int main() { CBufferEvent::SetReadCallBack(CEasyReadHandle<CReadHandle>::ReadHandle); CNet* pNet = CNet::getInstance(); if (pNet->Listen("", 9995)) { while (true) { pNet->Dispatch(); Sleep(2); } } }
bool CConnectManager::Abort ( void ) { // Stop the attempt CNet* pNet = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetNetwork (); pNet->StopNetwork (); pNet->Reset (); // Reset our variables m_strHost = ""; m_strNick = ""; m_strPassword = ""; m_usPort = 0; m_bIsConnecting = false; m_tConnectStarted = 0; // Success return true; }
bool CConnectManager::Connect ( const char* szHost, unsigned short usPort, const char* szNick, const char* szPassword ) { assert ( szHost ); assert ( szNick ); assert ( szPassword ); // Are we already connecting? CNet* pNet = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetNetwork (); if ( m_bIsConnecting || pNet->IsConnected () ) { CModManager::GetSingleton ().Unload (); } // Is the nick valid? if ( !CheckNickProvided ( (char*) szNick ) ) { SString strBuffer = "Connecting failed. Invalid nick provided!"; CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( "Error", strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR ); return false; } // Save the nick too CVARS_SET ( "nick", std::string ( szNick ) ); // Reset the network pNet->Reset (); assert ( pNet->GetServerBitStreamVersion () == 0 ); // Set our packet handler pNet->RegisterPacketHandler ( CConnectManager::StaticProcessPacket, true ); // Set our MTU size to the default pNet->SetMTUSize ( m_usMTUSize ); // Try to start a network to connect if ( !pNet->StartNetwork ( szHost, usPort ) ) { SString strBuffer ( "Connecting to %s at port %u failed!", szHost, usPort ); CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( "Error", strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR ); return false; } m_strHost = szHost; m_strNick = szNick; m_strPassword = szPassword; // Store the port and that we're connecting m_usPort = usPort; m_bIsConnecting = true; m_tConnectStarted = time ( NULL ); // Display the status box SString strBuffer ( "Connecting to %s:%u ...", m_strHost.c_str(), usPort ); CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( "CONNECTING", strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_CANCEL | MB_ICON_INFO, m_pOnCancelClick ); return true; }
bool CConnectManager::Abort ( void ) { // Stop the attempt CNet* pNet = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetNetwork (); pNet->StopNetwork (); pNet->Reset (); // Reset our variables m_strHost = ""; m_strNick = ""; m_strPassword = ""; m_Address.s_addr = 0; m_usPort = 0; m_bIsConnecting = false; m_bIsDetectingVersion = false; m_tConnectStarted = 0; SAFE_DELETE ( m_pServerItem ); // Success return true; }
THREAD_FUN CNet::DemonLoop(LPVOID p) { CNet * pThis = (CNet *)p; s64 lTick = ::GetCurrentTimeTick(); while (true) { struct iocp_event * pEvent = NULL; if (pThis-> { if (pEvent != NULL) { switch (pEvent->event) { case EVENT_ASYNC_ACCEPT: pThis->DealAcceptEvent(pEvent); break; case EVENT_ASYNC_CONNECT: pThis->DealConnectEvent(pEvent); break; case EVENT_ASYNC_RECV: pThis->DealRecvEvent(pEvent); break; case EVENT_ASYNC_SEND: pThis->DealSendEvent(pEvent); break; default: break; } } } else if (pThis->m_stop && pThis->m_queue.IsEmpty()) { NET_TRACE("DemonLoop 停止工作"); return 0; } if(!pThis->m_demo) { if (::GetCurrentTimeTick() - lTick > (u32)(pThis->m_nFrameMs) && pThis->m_nFrameMs != 0) { break; } } } return 0; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { oLog::initialise(); sLog.Init( 5, LOGON_LOG ); LOG_DETAIL( "服务器启动..." ); CNet net; if ( !net.Startup() ) { return -1; } CServer server; CClient client; net.Listen( 6000, &server ); net.Connect( "", 6000, &client ); LOG_DETAIL( "%s", "welcome, the serve is started..." ); while( 1 ) { net.Process(); server.Process(); client.Process(); } net.Clearup(); LOG_DETAIL( "服务器退出..." ); sLog.Close(); oLog::release(); return 0; }
void CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump ( _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pException, CExceptionInformation* pExceptionInformation ) { WriteDebugEvent ( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump" ); // Try to load the DLL in our directory HMODULE hDll = NULL; char szDbgHelpPath [MAX_PATH]; if ( GetModuleFileNameA ( NULL, szDbgHelpPath, MAX_PATH ) ) { char* pSlash = _tcsrchr ( szDbgHelpPath, '\\' ); if ( pSlash ) { _tcscpy ( pSlash + 1, "DBGHELP.DLL" ); hDll = LoadLibrary ( szDbgHelpPath ); } } // If we couldn't load the one in our dir, load any version available if ( !hDll ) { hDll = LoadLibrary( "DBGHELP.DLL" ); } if ( !hDll ) AddReportLog( 9201, "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - Could not load DBGHELP.DLL" ); // We could load a dll? if ( hDll ) { // Grab the MiniDumpWriteDump proc address MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP pDump = reinterpret_cast < MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP > ( GetProcAddress( hDll, "MiniDumpWriteDump" ) ); if ( !pDump ) AddReportLog( 9202, "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - Could not find MiniDumpWriteDump" ); if ( pDump ) { // Create the file HANDLE hFile = CreateFile ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\core.dmp" ), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) AddReportLog( 9203, SString( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - Could not create '%s'", *CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\core.dmp" ) ) ); if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // Create an exception information struct _MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExInfo; ExInfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId (); ExInfo.ExceptionPointers = pException; ExInfo.ClientPointers = FALSE; // Write the dump BOOL bResult = pDump ( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, (MINIDUMP_TYPE)( MiniDumpNormal | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory ), &ExInfo, NULL, NULL ); if ( !bResult ) AddReportLog( 9204, SString( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - MiniDumpWriteDump failed (%08x)", GetLastError() ) ); else WriteDebugEvent ( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - MiniDumpWriteDump succeeded" ); // Close the dumpfile CloseHandle ( hFile ); // Grab the current time // Ask windows for the system time. SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; GetLocalTime ( &SystemTime ); // Create the dump directory CreateDirectory ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\dumps" ), 0 ); CreateDirectory ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\dumps\\private" ), 0 ); SString strModuleName = pExceptionInformation->GetModuleBaseName (); strModuleName = strModuleName.ReplaceI ( ".dll", "" ).Replace ( ".exe", "" ).Replace ( "_", "" ).Replace ( ".", "" ).Replace ( "-", "" ); if ( strModuleName.length () == 0 ) strModuleName = "unknown"; SString strMTAVersionFull = SString ( "%s.%s", MTA_DM_BUILDTAG_LONG, *GetApplicationSetting ( "mta-version-ext" ).SplitRight ( ".", NULL, -2 ) ); SString strSerialPart = GetApplicationSetting ( "serial" ).substr ( 0, 5 ); uint uiServerIP = GetApplicationSettingInt ( "last-server-ip" ); uint uiServerPort = GetApplicationSettingInt ( "last-server-port" ); int uiServerTime = GetApplicationSettingInt ( "last-server-time" ); int uiServerDuration = _time32 ( NULL ) - uiServerTime; uiServerDuration = Clamp ( 0, uiServerDuration + 1, 0xfff ); // Get path to mta dir SString strPathCode; { std::vector < SString > parts; PathConform ( CalcMTASAPath ( "" ) ).Split ( PATH_SEPERATOR, parts ); for ( uint i = 0 ; i < parts.size () ; i++ ) { if ( parts[i].CompareI ( "Program Files" ) ) strPathCode += "Pr"; else if ( parts[i].CompareI ( "Program Files (x86)" ) ) strPathCode += "Px"; else if ( parts[i].CompareI ( "MTA San Andreas" ) ) strPathCode += "Mt"; else if ( parts[i].BeginsWithI ( "MTA San Andreas" ) ) strPathCode += "Mb"; else strPathCode += parts[i].Left ( 1 ).ToUpper (); } } // Ensure filename parts match up with EDumpFileNameParts SString strFilename ( "mta\\dumps\\private\\client_%s_%s_%08x_%x_%s_%08X_%04X_%03X_%s_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d.dmp", strMTAVersionFull.c_str (), strModuleName.c_str (), pExceptionInformation->GetAddressModuleOffset (), pExceptionInformation->GetCode () & 0xffff, strPathCode.c_str (), uiServerIP, uiServerPort, uiServerDuration, strSerialPart.c_str (), SystemTime.wYear, SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute ); SString strPathFilename = CalcMTASAPath ( strFilename ); // Copy the file CopyFile ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\core.dmp" ), strPathFilename, false ); // For the dump uploader SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "none" ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-save", strPathFilename ); // Try to append pool sizes info to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-pools" ); CBuffer poolInfo; GetPoolInfo ( poolInfo ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, poolInfo, 'POLs', 'POLe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-pools" ); // Try to append d3d state info to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-d3d" ); CBuffer d3dInfo; GetD3DInfo ( d3dInfo ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, d3dInfo, 'D3Ds', 'D3De' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-d3d" ); // Try to append crash averted stats to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-crash-averted" ); CBuffer crashAvertedStats; GetCrashAvertedStats ( crashAvertedStats ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, crashAvertedStats, 'CASs', 'CASe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-crash-averted" ); // Try to append log info to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-log" ); CBuffer logInfo; GetLogInfo ( logInfo ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, logInfo, 'LOGs', 'LOGe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-log" ); // Try to append dx info to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-misc" ); CBuffer dxInfo; GetDxInfo ( dxInfo ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, dxInfo, 'DXIs', 'DXIe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-misc" ); // Try to append misc info to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-misc" ); CBuffer miscInfo; GetMiscInfo ( miscInfo ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, miscInfo, 'MSCs', 'MSCe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-misc" ); // Try to append memory info to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-mem" ); CBuffer memInfo; GetMemoryInfo ( memInfo ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, memInfo, 'MEMs', 'MEMe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-mem" ); // Try to logfile.txt to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-logfile" ); CBuffer logfileContent; logfileContent.LoadFromFile( CalcMTASAPath( PathJoin( "mta", "logs", "logfile.txt" ) ) ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, logfileContent, 'LOGs', 'LOGe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-logfile" ); // Try to report.log to dump file SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-report" ); CBuffer reportLogContent; reportLogContent.LoadFromFile( PathJoin( GetMTADataPath(), "report.log" ) ); AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, reportLogContent, 'REPs', 'REPe' ); SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-report" ); } } // Free the DLL again FreeLibrary ( hDll ); } // Auto-fixes // Check if crash was in volumetric shadow code if ( ms_uiInCrashZone == 1 || ms_uiInCrashZone == 2 ) { CVARS_SET( "volumetric_shadows", false ); CCore::GetSingleton().SaveConfig(); AddReportLog( 9205, "Disabled volumetric shadows" ); } CNet* pNet = CCore::GetSingleton().GetNetwork(); if ( pNet ) pNet->PostCrash(); }
