Пример #1
// Purpose: 
void CCSPlayerResource::UpdatePlayerData( void )
	int i;

	m_iPlayerC4 = 0;
	m_iPlayerVIP = 0;

	for ( i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
		CCSPlayer *pPlayer = (CCSPlayer*)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
		if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsConnected() )
			if ( pPlayer->IsVIP() )
				// we should only have one VIP
				Assert( m_iPlayerVIP == 0 );
				m_iPlayerVIP = i;

			if ( pPlayer->HasC4() )
				// we should only have one bomb
				m_iPlayerC4 = i;

	CBaseEntity *c4 = NULL;
	if ( m_iPlayerC4 == 0 )
		// no player has C4, update C4 position
		if ( g_C4s.Count() > 0 )
			c4 = g_C4s[0];
			m_vecC4 = c4->GetAbsOrigin();

	//int numHostages = g_Hostages.Count();

	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_HOSTAGES; i++ )
		/*if ( i >= numHostages )
//			engine->Con_NPrintf( i, "Dead" );
			m_bHostageAlive.Set( i, false );
			m_isHostageFollowingSomeone.Set( i, false );

//		CHostage* pHostage = g_Hostages[i];

		//m_bHostageAlive.Set( i, pHostage->IsRescuable() );

		/*if ( pHostage->IsValid() )
			m_iHostageX.Set( i, (int) pHostage->GetAbsOrigin().x );	
			m_iHostageY.Set( i, (int) pHostage->GetAbsOrigin().y );	
			m_iHostageZ.Set( i, (int) pHostage->GetAbsOrigin().z );	
			m_iHostageEntityIDs.Set( i, pHostage->entindex() );
			//m_isHostageFollowingSomeone.Set( i, pHostage->IsFollowingSomeone() );
//			engine->Con_NPrintf( i, "ID:%d Pos:(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)", pHostage->entindex(), pHostage->GetAbsOrigin().x, pHostage->GetAbsOrigin().y, pHostage->GetAbsOrigin().z );
//			engine->Con_NPrintf( i, "Invalid" );

	if( !m_foundGoalPositions )
		// We only need to update these once a map, but we need the client to know about them.
		CBaseEntity* ent = NULL;
		while ( ( ent = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( ent, "func_bomb_target" ) ) != NULL )
			const Vector &pos = ent->WorldSpaceCenter();
			CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( pos, true );
			const char *placeName = (area) ? TheNavMesh->PlaceToName( area->GetPlace() ) : NULL;
			if ( placeName == NULL )
				// The bomb site has no area or place name, so just choose A then B
				if ( m_bombsiteCenterA.Get().IsZero() )
					m_bombsiteCenterA = pos;
					m_bombsiteCenterB = pos;
				// The bomb site has a place name, so choose accordingly
				if( FStrEq( placeName, "BombsiteA" ) )
					m_bombsiteCenterA = pos;
					m_bombsiteCenterB = pos;
			m_foundGoalPositions = true;

		int hostageRescue = 0;
		while ( (( ent = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( ent, "func_hostage_rescue" ) ) != NULL)  &&  (hostageRescue < MAX_HOSTAGE_RESCUES) )
			const Vector &pos = ent->WorldSpaceCenter();
			m_hostageRescueX.Set( hostageRescue, (int) pos.x );	
			m_hostageRescueY.Set( hostageRescue, (int) pos.y );	
			m_hostageRescueZ.Set( hostageRescue, (int) pos.z );	

			m_foundGoalPositions = true;

	bool bombSpotted = false;
	if ( c4 )
		Spotter spotter( c4, m_vecC4, TEAM_CT );
		ForEachPlayer( spotter );
		if ( spotter.Spotted() )
			bombSpotted = true;

	for ( int i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS+1; i++ )
		CCSPlayer *target = ToCSPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );
		if ( !target || !target->IsAlive() )
			m_bPlayerSpotted.Set( i, 0 );

