If we already have a tile selected, let's grab it's image instead 
			if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
				cursorTile = g_pCursorTile->GetChar();
			// Check if the user clicked the color tiles
			if(g_cursorPos.X >= 15 && g_cursorPos.Y == (MAP_HEIGHT - 1))
				CHAR_INFO newTile;				// Create a new tile to work with for color

				// Check if the user clicked the background colors, otherwise it was foreground
				if(g_cursorPos.X > 30) 
					newTile = g_Map.AddNewBackground(cursorTile, chosenTile);
					newTile = g_Map.AddNewForeground(cursorTile, chosenTile);
				// Apply the new tile with it's new color to our cursor.  
				g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(newTile);
				// Otherwise, if we didn't choose a color, then we must 
				// have chosen a new tile character from the editor.  
				chosenTile.Attributes = cursorTile.Attributes;
				g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(chosenTile);

				// Let's set the cursor to a normal tile index and type
				g_pCursorTile = &g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1];
			// If we have a tile, let's insert a tile into the map
			if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
				g_pCurrentMap->InsertTile(g_pCursorTile, g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

			// After we insert a tile, we want to check if that tile was an exit.  If
			// it was, we need to handle the exits because it might either be a placing
			// of a destination exit or the end of a list of exits.  This is why the
			// function HandleExitTiles() gets called twice.  We first call it when
			// we are done placing our desired exit(s) on the normal map, which will
			// bring up a prompt to open the destination map.  It's called again
			// when we choose the destination point on the exit map.  1 + 1 = ... 2 :)
			// Here we check if our current type are exits
			if(g_pCurrentMap->GetCurrentType() == EXIT_TYPE)
				// If we don't have the shift key down or the exit map is open
				// we want to stop setting exits and handle the exits that were just set.
				if(!g_bShiftKeyDown || g_bExitMapOpen)

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////


	// Here we check if the right mouse button was clicked
	if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
		// Here we either delete a tile on the map, or delete the cursor tile
		if(g_pCursorTile == NULL)				
			// Delete a tile under our cursor position on the map
			g_pCurrentMap->DeleteTile(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);
			g_pCursorTile = NULL;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

		// If the user is in the middle of setting exits and decide to abort, we want to
		// still let them right click to destroy the cursor tile and unset exit tiles.
		// We need to handle both situations of the user having placed exits and not yet
		// opened a destination map, as well as having the destination map open as well.
		// So, after the cursor tile is delete, if the exit map is open we want to return 
		// to the previous map and  delete the blank exits that were never filled in with 
		// a destination point.  If the destination map isn't open, we still want to get
		// rid of the wasted exits already set on the map.

		// Check if the current tile type are exits
		if(g_pCurrentMap->GetCurrentType() == EXIT_TYPE)
			// Check if our destination map is open and we need to abort to the previous map
				// To abort, we need to set the current map pointer back and reset the flag
				g_pCurrentMap = &g_Map;	
				g_bExitMapOpen = false;

			// Go through and delete all the useless exits and redraw the screen

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

Пример #5
void CheckKeyboardInput(const INPUT_RECORD &InputRecord)

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// If we have the exit map open, we don't want to allow the user to type in
	// commands because it will screw up the placing of our destination exit.
	// We only want the user to right click to delete the exit if they change their mind.
	// By placing a return here, we won't go through this function if our exit map is open.
	if(g_bExitMapOpen) return;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	// If the user hits the escape key
	if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)
		exit(0);					// Quit the program				
	}								// If the user hits the I key
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'I')
		g_ItemIndex = 0;							// Reset the current index for the item list
		g_pCursorTile = &g_vItems[g_ItemIndex];		// Set the cursor tile to the first item
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(ITEM_TYPE);			// Set the type of list to an item type
	}								// If the user hits the M key
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'M')
		g_MonsterIndex = 0;							// Reset the current index for the monster list
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(MONSTER_TYPE);			// Set the type of list to an monster type
		g_pCursorTile = &g_vMonsters[g_MonsterIndex];  // Set the cursor tile to the first monster
	}								// If the user hits the N key
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'N')
		g_ItemIndex = 0;							// Reset the current index for the npc list
		g_pCursorTile = &g_vNpcs[g_ItemIndex];		// Set the cursor tile to the first npc
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(NPC_TYPE);				// Set the type of list to an npc type
	}								// If the user hits the E key
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'E')
		CHAR_INFO image = {'E', FOREGROUND_RED};	// Create an image for exits