bool CConnectManager::Connect ( const char* szHost, unsigned short usPort, const char* szNick, const char* szPassword, bool bNotifyServerBrowser, bool bForceInternalHTTPServer ) { assert ( szHost ); assert ( szNick ); assert ( szPassword ); m_bNotifyServerBrowser = bNotifyServerBrowser; // Hide certain questions CCore::GetSingleton ().GetLocalGUI ()->GetMainMenu ()->GetQuestionWindow ()->OnConnect (); // Hide the server queue CServerInfo::GetSingletonPtr()->Hide( ); // Save the browser state CServerBrowser::GetSingletonPtr()->SaveOptions( ); // Are we already connecting? CNet* pNet = CCore::GetSingleton ().GetNetwork (); if ( m_bIsConnecting || pNet->IsConnected () ) { CModManager::GetSingleton ().Unload (); } // Is the nick valid? if ( !CheckNickProvided ( (char*) szNick ) ) { SString strBuffer = _("Connecting failed. Invalid nick provided!"); CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( _("Error")+_E("CC20"), strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR ); // Invalid nick provided return false; } // Save the nick too CVARS_SET ( "nick", std::string ( szNick ) ); // Reset the network pNet->Reset (); assert ( pNet->GetServerBitStreamVersion () == 0 ); // Save input m_strHost = szHost; m_strNick = szNick; m_strPassword = szPassword; m_Address.s_addr = 0; m_usPort = usPort; m_bForceInternalHTTPServer = bForceInternalHTTPServer; m_bSave = true; m_strLastHost = m_strHost; m_usLastPort = m_usPort; m_strLastPassword = m_strPassword; // Parse host into a server item if ( !CServerListItem::Parse ( m_strHost.c_str(), m_Address ) ) { SString strBuffer = _("Connecting failed. Invalid host provided!"); CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( _("Error")+_E("CC21"), strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR ); // Invalid host provided return false; } // No connect if disk space is low if ( !CCore::GetSingleton ().CheckDiskSpace () ) return false; // Set our packet handler pNet->RegisterPacketHandler ( CConnectManager::StaticProcessPacket ); // Try to start a network to connect SString strAddress = inet_ntoa ( m_Address ); if ( m_usPort && !pNet->StartNetwork ( strAddress, m_usPort, CVARS_GET_VALUE < bool > ( "packet_tag" ) ) ) { SString strBuffer ( _("Connecting to %s at port %u failed!"), m_strHost.c_str (), m_usPort ); CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( _("Error")+_E("CC22"), strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_OK | MB_ICON_ERROR ); // Failed to connect return false; } m_bIsConnecting = true; m_tConnectStarted = time ( NULL ); // Load server password if ( m_strPassword.empty () ) m_strPassword = CServerBrowser::GetSingletonPtr()->GetServerPassword ( m_strHost + ":" + SString ( "%u", m_usPort ) ); // Start server version detection SAFE_DELETE ( m_pServerItem ); m_pServerItem = new CServerListItem ( m_Address, m_usPort ); m_pServerItem->m_iTimeoutLength = 2000; m_bIsDetectingVersion = true; // Display the status box SString strBuffer ( _("Connecting to %s:%u ..."), m_strHost.c_str(), m_usPort ); CCore::GetSingleton ().ShowMessageBox ( _("CONNECTING"), strBuffer, MB_BUTTON_CANCEL | MB_ICON_INFO, m_pOnCancelClick ); WriteDebugEvent( SString( "Connecting to %s:%u ...", m_strHost.c_str(), m_usPort ) ); return true; }
void CRBox::mbkload (MBK::CFig *mbkfig , int z , int zup , int rtype , bool halfpitch , bool xhalfpitch , bool yhalfpitch , bool rotate , set<string>* subNetList ) { MBK::MIns::iterator itIns, endInstances, endOrphans; MBK::MLosig::iterator endSig; MBK::MLosig::iterator sig; long mX, mY, mZ, x, y, zz, xadjust, yadjust, yoffsetslice; long XRW1, YRW1, XRW2, YRW2; bool use_global; long northPad, southPad, eastPad, westPad; long xoffsettrack, yoffsettrack; MBK::chain_list *pChain; MBK::locon_list *pLocon; MBK::phcon_list *pPhcon; MBK::losig_list *pSig; MBK::phseg_list *pSeg, flatSeg; MBK::phvia_list *pVIA; MBK::phfig_list *pModel; MBK::CXRect *rect; MBK::CIns *pIns; CNet *pNet; string sig_name, term_name, ins_name; CDRGrid::iterator coord; CNode *node; cmess1 << "\n"; cmess1 << " o Loading design into grid...