void CFunctionCollection::SetFunctionText(CString name, CString content) {
  CSLock lock(m_critsec);
  COHScriptObject *function = LookUp(name);
  if (function == NULL) {
    // Function does not yet exist; new one
    // We need to create name and text on the heap, can't point to the stack
    CString *my_text = new CString(content);
    CString *my_name = new CString(name);
    function = new CFunction(my_name, my_text, kNoAbsoluteLineNumberExists);
  } else {
void CFunctionCollection::SetFunctionText(CString name, CString content) {
  CSLock lock(m_critsec);
  COHScriptObject *function = LookUp(name);
  if (function == NULL) {
    // Function does not yet exist; new one
    // We need to create name and text on the heap, can't point to the stack
    CString *my_text = new CString(content);
    CString *my_name = new CString(name);
    function = new CFunction(my_name, my_text, kUndefinedZero);
  } else {
      "[CFunctionCollection] Setting function text for %s\n", name);
void CFunctionCollection::SetFunctionText(CString name, CString content) {
  CSLock lock(m_critsec);
  COHScriptObject *function = LookUp(name);
  if (function == NULL) {
    // Function does not yet exist; new one
    // We need to create name and text on the heap, can't point to the stack
    CString my_text = content;
    CString my_name = name;
    // The added functions stays in the collection 
    // until a new profile gets loaded, until it gets overwritten]
    // or until the ebtire collection gets released
    function = new CFunction(my_name, my_text, kUndefinedZero);
  } else {
      "[CFunctionCollection] Setting function text for %s\n", name);