		g_pCursorTile = &g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1];	// Set the cursor tile to the last tile
		g_pCursorTile->SetChar(image);				// Set the image of our exit tile
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(EXIT_TYPE);			// Set the type of list to an exit type
	}								// If the user hits the space bar
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SPACE)
		if(g_Map.GetCurrentType() == ITEM_TYPE)		// If we have items selected
			// Use the modulus operator to restrict our index to the size of the item list,
			// then set the cursor tile to the current tile in the item list.
			g_ItemIndex = (g_ItemIndex + 1) % (int)g_vItems.size();
			g_pCursorTile = &g_vItems[g_ItemIndex];
		else if(g_Map.GetCurrentType() == MONSTER_TYPE)	// If the user has the monsters selected
			// Use the modulus operator to restrict our index to the size of the monster list,
			// then set the cursor tile to the current tile in the monster list.
			g_MonsterIndex = (g_MonsterIndex + 1) % (int)g_vMonsters.size();
			g_pCursorTile = &g_vMonsters[g_MonsterIndex];
		else if(g_Map.GetCurrentType() == NPC_TYPE)		// If the user has the npcs selected
			// Use the modulus operator to restrict our index to the size of the npc list,
			// then set the cursor tile to the current tile in the npc list.
			g_NpcIndex = (g_NpcIndex + 1) % (int)g_vNpcs.size();
			g_pCursorTile = &g_vNpcs[g_NpcIndex];
	// Check if we want to load a new map (Pass in true to LoadOrSaveAMap())
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'L')
	// Check if we want to save the current map (Pass in false to LoadOrSaveAMap())
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'S')

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////
	// So that we don't have to place 1 exit at a time, we added the feature of being
	// able to hold down shift to place many exits before we choose the destination
	// exit.  This makes it so if you want to make a whole side of a map an exit to another
	// map (like out in the forest or open spaces) we can hold down shift and click
	// every character along that side.  Before we place the last exit for that side, we
	// left go of shift and then choose the last exit, which will bring up the prompt
	// to choose the destination point.  If you want the destination map to have the same
	// exit point, just open the exit map and do the same thing for that side, and then
	// choose a point on the first map to end up on, like in the middle of that side.

	// If shift is pressed, let's set our flag to true
	else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SHIFT)
		g_bShiftKeyDown = true;

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

Пример #6
void HandleMenu(int menuID)
	if(menuID == ID_FILE_QUIT)					// If the user chose File->Quit
		PostQuitMessage(0);						// Quit the program

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	else if(menuID == ID_FILE_OPENUP)			// If the user chose File->Open
		// Have windows bring up the Open File dialog box and Load the file chosen
	else if(menuID == ID_FILE_SAVEIT)			// If the user chose File->Save
		// If we have a n valid name for our map already, do a normal save
		if(strlen(g_Map.GetMapName()) > 3)
			// If haven't given our map a name yet, do a "SaveAs" and bring up the save dlg box
	else if(menuID == ID_FILE_SAVEAS)			// If the user chose File->SaveAs
		// Bring up the save dlg box and allow the user to type in a new map name and save it