\n"; ischip = false; fig = mbkfig; endInstances = fig->instances.end (); endOrphans = fig->orphans.end (); endSig = fig->lofig.signals.end (); northPad = 0; southPad = 0; westPad = 0; eastPad = 0; xoffsettrack = 0; yoffsettrack = 0; // Half pitch offset. if ( halfpitch ) { xoffsettrack = D::X_GRID / 2; yoffsettrack = D::Y_GRID / 2; } else if ( xhalfpitch ) { xoffsettrack = D::X_GRID / 2; } else if ( yhalfpitch ) { yoffsettrack = D::Y_GRID / 2; } // Search for pads. for (itIns = fig->instances.begin(); itIns != endInstances; itIns++) { pModel = itIns->second->getmodel (); if ( MBK::IsPxLib(pModel) ) { switch ( itIns->second->phins->TRANSF ) { case NOSYM: ischip = true; if ( northPad == 0 ) { cmess2 << " o North pad found.\n"; northPad = pModel->YAB2 - pModel->YAB1 - MBK::SCALE(15); } break; case SYM_Y: ischip = true; if ( southPad == 0 ) { cmess2 << " o South pad found.\n"; southPad = pModel->YAB2 - pModel->YAB1 - MBK::SCALE(15); } break; case ROT_P: ischip = true; if ( eastPad == 0 ) { cmess2 << " o East pad found.\n"; eastPad = pModel->YAB2 - pModel->YAB1 - MBK::SCALE(15); } break; case SY_RP: ischip = true; if ( westPad == 0 ) { cmess2 << " o West pad found.\n"; westPad = pModel->YAB2 - pModel->YAB1 - MBK::SCALE(15); } break; default: cerr << hwarn ("") << " Pad " << itIns->second->phins->INSNAME << " have an invalid orientation.\n"; break; } } } //southPad = northPad = westPad = eastPad = MBK::SCALE(50); //westPad = MBK::SCALE(100); // Default Routing Widow size : the AB. XRW1 = fig->XAB1 () + westPad; YRW1 = fig->YAB1 () + southPad; XRW2 = fig->XAB2 () - eastPad; YRW2 = fig->YAB2 () - northPad; // Find the a seed cell (one either from sxlib or dp_sxlib to // track adjust the grid). for (itIns = fig->instances.begin(); ; itIns++) { if (itIns == endInstances) { xadjust = xoffsettrack; yadjust = yoffsettrack; yoffsetslice = 0; cout << hwarn ("") << " Unable to found a seed cell (i.e. belonging to either\n" << " sxlib or dp_sxlib) grid could be misplaced.\n"; break; } pModel = itIns->second->getmodel (); if ( !MBK::IsPxLib(pModel) ) { cmess2 << " o Using seed cell \"" << itIns->first << "\" (model \"" << pModel->NAME << "\").\n"; xadjust = abs((itIns->second->phins->XINS - XRW1) % D::X_GRID ) + xoffsettrack; yadjust = abs((itIns->second->phins->YINS - YRW1) % D::Y_GRID ) + yoffsettrack; yoffsetslice = abs((itIns->second->phins->YINS - YRW1) % D::Y_SLICE) + YRW1; break; } } xoffsetgrid = XRW1 + xadjust; yoffsetgrid = YRW1 + yadjust; cmess2 << " o Grid offset : (" << MBK::UNSCALE(xoffsetgrid) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE(yoffsetgrid) << ")" << " [adjust (" << MBK::UNSCALE(xadjust) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE(yadjust) << ")]\n"; // Compute the routing grid size. mX = (XRW2 - XRW1) / D::X_GRID + ((xadjust==0)?1:0); mY = (YRW2 - YRW1) / D::Y_GRID + ((yadjust==0)?1:0); mZ = z; // Is the design a complete chip. if (ischip) cmess2 << " o Design have pads, treated as a complete chip.\n"; // Selecting the whether to use global routing. use_global = (mX + mY) > (2 * D::GLOBAL_HP); if (rtype == D::ROUTING_CHOOSE) { if (use_global) { cmess2 << " o Big design, global routing enabled.\n"; rglobal = true; if (z < 5) { cmess2 << " - Forcing 4 routing layers.\n"; mZ = 5; } } else { cmess2 << " o Small design, global routing disabled.\n"; rglobal = false; } } else { if (rtype == D::ROUTING_GLOBAL) { rglobal = true; if (!use_global) { cout << hwarn ("") << " You have enabled global routing on a small design,\n" << " this will waste upper routing layers.\n"; } } if (rtype == D::ROUTING_LOCAL ) { rglobal = false; if (use_global) { cout << hwarn ("") << " You have disabled global routing on a big design,\n" << " this will slow down the routing.\n"; } } } cmess2 << " o Allocating grid size [" << mX << "," << mY << "," << mZ << "].\n"; float mXf = mX; float mYf = mY; float mZf = mZ; float overflow = INT_MAX; if ( mXf * mYf * mZf >= overflow ) { cerr << herr("") << " Internal routing grid capacity exceeded :\n" << " More than " << INT_MAX << "nodes (INT_MAX).\n"; throw except_done(); } // Allocating the routing grid. drgrid = new CDRGrid (xoffsetgrid, yoffsetgrid, mX, mY, mZ, zup); rect = new MBK::CXRect (drgrid); cmess2 << " o Loading external terminals.