		Spotter spotter( target, target->EyePosition(), (target->GetTeamNumber()==TEAM_CT) ? TEAM_TERRORIST : TEAM_CT );
		ForEachPlayer( spotter );
		if ( spotter.Spotted() )
			if ( target->HasC4() )
				bombSpotted = true;
			m_bPlayerSpotted.Set( i, 1 );
			m_bPlayerSpotted.Set( i, 0 );

	if ( bombSpotted )
		m_bBombSpotted = true;
		m_bBombSpotted = false;

Пример #2
/* <4f3e47> ../game_shared/bot/nav_file.cpp:702 */
bool SaveNavigationMap(const char *filename)
	if (filename == NULL)
		return false;

	// Store the NAV file
	COM_FixSlashes(const_cast<char *>(filename));

#ifdef WIN32
	int fd = _open(filename, _O_BINARY | _O_CREAT | _O_WRONLY, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
	int fd = creat(filename, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP);
#endif // WIN32

	if (fd < 0)
		return false;

	// store "magic number" to help identify this kind of file
	unsigned int magic = NAV_MAGIC_NUMBER;
	Q_write(fd, &magic, sizeof(unsigned int));

	// store version number of file
	// 1 = hiding spots as plain vector array
	// 2 = hiding spots as HidingSpot objects
	// 3 = Encounter spots use HidingSpot ID's instead of storing vector again
	// 4 = Includes size of source bsp file to verify nav data correlation
	// ---- Beta Release at V4 -----
	// 5 = Added Place info
	unsigned int version = 5;
	Q_write(fd, &version, sizeof(unsigned int));

	// get size of source bsp file and store it in the nav file
	// so we can test if the bsp changed since the nav file was made
	char *bspFilename = GetBspFilename(filename);
	if (bspFilename == NULL)
		return false;

	unsigned int bspSize = (unsigned int)GET_FILE_SIZE(bspFilename);
	CONSOLE_ECHO("Size of bsp file '%s' is %u bytes.\n", bspFilename, bspSize);

	Q_write(fd, &bspSize, sizeof(unsigned int));

	// Build a directory of the Places in this map

	NavAreaList::iterator it;
	for (it = TheNavAreaList.begin(); it != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++it)
		CNavArea *area = *it;
		Place place = area->GetPlace();

		if (place)


	// Store navigation areas
	// store number of areas
	unsigned int count = TheNavAreaList.size();
	Q_write(fd, &count, sizeof(unsigned int));

	// store each area
	for (it = TheNavAreaList.begin(); it != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++it)
		CNavArea *area = *it;
		area->Save(fd, version);


#ifdef _WIN32
	// output a simple Wavefront file to visualize the generated areas in 3DSMax
	FILE *fp = fopen("c:\\tmp\\nav.obj", "w");
	if (fp)
		for (NavAreaList::iterator iter = TheNavAreaList.begin(); iter != TheNavAreaList.end(); ++iter)

#endif // _WIN32

	return true;
Пример #3
CBasePlayer *CCSBot::FindMostDangerousThreat()
	// maximum number of simulataneously attendable threats
	enum { MAX_THREATS = 16 };
	struct CloseInfo
		CBasePlayer *enemy;
		float range;
	threat[ MAX_THREATS ];
	int threatCount = 0;

	m_bomber = NULL;

	m_closestVisibleFriend = NULL;
	float closeFriendRange = 99999999999.9f;

	m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = NULL;
	float closeHumanFriendRange = 99999999999.9f;

	int i;

		for (i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i)
			CBasePlayer *player = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(i);

			if (player == NULL)

			if (FNullEnt(player->pev))

			// is it a player?
			if (!player->IsPlayer())

			// ignore self
			if (player->entindex() == entindex())

			// is it alive?
			if (!player->IsAlive())

			// is it an enemy?
			if (player->m_iTeam == m_iTeam)
				TraceResult result;
				UTIL_TraceLine(GetEyePosition(), player->pev->origin, ignore_monsters, ignore_glass, edict(), &result);
				if (result.flFraction == 1.0f)
					// update watch timestamp
					int idx = player->entindex() - 1;
					m_watchInfo[idx].timestamp = gpGlobals->time;
					m_watchInfo[idx].isEnemy = false;