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

	else if(menuID == ID_FILE_RESET)			// If the user chose File->Reset
		g_Map.SetDefault();						// Destroy all the tiles on the map and start over
	else if(menuID == ID_TILES_TILES)			// If the user chose Tiles->Tiles
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(TILE_TYPE);		// Set the tool bar tile type to tiles
	else if(menuID == ID_TILES_ITEMS)			// If the user chose Tiles->Items
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(ITEM_TYPE);		// Set the tool bar tile type to items
	else if(menuID == ID_TILES_MONSTERS)		// If the user chose Tiles->Monsters
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(MONSTER_TYPE);		// Set the tool bar tile type to monsters
	else if(menuID == ID_TILES_CITIZENS)		// If the user chose Tiles->Citizens
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(NPC_TYPE);			// Set the tool bar tile type to citizens
	else if(menuID == ID_TILES_EXITS)			// If the user chose Tiles->Exits
		g_Map.SetCurrentType(EXIT_TYPE);		// Set the tool bar tile type to exits (no tiles of course)
	else if(menuID == ID_HELP_ABOUT)			// If the user chose Help->About
		// Instead of creating a help dialog box, we can just use a simple system MessageBox() call
		MessageBox(g_hWnd, "www.GameTutorials.com Map Editor\n\n"
						   "\t- Choose the desired tile type from the Tiles menu,\n"
						   "\t  then click on a tile in the tile window. You can\n"
						   "\t  then draw the tiles on the map with the left mouse button.\n\n"
						   "\t- Right click to remove the current cursor tile.\n\n"
						   "\t- To delete a item:monster:citizen:exit, make sure you choose\n"
						   "\t  that type from the menu, then right click on the tile.\n\n"
						   "\t- When setting an exit you can hold down shift to place more exits.\n"
						   "\t  Once you place an exit without holding the shift key you will be\n"
						   "\t  prompted to choose the destination map.  Then place one tile for\n"
						   "\t  the position where the character will end up.\n\n"
						   "\t- Hit Esc to quit the program.", "About", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

	// Over assuming that a tile type was changed, reset the scroll bar size.
	// The -1 is because the tool bar window's title size offsets it a bit (being smaller).
	g_ScrollInfo.nMax = g_Map.GetCurrentTypeSize() - MAP_HEIGHT - 1;
	// If there isn't enough (or any) tiles to fill up the tool bar window, disable the scroll bar
	if(g_ScrollInfo.nMax < 0)
		g_ScrollInfo.nMax = 0;
		EnableScrollBar(g_hWndTool, SB_VERT, ESB_DISABLE_BOTH);
		EnableScrollBar(g_hWndTool, SB_VERT, ESB_ENABLE_BOTH);	// Enable the scroll bar if it's needed

	// Reset the scroll bar info
	g_scrollBarPosY = 0;
	g_ScrollInfo.nPage = 0;

	// Update the current scroll bar information with no need to redraw (FALSE)
	SetScrollInfo(g_hWndTool, SB_VERT, &g_ScrollInfo, FALSE);
	ShowScrollBar(g_hWndTool, SB_VERT, TRUE);

	// If we chose a tile type, put a check box next to it
			g_pCursorTile = NULL;
Пример #7
void CheckMouseInput(const INPUT_RECORD &InputRecord)
    // Get the current position of the mouse in the console window
    g_cursorPos = InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwMousePosition;

    // If the user hits the left mouse button
    if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == FROM_LEFT_1ST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
        // Here we check if the user chose a tile from our editor.
        if(g_cursorPos.Y > MAP_HEIGHT - EDITOR_HEIGHT)
            // Get the character chosen from the editor
            CHAR_INFO chosenTile = g_Map.GetEditorSelection(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);
            CHAR_INFO cursorTile = chosenTile;

            // If we already have a tile selected, let's grab it's image instead
            if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
                cursorTile = g_pCursorTile->GetChar();

            // Check if the user clicked the color tiles
            if(g_cursorPos.X >= 15 && g_cursorPos.Y == (MAP_HEIGHT - 1))
                CHAR_INFO newTile;				// Create a new tile to work with for color

                // Check if the user clicked the background colors, otherwise it was foreground
                if(g_cursorPos.X > 30)
                    newTile = g_Map.AddNewBackground(cursorTile, chosenTile);
                    newTile = g_Map.AddNewForeground(cursorTile, chosenTile);

                // Apply the new tile with it's new color to our cursor.
                g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(newTile);
                // Otherwise, if we didn't choose a color, then we must
                // have chosen a new tile character from the editor.
                chosenTile.Attributes = cursorTile.Attributes;
                g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1].SetChar(chosenTile);