\n"; // Browse layout for terminals. for (pPhcon = fig->phfig.fig->PHCON; pPhcon != NULL; pPhcon = pPhcon->NEXT) { if (fig->lofig.signals.find(pPhcon->NAME) == endSig) { cerr << hwarn ("") << " The terminal \"" << pPhcon->NAME << "\" at (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pPhcon->XCON) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pPhcon->YCON) << ") layer " << MBK::layer2a (pPhcon->LAYER) << "\n" << " do not not belong to any logical signal : ignored.\n"; continue; } pNet = getnet (pPhcon->NAME); term_name = "external."; term_name += pPhcon->NAME; flatSeg.X1 = pPhcon->XCON; flatSeg.Y1 = pPhcon->YCON; flatSeg.X2 = pPhcon->XCON; flatSeg.Y2 = pPhcon->YCON; flatSeg.WIDTH = MBK::env.layer2width (pPhcon->LAYER); flatSeg.LAYER = pPhcon->LAYER; flatSeg.NAME = pPhcon->NAME; rect->setSeg (flatSeg); if ( rect->isInGrid() ) { pNet->newaccess ( term_name , rect->grid , MBK::env.layer2z (pPhcon->LAYER) ); } else { cerr << hwarn ("") << " The terminal \"" << pPhcon->NAME << "\" at (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pPhcon->XCON) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pPhcon->YCON) << ") layer " << MBK::layer2a (pPhcon->LAYER) << "\n" << " is outside the routing grid : ignored.\n"; } } cmess2 << " o Finding obstacles.\n"; // Browse father for obstacles (powers are obstacles) and already // routed or partially routed signals. for (pSeg = fig->phfig.fig->PHSEG; pSeg != NULL; pSeg = pSeg->NEXT) { // There must not be obstacle in the father! if (MBK::isobs (pSeg->LAYER)) { cerr << hwarn ("") << " An obstacle has been found at design top level, ignored.\n"; continue; } // Power grid. if (MBK::ISVDD (pSeg->NAME) || MBK::ISVSS (pSeg->NAME)) { if (pSeg->LAYER != MBK::CALU1) { rect->setSeg (*pSeg); //cerr << "+ Top power obstacle\n" << rect; if ( rect->isInGrid() ) drgrid->nodes->obstacle (rect->grid, MBK::env.layer2z (pSeg->LAYER)); } continue; } // Unnamed signals : ignored. if (pSeg->NAME == NULL) { cerr << hwarn ("") << " An unnamed segment has been found at design top level, ignored.\n"; continue; } // Partially routed signals. sig = fig->lofig.signals.find(pSeg->NAME); if ( sig == endSig) { cerr << hwarn ("") << " The segment \"" << pSeg->NAME << "\" at (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->X1) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->Y1) << ") (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->X2) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->Y2) << ") layer " << MBK::layer2a (pSeg->LAYER) << "\n" << " do not not belong to any logical signal : ignored."; continue; } pNet = getnet (getsigname(sig->second)); if ( !pNet->fixed ) { cmess2 << " o Signal " << pNet->name << " is assumed to be routed.\n"; pNet->fixed = true; } rect->setSeg (*pSeg); if ( rect->isInGrid() ) { //pNet->newaccess ( pSeg->NAME // , rect->grid // , MBK::env.layer2z (pSeg->LAYER) // ); //cerr << "+ Net obstacle\n" << rect; drgrid->nodes->obstacle (rect->grid, MBK::env.layer2z (pSeg->LAYER)); } else { cerr << hwarn ("") << " The segment \"" << pSeg->NAME << "\" at (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->X1) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->Y1) << ") (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->X2) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->Y2) << ") layer " << MBK::layer2a (pSeg->LAYER) << "\n" << " is outside the routing grid : ignored."; } } // Browse for obstacle VIAs. for (pVIA = fig->phfig.fig->PHVIA; pVIA != NULL; pVIA = pVIA->NEXT) { // Only power VIAs must be obstacles. if ( (! MBK::ISVDD (pVIA->NAME)) && (! MBK::ISVSS (pVIA->NAME))) { pNet = getnet (pVIA->NAME); if ( pNet && !pNet->fixed ) continue; } for (x = 0; x < 2; x++) { switch (x) { case 0: flatSeg.LAYER = MBK::topVIALayer (pVIA->TYPE); break; case 1: flatSeg.LAYER = MBK::bottomVIALayer (pVIA->TYPE); break; } if (flatSeg.LAYER == MBK::CALU1) continue; long xVIAshrink = 0; if (pVIA->DX) { xVIAshrink = (pVIA->DX - MBK::SCALE(3)) / 2; } flatSeg.X1 = pVIA->XVIA - xVIAshrink; flatSeg.X2 = pVIA->XVIA + xVIAshrink; flatSeg.Y1 = pVIA->YVIA; flatSeg.Y2 = pVIA->YVIA; flatSeg.WIDTH = pVIA->DY; rect->setSeg (flatSeg); //cerr << "+ Top VIA obstacle (" // << MBK::UNSCALE(pVIA->XVIA) << "," // << MBK::UNSCALE(pVIA->YVIA) << ") " // << MBK::layer2a(flatSeg.LAYER) << endl; //cerr << rect; if ( rect->isInGrid() ) drgrid->nodes->obstacle (rect->grid, MBK::env.layer2z (flatSeg.LAYER)); } } // Browse instances & orphans for obstacles. for (itIns = fig->instances.begin(); ; itIns++) { if (itIns == endInstances) itIns = fig->orphans.begin (); if (itIns == endOrphans ) break; pModel = itIns->second->getmodel (); cdebug << "+ - \"" << itIns->first << "\" (model \"" << pModel->NAME << "\").