Пример #1
// Purpose: inflicts contents of global multi damage register on gMultiDamage.pEntity
void ApplyMultiDamage( void )
	Vector		vecSpot1;//where blood comes from
	Vector		vecDir;//direction blood should go
	trace_t		tr;

	if ( !g_MultiDamage.GetTarget() )

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	const CBaseEntity *host = te->GetSuppressHost();
	te->SetSuppressHost( NULL );
	g_MultiDamage.GetTarget()->TakeDamage( g_MultiDamage );

	te->SetSuppressHost( (CBaseEntity*)host );

	// Damage is done, clear it out
Пример #2
// Purpose: Add damage to the existing multidamage, and apply if it won't fit
void AddMultiDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, CBaseEntity *pEntity )
	if ( !pEntity )

	if ( pEntity != g_MultiDamage.GetTarget() )
		g_MultiDamage.Init( pEntity, info.GetInflictor(), info.GetAttacker(), info.GetWeapon(), vec3_origin, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, 0.0, info.GetDamageType(), info.GetDamageCustom() );

	g_MultiDamage.AddDamageType( info.GetDamageType() );
	g_MultiDamage.SetDamage( g_MultiDamage.GetDamage() + info.GetDamage() );
	g_MultiDamage.SetDamageForce( g_MultiDamage.GetDamageForce() + info.GetDamageForce() );
	g_MultiDamage.SetDamagePosition( info.GetDamagePosition() );
	g_MultiDamage.SetReportedPosition( info.GetReportedPosition() );
	g_MultiDamage.SetMaxDamage( MAX( g_MultiDamage.GetMaxDamage(), info.GetDamage() ) );
	g_MultiDamage.SetAmmoType( info.GetAmmoType() );

	if ( g_MultiDamage.GetPlayerPenetrationCount() == 0 )
		g_MultiDamage.SetPlayerPenetrationCount( info.GetPlayerPenetrationCount() );

	bool bHasPhysicsForceDamage = !g_pGameRules->Damage_NoPhysicsForce( info.GetDamageType() );
	if ( bHasPhysicsForceDamage && g_MultiDamage.GetDamageType() != DMG_GENERIC )
		// If you hit this assert, you've called TakeDamage with a damage type that requires a physics damage
		// force & position without specifying one or both of them. Decide whether your damage that's causing 
		// this is something you believe should impart physics force on the receiver. If it is, you need to 
		// setup the damage force & position inside the CTakeDamageInfo (Utility functions for this are in
		// takedamageinfo.cpp. If you think the damage shouldn't cause force (unlikely!) then you can set the 
		// damage type to DMG_GENERIC, or | DMG_CRUSH if you need to preserve the damage type for purposes of HUD display.
		if ( g_MultiDamage.GetDamageForce() == vec3_origin || g_MultiDamage.GetDamagePosition() == vec3_origin )
			static int warningCount = 0;
			if ( ++warningCount < 10 )
				if ( g_MultiDamage.GetDamageForce() == vec3_origin )
					Warning( "AddMultiDamage:  g_MultiDamage.GetDamageForce() == vec3_origin\n" );

				if ( g_MultiDamage.GetDamagePosition() == vec3_origin)
					Warning( "AddMultiDamage:  g_MultiDamage.GetDamagePosition() == vec3_origin\n" );