					// keep track of our closest friend
					Vector to = pev->origin - player->pev->origin;
					float rangeSq = to.LengthSquared();
					if (rangeSq < closeFriendRange)
						m_closestVisibleFriend = player;
						closeFriendRange = rangeSq;

					// keep track of our closest human friend
					if (!player->IsBot() && rangeSq < closeHumanFriendRange)
						m_closestVisibleHumanFriend = player;
						closeHumanFriendRange = rangeSq;


			// check if this enemy is fully
			if (!IsVisible(player, CHECK_FOV))

			// update watch timestamp
			int idx = player->entindex() - 1;
			m_watchInfo[idx].timestamp = gpGlobals->time;
			m_watchInfo[idx].isEnemy = true;

			// note if we see the bomber
			if (player->IsBombGuy())
				m_bomber = player;

			// keep track of all visible threats
			Vector d = pev->origin - player->pev->origin;
			float distSq = d.LengthSquared();

			// maintain set of visible threats, sorted by increasing distance
			if (threatCount == 0)
				threat[0].enemy = player;
				threat[0].range = distSq;
				threatCount = 1;
				// find insertion point
				int j;
				for (j = 0; j < threatCount; ++j)
					if (distSq < threat[j].range)

				// shift lower half down a notch
				for (int k = threatCount - 1; k >= j; --k)
					threat[k + 1] = threat[k];

				// insert threat into sorted list
				threat[j].enemy = player;
				threat[j].range = distSq;

				if (threatCount < MAX_THREATS)
		// track the maximum enemy and friend counts we've seen recently
		int prevEnemies = m_nearbyEnemyCount;
		int prevFriends = m_nearbyFriendCount;
		m_nearbyEnemyCount = 0;
		m_nearbyFriendCount = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; ++i)
			if (m_watchInfo[i].timestamp <= 0.0f)

			const float recentTime = 3.0f;
			if (gpGlobals->time - m_watchInfo[i].timestamp < recentTime)
				if (m_watchInfo[i].isEnemy)

		// note when we saw this batch of enemies
		if (prevEnemies == 0 && m_nearbyEnemyCount > 0)
			m_firstSawEnemyTimestamp = gpGlobals->time;

		if (prevEnemies != m_nearbyEnemyCount || prevFriends != m_nearbyFriendCount)
			PrintIfWatched("Nearby friends = %d, enemies = %d\n", m_nearbyFriendCount, m_nearbyEnemyCount);
		// Track the place where we saw most of our enemies
		struct PlaceRank
			unsigned int place;
			int count;
		static PlaceRank placeRank[ MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP ];
		int locCount = 0;

		PlaceRank common;
		common.place = 0;
		common.count = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < threatCount; ++i)
			// find the area the player/bot is standing on
			CNavArea *area;
			CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>(threat[i].enemy);
			if (bot != NULL && bot->IsBot())
				area = bot->GetLastKnownArea();
				area = TheNavAreaGrid.GetNearestNavArea(&threat[i].enemy->pev->origin);

			if (area == NULL)

			unsigned int threatLoc = area->GetPlace();
			if (!threatLoc)

			// if place is already in set, increment count
			int j;
			for (j = 0; j < locCount; ++j)
				if (placeRank[j].place == threatLoc)

			if (j == locCount)
				// new place
				if (locCount < MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP)
					placeRank[ locCount ].place = threatLoc;
					placeRank[ locCount ].count = 1;

					if (common.count == 0)
						common = placeRank[locCount];

				// others are in that place, increment

				// keep track of the most common place
				if (placeRank[j].count > common.count)
					common = placeRank[j];

		// remember most common place
		m_enemyPlace = common.place;

		if (threatCount == 0)
			return NULL;

		// otherwise, find the closest threat that without using shield
		int t;
		for (t = 0; t < threatCount; ++t)
			if (!threat[t].enemy->IsProtectedByShield())
				return threat[t].enemy;

	// return closest threat
	return threat[0].enemy;