\n"; // Find the obstacles in the current instance : // 1. - TALUx segments. // 2. - Power Terminals (vdd & vss), in CALUx layers & not CALU1. for (pSeg = pModel->PHSEG; pSeg != NULL; pSeg = pSeg->NEXT) { if ( MBK::isobs (pSeg->LAYER) || (( MBK::ISVDD (pSeg->NAME) || MBK::ISVSS (pSeg->NAME)) && MBK::isCALU (pSeg->LAYER) && (pSeg->LAYER != MBK::CALU1))) { itIns->second->flatseg (flatSeg, *pSeg); rect->setSeg (flatSeg); //cerr << "+ Instance obstacle (" << flatSeg.X1 << "," << flatSeg.Y1 << ")" // << MBK::layer2a(flatSeg.LAYER) << endl; if ( rect->isInGrid() ) drgrid->nodes->obstacle (rect->grid, MBK::env.layer2z (pSeg->LAYER)); if ( !MBK::ISVDD (pSeg->NAME) && !MBK::ISVSS (pSeg->NAME) ) fig->addphseg ( flatSeg, true, ischip ); } } } cmess2 << " o Loading nets into grid.\n"; // Process the signals. for (pSig = fig->LOSIG (); pSig != NULL; pSig = pSig->NEXT) { sig_name = MBK::getsigname (pSig); cdebug << "+ - Signal \"" << sig_name << "\".\n"; // Do not process power nets. // Temporary disabled. //if ( (MBK::ISVDD ((char*)sig_name.c_str ()) != 0) // || (MBK::ISVSS ((char*)sig_name.c_str ()) != 0)) continue; // In the case of external terminals, override the signal name by // the terminal name. pChain = (MBK::chain_list*)(MBK::getptype (pSig->USER, LOFIGCHAIN)->DATA); for (; pChain != NULL; pChain = pChain->NEXT) { pLocon = (MBK::locon_list *)(pChain->DATA); if (pLocon->TYPE == EXTERNAL) { sig_name = pLocon->NAME; break;; } } pNet = getnet (sig_name); // Process each terminal of the signal. pChain = (MBK::chain_list*)(MBK::getptype (pSig->USER, LOFIGCHAIN)->DATA); for (; pChain != NULL; pChain = pChain->NEXT) { pLocon = (MBK::locon_list *)(pChain->DATA); if (pLocon->TYPE == EXTERNAL) { pNet->external = true; continue; } ins_name = ((MBK::loins_list*)(pLocon->ROOT))->INSNAME; pIns = fig->instances[ins_name]; term_name = ins_name + "." + pLocon->NAME; cdebug << "+ I.T : " << term_name << " " << pIns->model->NAME << ".\n"; // Find physical segments / CA of the terminal. for (pSeg = pIns->model->PHSEG; pSeg != NULL; pSeg = pSeg->NEXT) { if (!MBK::isCALU (pSeg->LAYER)) continue; if (pLocon->NAME != pSeg->NAME) continue; pIns->flatseg (flatSeg, *pSeg); rect->setSeg (flatSeg); if ( MBK::IsPxLib(pIns->model) && ( (pLocon->NAME == MBK::namealloc("pad" )) || (pLocon->NAME == MBK::namealloc("vddi")) || (pLocon->NAME == MBK::namealloc("vssi")) || (pLocon->NAME == MBK::namealloc("vdde")) || (pLocon->NAME == MBK::namealloc("vsse")) ) ) { flatSeg.NAME = (char*)sig_name.c_str(); fig->addphseg (flatSeg,true,false); continue; } if ( (MBK::ISVDD ((char*)sig_name.c_str ()) != 0) || (MBK::ISVSS ((char*)sig_name.c_str ()) != 0)) continue; if (rect->isInGrid()) { if ( pNet->fixed ) { drgrid->nodes->obstacle (rect->grid, MBK::env.layer2z (pSeg->LAYER)); } else { pNet->newaccess ( term_name , rect->grid , MBK::env.layer2z (pSeg->LAYER) ); } } else { //if ( MBK::IsPxLib(pModel) ) { // flatSeg.NAME = (char*)sig_name.c_str(); // fig->addphseg (flatSeg,true,false); //} else { cerr << hwarn ("") << " The connector segment \"" << pSeg->NAME << "\" at (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->X1) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->Y1) << ") (" << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->X2) << "," << MBK::UNSCALE (pSeg->Y2) << ") layer " << MBK::layer2a (pSeg->LAYER) << "\n" << " is outside of the grid : ignored."; } //} } } // End of "pChain" (terminal) loop. // Reorder terminals (nearest). pNet->order (); pNet->lockalone (rglobal); cdebug << "+ " << pNet->bb << ".