                // Let's set the cursor to a normal tile index and type
                g_pCursorTile = &g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1];
            // If we have a tile, let's insert a tile into the map
            if(g_pCursorTile != NULL)
                g_pCurrentMap->InsertTile(g_pCursorTile, g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);

    // Here we check if the right mouse button was clicked
    if(InputRecord.Event.MouseEvent.dwButtonState == RIGHTMOST_BUTTON_PRESSED)
        // Here we either delete a tile on the map, or delete the cursor tile
        if(g_pCursorTile == NULL)
            // Delete a tile under our cursor position on the map
            g_pCurrentMap->DeleteTile(g_cursorPos.X, g_cursorPos.Y);
            g_pCursorTile = NULL;
Пример #8
void CheckKeyboardInput(const INPUT_RECORD &InputRecord)
    // If the user hits the escape key
    if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_ESCAPE)
        exit(0);					// Quit the program
    }								// If the user hits the I key
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'I')
        g_ItemIndex = 0;							// Reset the current index for the item list
        g_pCursorTile = &g_vItems[g_ItemIndex];		// Set the cursor tile to the first item
        g_Map.SetCurrentType(ITEM_TYPE);			// Set the type of list to an item type
    }								// If the user hits the M key
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'M')
        g_MonsterIndex = 0;							// Reset the current index for the monster list
        g_Map.SetCurrentType(MONSTER_TYPE);			// Set the type of list to an monster type
        g_pCursorTile = &g_vMonsters[g_MonsterIndex];  // Set the cursor tile to the first monster
    }								// If the user hits the N key
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'N')
        g_ItemIndex = 0;							// Reset the current index for the npc list
        g_pCursorTile = &g_vNpcs[g_ItemIndex];		// Set the cursor tile to the first npc
        g_Map.SetCurrentType(NPC_TYPE);				// Set the type of list to an npc type
    }								// If the user hits the E key
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'E')
        CHAR_INFO image = {'E', FOREGROUND_RED};	// Create an image for exits

        g_pCursorTile->SetChar(image);				// Set the image of our exit tile
        g_pCursorTile = &g_vTiles[g_vTiles.size() - 1];	// Set the cursor tile to the last tile
        g_Map.SetCurrentType(EXIT_TYPE);			// Set the type of list to an exit type
    }								// If the user hits the space bar
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_SPACE)
        if(g_Map.GetCurrentType() == ITEM_TYPE)		// If we have items selected
            // Use the modulus operator to restrict our index to the size of the item list,
            // then set the cursor tile to the current tile in the item list.
            g_ItemIndex = (g_ItemIndex + 1) % (int)g_vItems.size();
            g_pCursorTile = &g_vItems[g_ItemIndex];
        else if(g_Map.GetCurrentType() == MONSTER_TYPE)	// If the user has the monsters selected
            // Use the modulus operator to restrict our index to the size of the monster list,
            // then set the cursor tile to the current tile in the monster list.
            g_MonsterIndex = (g_MonsterIndex + 1) % (int)g_vMonsters.size();
            g_pCursorTile = &g_vMonsters[g_MonsterIndex];
        else if(g_Map.GetCurrentType() == NPC_TYPE)		// If the user has the npcs selected
            // Use the modulus operator to restrict our index to the size of the npclist,
            // then set the cursor tile to the current tile in the npc list.
            g_NpcIndex = (g_NpcIndex + 1) % (int)g_vNpcs.size();
            g_pCursorTile = &g_vNpcs[g_NpcIndex];

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////

    // Now that we can load and save, let's add the keyboard functionality to
    // allow the user to do that.  This is done with the 'L' and 'S' key.

    // Check if we want to load a new map (pass in true to LoadOrSaveAMap())
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'L')
    // Check if we want to save the current map (Pass in false to LoadOrSaveAMap())
    else if(InputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 'S')

//////////// *** NEW *** ////////// *** NEW *** ///////////// *** NEW *** ////////////////////
