Пример #1
// This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has been 
// reset, which will happen after a lost device scenario. This is the best location to 
// create D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources since these resources need to be reloaded whenever 
// the device is lost. Resources created here should be released in the OnLostDevice 
// callback. 
HRESULT CALLBACK OnResetDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice,
                                const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc, void* pUserContext )
    HRESULT hr;

    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnD3D9ResetDevice() );
    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnD3D9ResetDevice() );

    if( g_pFont )
        V_RETURN( g_pFont->OnResetDevice() );
    if( g_pEffect )
        V_RETURN( g_pEffect->OnResetDevice() );

    // Store the correct technique handles for each material
    for( UINT i = 0; i < g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials(); i++ )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( i );

        const char* strTechnique = NULL;

        if( pMaterial->pTexture && pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "TexturedSpecular";
        else if( pMaterial->pTexture && !pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "TexturedNoSpecular";
        else if( !pMaterial->pTexture && pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "Specular";
        else if( !pMaterial->pTexture && !pMaterial->bSpecular )
            strTechnique = "NoSpecular";

        pMaterial->hTechnique = g_pEffect->GetTechniqueByName( strTechnique );

    // Create a sprite to help batch calls when drawing many lines of text
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateSprite( pd3dDevice, &g_pTextSprite ) );

    // Setup the camera's projection parameters
    float fAspectRatio = pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width / ( FLOAT )pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height;
    g_Camera.SetProjParams( D3DX_PI / 4, fAspectRatio, 0.1f, 1000.0f );
    g_Camera.SetWindow( pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width, pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height );

    g_HUD.SetLocation( pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width - 170, 0 );
    g_HUD.SetSize( 170, 170 );

    g_SampleUI.SetLocation( pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Width - 170, pBackBufferSurfaceDesc->Height - 350 );
    g_SampleUI.SetSize( 170, 300 );

    return S_OK;
Пример #2
void RenderSubset( UINT iSubset )
    HRESULT hr;
    UINT iPass, cPasses;

    // Retrieve the ID3DXMesh pointer and current material from the MeshLoader helper
    ID3DXMesh* pMesh = g_MeshLoader.GetMesh();
    Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( iSubset );

    // Set the lighting variables and texture for the current material
    V( g_pEffect->SetValue( g_hAmbient, pMaterial->vAmbient, sizeof( D3DXVECTOR3 ) ) );
    V( g_pEffect->SetValue( g_hDiffuse, pMaterial->vDiffuse, sizeof( D3DXVECTOR3 ) ) );
    V( g_pEffect->SetValue( g_hSpecular, pMaterial->vSpecular, sizeof( D3DXVECTOR3 ) ) );
    V( g_pEffect->SetTexture( g_hTexture, pMaterial->pTexture ) );
    V( g_pEffect->SetFloat( g_hOpacity, pMaterial->fAlpha ) );
    V( g_pEffect->SetInt( g_hSpecularPower, pMaterial->nShininess ) );

    V( g_pEffect->SetTechnique( pMaterial->hTechnique ) );
    V( g_pEffect->Begin( &cPasses, 0 ) );

    for( iPass = 0; iPass < cPasses; iPass++ )
        V( g_pEffect->BeginPass( iPass ) );

        // The effect interface queues up the changes and performs them 
        // with the CommitChanges call. You do not need to call CommitChanges if 
        // you are not setting any parameters between the BeginPass and EndPass.
        // V( g_pEffect->CommitChanges() );

        // Render the mesh with the applied technique
        V( pMesh->DrawSubset( iSubset ) );

        V( g_pEffect->EndPass() );
    V( g_pEffect->End() );
Пример #3
// Saves the mesh to X-file
void SaveMeshToXFile()
    HRESULT hr;

    // Fill out D3DXMATERIAL structures
    UINT numMaterials = g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials();
    D3DXMATERIAL* pMaterials = new D3DXMATERIAL[numMaterials];
    char* pStrTexture = new char[MAX_PATH * numMaterials];
    if( ( pMaterials != NULL ) && ( pStrTexture != NULL ) )
        for( UINT i = 0; i < g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials(); i++ )
            Material* pMat = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( i );
            if( pMat != NULL )
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Ambient.r = pMat->vAmbient.x;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Ambient.g = pMat->vAmbient.y;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Ambient.b = pMat->vAmbient.z;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Ambient.a = pMat->fAlpha;

                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Diffuse.r = pMat->vDiffuse.x;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Diffuse.g = pMat->vDiffuse.y;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Diffuse.b = pMat->vDiffuse.z;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Diffuse.a = pMat->fAlpha;

                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Specular.r = pMat->vSpecular.x;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Specular.g = pMat->vSpecular.y;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Specular.b = pMat->vSpecular.z;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Specular.a = pMat->fAlpha;

                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Emissive.r = 0;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Emissive.g = 0;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Emissive.b = 0;
                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Emissive.a = 0;

                pMaterials[i].MatD3D.Power = ( float )pMat->nShininess;

                WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pMat->strTexture, -1, ( pStrTexture + i * MAX_PATH ), MAX_PATH, NULL,
                                     NULL );
                pMaterials[i].pTextureFilename = ( pStrTexture + i * MAX_PATH );


        // Write to file in same directory where the .obj file was found
        WCHAR strBuf[ MAX_PATH ];
        swprintf_s( strBuf, MAX_PATH - 1, L"%s\\%s", g_MeshLoader.GetMediaDirectory(), L"MeshFromOBJ.x" );
        hr = D3DXSaveMeshToX( strBuf, g_MeshLoader.GetMesh(), NULL,
                              pMaterials, NULL, numMaterials,
                              D3DXF_FILEFORMAT_TEXT );

        if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
            swprintf_s( g_strFileSaveMessage, MAX_PATH - 1, L"Created %s", strBuf );
            DXTRACE_ERR( L"SaveMeshToXFile()::D3DXSaveMeshToX", hr );
            swprintf_s( g_strFileSaveMessage, MAX_PATH - 1, L"Error creating %s, check debug output", strBuf );

    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pMaterials );
    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pStrTexture );
Пример #4
// This callback function will be called immediately after the Direct3D device has been 
// created, which will happen during application initialization and windowed/full screen 
// toggles. This is the best location to create D3DPOOL_MANAGED resources since these 
// resources need to be reloaded whenever the device is destroyed. Resources created  
// here should be released in the OnDestroyDevice callback. 
HRESULT CALLBACK OnCreateDevice( IDirect3DDevice9* pd3dDevice, const D3DSURFACE_DESC* pBackBufferSurfaceDesc,
                                 void* pUserContext )
    HRESULT hr;
    WCHAR str[MAX_PATH];

    V_RETURN( g_DialogResourceManager.OnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );
    V_RETURN( g_SettingsDlg.OnD3D9CreateDevice( pd3dDevice ) );

    // Initialize the font
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateFont( pd3dDevice, 15, 0, FW_BOLD, 1, FALSE, DEFAULT_CHARSET,
                              L"Arial", &g_pFont ) );

    // Create the mesh and load it with data already gathered from a file
    V_RETURN( g_MeshLoader.Create( pd3dDevice, L"media\\cup.obj" ) );

    // Add the identified material subsets to the UI
    CDXUTComboBox* pComboBox = g_SampleUI.GetComboBox( IDC_SUBSET );
    pComboBox->AddItem( L"All", ( void* )( INT_PTR )-1 );

    for( UINT i = 0; i < g_MeshLoader.GetNumMaterials(); i++ )
        Material* pMaterial = g_MeshLoader.GetMaterial( i );
        pComboBox->AddItem( pMaterial->strName, ( void* )( INT_PTR )i );

    // Define DEBUG_VS and/or DEBUG_PS to debug vertex and/or pixel shaders with the 
    // shader debugger. Debugging vertex shaders requires either REF or software vertex 
    // processing, and debugging pixel shaders requires REF.  The 
    // D3DXSHADER_FORCE_*_SOFTWARE_NOOPT flag improves the debug experience in the 
    // shader debugger.  It enables source level debugging, prevents instruction 
    // reordering, prevents dead code elimination, and forces the compiler to compile 
    // against the next higher available software target, which ensures that the 
    // unoptimized shaders do not exceed the shader model limitations.  Setting these 
    // flags will cause slower rendering since the shaders will be unoptimized and 
    // forced into software.  See the DirectX documentation for more information about 
    // using the shader debugger.

#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( _DEBUG )
    // Set the D3DXSHADER_DEBUG flag to embed debug information in the shaders.
    // Setting this flag improves the shader debugging experience, but still allows 
    // the shaders to be optimized and to run exactly the way they will run in 
    // the release configuration of this program.
    dwShaderFlags |= D3DXSHADER_DEBUG;

#ifdef DEBUG_VS
#ifdef DEBUG_PS

    // Read the D3DX effect file
    V_RETURN( DXUTFindDXSDKMediaFileCch( str, MAX_PATH, L"MeshFromOBJ.fx" ) );

    // If this fails, there should be debug output as to 
    // they the .fx file failed to compile
    V_RETURN( D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( pd3dDevice, str, NULL, NULL, dwShaderFlags,
                                        NULL, &g_pEffect, NULL ) );

    // Cache the effect handles
    g_hAmbient = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Ambient" );
    g_hDiffuse = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Diffuse" );
    g_hSpecular = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Specular" );
    g_hOpacity = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Opacity" );
    g_hSpecularPower = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "SpecularPower" );
    g_hLightColor = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "LightColor" );
    g_hLightPosition = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "LightPosition" );
    g_hCameraPosition = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "CameraPosition" );
    g_hTexture = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Texture" );
    g_hTime = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "Time" );
    g_hWorld = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "World" );
    g_hWorldViewProjection = g_pEffect->GetParameterBySemantic( 0, "WorldViewProjection" );

    // Setup the camera's view parameters
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecEye( 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    D3DXVECTOR3 vecAt ( 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.0f );
    g_Camera.SetViewParams( &vecEye, &vecAt );

    return S_OK;