\n"; } // End of "pSig" (signal) loop. // Restrict routed nets to the subNetList. if ( subNetList ) { for ( MNet::iterator it=nets.begin() ; it != nets.end() ; it++ ) { if ( subNetList->find(it->first) != subNetList->end() ) { cmess2 << " o Restricting nets to route.\n"; cmess2 << " - \"" << it->first << "\".\n"; } else it->second->fixed = true; } } // Allocate the net scheduler. cmess2 << " o Allocating the net scheduler.\n"; netsched = new CASimple (&nets, drgrid); // Rebuild the power grid from the instances. if ( !ischip ) { cmess2 << " o Reading power grid.\n"; powers[MBK::CALU1] = new MBK::CPowers ( fig , xadjust - xoffsettrack , yoffsetslice , C_HORIZONTAL , MBK::ALU1 , D::WIDTH_VDD ); } // Forbid the use of the edges of the routing box (only allow // peripheral terminals). coord = drgrid->origin; // Left & Right vertical edges. if ( xadjust == 0 ) { for (x = 0; x < mX; x += mX - 1) { for (y = 0; y < mY; y++) { for (zz = 1; zz < mZ; zz++) { node = &( coord.set(x,y,zz).node() ); if ( !node->terminal() ) node->data.obstacle = true; } } } } // Bottom & top horizontal edges. if ( yadjust == 0 ) { for (y = 0; y < mY; y += mY - 1) { for (x = 0; x < mX; x++) { for (zz = 1; zz < mZ; zz++) { node = &( coord.set(x,y,zz).node() ); if ( !node->terminal() ) node->data.obstacle = true; } } } } // On routing level above zupper (ALU4), use only half of the tracks. for (zz = zup; zz < mZ; zz++) { switch ((zz+rotate) % 2) { case 0: // Vertical tracks. for (x = 2; x < mX; x += 2) { for (y = 1; y < mY - 1; y++) { node = &( coord.set(x,y,zz).node() ); if ( !node->terminal() ) node->data.obstacle = true; } } break; case 1: // Horizontal tracks. for (y = 2; y < mY; y += 2) { for (x = 1; x < mX; x++) { node = &( coord.set(x,y,zz).node() ); if ( !node->terminal() ) node->data.obstacle = true; } } break; } } // This flag ensure that a figure has been successfully loaded. loaded = true; delete rect; }
CRBox::CRBox (int rtype, bool debug) { int X, Y, Z; CNet *pNet; CTerm *pTerm; //CCoord coord; cdebug << "ENTERING: CRBox::CRBox ()\n"; X = 10 ; //10; Y = 15 ; //15; Z = 3; // Creating routing matrix. cdebug << " Routing matrix size := (10, 15, 5)\n"; drgrid = new CDRGrid (0, 0, X, Y, Z, 4); // Adding signal "sig_one". cdebug << " Creating net \"sig_one\".\n"; pNet = getnet ("sig_one"); // Adding terminal "i0" of "sig_one". cdebug << " Adding terminal \"i0\".\n"; cdebug << " Adding CA \"(0,0,0)\".\n"; pNet->newaccess ("i0", 0, 0, 0); //cdebug << " Adding CA \"(0,0,1)\".\n"; //nets["sig_one"]->newaccess ("i0", 0, 0, 1); //cdebug << " Adding CA \"(0,1,1)\".\n"; //nets["sig_one"]->newaccess ("i0", 0, 1, 1); // Adding terminal "i1" of "sig_one". cdebug << " Adding terminal \"i1\".\n"; cdebug << " Adding CA \"(9,0,0)\".\n"; pNet->newaccess ("i1", 9, 0, 0); // Adding terminal "o" of "sig_one". cdebug << " Adding terminal \"o\".\n"; //cdebug << " Adding CA \"(5,10,0)\".\n"; //nets["sig_one"]->newaccess ("o", 5, 10, 0); //cdebug << " Adding CA \"(7,12,0)\".\n"; //nets["sig_one"]->newaccess ("o", 7, 12, 0); // Adding signal "sig_two". //cdebug << " Creating net \"sig_two\".\n"; //nets["sig_two"] = new CNet ("sig_two"); // Adding terminal "i0" of "sig_two". //cdebug << " Adding terminal \"i0\".\n"; //cdebug << " Adding CA \"(4,1,0)\".\n"; //nets["sig_two"]->newaccess ("i0", 4, 1, 0); // Adding terminal "o" of "sig_two". //cdebug << " Adding terminal \"o\".\n"; //cdebug << " Adding CA \"(4,11,0)\".\n"; //nets["sig_two"]->newaccess ("o", 4, 11, 0); //{ // int j; // for (j = 0; j < Y; j++) { // (*::grid)[coord.set (160, j, 1)]->data.pri = 128; // (*::grid)[coord.set (160, j, 2)]->data.pri = 128; // } //} // Putting obstacles. //(*::grid)[coord.set (5, 5, 2)]->data.pri = 128; //(*::grid)[coord.set (6, 5, 2)]->data.pri = 128; //(*::grid)[coord.set (7, 5, 2)]->data.pri = 128; //(*::grid)[coord.set (8, 5, 2)]->data.pri = 128; //(*::grid)[coord.set (9, 5, 2)]->data.pri = 128; netsched = new CASimple (&nets, drgrid); cdebug << "EXITING: CRBox::CRBox ()\n"; }